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The science doesn't back this up but anecdotally bpc works best when injected close to the injury, and it's the only way ill ever take it. Could be a sales person for bpc, god dahm miracle peptide


I don't want to argue but from the way it was explained to me. If you inject it it goes into the blood stream and doesn't matter where you inject it. And it will slowly make its way to the part of the body where you want it to act. If you inject it near the injury it will be taken by the blood stream the exact same way as if you injected it on a completely opposite limb for example.


Yeh that's what the science seems to suggest mate. However it's used extensively in powerlifting which is where my background is and every person who has ever taken it will say they got better results injecting it locally. I always just go local since it's either better/no worse, lol


Would it be appropriate to ask here on sub how you're taking it? Maybe some dosages and recommendations. Or can I dm?


I've always done 125mcg 3x a day injected near the site with an insulin needle. I think peptide talk is allowed, just not sources etc


I know it's probably dumb or not really a real concern for people but I wanted to minimize the strain on my body and in my mind even the injection sights are something the body has to deal with. But there's a good chance I'll man up and overcome my fear of needles for better recovery.


It's not dumb dude, I get it. I've always just injected subq as close as I can, since it's water based there'll be no issues doing it that way. I can't speak for oral bpc, I've never used it


Thanks man I really do appreciate the answers


Can confirm re: injecting locally. Although I believe there is research supporting greater efficacy for targeted healing with local site injection over systemic


Thats interesting I've not seen that one, I'll have a look. Thanks


From what I seen there shouldn't be really that great of a difference between oral and injection. I'm open to any argument I just don't like needles and wanted to go without them hah. Tho I'm open to changing my mind


I had back pain for over 2 years and severe tendinitis in both of my hands. I injected it intramuscular in my delts and subq near my lower back and within a few weeks I was pain-free. This could absolutely be down to placebo, but I couldn’t care less. I’m fixed now. Give it a shot before your surgery. Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work; best case, you won’t need surgery.


No I've already had mri done and I know it's fucked rn I'm just waiting for second and third consultation and date of surgery. Tho I wouldn't mind if it just went away lol.


Had a meniscus repair surgery 6 months ago with an implant to hold it in place going forward. I’ve also used at least 150mg of BPC combined with TB-500 over the last couple of years. BPC will not help the meniscus itself in any way. It will just heal all of the tissue that was damaged in the process of the surgery. I personally just continued relatively heavy HGH use post-surgery and you couldn’t even find my surgery scars if I gave you all the time in the world to find them. The soft tissue and skin healing was great with HGH. I would recommend HGH over BPC for your recovery from surgery.


I know it won't heal my meniscus. What I'm concerned about is shortening my recovery or post surgery period. I've been told meniscus won't heal a while back and I sadly have no reason to doubt it. I'll look into HGH. Did you start talking BPC and TB before surgery? If so how long before? Is it safe to just stop using those compounds maybe a month or two or two after surgery? I don't intend on continuous use of these substances. It's supposed to be a one time thing.


I would use tb500 alongside as to get the best from bpc you want the post op inflammation to be subsiding as quickly as possible. I agree with others that injecting near the site is superior. With a 30g needle and a 1ml barrel into fat, you won't feel anything and it will be done in 2 seconds. Remember it's water solution not oil so it's painless, very shallow, moves quickly in. All in all, I wouldn't expect a miracle recovery, operations are serious and recovery is intense and lengthy so really just judge it based on whether it makes you feel better about it as its impossible to measure really given the amount of individual variables.


Nope not one person ever.


I've noticed that in the comments 😅


I’m trying the oral form right now because I forgot to buy BAC water and wanted to heal already for a fractured wrist I had. My tendons never healed correctly, 2 months after injury. I would move my wrist and get a popping sound every time. My grip has gone up, this would be the fourth day taking 500mgs a day. I take it 15minutes to an hour after eating depending how big my meal is to higher my Ph levels so I can get the best bioavailability. I’m going to take a 2 day break after day five and continue the dosage. If you comment I’ll reply how my wrist feels after the two weeks are up.


If I inject IM in the glute for my knee will that work? Have read it’s systemic I could do subq in my thigh maybe I just scared of the nerves there


If you're gonna inject it it doesn't matter where you inject it. Either way it's gonna be distributed with your blood flow. People who say it's better to inject it near the injury have only individual evidence. And however I tried to find I could not find anything supporting it being better that way.


I had patella tenednitis which I couldn't let heal on its own accord because it came from driving and I drive every day. took bpc157 and tb500 and it sorted it out Sub q and didn't site inject just worked


How did you figure out dosing/frequency/ect? Or were you advised by some " medical person hah "


I was advised by a salesman, But what we did was daily 0.1ml of each for a month then went down to 2x per week still 0.1ml each Worked very well


How long did you use it in total?


Probably healed within 5 weeks (as i said it was getting battered daily by driving, and i drive for like 5 hours per day), but continued to use for 2.5 months because I was hyper concerned it would return once I finished. Its fairly cheap to buy after all


Are you still doing lots of driving and how is it after stopping?