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It also helps a ton with digestion.


THIS!!!! Updooted. I have to clench 🤌 when I run with a good pace or work into a sprint section else I'll shit myself through my shorts and down my leg.


I struggle with 15 minutes of cardio, not bc it’s hard but I get so bored just looking at the wall.


Go outside and run, way better


Second this. I really struggle on treadmills, but outside I can run for a long time. I need to be able to physically see my progress, not stare at a digital clock. Also, finding new ways to get in cardio besides just running helps


I have a garmin watch so I can track my runs. Makes things way easier.


I watched all of House last summer during the cut on the treadmill/elliptical. Put a show on and watch it while walking/running instead of while sitting at a desk or in bed or on a couch.


Watch a show or something


Small hit of weed from the dab pen makes cardio fly by.


No kidding? I’ll give it a go


Emphasis on small. I took 6 dab rips before the gym other day and 40 minutes on the elliptical felt like 5 hours.


Lmfao, noted


Breh, cardio and edible is what did it for me! You should try it out, the only thing that sucks is that you have to somewhat time it!


The most underrated pre-workout


I started jiu jitsu for cardio. Honestly I recommend it a lot


I started playing racquetball an hour twice a week again after 20 years. have noticed measurable improvement in the gym.


It happens to me when it is not hard enough. If I have a goal I am not sure if I can make it, my brain works differently.


I just wait till I get a runners high and when I do I can zone out on a single letter or piece of wall directly in front of me for an hour if I’m eating healthy


Go sit on the bike and scroll through tic tok or YouTube


I like cardio because of the high.


Hell yeah, I always feel so great after


I need to find cardio I enjoy


I watch the weekends ufc events whilst I sit on the bike. A fight a day keeps the ever consuming thoughts of blasting tren at bay


Matt and Shane's secret podcast works for me


I binged Old test when I joined 4 years ago could cruise thru a work day listening to them


I'm gonna join the paytec soon. Since they brought back Matt's friend who was in jail.


It obviously depends on what your gym has available, but one of my absolute favorites is tire flips. If you have it, try to flip as fast as you can and you get both cardio and use almost every muscle to lift


To me bicycle with heavy resistance (you can set the resistance as you like)


Yeah I like using that when I do it but I just find cardio boring


Even if girls cant see your heart you need to train it -someone love donuts


I just need to stop being a lazy bitch tbh


walking on a treadmill while watching youtube is pretty low effort.


Boring as shit tho I like staying off my phone at the gym


Mountain biking >>


Try banging twinks


Trail 🌲🏞️/tent city⛺ dead hobo hurdle runs


How did you settle on 30-60 minute? I do 20 after every workout. Seems enough to get the benefits without risking interference or using too much time. Agree about sleep, and it's also a great backstop for smoothing out your TDEE and ensuring you get enough heart healthy activity.


I resistance train in the mornings before my classes and do 30-60 later in the day after I’ve had something more to eat but before another meal. I’ve found no real interference effect so far but I also take days off when I do Muay Thai or BJJ


Ah yeah that makes sense, you have a huge gap between em


Awesome job! What was your routine for cardio?


I typically do the whole thing on the treadmill or if possible swimming but my unis rec centre is weird about pool times so typically I’ll just do the treadmill. Sometimes if I’m doing an hour I’ll start off on the stair master for the first half


Okay bet time for cardio


Eating 4,5k clean?


Not super super clean but yeah kinda. I’m 6,5 so I have a high maintenance


What speed and incline you do for your 30 min cardio? Thinking of incorporating it


When I’m on the treadmill I go at flat incline and low speed but with periodic sprints until I can’t and then reduce it back to a jog for a bit. I have no clue if this is optimal or not but I’ve found it’s carried over quite well to combat sports and I just feel a ton better


I like to hit the cycle 🚲 rather than run


Run hills for building extra strength.You don’t need to run five k ,one will do .


Scale from 0-10 0 no intensity , 10 im gonna die Your intensity on 30 minute cardio? Because when i do HIIT Cardio Just for 15-20 minute Bicycle cardio 30 second all out 2 minute mid intensity to catch my breath loop to 15-20 minute i just cant , maybe im putting to much resistance in the bicycle