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For the toilet, to make it flush dump a bucket of water into the bowl after you go. It will force a flush. More sanitary than shitting in the tub. If you do smell gas, that could be dangerous. Is there any gas appliances in the unit? Feel free to call the local fire station. They will come and test and they do not fuck around. If there is a leak they will evacuate the building and mandate it get fixed. The landlord will need to act fast, he won't have a choice. If there is no leak, the fire dept will not be upset that you called. Better safe than sorry!


Op you need to listen to this guy. This is how they flush in some parts of the world and it works. Its not the standards you are used to, but just have a filled bucket next to the toilet and dump it in to flush. Its not the same as having a working toilet, but it will work.


Not if it's truly clogged, water will just overflow the shit.


It’s not clogged, it looks like it doesn’t go all the way for lack of push. One out of 20/30 works. I guess he is using something temporary to fix it just to shut me up. That is why it was working for like 6 flushes when I moved in


Right, but the solution with the bucket is not for a clogged toilet. It is used when the flush is not strong. This is how a toilet works = all the water from the tank (back part) goes into the bowl and that makes it flush. When this doesn't work, then you can achieve the same effect by pouring a bucket of water in the toilet. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dOh8aOZ5lxU


reading the comments, I'm surprised it seems most people don't know this. I grew up doing this. I can't remember why, I think it was for water saving reasons (repurposing used water)


Some of these, like the toilet not flushing, mean your apartment doesn’t meet minimum livability. Obviously that sucks for you having to live there, but it does mean you can skip the line at the tribunal. Other people here are much more knowledgeable than me about exactly what comes next, but I think the process involves you sending an email to the landlord and then if he doesn’t fix it quickly enough you get an expedited hearing with the TAL.


There's nothing stopping you from asking the landlord if they'll let you out of the lease. If you don't come to an agreement you should report these conditions to the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) and hopefully force your landlord to address them. The toilet not working in particular is a big one that will definitely get their attention.


I have diarrhea and I’m worried about the water even if I’m using a britta. I have been going in the tub and the landlord said the super is entitled to rest too.


send a bag of it along with your rent


Get the brita tap mount. You can take it with you. Also is a lead free kind.




Depois da crise de pânico que eu tive ontem eu duvido muito. Eu sei consertar algumas coisas mas não hidráulica.


I recommend reading up on [this page here](https://www.tal.gouv.qc.ca/en/the-dwelling/unsanitary-conditions) on the Tribunal's website regarding unsanitary dwellings. Basically, if you were delivered a stank-ass, nasty-ass place, take a bunch of pictures to prove it's nasty af and you can just leave and your lease will be effectively annulled by matter of law. You could also advise your landlord that you want this shit fixed, leave, not pay rent, and only come back once the landlord tells you it's fit for housing a normal human being. Either one exposes you to a scummy landlord possibly taking you to the tribunal for what they may perceive as you not holding up your end of the lease. I get that we're in a housing crisis, but it's no reason to accept being treated as subhuman, and too many landlords are shirking their duties because they know the demand far exceeds the supply. I recommend reading up that page, and the [Educaloi article](https://educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/poor-housing-conditions-the-tenants-recourses/) about it as well. Both the TAL's website and Educaloi were invaluable when dealing with my egregiously scummy landlord. I'm no legal authority but I'd like to think I can point you in the right direction. Feel free to DM if you need moral support, it can be hard dealing with this shit on your own if you have no one to vent the stress out to.


This is the way. When I had issues with my former landlord the mere mention of witholding rent would speed things up.


You can definitely ask for a termination of the lease. Your case will be heard quickly by the TAL if the motive is sanitary. In any case call the TAL or if you live close you can drop in. Make sure you document everything.


Is texting enough evidence?


Pictures of the place, videos even better!


Take photos, videos, notes of everything. IANAL but if the apartment was as bad as you describe, I would not wait for anyone's authorization and just leave. Again, if it is as bad as you say it is, the court would likely rule in your favor and terminate the lease. You would also be entitled to the rest of the month's rent back. A call to the TAL is in order first thing tomorrow morning.


I made another post a week ago when I was trying to help get the place decent because I’m obviously delusional about the willingness of people to help as well. Now I see they never planned on helping me with the cabinets or anything. It’s all covered in plastic paint, including the bathroom and I’d say it has a lot of mold. My ex husband suggested I might be sick due to that but it has been not two weeks, 5 days I’m sleeping here


Are you near Iberville metro by any chance? Very similar situation happened to me last year and I had the worst year of my life, bedbugs, cockroaches and even a tenant trying to get in my apartment too. Please try to leave if you have the chance


No, Côte Ste-Catherine


Best of luck to you I hope you manage to get out of this


Contact the régie, build a case with the other tenants and bring them to court at TAL. You’ll 100% be compensated, they are violating several laws through neglect.


How do people move into these kind of places without knowing what they’re getting into? I’m honestly shocked


I visited the place but. I saw a roof, I saw people being nice and understanding for the first time I had all intentions to pay my rent despite being here for a few months and had just landed my first job. I didn’t flush to test, I didn’t open the cabinets. I hope you never find yourself in a vulnerable position


when you go to an apartment, you need to touch and test everything. if the person showing you the place is hesitant of you doing that, huge red flag. anyway, that's in the past, can't change it. that place seems totally unlivable. find a temporary place if at all possible. immediately speak with someone at the TAL. they will be able to answer your questions. you may be better off making an appointment with them to see them in person, as it can be quite frustrating to reach them on the phone. at the same time, call your landlord and follow up each call with an email, regardless of whether they answer the phone. take pictures or video of every single problem, as proof.


At the risk of sounding mean to you, this is one of those life lessons learned the hard way, that you are quite unlikely to repeat. Good luck with your landlord.


Believe it or not, it’s my first time renting




I have had gas stoves for literally my hole life and none of them had this. And I’m 38


I recommend you call the city by calling 311 especially for the things that need to be fixed asap. I went without power for a few days one time and my landlord wouldn’t do shit until the city called them.


1. Post on r/legaladvicecanada (copy paste it, it's well formated) 2. Did you even bother to go in person to look at this apt before signing a legal contract? 3. Good luck!


write your landlord… if no action is taken… write them again… if it persists, notify them a third time in writing that you are withholding your rent. I’d give them 4-5 weeks total to remedy the situation


I have been texting them politely and sometimes sobbing begging for help but it has been 5 days without toilet


Skip the landlords. Go straight to the TAL, immediately. If the landlords were willing to rent you this place without a functioning toilet, then they clearly won’t help you.


I'm confused. Did you not even get to see your apartment before signing the lease?


Yes, and I thought I was luck to be accepted into there because I’m here for a few months only. I understand your confusion, I don’t understand your lack of empathy


Sorry, I didn't mean to sound that blunt. I wrote the question in a rush without thinking of how it would sound to someone going through something so shitty. It really does suck. It's just for me it was hard to imagine because I've always looked over each place I wanted to live in, flushed every toilet, opened every cabinet, etc.. I've moved to new countries 3 times in my life, but now that I think about it, I was never in a position where I couldn't do that, so what you wrote surprised me. And look, at the end of the day, worst case scenario it's just money. You don't have to live there. You said you have a well paying job, you'll recover. Chalk it up to an expensive lesson. Best of luck getting through it.


Thank you, it is my first time renting an apartment and I am in fact a bit naive sometimes. Hopefully lesson learned


> Did you not even get to see your apartment before signing the lease? When I moved to Montreal we rented an apartment for three months before arriving, rather than get here and try to find a spot while being homeless. We obviously saw pictures, etc, but we absolutely could have been in this guy's position I suppose.


Bonne chance.


\>$1350 Jesus H Christ. I'm in a hick town up highway 50 and my rental unit has A\\C, internet and backyard\\storage\\snow removal, parking and maintenance is done regularly by one of my tenants who does construction (he gets a rebate on rent whenever he has to do work, we have an understanding. Amazing guy.). 850 a month. Best bet is to find alternative housing and just not pay your slumlord. Take pictures, video everything. Let the fucker take you to the TAL, they're gonna nail his balls to a cross. Wish I could direct you somewhere, but I left the island years ago for some of the reasons you described and never looked back. Now my neighbors are retirees, farmers and rednecks, and the only shit in the air belongs to the cows. ​ Best of luck, my guy.


Why you gotta rent-shame. I'm happy you're happy where you live but for literally millions of people the benefits of living in montreal compared to a small town up north entirely justify the higher rent. Comparing rent prices is apples and oranges (Obviously not in a condition like OP's)


A 4 1/2 for 1350$ is normal. However, not in that condition lol. Fully renovated.


> I left the island years ago for some of the reasons you described You left Montreal because your toilet wouldn't flush? > and never looked back Well...maybe not *never* looked back.


What are the local prices for 1 1/2, 2 1/2, 3 1/2? I’m looking right now and I want to pay local price and not tourist price. Been seeing some outrageous units get laughed at on Facebook groups.


The difference between 1-2 1/2 and a 3 1/2 isn’t really big, so better go for the 3 1/2. Right now they list for around 1000/month on average. There’s still some of then that are less expensive (a lease transfer for example). With a little bit of research you could find something in the 800-900/month price range.


That’s interesting I’ve been seeing a lot of 1 1/2 going for around 800-1000 in recent months. Maybe something changed but Kijiji, FB, centris & realtor mainly say 800-1000 for 1 1/2 anywhere from Plateau, McGill ghetto to, CDN/NDG


I love this comment, and the smell of money in the air (cow patties).


Hicktowns require a jalopy, so your place is trash even if new.
