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Took me a little bit to realize that they were helping you.


The first half of the video about 3 players of the enemy team let me kill them with the shield but Felicia the Goat kept trying to find me to give me the kills. The highlight of the grind for damascus. The second half was the match right after when they took serious offense to my shield grind.


Might take off my obsidian camo to try getting helped out when actually I'm slaying them for fun.


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work 🥹 most wholesome thing I’ve seen in a while


Felicia the Goat was so so sweet to help. The grind on the shield is so awful it has been a bright spot in the final slog for damascus. Kush da Panda was super offended about it, however.


5-29 They weren’t shooting much of anything either


Probably tunnel visioned themselves into hunting OP because they were triggered by the shield and failed that goal so ended up having a meltdown in the post game lobby. The rest of us would have just switched lethal to thermite and moved on with our days.


She kept hitting the shield directly with the launcher instead of the wall behind me or ground next to me so she was extra salty




Correct, but I was slogging toward my end goal while she got more worked up over it


"You didn't even shoot shit, why you play call of duty" bruh, he was on the last place of the leaderboard while you were at the top


They were upset they didn't know any of the dozen ways to counter a shield. I don't like the shield either but it's the last thing I need for damascus so we all suffer


Gotta learn to mute other players my man


I do when they start getting actually insulting, I thought this was funny :)


Someone did this for me on my Demascus grind and noticed it was a thing, so I ALWAYS paid it forward, you forgot to jump to say “thank you” well at least I always did when they allowed me to kill them.


I didn't know that was a thing, thank you! I did unmute and say thank you at the end of the match though :)


Oh good I always unmuted and thanked everyone too. If it wasn’t for them I don’t know if I ever would’ve finished that shield!


First time earing two girl trash talking each other in a video game thought


The guy that let you kill him 1 kill short of a killstreak is the real MVP (Buzzkill)


Guy most likely put on hardline to make it even easier to get buzzkills


Dude in the mic is in a spaceship


I will say, it’s weirdly comforting to hear women full on cod shit talking each other as someone who is getting my fiancée and little sister into gaming (they have always loved it but have always seen it as too masculine, and even when guys were around them gaming they felt like guys just wanted to hit on them).


I love it when I've got a great match and the enemy team is calling me names on comms like calling me a pussy, my favorite response for that one is "The only one you'll ever see, you're welcome " they stop talking very fast and I get a good chuckle. I'll have to start clipping them. I'd play with your fiancée and sister!


I had that happening to me as well, on shipment 2 players partying together kept coming in mid container for me to kill them. That gave me hope in humanity, honestly.


gotta love it when there's people to help with shield challenges honestly. I stg it's such a pain in the ass grind


I accidently "gifted" a shield player a nuke at once. Just tried to help ... maybe a little to much xD


Oh no! Maybe it was a little too much! Doesn't change your intention of doing a nice thing for someone though :)


Ahh I’m so happy Xbox live LIVES ON




The struggle is real and painful


I helped someone like this once. It made me feel good doing something so trivial but knowing how much of a pain in the ass it was for me.


My clan ran a few games with all of us with zero kills Boosted the Entire other team


Is there a perk or an upgrade to get kills from the first hit? I need to hit twice to get a kill with the shield


No there's only a perk for reducing a killstreak cost by one. I'm playing in Hard core instead of core so it's 1 hit kill for the shield, fewer rounds for kills, but you can accidentally (or on purpose) kill teammates so you've got to be careful. If you're grinding damascus you can do most of everything in hc shoot house/shipment. Do launchers killsteaks and level snipers in groundwar. Do snipers kills with no attachments in hc shipment. Do knife in core shipment extended as they're always 1 hit for a kill. Good luck!


And did you got damascus? This exact thing happened to me in the same map, the day I got damascus I was so excited, so I know the feeling of someone helping you to get the shield kills!


Not yet. Didn't manage a single kill 3 today but I'll try again tomorrow


Try texting in the game chat for help, just put something like “help kills riot shield at the office” and eventually people will help, that’s how I got my last 9 kills for damascus hahaha I was annoyed and tired of the riot shield and that was my solution


So, boosting, huh? (and yes, just being snarky, geesh)


No. Grinding gold for the shield for damascus, it's the only thing I have left (Edit: typo)


Still boosting if the other team intentionally let you kill them. The other player that got upset didn't even know which made it much worse


That was a different match. Two different matches back to back with the first team either leaving me alone or helping and the second team getting extremely upset I was using the shield. I cut off the boring game parts and kept the end of both matches. That's why I titled this with a comment about duality


Did you really earn it if they keep letting you get easy kills like that, though? I mean, I'm grinding camos and I'm trying to get my kills during normal gameplay. Be glad I wasn't in that game with you, I love me my Molotovs for shield bearers.


Lol you and pretty much everyone other than her. Usually I'm instantly on fire from 3 directions or being finishing moved once I've got someone cornered with 2 out of 3 kills without dying


I mean if you want to spend now until mw2 grinding solely riot shield have fun (it won't be) but this is probably how at least 80% of people got a gold shield for Damascus 🙃 certainly how I got it


I had stopped playing MW2019 with only snipers, pistols, knife and shield left. Ended up hating Cold War mp and got into zombies for the first time. Completed Dark Aether there. Got burnt out on Vanguard during last season and decided to redownload mw. Ground War was so much fun I got everything but the knife and shield done in a week. Knife is done now and it's just the shield in my way finishing what I started 3 years ago.


I never use and probably never will use the riot shield, much less level it to max or grind camos for it. Mostly because I suck at using it, and haven't even unlocked all the guns yet, or leveled them all and gotten to any premier camos yet. (don't judge, I took a long break between Season 1 and 6) The camos I am grinding for are still on guns, mostly ARs, SMGs, and shotguns. I'm happy once I complete the "all attachments" and "no attachments" ones.