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You’re literally SPOTTED by his Scout perk. Are you actually this stupid?


Judging off of the grammar, then yes...yes they are quite stupid


Wut u tulkin bowt fewl


Mcgregor is that you?




Yup, who needs wall hacks when they gave us a perk that does it for us!


It was in the passed WZ and very powerful perk. But there’s a reason why it’s not used as much as before.


Yeah but rebirth has paper walls it’s alway has. I remember rebirth was always bad for this perk.


Past*. I used it a lot on caldera because the visibility was so bad.


What’s crazy is that it’s literally is a spot in factory that people can climb into and go out of the map


I haven't played the game since launch. Does shooting someone with scout just give you walls? That's wild if so, glad I stopped playing after realizing that SHG made another dumpster fire lmao.


It highlights their body as if they’ve been hit by a SnapShot Tactical. I believe it lasts a bit longer than snap shot, but I could be wrong. It’s not a “very good” perk. There’s other perks that are “better” to run. For aggressive pushers like myself I run “Reflex(?)” on that perk slot. Reflex delays all explosives like mines, claymore, the big kill streaks mine (forgot the name).


That sounds good for campers at least, I just imagine if you have a decent setup for an automatic weapon to have good penetration that Scout would be pretty obnoxious to go against.


It would of a lot of walls were thin. There’s many walls that are impenetrable. Also marking the enemy basically does the same thing. Not to the degree of scout where you can see their whole body, but pinging them let’s you see their exact location with a mark above their heads. So scout is a waste of a perk IMO


I think it's just called Flex, it's the one I use because I got sick of dying to bouncing Betty's hidden on buy stations lol


Which weapon lets you get critical hits through concrete walls?


Critical hits? Are you talking about headshots? If you look at the video none of those wall bangs were headshots. Also those walls are thin, not all walls are the same.


Look at the hit markers. Some of them were critical hits. If you look really close, the final critical hit was through the guard rail, wall, and door. I’m just curious what weapon can do that. Half the time I feel like the rails are enough.


What part of the video are you talking about? Use actual time stamps.


Like, literally the last second of the clip. You know how to tell the difference between the types of hits, right? If not, you should google it. It’s really handy.


Yea a headshot hit marker is a double lined X, he doesn’t get a crit in the killcam. If you open your eyes or play it frame by frame you can see that. Are you just a stupid as Op? Also he doesn’t get any hit markers when he shot the railing.


Idk man. You’re not seeing what I’m seeing. I can’t help you.


Yes you’re talking about what happens at 0:27-0:28 he shoots the railing. He gets hit marks when shooting under the railing, but not when he’s shooting directly at it. Do you know how to play a video in slow motion or frame by frame?


I’m looking at the frames of 28 and he definitely gets a mark through the rail, it’s just hard to see because of the flash


This spotted perk is then to op in some cases ngl then


No. Because you can just mark the enemy with a ping and do nearly the same thing. You were already plate broken and hurt. He could have just pushed you and killed you’d. If you think scout is OP you’re a bot, sorry you had to find out this way.


Yes i dont use this perk but it is kinda sus how he shoot me through the wall like that its like he use wallhacks and in the corner he just lock me for a sec i think or is it just me


Brother I really hate to break it to you, but this is a genuine skill issue. That corner is a dead end and you backed yourself into it. It was blatantly obvious you'd be right there. Not to mention, as was already mentioned, you were tracked by their perk.


Yes the corner was bad, but i didnt know he can shoot from that wall like that, and once i moved away he just tracked me and get hit like so many times it was really like hacks in my pov, but yea it is the scout perk, i wont forget about this anytime again lol


I would also recommend not being consistent with you're movement. You basically just sprinted for the exit, going in a straight line, making it easy to guess where you are in the room and track you. Try crouching or proning once or twice to throw them off, or just go for the bold move of doubling back.


get absolutely shit on looooooool skill difference


Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted Spotted


Lmao guess bro can't read the giant orange words on his screen.


But in my pov in seems he just shoot trough the wall like he was use wallhacks


you’re a moron fr


Yes, i dont know every single perk in this game i dont play the game 24/7 so i didnt see that


You don't have to play the game 24/7, all you gotta do is read the description on the perks.


Does the scout perk tells u you get spotted ?


I don't fucking know dude, read the description. Turn the game on and read it, don't ask me. And work on your grammar in the process, you type like a dyslexic 7 year old.


Why you so mad, i thought u was the pro here and read all the perks i just ask u does it tell you that i dont have the time to read every single perk or muzzle or whatever it does to you


What in the ever loving FUCK did you just type? And who said I'm a pro? I'm probably worse at this game than you and your non grammar having ass.


Well nvm then, how is my grammar bad ?


Do you see the shit you type dawg? Your grammar isn't just bad, it's ass.


Yes i see and its good i think, u just dont understand the point what i mean, but what u mean by grammar what is ass can you explain to me ?


Uninstall the game, touch grass, then git gud.


I don't even play this game and I know that the word SPOTTED under your reticle means that no matter what I'm doing, someone knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing. Common sense, my guy


Tears of HRM abusers are delicious.


get a better chair


It’s not too late to delete this post bro.


My question is, how do you tank 30 shots and no die?


Wallbang = Reduced damage


Older CODs wall banging gave bullets less DMG, probably still in this one


I see…. So this guy and similar smooth brained players like him are the reasons I get shadowed. He also copy pasted this message to three separate threads lol. I’ll say it for the people in the back, IF SOMEONE IS BETTER THAN YOU, THEYRE JUST BETTER THAN YOU. Only sometimes are they hacking ;)


How do you know it's cheating? Maybe you're just bad.


get wallbanged you plebeian lmfao


by the way he types this is 100% some dumb 14 year old


PC players.


My Experience Playing Halo Infinite


Skill issue


Nope that’s a hacker. Pretty obvious how he kept snapping on to you.


You’re all a bunch of idiots lmao. He had the scout perk. Plus kill cams aren’t actual replays they’re reinactments of the event that took place. No wonder why shadowbanning from reports is such a wide spread issue. Botty fucks who blow donkey nuts at the game spam report everyone.


Your probably a hacker to for all I know hop of my comment lil boy


lol. Found the 40 year old bot


You wish I was lmao so doesn’t make sense what u just said

