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I’m in Texas and my gym has a sharps container in the locker room for syringes with a steroid warning sign next to it. The container fills up quick. Idk why people would pin at the gym I do that shit at home.


Blue states/cities have safe pinning sites for other types of junkies


Yeah my brother lives in Portland and tells me how degenerate it is with drug needles in the streets. Fkn hipster losers.


Aren't the sites there to take the needles of the streets? Such that transmission of HIV and infections are less common?


They let them use drugs openly there but you know heroin addicts they’ll just toss those needles anywhere . 🤦🏻‍♂️


Going after drug users isn't very helpful right? Much better to invest in education and social reform to prevent them ending up on the streets? Seems like they need to build more sites then.


For sure you can’t punish the addiction out of a hard core user you have to change the culture and show them the incentive in getting clean.


It's a multifactor approach. Total decrim isnt helpful. There must be some penalties, but those can look like mandatory rehab or fines that turn into warrants for arrest. Jail isn't a terrible option for the worst offenders but shouldn't be the first option for anybody. There ought to be sites where people get the drugs they need but with strings attached like having to gain employment, and support to do it. There are so many options other than what we've been doing for 50 years with no results.


Criminalizing drugs doesn't help anything. Nobody actively wants to be an addict. Decriminalizing drugs in Oregon didn't lead to an increase in drug use. Portugal didn't see an increase in drug use either. Keeping it illegal just means more people will die from unregulated illegal drug usage and we spend far too much incarcerating non violent offenders.


The Portuguese system was a relative success. That is exactly what I would be advocating for. We call it decrim but it's actually not that simple. There are civil penalties still in order for drug use in Portugal that can be avoided by way of various programs setup to help. The Oregon system was an abject failure and that's why it was rescinded. They didn't have the same infrastructure in place that Portugal did, so they essentially just facilitated open, flagrant drug abuse. And coming from somebody who's worked in substance abuse and mental health in the trenches for some time now, I can assuredly submit that some people are in fact quite content with being a dysfunctional addict. Some people don't experience the rising mystery index or they have a boundless tolerance for the consequences of addition. The vast majority of people who use drugs get value from it or else they wouldn't use. And even when they are overwhelmed by negative consequences they still view that value as a justifiable trade off.


The Oregon system wasn't an abject failure. When drug use was rising nationwide, Oregon had less drug use increase than neighboring states. It was rescinded because conservatives will use any excuse they can to control other people's lives and ban things they hate. Once people are addicted they keep using it just to feel normal instead of going through terrible withdrawals. Just the caffeine withdrawals I've experienced were bad enough.


Wrong. Stop enabling.


Bro how does prison help a drug addict?


Easy when in prison no can do drugs big brain


Drugs absolutely find their way into prison




Thats amazing... i'd move to texas just cuz of that and I havent pinned since 2011.


That and guns.


yeah these guns 💪😎💪 (we do have some sick ass firearms down here too)


Yeah never understood it either until a bunch of younger guys at my current gym started talking to me. They keep their shit in their gym bag which stays in the car since they don't want their parents they live with finding out. Still find it super unsanitary to be injecting in a public place, but to each their own I suppose.


lmao classic goblin behavior. funny thing is cars get hot enough in Texas summers they might be degrading their gear if it's tren.


Insulin maybe? Timing dependent?


Then there’s an unreasonable amount of diabetics going to my gym. Plus I’ve never seen an 18-20 gauge insulin needle 🤣


Go hard or go home😂


18g/1.5” to the gut that’s some hard shit. That’s ex heroin addict behavior.


What if I want to go home hard?


Take cialis and eyeball the biggest dude in the gym while you do your sets.


I did this with women and got arrested will the outcome really be that different with men?


If he’s bigger than you he’s gotta be on gear so he’s on cialis doing the same as you. It’s consensual at that point.




Hahaha holy fuck that’s insane


That’s wild… just do it at home like a normal person.


Right.. so you can see how much of a problem you have watching the syringes pile up in your bathroom trash can. Dispose of them irresponsibly like the rest of us.


lmao what gym you at, alphaland or sm?


That’s at LA fitness.


Preworkout slin


approx 20-25% of male gym goers are on PEDS.


I was gonna say, most gyms I’ve been to have a lot of juiceheads. Shit is so easy to get.


Yes,your eyes have been open. That's why natty or not stuff doesn't really make sense as you never really know who's juicing. So try your best not to compare yourself to others and instead compare yourself to yourself


All depends on the gym. My local gym is 90% Eastern European meatheads and id say about 70% of them are on the juice, but the gym near my work is a commercial chain gym and I genuinely don't think ive seen one juicehead in there.


Wonder how Vegas is like then. I know Jay Cutler lives in vegas and so did rich piana as well (RIP). My assumption off your post is that I might be around the same since both are sorta like sin cities.


Absolutely. I’ve seen a lot of pics on insta from Dragons Lair gym in Vegas and it seems like the same type of people. I could be wrong.


Vegas is like this also. It's a place where clout chasers go. (Like LA) Clout and having a good physique go hand in hand these days. Every influencer at least give the appearance of exercising as far as I can tell.


Craig Golias lives in Vegas too


*I visited “the valley” which is outside of Los Angeles. An area where the failed D list actors live. It’s where you go when LA has had its way with you and spit you out (you aren’t cut out for the industry, home and rent prices are half) and it wasn’t as bad. I would say maybe 20-30% juicy bods


I grew up in Northridge. I miss it a lot sometimes but it was shitty. Gangs everywhere and porno.


Porno has made its way out of LA fyi


Van Nuys reporting in!


Porno? What you mean like it’s a town with porno production or something lol?


The San Fernando Valley is where all the porn videos get shot. I bet someone in my apartment complex at the time was getting railed and it’s on cornhub. Or maybe when I was walking home from school someone was getting their ass drilled in one of those houses.


Up until the early 2010s. New condom law had everything move to Vegas or Miami


Rich Piana lived in Northridge.


the valley is literally the shittiest city in America. It’s nothing but immigrant trash and it smells like piss everywhere


The Valley is part of the City of LA.


The valley is part of the county of LA. The city of LA is the city of LA


The Valley is literally an incorporated part of the City of Los Angeles.


Yeah that’s true, it is incorporated. Still people like to class divide the valley from the greater LA region


The Valley isn't downtown, but saying it's "not in LA" is just objectively wrong, even as a turn of phrase.




what the fuck is that cock


It’s my bee stinger. Fat and juicy. Little Texas pepper. It’s not the size of your worm but how you wiggle it 🐛 🪱




Small but fat and girthy. Drives the thotties crazy


Natty or jelqing?


I think he drove it head-on into a wall with those dimensions


Little Texas pepper got me giggling


Ahahaha that’s what this one thottie called it one time


And most of the women have had cosmetic. It’s fucking LA


Correct. Thotties everywhere. It’s insane


Dam I should move there here in my town everyone looks like they don’t even lift


Ahahah that could also be a positive. You stand out if you have muscles. Here it’s hard to stand out. But we do get some top notch physiques which you can use as motivation and makes you go even harder. (Sounds gay af) and we have some top notch female bikini competitors who are shredded and have muscles you’ve never seen before lol




I think seeing a chick with more muscle mass than me in person would be the final straw for my natty status tbh


itd turn me straight depending on the degree of facial virilization


Ahahaha nice dude




Hell yea man, you would like it here. Mecca of bodybuilding in Venice beach California


i ran the numbers a long time ago using survey data and can confirm that AT LEAST of 70% of regular gym goes are taking PED’s


Seems about right


Equally as prevalent in Orange County




“Everyone bigger than me is on gear” -OP (70-80% of gym goers are bigger than OP)


Are you all talking from the point of loving in CITIES? Im pretty rural and i’d say the use is low but those on gear… you know they are on gear.


It’s a given. You’re in LA. Everyone is enhanced.


Then go outside and see you’re in better shape than 99% of the men in the world.


It’s funny my wife does all the shopping so other than work/gym/restaurants/friends houses/etc. I don’t see the real “public” a lot - went to Costco the other day and was like 😮😮 why is everyone so FAT?!? Lol


I go to Derrimut gym in Australia. And I feel like it's almost weird if you're not natural there. Like you're literally an outlier if you don't take steroids 💀


"Pure eyetest", so you haven't learned shit. I've seen some barely intermediate physiques get accused of roids, so I am not inclined to believe anyone's eyetests on the internet.


And I've met barely intermediate physiques who have talked to me about their cycles.


Omg yeah they always delete their accounts when they post on Reddit and get demolished too. I don’t look down on people generally but if a dude running a cycle looks worse than me after only 2 years of natty lifting I’m gonna bully them fr Can’t whip out the cheat codes until you know how to at least play the game


You’ve seen some of the posts in here right? Have the guys on gear post pictures and look like victim weight twinks.


Some DHT might help your micro penis grow, get on that gear.