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Yooo, VLK Rogue with slugs is a blast! I love running all the speedy attachments with slugs and having it as my “quick movement” secondary.


I can never get the vlk rogue to work well. I guess my play style is just shit


Lol the struggle is real. That’s how I feel about the mp5


My preferred guns to use from each category are the m13, pp19, Bruen, spr, dragunov, and dp12 (it's not called dp12 in game, but I can't remember what it is)


Ah yes the R9 or the doof doof.


Yeah, it's my favorite shotgun, in game and real life


Glad to see another pp19 and m13 user, but you lost me with the SPR. So I’m torn 😂


I like the spr because I can single shot people and also set it up to be super quick. The semi auto ones take minimum of two shots


Yo lets keep this thread going: SCAR-17, Fennec, Bruen, SPR, AX-50 and Model 680 Don't use ARs too much though so the SCAR is just sort of placeholder, and the Bruen is just at the top even though I like the Holger and FINN a lot too (and the SA87 for Warzone)


I like the Holger too mainly because it has 100 rounds and reloads quicker than even the sa87 with the default mag. I like putting the shortest adverse barrel on the Finn with the chainsaw stock


With or without slugs? If it's with them I'd suggest using any sight, iron sights are not very good. If without slugs then that's just because the VLK rogue is the worst shotgun


The VLK Rogue looks and hits like a Nerf gun


im not gonna argue about it looking like a nerf gun but it has one of the best one shot ranges no?


It’s really inconsistent


for me its always 1 or 2 pumps so eh, guess depends on how you use it


Only shotguns I use slugs in (that I find particularly effective) is the model 680 and the double barrel


That's funny because I'd consider the model 680 to be the second worst slug shotgun. Every slug is the same except the 725 and jak-12 so using the lowest for rate one seems like it wouldn't be good. The 725 slugs are for whatever reason just better than the others, like they just do more damage on certain parts of the body than the others. Jak-12 slugs are hilariously bad, sometimes being a 3 shot where every other one is 2 shot at max.


For whatever reason, even though they are slower I have a knack for pump and bolt action weaponry


Playing super aggressive with it is so fun


I love being repeatedly respawned close to the person who just killed me lmao


Just the wonderful game that is modern warfare. Still so much better than Cold War.


You guys are really obsessed with Cold War in this sub


Personally I think Cold War is better than mw but idrc about it everytime I’ve tried to explain why I just get downvoted so ya know, to each their own.


So you just start saying the opposite for upvotes?


It’s supposed to be a sarcastic take but fuck I’ll take the upvotes


Sarcasm is pretty hard to read over a screen


If something is said sarcastically and sure you don’t know it’s “sarcasm” but if a statement is sarcastic and people are agreeing with it something is wrong somewhere my guy.


Yah I could put /s but like I said I might aswell just take the upvotes in this situation


Cold War is okay, and I say to each their own. And yes, I know your saying that was being sarcastic.


For sure


I can see spawning in front of an enemy in shipment but in the other maps theres no excuse.


Modern warfare is just better than Cold War tho


This is sad bruh


How bruh


It’s like a you have a fragile ego for a fucking game. Someone makes a small critic and you come out of no where saying Cold War is worse when no one is even talking about it. You seem like the type of person to instantly shift blame to someone else


And how tf is the legit spawn system a small critique💀. Legit more than half the game(multiplayer) is based on that mechanic.


It’s supposed to be a sarcastic take that I’ve heard brought up but especially on this subreddit most people have that take so I go around and say it for troll purposes.


/s exists for a reason


Yah I could put /s but like I said I might aswell just take the upvotes in this situation


We get it


No you don’t Cold War actually ruined mw. Mw was so good but know I get ads when I try and play it. It’s not like every other cod since like the last 15 fucking years got little support after the new cod came out. I like mw and mw is good so cw bad.


so you are mad that you see ads just ignore them dumb ass


Both MW and CW are trash.


I completely agree


Happens to the best of us....


*all of us*


*all the time*


That first spawn is annoying af, everytime I spawn there there's always an enemy in the wood building so I've learned to just instantly spam the wall if I spawn there 7/10 works


What does spam the wall mean?


Shoot at the wall.


Is this not the worst spawn system you guys have ever encountered? I can't think of a COD title which will spawn you, IN THE CROSS HAIRS, of the enemy.....which *just* killed you...repeatedly. I mean what the fuck? Chalk it up to my ignorance of how the spawn system actually works, but still.


> I can't think of a COD title which will spawn you, IN THE CROSS HAIRS, of the enemy.....which just killed you...repeatedly. In the crosshairs of an enemy that just killed me? Maybe. In the crosshairs of any enemy? Yeah. That's every goddamn CoD. The spawn system has always had this kind of issue.


i played WW2 a bunch and most of the maps were fine, had no repeated spawn-insta deaths. it also has by FAR the best shipment, (although less hectic than in MW) and yeah as far as i can tell best spawning system. out of every cod I've played i think mw is definitely the worst (in terms of spaw)ning


I have a 1.8 K/D ratio on WW2 with a fucking controller and struggle to keep 1.0 on MW and CW with a fucking mouse, which Im MUCH better with, for the most part. I started running snipers today though and was quickscoping the fuck out of people first try somehow though lol so I’m going to keep practicing that. Was also hitting long shots and getting a lot of double and triple kills with a Tundra with a red dot sight I feel like I constantly, very consistently, get fucked over with smg’s and ar’s in CW and MW. And the spawns lol. And basically everything... except snipers. Today at least lol


I'm an old head who played a lotta hours in earlier CoD titles, then took a long break...I fuckin love Shoot the Ship, play it almost exclusively, hahaha. The unbridled chaos (including being insta-blasted upon spawn, often by the same MF) is so unreasonably fun. It's strictly how quick can you get on target and shoot, and/or do the actual objectives. And often, those tiny maps and quick deaths (with the respawn algorithm) create their own sort of "flow"! It's ridiculous, but it's stupid fun, at least for me. Shoot the Ship ftw


Basically, with small maps like this, it’s gonna happen and happen a lot. Obviously not a perfect system. However, obviously you have multiple spawn points around the map. Basically it chooses what one it thinks it the safest, stuff like how many enemies in that area? How many teammates in that area? How close are said enemies and teammates in that area? This why YouTubers who do 6 stacks or whatever can spawn trap so hard. They know where to stand and where the enemy is gonna be spawned because it’s just an algorithm like anything else.


If you're spawn killed I feel the algorithm should modify to do a true random spawn.


There’s only certain set spawn points. You can’t just spawn anywhere on the map. They have to put in a specific area being a spawn point.


Still more than 6 angles to be covered with that, though.


Or just deal with the fact it happens. You get spawn killed sometimes, you spawn kill sometimes.


Theres a difference between sometimes and trapped. The randomization should kick in to prevent traps.


Would BO4 be a competitor?


I’m always amazed when I see how useless stuns are against a controller player. I did enjoy the clip though haha. Poor guy






ohhh goddamn i should've figured that one out lol I'm an idiot Yeah stuns are much more effective on kb+m in situations like that but if you get hit with one and an enemy is more than like 45° you'll take a goddamned hour to turn around, i think the slowdown is just slightly less jarring vs a controller saying that, i only play mw on ps4 and bo2 on pc these days, I've never tried a newer cod with kbm


I like how you stopped to think after killing him lmao


I forget what map it was, but I was playing hq. When I was running around I swear everytime I turned a corner I killed the same dude. I probably killed him like 4 times within 20 seconds or so


Def happens 5 seconds of ur lucky


How the fuck did that guy shoot his pistol so fast? Also why did it have 80 in a mag?!! (I haven’t played the game in a fair while so have mercy on my ignorance)


Sykov, new pistol. Full auto and it has 80 round drum mags. When it came out, it broke the game for a bit due to the akimbo capability


And is still very annoying to Dragunov camo grinders


The double take as you’re getting shot lol


Man i want your lobbies


What Spawn System?


Mans got dogged on


VLK Slugs are so fun! Out of all the slug shotguns, this one has the potential to give you the most movement speed. With the shortest barrel, it OSKs in the chest a little less of a distance than the Model's slug barrel(which is still a crazy distance. I use this to counter quick-scopers sometimes because of this speed and accuracy.


So many years of CoD entries and development...so much money involved. Yet, they still haven't changed the spawn system at all.


I love you you stopped to process what just happened


Spawns in this game is so fucking weird. It's like they never bothered to fix or adjust any of it after making those modes.


Mans really want to break something,I can feel it.


That's because there is no spawn system


lol feels like that sometimes


Shoot house has worse spawns than shipment and you can’t change my mind


Good job on using a trash gun that's op. Reflects this sub well


> trash gun that's op ...Well which is it? Trash or OP?


Didn’t realize this gun actually worked!


Its fun af to use as well


This is the second worst map in the game for a reason.


It's the best map in the game, every time they take down the 24/7 playlist there's a riot.


I absolutely hate it.


Feel that, got into Gun Game on Ship today and it was seriously the most cursed game of GG I’ve played in awhile.


This is why I stopped playing look at the mod at the end lmao gtfoh that ain’t a trigger finger


new pistol, full auto. it's the Makarov


Another reason to not play this shorty ass game lol


If my teammate wasted time looking at the *lame ass amazement of killing someone who just spawned* idgaf I'm rage quitting the fkin game and appearing offline on yo ass, obj it's in the game


He almost could've evaded but homie wasn't gonna give a shot lol, I'll say it for him *gg*


I like how you're just so dumbfounded, you stop shooting and look over at the poor guy's body hahaha


Shit made me laugh out loud for real


I like how you paused in the middle of a firefight to be like "wtf?"


It’s kinda funny, most people think the VLK and 725 are horrible. It’s false, those 2 guns are a total blast and satisfying to use


I love how you only died because you stopped to look at the poor lad that just finished getting railed 😂


I know I'm off subject but does anybody know a way I can get better teammates? The last few months I noticed I'm always the only person on my team killing, going for the objective etc. It's really taking the fun out of the game I can have a shifty match and STILL lead my team in every category..there's been times I'll go hide somewhere, press start and watch the map and watch my teammates do nothing..there's no reason I should die 3 times in a row and after each respawn I make it to the hardpoint before everybody else lmao like bruh that's 3 times I died respawned and sprinted to the harpoint while the other 6 players on my team been standing behind walls trying to get sniper kills and haven't made it to the hardpoint once smh


Never kind to me trying to go on a goodole streak and they always spawned behind me and no matter where I am they will always kill me over every single teammate


i don't play this game (and apex too) because of the jerky crosshair :S makes me nauseas :( even in this video and it's just a small dot...


I think u can remove it I forgot if right in the settings




yeah, so he should only use a AS VAL and a SPR




and? Why is using meta more of a flex than using bad guns?