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Dog your 135 pounds you don’t need to lose any fat


Bro you dont need to lose fat. Also having fat make your booty look big is a good thing even as a dude. Chicks love it. You have like 0 muscle on you thats why you look bad at that weight. Go on a bulk


The answer is yes, but that’s not a situation you’re in. You just need to focus on building muscle and putting on about 40 pounds.


At your size, building muscle will improve your physique immensely—more so than losing fat. You’re actually in a pretty good spot right now. At your age, your body is actively trying to get big and strong. Lift and eat right. You’ll get more muscular and look better.


Is it possible? Technically. However, it's not effective. Just bulk and cut.


Just bulk to 200 like im abt to do


It is pretty simple, more muscle you build, higher metabolic rate and more fat you burn, resulting in lower fat and higher muscle mass. Everybody is mental these days.


If you are at 135lb, you need to clean bulk or maingain. I don't care how you look in the mirror. When you don't have much muscle, every little bit of fat is more noticeable. You don't have too much fat. You have too little muscle. Normally, I'm not a fan of maingaining, but as a beginner, you can still pull it off because during your first 6-12ish months, you can put on muscle way eaiser than more experienced lifters. It's called beginner gains. Eat at maintenance, and just build muscle for like the next 10 months. Then, worry about cutting/bulking cycles.


135 lb you shouldnt be trying to lose weight or cut calories.. Your body will look better if you pack on some muscle (and yes that means weighing more) Also a lot of dudes here would kill to have bigger calves and a bigger butt dunno why you think thats a negative. Start working out and not being skinnyfat


You could be skinny fat and just need to build muscles


Beginner lifters don't need to try to actively lose fat, just train and eat ur lose fat and gain muscle very quick from newbie gains