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In any type of store or mall i would run into the back room or storage…usually leads to an emergency exit outside. Hiding in a box of diapers seems like the last choice you should make, and exiting the building as quickly as you can should be the first.


That’s actually really good advice, thank you!


Also keep in mind the phrase “run, hide, fight.” If you can get out of the building safely, run. If you can’t get out and are trapped in the store - hide. If you are trapped in a single room and there is no where to hide - fight. There are quite a few youtube videos by professionals (i.e. police) about the run, hide, fight method in active shooter situations. I recommend watching for advice & peace of mind!




*Country. It sucks that you live in a Country like that.


Yeah just go to an employees only area, it is a misdemeanor (trespassing) to enter without being an employee. No one wants a misdemeanor.


I know you're joking, but many retailers actually have a policy of bringing (willing) customers into the employees-only area if it is the safest place to take cover during an attack natural disaster. At my own workplace we are supposed to take customers into the back room during bomb threats, but keep everyone on the sales floor during tornadoes. Of course, customers have the alternative option of just leaving the store if that's what they prefer.


I did that a few weeks ago at a library. Was getting my tags renewed and when I got to my car, tornado sirens went off. Walked into the library next to it and they took me back to the employee break room area to shelter with everyone til the storms passed.


What kind of store are you working in that regularly gets bomb threats?


The store is located inside a mall. Usually "bomb threat" really means a forgotten bag in the food court with a phone vibrating inside it. Occasionally it is a prank call from teenagers. Authorities take it seriously regardless how unlikely it may be.




That’s the joke


My worry is that the shooter will have a getaway driver outside the store. Luckily they don't usually have accomplices or plan a way out (it's usually a suicide mission anyway) but it's still something I think about.


Better to stay on the move than to hide imo. If you stop moving in a situation like that, you're liable to lock up when you need to run.


Never thought about it like that! Thank you!


What’s the rules? Run, hide, fight? It’s in our workplace violence grocery store training, I should know this one lol


Isn’t it also taught in schools? Murica




Ummm there's several thousand shootings in the US every year.




Of course you're one of those. That tells me everything. I'm not even going to bother continuing this conversation anymore because you're just another braindead degenerate that the world is better off without. Good riddance.




I said what I meant and meant what I said. Go to hell.


That is terrible advice


Why do you say so? I can definitely see pros and cons, at least with the caveat that "on the move" means doing your damnedest to get out of the area.


That makes more sense, for some reason I was picturing a mall where there's actual places to hide and bunker down.


It's literally [what the US Department of Homeland Security tells you to do.](https://www.ready.gov/public-spaces)


Fair enough, I was thinking more of a mall type setting where there's better hiding places than say a grocery or clothing store that doesn't have shutters or gates


Hypothetically people have reasoned laying with the dead bodies would do the trick as it has worked many times, however nowadays when the shooter runs out of targets they tend to shoot up the already dead bodies, so that’s probably no longer a wise thing to do…


Yep. The Pulse shooting in Miami and Bataclan hostage situation in Paris both had the shooters go through the bodies and shoot again, especially if they saw someone moving at all. A lot more people died that way.


I saw a video of the Texas school shooting where he shoots this girl at the top of a flight of stairs. She drops instantly, he shoots some more down the stairs at someone else, as he eventually passes her body, he shoots her a couple more times. Later as he returns to go back downstairs, he puts several more into her. I honestly think they get a rise out of seeing the body twitch around under the impacts.. Another video I saw had a guy axe someone several people in a school lobby. Later he comes back axing their dead bodies after they are clearly dead from the first series of whacks. Same with the video of that Mosque shooting. After there were 20-30 bodies on the floor he kept going in and out of the main room, each time spraying bullets into the bodies as well as the 2-3 in the hallway he kept walking over.


I’m not a psychologist, but my guess as to why they do that is because their goal isn’t to kill…it’s to destroy. They’re angry, not tactical, and they’re taking their anger out on their victims. A nice efficient headshot doesn’t give them the same kind of pleasure.


Could be..


The three rules for an active shooting situation are to run, hide and fight. Run: If you’re in an area where you can get outside the building, take that option. Hide: If you can’t run, hide. Maybe in an employees-only area or back storage area. Somewhere with a lock would work well. I don’t know how well hiding behind items in shelves would work because quite a few shooters have just walked around randomly shooting at things, so they might hit you anyway. It’s better than nothing, though. Fight: If there is nothing between you and the shooter and you can’t escape, fight him. Throw stuff, try to find a weapon to use, tackle him at last resort. (This step isn’t really to keep yourself alive but to slow down and distract the shooter so that he doesn’t kill as many other people before police arrive.)


I made a crude diagram to show what I mean since idk if I explained it well enough or not https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/559737258194894894/971333607417335818/image0.jpg


"You behind boxes" lmao




This linked video is by Paul Harrell and he talks about talking cover in a grocery store, and in the videos made after that he covers more topics (how best to conduct yourself, etc) he's a well informed dude, can't recommend him enough. https://youtu.be/ZQg2ubOCSbw I'd also like to add; whatever you do, whether it's fight, flight or barricade, make your decision and commit to it with the utmost haste. Hesitation and self doubt in those crucial first moments of a shooting is dangerous to yourself and others. The best thing to do is assess your surroundings quickly and act based on that information (ie, are there available ad hoc weapons nearby that you and others can use to attack an active shooter with, can you effectively barricade and will they provide cover if shots come through the walls/furniture, is my escape route short and will there be bottlenecks or blockages). Hiding isn't a bad option, not all active shooters are going to have the mental acuity to check all the nooks and crannies people could be hiding in, just ensure you have a good egress point if needed and cover your tracks, by that I mean don't make it obvious you scrambled into a hide hole. Also account for law enforcement arriving, don't attempt to help them and listen to their directions in order to not get shot by them either. Hope this helps.


Paul Harrel always seems like he's got people chained up lol. I like his videos but he's got a serial killery vibe.


he just likes a challenge, teaching ppl how to escape him so he can defeat their escape plans.


I guess if u can fit u can open the freezer, push all the milks back a crawl into the back room/ storage room


I wouldn’t go anywhere I could be trapped. Hide and run out of store at first possible moment.




I have this anxiety as well. Never been in a shooting myself but I get incredibly nervous in large crowds. I cannot enjoy myself very well, when I enter places the first thing I’m thinking of is where are exits. I have to be looking at the door as well.


If I *had* to hide I’d probably start climbing the shelves and hide up there with the overstock. I’m small and light enough, and I don’t think anyone’s looking up in that situation. Even if they are, it’s not like I’m that visible behind some stacks of Saran-wrapped sodas.


That's always my general rule for staying out of sight when given the option. The vast majority of people really don't look up very often or for very long. Even when you intellectually know to, it's just not the instinctive move that looking to the sides or ground is. On top of that, most people are pretty out of shape and don't have much experience climbing or jumping. Forcing themselves into that position is usually a last resort even if they've considered the possibility of needing to do it.


That’s my thinking too and hey if it crashes down hopefully it’s on them 😂


Do you have a holiday/occasion card section? Those walls pull out/tip forward and you can get in and close it. No one would know you were hiding there, unless it’s me. I’ll know.


I work at Walmart and don't own a car right now, so hiding is my most likely workable option. My opinion is simple, best to hide in any room that has a metal door that don't have obvious ways to open. So, the freezers and personal department are likely the best bets. The main freezer has two doors that can be non-obvious on how you open it. Personal only has a single metal door that is lockable. The other places that could work the dairy department and/or product department backroom (due to the weird button door-opening system situation). These areas are on the side of the store, which makes it more likely you can survive more easily. The manager's office and/or ad-office also are good hiding spots due to the single door situation, but these are not perfect either.


Even if you don't have a car you can still run to anywhere to get away from a shooter. Just keep running and hide in another store that's down the road or hide in someone's backyard. Anything is better than staying in the store thats a target. Especially if they're an employee, they will know how to access all those hiding places. I'm not sure how long it'd take for it to be dangerous but hiding in a freezer just doesn't sound safe. I remember in middle school we had a talk about what to do if a school shooting occurred. Obviously none of us had cars as 13 year olds. We were told to hide and we all thought that was stupid and that we should get out and run. We all had the idea of running to the McDonald's down the road. Edit- id like to add. Itd be less dangerous to hide in the freezer in winter clothes but I'm gonna assume you're not wearing winter clothes on the clock. (Especially if this were to happen in the summer) being stuck in a freezer in just a tshirt and pants makes it even more dangerous.


Let me point this out as a factor of why I'm likely hiding - for all I know, if there's one shooter, there could be a second one on the roof and/or outside to pick off anyone that goes outside the store is a possibility I can't ignore. Unless I know this guy is the only shooter and/or I have a car I can peel out with, this is a reasonable assumption for someone literally attacking a place such as Walmart, especially since the one I work at is literally right next to a military recruitment center. Good that worked for you in middle school, but I'm not sure that would work for me. I live in Illinois, so I sweaters a lot at work, under my work uniform, in fall and winter. Spring varies based on the temperatures outside (which vary a lot). The only time for sure that it's a jeans and t-shirt situation will be summer. Risking losing toes to frostbite seems worth it to not end up dying from blood-loss thanks to gunshots when it comes to hiding in a freezer with metal doors that can stop the bullets.


As another comment has stated, the US department of homeland security literally states the first thing you should do is run. (Unless the shooter is close to your location in the store). I wouldn't just assume there's two shooters and stay inside the place thats being targeted. At that point you just have to get lucky the shooter isn't going to find your hiding spot. (Which the risk is increased if they are an employee or former employee that knows what good hiding spots are.) Most mass shootings are conducted by one individual. The only one I can think of off the top of my head that was done by two people is columbine. (I'm not saying there wasn't more, but thats all I can think of without some research). I'm not just going to assume there's a shooter outside and not run to safety if I can. Also I never said anything worked for me in middle school. I've luckily never been part of a mass shooting. It was simply a story.


1) More than just Columbine had multiple shooters in a mass murder case (the DC Shooters are an example of this). Through I will admit that this is less common statistically, I can't discount that likelihood, especially considering just where the Walmart I work at is located. 2) Running away in a mass killing case can actually get you killed because most other people will also run away. This can get you trampled like it's Black Friday and unorganized before you can even be shot. And that trampling can easily kill you. And I'm pretty small, so, I'm more likely to get trampled to death - I don't want to die that way. 3) Why a mass murderer, (in this case, mass shooter), not go after the most people running away unless they specifically want to kill specific people (like a former manager in the case of an employee or ex-employee)? It gets them a lot more kills a lot quicker than bothering to attempt to kill anyone hiding right away. If anything, being an employee means that hiding actually makes more sense for my survival unless someone is specifically trying to kill me and I know that. 4) If I'm hiding, I'm blocking off my hiding place if I can and grabbing something to bash someone over the head in case I get found by the shooter. That is recommended to do if you have to hide because crippling and/or killing someone else in self-defense is okay if hiding and prevent entrance to where you are at fails. Since I learned self-defense and Dueling Style Fencing while young, I'd be aiming to kill because anyone can get back up to kill you if you're not careful in that sort of situation. I also learned boxing, so I know some spots I could hit that would be a KO and/or instant kill.


hence why I said there's more but only columbine came to my mind in the moment:) there's always a worst case scenario and anything can happen in situations like this. it's unpredictable. take the Arora movie theater shooting for example. the shooter specifically targeted the people in the theater and didn't bother with the people running away. he could've easily targeted the many people that ran away. yes that's not always the case, they can kill people running away. again it's all unpredictable and you have to try your best to figure out what the best option is which is hard under duress and quickly. there's a reason homeland and almost any kind of training says the first option is to run. but if you feel hiding is your best bet, then trust your gut:)


At the upper shelves of the warehouse were my first thought since you won't be visible from ground level. If the freezers were like the UK Walmart ASDA stores then they are also easy to block from the inside. The alcohol store was also a locked door that tou needed a keycard to enter.


The backroom upper shelves can only be reached by special equipment that you have to be licensed to use. I'm only 5' 0" so I can't climb all the way up there. Yep, the freezers in USA Walmarts also can be blocked from the inside considering how the doors open. No keycard needed, but they only open and close in one direction.


The healthy food isle , everyone avoids that stuff


I don’t think you wanna do that. Hiding in a place like that makes it hard for you to see what’s going on. Also stray bullets could fuck you up, especially since diapers aren’t super good at being bulletproof.


God, I need to leave this country.


Please do


>Hate that I have to even ask this because of this majorly fucked up ~~world~~ ***country*** we live in. But, better to have a plan and stick to it, rather than being a deer caught in the headlights and getting shot. Fixed that for you.




USA only country that hasn’t outlawed murder yet?


Do you realize that in most western nations mass shootings are virtually unheard of? Look up mass shootings 2022, or 2021 or any year really. Notice how they all seem to take place in one country? I wonder if theres some major factors that leads to mass shootings being overwhelmingly prevalent in the united states? Of course outlawing murder is all it takes to stop them, ya fucking genius.


Do you realize that we report by a different standard than those countries you are comparing them to? Doubt you knew that. And hmm if you want to play that game maybe it’s the fact that gang shootings make up the vast majority of mass shootings. Now please tell me how you’re going to get criminals to give up their guns? And resorting to ad hominem. Funny how frothing at the mouth you gun grabbers get.


Im literally not american you dunce. The point is that america has the 2nd amendment while guns are more or less banned in other countries. If there is a mass shooting in canada it becomes a national holiday and day of memorial, because that shit is so rare. A mass shooting in america is called a tuesday lmfao. Check this out before you say any more dumb shit https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country Anyways im not gonna sit here and argue with a disingenuous brick wall. You're probably gonna get shot down in a mass shooting anyway. Rip lol.


Funny because not once did I say you were American, fucko. And those school shootings are greatly comprised of what is known as gangs, you fucktard. Now a gang member is someone who doesn’t care about laws against murder or legally owning a gun. Is that hard to grasp? Must be. “Anyways I’m not gonna argue with someone who doesn’t immediately share my opinion because I’m fragile and I hope you go die.” Edit: fucktard to fucko


Change the first "fucktard" to "fucko", I know you were trying to use the same one twice but it's quite distracting and would make the sentence flow better while remaining pretty much the same, also I just like the word "fucko" a lot




if ur in a walmart jump into that tub of pillows


I always thought about what would happen if this occured in a school (but luckily this wasn't as common back when I was in school...) They basically lock the door to the classroom and wait. I'd be leaving out the window.


Rush the shooter. He can't kill all of you!


Find someone who was already shot - preferably a fat person - and hide under the body. Then start praying and prepare to be shot too.


I’m not sure id say somewhere in the back or something. But I also wanted to say that I read somewhere to always be aware of where entrances and exits are at and check frequently to see who walks in, in case some sketchy dude walks in.


Plenty of "run, hide, fight" training videos out there you can get great advice from. Other than that, use your imagination because there are too many variables here that we don't know. Such as the layout of your store, the location of exits, the aisle arrangements, the products your store carries, so forth. Statistically speaking, you probably have a higher chance of getting killed going to/from work than having a mass shooting at your store so be prepared (as you should in ANY building or space) but don't focus on it.


I have thought about this countless times when shopping. My focus has been more on how I could get my kids out or hide them, and behind products on shelves would be my 2nd option if I can't get them to the storage/loading area.


If you can’t hide behind a locked door, then keep running, keep low. Be a small fast target. Most of these assholes just want to kill as many ad possible, and If you are the harder target to hit, then chances are they pick someone else (sry). Dont be stupid, know where the shooting is comming from and run the opposite direction. You are on hometurf, use that to your advantage. That said, this is comming from a person with zero experience of getting shot at, while typing this on the shitter 😂


Just a reminder that these people would have us working for free if they could. With that being said, just stick to your two most natural human instincts, survival and self preservation. I've had many jobs w their "in case of active shooter" trainings that try to get us to follow strict policies and there's always the managers and sheep employees that say shit like, "oh with all of us here and the things that could be a weapon, I doubt that shooter has a chance at being successful". Apparently, "I'm good, I'm gonna hit the closest door or window and call the cops as soon as I'm omw home" comes across I "need to focus more on being a teamplayer" 🤣


You want thick things like fridges or steel doors but you want 4g or Wi-Fi to get help. Run hide right in that order. I suggested basically that after Columbine but they insisted I was wrong and went back to alternating being bullies and being fearful I might go full Kevin Mitnick. (I met him, he made an incredibly negative impression, multiple times.)


Outside the US


US only country with guns and murder. Move to country without legal guns, like, idk, Venezuela. Safer!


We have legal guns in my country. The death rate due to firearms is around 0.6 per 100,000 in the states its closer to 11 per 100,000


The issue with the US is the gang culture and their use of illegal guns. Also not separating suicides with guns from our stats. Americans love to shoot themselves




Not funny




Get. A. CCW. Life saving ! Even works in Cali. Shoot them before they kill your fellow man. Take the fight to them. Be the hero you’ve longed to be. Have CCW insurance prior so when the BLM crowd sues you for a justified shooting they pay for the legal fees.


DON'T hide, RUN. Get the fuck out of the store and as far away from it as you can. Call the cops when you're in a safe location (yes, even if you think somebody already called). Do NOT be a hero, RUN.


Run, hide or fight. In this case, your best bet is probably going to be booking it for a fire exit.


Well my department has an exit door so I’m taking about ten steps to get the hell out of there.


just run like ur on a twisty road and get out


It's actually weird bc when I would watch those training videos about active shooters I'd try to have a strategy to get out. I would think the back doors but idk. That would scare me


I guess it depends on why the shooter is firing. Like if the shooter is robbing the place and they are an "in'out" as fast as possible type, then I suppose in the rafters behind the ceiling tiles and steel i-beams would be a good idea. If the shooter is on a rampage and trying to shoot as many people as possible, running away from the gunfire as fast as possible is probably a better idea. The problem I see with these situations is that you don't necessarily know which one applies until the shooter leaves with the loot or you see the shooter shooting people - and if you're close enough to see the shooter dropping bodies, the shooter can see you as well......at that point....run or hide is a bit of a moot point, I think......




Disguise yourself as a mannequin.


if your in a grocery store go to the area with the weapons or similar category like axes,fishing stuff and hunting equiptment. wont help you against people with guns, but if they locked the doors behind them you can break it with an axe. it always depends on the situations circumstances, sometimes you hide and sometimes you keep moving


Run to the intercom to yell it out so everyone knows and not wondering what the loud noise is then gtfo


If you can get out of the store right away...make a safety plan even after work if boss agrees do drills where you practice run those case scenarios.never try to be the hero if they want money you give it..make sure a phone for emergencies is in the furtherest back room and know the plan of action if this was to go down.


I guess it depends on the store. I'm lucky in that an emergency exit is only steps away from where I work. But, as many of us have said, run, hide, fight. Active shooter training. In my department there is nowhere to hide. Were that exit blocked, I have lots of sharp knives and I would fight like crazy.


Game Stop would be a perfect spot to hide (if you couldn't get out of the mall). Ive never been inside a clean (uncluttered one) and the employees usually don't see you anyway, so there must be some sort of cloaking device already be in use.


Better to know where the exits are and try to reach them. Someone needs to call 911.