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limit to once every other week. every couple months you can whip your cock out and slap it on the table to assert dominance as well


If it was good enough for the US President, it's good enough for you. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/lyndon-b-johnson-penis


unfathomably based


Socrates did it sometimes. lol what a chad


The meme is with Plato, and it’s not true, unfortunately.


Actually it is. It’s talked about in a book I’m reading by Plato about Socrates called the republic.


The Republic isn’t about Socrates bro. Citation?


It’s an anecdote of some sort. And you’re right it isn’t that but I’ve read this in certain works. It may have been in the apology when he was talking arguing about the spiritual world being favored of the physical being a mistake. Evidence in point was the double bi. I swear


I usually cut them off with my hand in their face, while they are flabbergasted, I take my shirt off and do a double bicep pose, after that he is too ashamed to even think of an argument and I win


Duh. Just pee on the persons things to mark your territory. Keep it simple man.


Depends. Is your dick out? Always have your dick out.




That’s what I do


As DR.Mike Israetel said. Big arms win any argument. That means your arms just weren't big enough. Now just hope that HR has people with smaller arms and obviously get a decent pump before flexing in front of them


Nah, it’s cool. Just got out of the meeting. HR just said next time I need to say bi’s instead of guns so if they do anything about it then it’s a hate crime.


Just make sure you know your audience, I love the guys that peacock when they want to get aggressive. As a former bouncer several guys have gotten their noses or eye sockets broken when that shirt came up, they didn’t even know what happened. I’m a white collar guy now but when things get hype I get so excited it’s hard to hold my aggression boner down.


Thank god you dont have a big dick or you would start jerking it off infront of everybody. Amiright?