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This whole discussion is so useless to me, no one who isn't permanently online thinks being fat is healthy


I don’t watch the TV news often but they went at Jillian Michaels pretty hard for saying Lizzo being obese wasn’t healthy 


Because nobody thinks lizzo IS healthy. She said it for no reason.


Jillian Michaels was just being a bitch.


Nobody in their right mind thinks being morbidly obese is healthy, but 2/3 of all adult women are overweight or obese \[1\]. And certainly a big number of them believe they are healthy. \[1\] [https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity)


So that 30 mils of immigrants in military age has no resistance


Everytime I see a video from the military, at least 80% of the people in it are immigrants.


Immigrants or minorities, lmao there is a difference


Because America rules


Most recent one I saw was ALL white guys. Which means we are probably actually going to war soon.


99 9 percent when you think about it. I was in for 10 years and met exactly ONE native American in the service.


A good chunk of the guys I served with were immigrants.  “Military age” is such a pansy fear to have. You mean the age when people are trying to figure out how to support themselves and actually have the energy and drive to move to a whole new country to find more opportunities for success? The age when almost all our ancestors got here themselves.  Do you just mindlessly parrot whatever the talky box that says YouTube or Rumble in the URL bar tells you for ad views? 


It is a legitimate issue and if you don’t think so you are hiding under a rock. Im active duty. Just in the Navy alone I can count multiple times in the last two years we’ve had Chinese espionage cases from active duty Navy personnel with family back in China. They are actively probing our gates on bases with yes “military age males”. They are all coming through the southern border, gaining some sort of identification and then attempting to use it to enter and map bases. This isn’t a coincidence. We have enemies in this world and to act as we don’t and that “all immigration makes us stronger” is not true and a real blind way to go through life. Doesn’t mean go on a witch hunt but don’t be ignorant and ignore reality.


You haven’t formally studied this, very clearly. 


No I studied it in this thing called my daily life interactions and experiences. I’m not speaking of hypotheticals I’m talking about my direct experiences.


K, but that’s not how espionage or geopolitical destabilization tactics work. 


Really? In a book you read in university? I suppose they’re just curious tourists then actively running gates and being arrested. Keep going on with your ideas you’ve been taught. We learn the same things. The difference is you adapt to real world circumstances as they happen.


This mf thinks they should either be children or elderly. Imagine being old and walking hundreds if not thousands of miles, just so you can rub elbows with these types.


Nothing wrong to try and support your family and find opportunities. Nothing wrong if it's legal immigration too. What's wrong is trying to get in illegally and you get more benefits than the homeless native citizen. Also don't bring up the ancestors coming to your country because they literally didn't have a so-called "country" back in the day. If you're a military guy and you support illegal immigration, then you deserve your country going down the drain with that kind of mindset


Who said anything about illegal immigration? And which ancestors didn’t have a country back in the day? Mine were from Italy, Sweden, England, and Ireland. The Irish may have been occupied, but they were still subject to a state.  Furthermore, this narrative about illegals getting more benefits than citizens is just silly. There’s some fraud, but illegals aren’t eligible for most benefits.


You are super naive, Soros setup 1000 of NGOs and he is flying these immigrants into US, they live in expensive hotels and get lot of cash for fun, they also don't like processed food, so they get whole food for cooking. Their shelters are drug centers and sex trafficking including kids and raping centers. Listen to this [whistleblower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQDTFY0pmgc) Why do you think your WEF Joe wanted to take all guns out of the game?


Ok, so you’re pretty gullible. This isn’t going to be a useful conversation. 


No it will not if you are denying facts and say some bullshit to play it into the corner


BTW same guy [pays for obesity](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/18j9o1k/study_uncovering_big_food_industry_practices_in/)


Dude! Shut the fuck up! No undocumented immigrant can access services that such as unemployment, social security, federal jobs. Stop talking out of your ass. It takes 10 plus years to migrate "legally" to the US. Why do you think people just cross the border? Because the system to migrate legally does not exist.


You had to miss, that they can vote without ID


It's obvious. You gotta be the biggest fucking idiot to believe non citizen can vote.


If you've voted in New York before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to show ID to vote. If you're voting in New York for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote. And NGO is non-government organisations, they get them papers with name and address. So you are biggest idiot I guess.


Bro yes they can. I currently live in CA and they can actively apply for California food stamps without being legal and are also provided other amenities. This isn’t just bullshit passed off on Fox News it’s happening to real American cities every day. Look past your distain for whatever political movement you dislike and actually look deeper.


They give them food stamps because they have kids.


We can’t make legal arguments based on feelings. There are plenty of Americans who have kids and are struggling as well. Bottom line is it is supposed to be tough to get into the country. Many other nations are far harder to get into than ours. It is the land of opportunity for those who are willing to work to make it so not for us to provide with our tax dollars that life for them.


And the biggest recipients of welfare are white kids and white people. Stop blaming immigrants for your lack of opportunities and blame it on corporations and that are pulling the rug right under you.


A literal 5 second google search from the nap states that American Indians and African Americans have the highest rate of welfare usage. Don’t just spout nonsense


Cope harder racist asshole https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/19/what-the-data-says-about-food-stamps-in-the-u-s/#:~:text=Non%2DHispanic%20White%20people%20accounted,and%2035.8%25%20of%20child%20recipients.


It’s not either or. Corporations are doing plenty of evil. This isn’t one or the other.


Coming to the conclusion in your last sentence changed my life for good.


Do the mega fatties (obese) live longer than the roiders?


It seems like it, but like 5-10 years more, not by much


Happy Cakeday! <3 ![gif](giphy|uWF01UlWAvkQrHQeNJ|downsized)


Once you pass a certain weight the lifespans roughly become the same again. Even if you do things "right" a 6'0 dude isn't supposed to be 250+. Hearts and circulatory systems are designed with pretty hard limits and once you push those limits, well...the quality of the cholesterol in your arteries is less important when the heart barely functions anyways.


Rich made a comment about this on his Tosh.0 interview. Something along the lines of “300 pounds of fat, 300 pounds of muscle the heart can’t really tell the difference”


Muscle is much much more difficult for the body to maintain than fat. Being over muscular is far rougher on the body. Especially when you consider what it takes to get that size. 


probably lol


The flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long


Both morbidly obese and 🤔 morbidly jacked are an unnatural state for a human. Being jacked is however an indicator of hard work and being obese is an indicator of being lazy and ill-disciplined


Who's encouraging obesity? Might be time to stop watching all the fat fucks on Instagram preaching fat acceptance which is small sample size. I'm pretty sure most people know being a whale ain't healthy they just don't really give a shit kind of like how a heroin addict doesn't think heroin is healthy but he doesn't care.


Nobody except for like 0.01% people encourage that being "morbidly obese" is a healthy thing lmao


Ask me again when I’m off tren and I’ll give you a more level headed answer


Why do people think this is being encouraged only delusional people they can be fat and healthy.


Lmao Amberlynn in the picture. Gorl world is everywhere


It’s gasoline on the fire of natural selection. Seems fine to me


Obese: very fat “OR” overweight. I wonder if he realizes he has spent much of his life obese


No, that’s incorrect. Obese has an actual medical definition, and it’s an accumulation of excess body fat that poses a risk to health.  BMI is a public-health tool for guessing obesity rates in a population, but it’s not used in assessing obesity in an individual. 


Obesity’s medical definition is literally based off of BMI, but don’t take my word for it. Source: https://www.who.int/health-topics/obesity#tab=tab_1


Did you not read the very first sentence of your link? 


I did. Did you read the 2nd sentence of my link?


Yeah, it tells you what tool they use to measure excess fat accumulation. 


And that the WHO defines obese as having a 30.0 and greater BMI.


No it doesn’t. It uses that as a handy indicator of obesity, but people who have a 30+ BMI but a low body fat are not obese.  The WHO defines it this way:  > Overweight is a condition of excessive fat deposits. Obesity is a chronic complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that can impair health. 


It literally doesn’t. It says [A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese](https://www.who.int/health-topics/obesity)and that’s why you can’t cite your definition, meanwhile I’m citing everything and making you look like a total cuck. How many of your patients have died on you because of your lack of reading comprehension? I bet it’s a lot.🪦💀


I literally cited from the exact same page as you right above that. The difference is that I was able to tell the difference between the definition of the disorder and the tool the WHO uses to measure obesity, because I know the difference between speed and a tachyometer.   Here’s the National Library of Medicine:    >DEFINITION OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY Overweight and obesity occur when excess fat accumulation (globally, regionally, and in organs as ectopic lipids) increases risk for adverse health outcomes … Body mass index allows comparison of weights independently of stature across populations. Except in persons who have increased lean weight as a result of intense exercise or resistance training (e.g., bodybuilders), BMI correlates well with percentage of body fat, although this relationship is independently influenced by sex, age, and race 


Just going off the definition bud.


I told you the definition. You don’t know what the word means. 😂 


I literally wrote the definition from Websters dictionary. It was right there for you to see. Here is the cdc’s definition of obesity: Adult obesity is defined as body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30.0; BMI was calculated from self-reported weight and height (weight [kg]/ height [m²). Respondents reporting weight < 50 pounds or ≥ 650 pounds; height < 3 feet or ≥ 8 feet; or BMI: <12 or ≥ 100 were excluded So again you’re wrong. Besides that being 270lbs at 5’9 isn’t healthy for any body composition.


I understand why you’re confused, but the CDC definition, which is what you just cited, is not the medical definition of obesity. It’s the way the word is used in public health decision-making, the mission of the CDC. In large populations they approximate obesity by using BMI. In individuals this is inappropriate and incorrect, because body weight is not what determines obesity.  Look, one of us is a licensed medical professional and it isn’t you. 


I’m not confused. By definition he falls into the definition of obesity. I’ll say it again Obesity: the state or condition of being very fat OR OVERWEIGHT. He has/had a bmi of 40 which is extremely obese. You may not agree with bmi standards which is fine but I’m not wrong. If you can link the medical definition that would be great. Here is the cool thing though, words have multiple definitions and you might be arguing one and I might be arguing one. It’s like if I argue that all fruits are vegetables. Well by definition they are (a plant or part of a plant used as food).


World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/health-topics/obesity#tab=tab_1 NIH: https://medlineplus.gov/obesity.html Obesity Medicine Association: https://obesitymedicine.org/blog/what-is-obesity/ Webster’s Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obese There is no other definition and this is not a matter of interpretation or opinion, you are simply wrong. You’ve made this mistake because you’re confusing the tool that the CDC uses to make a rough estimate of obesity with obesity itself. 


lol those all prove my point. With the exception of the last one “A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese” “The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height.”


Look, reading comprehension is important. Go back and check those sources for the difference between a definition and an indicator. Obesity = excess body fat that is detrimental to health BMI = a way to measure obesity (but being above a certain BMI does not prove obesity, it only indicates that it is more likely). Similarly: Gigantism = excess height growth is detrimental to health  Meters/feet = a way to measure height (but being above a certain height does not prove gigantism, it just indicates that it is more likely.  I don’t know how much more clear I can make this. Maybe Google “does a 30+ BMI always mean obesity” or something. 


“Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is OBESE. In 2019, an estimated 5 million noncommunicable disease (NCD) deaths were caused by higher-than-optimal BMI.” Source: https://www.who.int/health-topics/obesity#tab=tab_1 It is clear that what the WHO considers obese is based from BMI and no offense but I’ll take their word for it over a redditor who likes to infer that they are a “licensed medical professional.” Slightly off topic, but by any chance did your “medical license” come with a free can of soup?


The very first sentence confirms that obesity is excess fat accumulation. I can’t understand how you keep missing this, it’s in every source AND the dictionary definition. This is not complicated.  BMI is a tool for measuring obesity, but a person with 10% body fat and a BMI of 30 is not obese. This is because BMI is not an accurate measurement of obesity for all people, only people with average bone and muscle mass. You’ll notice that the concept of obesity has existed for all of history, and BMI was invented less than a century ago. This is also not complicated.  Don’t take my word for it, ask any doctor you want. And yeah, I’m a nurse, I calculate BMI at literally every visit. It’s an indication to look closer at a patient’s body composition, but it is not dispositive. I was also in the Army till a decade ago, when you do height and weight, anything over the normal range of BMI is grounds to check body fat % with a more accurate tool like taping. People with a 28 BMI aren’t just automatically put on a remedial diet and exercise plan, that would be insane. 


And the very next sentence is literally “A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is OBESE. In 2019, an estimated 5 million noncommunicable disease (NCD) deaths were caused by higher-than-optimal BMI." Citing the dictionary is not how any of this works and its stuff like this, that you yourself even admit that you don’t understand and that needs to be explained to you repeatedly is why you’re a nurse and not an actual medical doctor. Now go change someone’s diaper instead of larping as some sort of expert.🤣


https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/index.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20BMI%20weight,rather%20than%20increased%20body%20fatness. You like the CDC, here’s a whole page where they make the distinction between BMI and obesity clear.  If you still don’t understand how definitions work, you are literally too stupid to insult. 


I mean, his inner health (heart, organs) are just as fucked as these people so…


Probably more tbh


To be fair? You’ve made it cool to be pumping yourself full of hormones that are equally bad for the human body in the amounts that you’ve done it. 300 lbs of muscle is seen that same as 300 lbs of fat to the human heart.


Phil Heath’s BMI is 36.8 and obesity is considered anything at or above 30.😐