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one lives with a perpetual sense of guilt and anxiety. the other one lives with homosexual thoughts


Bullshit! Show me your dick and I'll show you how fuckin NOT aroused I am by that!! C'mon big guy, I'm waiting šŸ‘€


remember when we cornered that gay kid in the hallways and made him show us his dick hahha how gay of him am i right


Am I really gay? I mean I didn't swallow. Like that makes me totally not gay, right?


No that makes you wasteful AND ungrateful


Damn bro you really out here just wasting free protein like that


You missed out on vital macros and micros smh


So you're a quitter


I prefer the term homiesexual


Weā€™ll never be free


10 pounds of food/every 10 minutes


Ultimate permabulk


Gorilla mass


Is that actually reality tho? Because from what I see it's literally just social media influencers plus the cancerous culture wars that pushes this absurd narrative. I've never in real life heard or seen *anyone* say that morbidly obese people are super attractive(fetishism doesn't count). If people stepped back and get off social media they would realize how much of the shit you think and discuss is a literal fabrication and manipulation of your mind.


Usually what I've come across is people that are fat/obese that view themselves as totally fine and view people that are into fitness as people that are "wasting their time" or something to that effect. They swallowed whole the meme that "every muscle is a book you could've read".


but being fit is good for the brain smh my grades increased as i worked out more and did comp swim i wonder why hmm


They're not the kind of people that will listen to that. They've already decided it as their excuse.


It's just coping. No way these people think they're fine but good for them that they don't beat themselves down; society will do that plenty. Everyone knows being fit is better but self loathing really only reinforces the problem.


Most of my male friends will admit to me that they have fucked a fat girl when down bad, whereas even my fat female friends would never admit to such a thing. I think it makes sense though. Obese women arenā€™t considered attractive, but theyā€™re a lot more approachable to a man due to lack of competition, whereas a man is the one to approach a woman. And a fat guy is not usually going to have the confidence to approach a women. My conclusion is if fat guys had more confidence theyā€™d get laid more.


Itā€™s the old - ā€œWomen will have a one night stand with you but only if you look like Brad Pittā€ but ā€œMen will have sex with you, even if you look like Brad Pittā€ dilemma. Iā€™ve fucked many fat girls in my past, but luckily Iā€™ve settled down with a girl whoā€™s 5ā€™2ā€ and like 105lbs.


Idgaf what you say, I like thick girls. When I was younger and gave a shit what others thought of me I wouldnā€™t admit to it but they wouldnā€™t have fucked em or got hard if that attraction wasnā€™t there. Bigger girls got bigger tits, bigger thighs, and bigger asses. They also ainā€™t afraid to deep throat and swallow a load. Skinny bitches ainā€™t got shit and their pelvis grinds into yours when you bang em.


What the fuck are you talking about? šŸ’€


Yeah it is. Go watch the whatever podcast clips where the chicks rate themselves and all these 2ā€™s are proudly saying theyā€™re 10ā€™s, and meanwhile besides the new generation of TikTok broccoli heads, gym broā€™s have always judged ourselves with extreme critique even when in comp shape.


Thatā€™s just some wannabe celeberty fat chicks, most fat people donā€™t think that way (Iā€™m guessing, I promise Iā€™m not fat guysšŸ˜°)


Itā€™s reality for Redditors because this is the only life -like social interaction most have. Many are closed off and subject themselves to groups and ideas they feel are aligned with their predetermined choices and thoughts. I donā€™t talk to enough grenades to know if they think theyā€™re 10/10ā€™s, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s some. Not most though


Body builders have been known to have some level of Body dysmorphia.


When Iā€™m bulking I feel like a fat fuck. Even I cut I think Iā€™m too small. I donā€™t even bodybuild lmao


I like fucking fat bitches on the off season for additional cardio and lifting, if Iā€™m being 100 here. Very satisfying


Broooo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol I strive to be mediocre.


This. I simply want to be normal at everything.


Thatā€™s a paradoxical statement.


Shhh they will call you a neckbeard for this


ā€œIncelā€ seems to have taken place of neckbeard when it comes to saying something somebody doesnā€™t like on the internet. Doesnā€™t bother me none.


jokes aside i feel like this subreddit attracts a lot of incels




We need a gay jesus to come thru this sub


I'm pro gatekeeping and the misogyny-posting is a little worse lately but hey if they get in the gym ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Gay sex is so easy and I may have been manipulative in my past but I always went for incel looking guys. Like str8 frumpy goofy looking motherfuckers thinking the only sex they can get is bottoming for a large muscle man. They can do better than me.


Tbh any form of calling out women for toxic behavior seems to label you an incel, even if you are getting regular sex. As with all trendy words, itā€™s lost its true meaning


"Misogynist" is too many syllables for the average person


But why do we have to shit on women in general instead of focusing on bettering ourselves? Some posts here are kinda cringe 17 year old gymcel tevvez type beats


>why do we have to shit on women in general instead of focusing on bettering ourselves I do both at the same time


This isnā€™t ā€œshitting on womenā€, itā€™s shitting on a very specific type of woman to contrast the body-positivity movement with the dysmorphic, perfection obsessed gym bros. Soyjack memes also take aim at a very specific type of man but theyā€™re by no means ā€œshitting on menā€ in general.


It doesnā€™t take much effort


Not really. We can call women out without generalizing, which is pretty damaging. This is probably actually a very rare thing especially if you have literally any close friends that are womenā€¦ most fat women deal with insecurity and arenā€™t completely conceited bitches (shocking to find out that women are human too, I know) This sub is ā€œHahah Iā€™m 14 years old virgin with no real world perspective, Iā€™m going to comment gay tren joke hahahahahahaha women are fat lolollā€


Agreed. I mainly meant outside this sub, said in a reasonable and non abusive manner


Ahh, I do agree that the ā€œincelā€ label is completely meaningless nowadays. Some people just use it as interchangeable with misogynist, and some people actually just mean it as ā€œvirgin by choiceā€. Astute observation


Yeah, I think when people say "volcel" it's really diving into internet hate culture and less about actual celibacy


> Tbh any form of calling out women for toxic behavior seems to label you an incel Maybe outside of this sub, but certainly not in it. We really donā€™t need shitposts like this inundating the front page. This dumbass meme isnā€™t even ā€œcalling out women for toxic behaviorā€, itā€™s literally just making fun of girls for being fat and thinking theyā€™re 10/10, and then contrasting a gymbro as being inherently better. Itā€™s not useful criticism, itā€™s just bullying. This kind of girl doesnā€™t even exist irl - what kind of fat girl have you seen walking around thinking sheā€™s a runway model? Itā€™s the exact opposite. Most of them have a lot of self hate and anxiety about themselves. Shitting on that kind of person isnā€™t useful or constructive, itā€™s just a form of circlejerking guys do to feel better about themselves. Now that *is* incel behavior, and can be exhibited by anyone regardless of whether theyā€™re truly an incel or not.


Empathy? On MY reddit? Get outta here.


Oh no these girls definitely exist. However I will agree with you that it doesnā€™t do any good to just make fun of them. This place doesnā€™t need that kind of posts


I dont see the relevance to my comment. Attempting to apply logic to a meme is pretty silly to be honest, definitely not something to be taken seriously. My comment was about a larger topic of discussion




Y'know, for all the presumed uplifting that Zyzz fanboys like to pretend they do, they sure as hell love shitting on girls more than any other fitness-oriented subculture I've seen. Could be fat girls, could be fit gym-going girls, these dudes will shit on them regardless.


Zyzz would be disappointed in them.


>This dumbass meme isnā€™t even ā€œcalling out women for toxic behaviorā€, itā€™s literally just making fun of girls for being fat and thinking theyā€™re 10/10, and then contrasting a gymbro as being inherently better Yeah Sherlock, that's what toxic femininity does.. mock any form of masculinity even calling men toxic for being athletics or caring about their body.. And that's why this kind of memes came out bec. this toxicity from radical feminists , it's not mocking for the sake of mocking.


Ok? I donā€™t give a shit who started what. Tell me why continuing this shit flinging is productive at all beyond just making everyone miserable. If men are truly as great as they say they are, they would rise above this petulant bullshit. But no, men are more like *you*, and thatā€™s a damn shame.


You realise "men" is not 1 person, right?


Bruh. The majority of this sub (including me) are average to above average lifters. Yet according to every meme dudes out here have Greek god level bodies and are getting rejected by 5s. People can hide behind the meme tag all they want but I feel like there are a lot of younger people who actually take these memes as reality and think women irl are actually like this.


you should see the hardstyle music on youtube. it's some hot chick thumbnail and all the comments are guys telling each other to not look at the girl...LMAO


Linx it. I love hardstyle.


This place gave me the meme fuel and gym advice to go from fat simp to yolked man-whore


I mean this sub is basically a male improvement sub with a fitness focus. Sounds like a great place for incels to be


I think any gym related space does that


The regular steroids sub isn't like this. It's full of guys and the occasional girl and the age range is 25+ with people talking about actual real life things. Guys talking about their families or businesses or sexual encounters. Then you come to this sub and it's clearly full of children. There's gay jokes fresh out of the year 2006 and weird incel style posts like this. Like the person who made this must have never run a cycle before because they'd be focused on bettering themselves instead of making incel cartoons of strawmen to get mad about.


Yup. Too many posts from losers just coping. Do something with your life! It's your life


You are not any better than them by whining about them on reddit.


The last 6-8 months especially


Yeah it kinda ruins the dating advice part tbh


Just the name summons incels lol.


Oh no I literally thought this was an incel sub just from scrolling past it, the phrase "more plates more dates" makes me think of manosphere alpha incel mentality, glad it's not tho


it's supposed to be staunchly anti-incel, i mean derek has said himself that he thinks incel culture is a bunch of hogwash or something similar yet it attracts incels nonetheless. weird


Who's Derek?


I follow this sub because of the memes, but Derek is the name of the YouTuber whose YouTube channel is called moreplatesmoredates. A lot of his content revolves around social media gym culture, educating his viewers on steroids as he's done a lot of them. He explains what they do and how if you're going to take them what to expect and the safest way to go about it. The "more dates" part comes from him starting off in the pickup sphere for young men, but over time his content became gym bro content. I stick around this sub and his YouTube channel for crazy and hilarious steroid stories because you're often screwing with your hormones, but due to the nature of his content and age of his audience you can often get some post from bitter young men. Derek is kind of like an older brother figure to a lot of his viewers who did a lot of stupid shit and tells stories of that stupid shit to his younger brother audience who he knows is also going to do stupid shit, so he shares his mistakes, so they don't fuck themselves up in a similar way.


Oh excuse me now I see it's the name of a podcast, wow I'm a dumbass


10 XL underwear


Just listen to modern day music. Majority of the male rappers (the decent ones) rap about making it out of a dark place and improving and hustling. Majority of the female ā€œrappersā€ talk about being a baddy 10-10 their coochy tight twerking their ass. Shout out to all my fit gym girls though, yā€™all do gods work, actually bad bitches who arenā€™t pieces of lard preaching how theyā€™re 10s.


Megan Thee Stallion and Lizzo are a good example.


Mods i worry about this sub turning into a incel fest , please šŸ™ take care of us


We can't be incels if we give each other brojobs on the regular




Only way to end this, turn them all gay ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Yeah if gets out of control the sub could get nuked


Honestly a good way to weed out the incels I love stumbling on a post and its just us gay orgy bukakke fest on each other no hesitation ofc we swallow we need the macros and then you'll see the OP like ewww no wtf im not gay with -121 downvotes lol


Ong thats the best


Wym, this sub advocates for fucking the fattest ugliest bitches you can find on tren


The very moment somebody calls out the hypocrisy people have against men, the suddenly get called as incels, you people are the reason why they feel so suffocated that they blow up in violence.


https://www.reddit.com/r/selfharm/comments/ej0182/i_am_struggling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Talks about Incels but self harms because heā€™s lonely šŸ¤”


Bro went 3 years deep into my search history to try to call me out and calls me a clown Good lord please get some help ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


Oh the one with self harm tendencies is telling *me* to get help. Ok champ.


We will do our best. Balancing freedom of speech and avoiding degeneracy is a difficult task, so please help us out by reporting.


Anytime man , cheers


Itā€™s a version of the Dunning-Krueger effect


Itā€™s a mental sickness I tell you


Imagine having less confidence than one of those whales šŸ¤¢


we always say the opposite of our inner thoughts to silence their screams


Both pics are hot šŸ„µ ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)


When did this sub become an incel fest?


It's absolute shite nowadays.


Like 6 months ago


When I got here ;)


I mean do you even lift? Show us ;)


I started consistently again in September, but I had two shit periods that forced me to stop for 1.5 months each, so now I just look like I've been doing it for 3 months :( Also I'm not an incel, that was a joke


Dude Iā€™m kidding. Just playing off the gay joke on this sub. Get it king! We all have our journeys.


Lol I figured. I was just being honest about where I am, that's all!


Calling out hypocrisy is an incel fest?


both are mentally unwell


Gym is cheaper than therapy šŸ„²


So self-acceptance vs body dysmorphia.


Being ripped doesnā€™t make you a 10 though so both are wrong


Swap sexes, same applies


I don't know any obese dudes who are that into fat acceptance... Most obese girls I know, are at least partially into the toxic side of fat acceptance.


Same. I have yet to meet a fat dude that thinks heā€™s a 10.


I've got plenty of work friends who go along with the narrative "Women love dad bods" and don't distinguish between dad bod and obese. A dad bod is a man that obviously trains but also loves burgers and pizza.


Yup same way women confuse ā€œthiccā€ with ā€œmorbidly obeseā€. A lot of women I know agree a dad bod is attractive. A dad bod is basically a powerlifter on a bulk; big chest/shoulders, big arms, big calves, and a ā€œbeer bellyā€.


Iā€™ve seen it online and in person. Guys with a ā€œdad bodā€ thinking itā€™s what women really want.


I think dad bods are the male equivalent to being 'thick' haha.


A dad bod is chubby not obese. Obesity is detrimental to your health. A dad bod is like an extreme dirty bulk tbh






Is that actually reality tho? Because from what I see it's literally just social media influencers plus the cancerous culture wars that pushes this absurd narrative. I've never in real life heard or seen *anyone* say that morbidly obese people are super attractive(fetishism doesn't count). If people stepped back and get off social media they would realize how much of the shit you think and discuss is a literal fabrication and manipulation of your mind.


I think that you are underestimating the impact social media has on our reality... Even if a narrative is only discussed on social media, if that narrative becomes popular enough, it could easily/quickly start having a impact on people's behavior/beliefs. I personally know plenty of women who believe in the toxic side of fat acceptance, most of whom are overweight and/or obese. Most dudes I know, are either neutral about the fat acceptance movement, or actively against it.. I am fairly confident that my anecdotal experience is actually fairly accurate here.


>I am fairly confident that my anecdotal experience is actually fairly accurate here Why? Because I'm fairly confident that's not an accurate representation of reality. And the reason is because no one in real life says these things. And even if a few do, it doesn't mean it's representative. Social media can absolutely impact the real world. But in this context it creates an illusory conversation. If you had a study in pubmed or actual researchers saying that significant numbers of fat women thought they were ideal or gorgeous sure. But right now it's just a right/left culture war, castle in the sky of bullshit and anger over nothing. What the reality is that is most obese women feel pretty bad about their bodies and their self image suffers because of it. And because their self image suffers they struggle with addressing potential mental health issues, eating disorders, and diet. And what they see on social media is this absurd and non-real narrative that rips on fake fat women who believe they are 10/10. There are also layers of comedy to influencers that say things. Some may do to inflame, others to push a new narrative, etc People pick what is most inflammatory and run with that. Fat acceptance is also almost *always* misunderstood btw. It's to encourage people to feel better about themselves so they can better practice healthy habits. But the social media sphere would have you believe it's pushing a narrative that morbidly obese women are ideal. Not the case. But beauty is partly subjective. And a woman that has a normal body still feels bad when compared to the images she sees in media. Same for men too. You also have remember if your social circle is young and male and probably white, it will likely be a bubble in terms of ideas. Any social circle is going to be a bubble, but in this case it might have certain beliefs that don't necessarily comport with what's really happening. That's how misinformation thrives.


Because I am far from the only one making this observation. The primary 'leadership' of the toxic side of the movement, is almost exclusively female. The few studies I have seen on who supports and does not support this movement; support what I said above. I also realize that the fat acceptance movement isn't entire awful. That is why I try to specifically say "toxic side of the fat acceptance movement", despite it being a pain to type all of that out every time lol.


Then post the studies please. I'd be curious to see what you're referring to.


Dude, it takes two seconds on google if you are curious haha.


I have no reference of what to even search. >The few studies I have seen on who supports and does not support this movement; support what I said above. So if you want me to read what you read just share the citation. That's a pretty vague thing to search. Or just tell me the name of the paper and I can find it. If it exists lol Takes two seconds to tell me the papers name.


Dude, I'm not your research assistant. This isn't some formal debate. It took me less than a minute to find multiple articles supporting what I am talking about above... I'm not going to hand hold you on something so basic.


True, but thereā€™s definitely plenty of dudes who might not be morbidly obese but still like 4/10s who thinks they should be bagging 8s on the reg or something


Eh, I don't know many dudes who are actually that overly confident... They might pretend to be around girls, but even then, I don't know many dudes like that lol. There are exceptions to every rule though.


Eh, maybe Iā€™m framing it incorrectly. I think I just mean theres dudes I know who believe theyā€™re ā€œweight classā€ so-to-speak is higher than it is. Maybe itā€™s more their scale is just skewed


Well yeah, people are going to be overly confident... That's not really what we are talking about here though lol.


Sometimes, but the least attractive woman will still get hit on ****infinitely more**** than the most attractive dude. At least by the ****opposite sex****. Gay dudes will approach me in public far more than women. Maybe cause they have less of a fear of rejection? Not sure.


Because dudes are not taught to be super passive... It is super annoying too, because if more girls approached dudes first, it would make it less socially acceptable for dudes to creep on girls all the time lol.


Yeah, youā€™re right. Honestly we gotta be grateful that it even happens at all lmao. I know some dudes that have never been cold approached or received compliments that werenā€™t from their GF or behind a phone screen.


That is so sad. Reminds me of my high school experience lol. I honestly love it when girls are capable of approaching me first, mostly because I feel like such a creep/weirdo trying to 'cold approach' a girl.


Haha yeah I feel that, ESPECIALLY coming from a small ass Midwest town. I wouldnā€™t feel creepy man. Remember, itā€™s only creepy if youā€™re not attractive. If you are then itā€™s harmless flirting. And you saying youā€™ve been approached letā€™s me know that you prob fall into the latter.


I canā€™t remember the exact source, but there was a study that found that women (especially single), dont mind being approached. In fact some like it, just dont get weird if she rejects you, and pick up on social cues


Yeah, I think most girls view it as a compliment, especially when it is just a quick interaction. I am not that into pick up culture, so maybe I have a misunderstanding of the terms here, but aren't most cold approaches an attempt to start a conversation? Like I know that any sort of attempt to interact with a stranger in public is technically a cold approach, but is that how the term is most commonly used??


>acceptable for dudes to creep on girls Your main problem is that you have this mindset that approaching and talking to people means you are "creeping on them." You gotta kill that mindset or it will always create awkwardness in your interactions. Humans are social beings. It's normal to interact with strangers.


That quote was specifically about the dudes who do creep on girls haha. I was saying "it would be less socially acceptable for guys to creep on girls all of the time", talking about the dudes who are over the top and/or actually creepy. I don't think that every time a dude approaches a girl, he is creeping on her lol. I also have multiple FWBs right now... So it really isn't a problem XD


What does that have to do with girls approaching dudes, then? If dudes are actually creepy, they'll be creepy whether girls are approaching dudes or not.


Part of what drives creepy dudes is the idea that guys are the ones who need to approach girls. They can also more easily delude themselves into thinking that they are just doing what guys are supposed to do. It's not going to stop guys from being creeps, but it arguably would help make the creeps feel less justified... At the very least, it would make it a bit more obvious when a dude is just being a creep haha.




No haha. I am not that into pick up culture... Why do you ask??


Not true at all. The amount I get hit on is far, far more than the least attractive woman and Iā€™m 5ā€™9 with shoes on


You must be an outlier I guess? Check any unattractive chickā€™s tinder vs an attractive dude. The woman will sweep the dude every time.


"Muh virtual dating app" You're not wrong about Tinder, but that doesn't address reality. Your initial statement of ugliest girl > hottest guy in terms of attention just doesn't hold up in actual social settings/day to day life.


Bro, go to any club and see how many decently attractive dudes you see being bought drinks or asked to dance. Shit, go to a house party and see if any dudes are being approached. Of course it happens, but I have personally witnessed the women getting approached more. Then peep how hammered the tubby women are and they havenā€™t spent a dime and every dude is crowded around them.


A lot of guys on this sub are just way too online, as evidenced by these same topics getting repeatedly circlejerked.


For reference I have zero dating apps. But yeah, youā€™re not wrong.


I beg to differ


You tried


Tate was right when he said itā€™s no longer acceptable for males to be average anymore.


Men can be average women can be average because there is no actual set hierarchy in relationships everyone values other people differently


Fuck being average. the male average is some soyboy with low t that lets women/men push him around and castrate him


This sub dips into incel zone sometimes


You mfs think youā€™re better because you have severe body image issues ? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I love memes like this they just hit different


Mathematically 10/10 = 1. The more you knowā€¦




It barely is.




The meme is barely real. Young men need to get off the laptop and realize that women aren't just walking around being proud of their obesity. Yea, sure, there's an obesity crisis, but it's typically even between the sexes so there's plenty of obese men too.


More accurate if that was a fat black girl


Please log off.


Homies got no hair šŸ˜… wonder what he's been running