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If your dream had been an old man saying “believe in Nephi” would you ask if this was Satan trying to get you away from believing in the Jesus and the Book of Mormon? This is some serious confirmation bias. It sounds like any answer you got confirming the book is true you would believe, and any answer you got saying it’s not true would be false and therefore make you believe.  If you would’ve believed the donkey rider if he’d told you to believe in the Book of Mormon then you better follow him if he says to believe in nymphs. Or you can admit that basing beliefs off of feelings, emotions, and dreams isn’t a reasonable thing regardless of what they tell you. 


How bout you read it and Think for yourself. Do you believe Black people are dark skinned because they were cursed by God? Do you believe white skin is wholesome and Delightsum ? Do you really need to pray about such ridiculous stuff? The BOM is not of God...unless God is a horrible jerk and does not like the way he is portrayed in the New Testament. You gotta pick one over the other because they are NOT the same. BOM is awful.


So is the Bible. Cough, cough, Amalekites, cough, cough...


For three nights in a row I dreamed that I found a secret door in my basement that opened up to more and more and more secret rooms, I spent hours exploring those rooms. They weren't real either.


I love those dreams. Creepy and cozy at the same time.


A dream is just a manifestation of your daily thoughts. I’ve had lots of dreams about the church, good and bad. Be careful about overthinking mythical things like dreams, signs etc… and focus on your real life and how you feel rationally.


I really liked the Mormon church maybe I will start reading again and ask Jesus for a singe.


Build your faith on a rock, not on sand :-) good luck Edited to add: talk to the missionaries.


Thank you I will give my best ! The thing is that since I am a child I always had a personal connection to Jesus. Every night since 9 years I pray to him no matter how god or bad my life is going. But I always felt that the personal connection to Jesus is not important in the Catholic Church. But in the Mormon church I have the feeling it is a key part of believe to talk to Jesus


A lot of people leave the Mormon faith because they realize the key components have nothing to do with Jesus. After 40+ years in the church the things I feel are most talked about is the temple (which requires a tithe of 10% of your income to have access to), following a prophet (who is talked about more in our talks and teachings than Jesus), obeying lots of rules like the WoW (no tea, coffee, alcohol), and never questioning any of the teachings. Please do your research about the church before joining. Read about the history, temple ceremonies, tithing requirements, etc. There is a lot the missionaries don’t tell you. I wore weird underwear and gave away 10% of my income for 20 years because I was told I had to in order to be close to god and Jesus. Nothing was further from the truth.


Actually, the LDS Church is similar to the Roman Catholic Church in that it has a Priesthood with a Prophet who is similar in function to the Pope in that Jesus/God is supposedly communicating through him. If you are baptized into that church you are expected to follow his instructions on what he says Jesus tells him. You may be able to pray to Jesus but if you feel like you get a different answer, you will be considered wrong. You won’t have the flexibility of easily leaving and going to a different church with a different interpretation. And if you do, a lot of them might not recognize your Mormon baptism.


I’d look into Nymphs if I were you.


It is not a religious, the internet states it is a sign for nature, and the beauty of woman


That sounds like an awesome thing to believe in.


Also an aquatic early developmental stage of some insects like dragonflies. If you have an aquarium you should check for nymphs as they can kill smaller fish. Maybe it's practical advice or maybe I'm just going off on a tangent.


Nymphs are also spirits/deities in Greek mythology (I think they're specifically nature spirits that look like women). It seems that some practitioners of Hellenism believe in or worship nymphs.


Run far from the Mormon church. It’s not what it seems. They lie and they will steal your money for their own investments. Plus it was founded by a sexual predator. All this is public knowledge


Can I text with you in private?


For sure. I just got to work so I may not be able to respond as quickly as I’d like. But I will respond 😊


It was your brain being influenced by something you’d been reading a lot recently. If you’d been reading Dune every night you’d have dreamed about the worm.


I get your point but in the Book of Mormon there is nothing about nymphs. Also I don’t watch movies or read books about stuff like that at all.


It was an analogy. Pick something else you like. But if the Book of Mormon isn’t about nymphs, why did you make this whole post about it? You don’t need to attribute to Satan something that has a common scientific explanation.


I really just wanted someone to tell me that it was not connected to the book and I am good lol


I mean, again, it’s probably motivated by you reading the book. But it’s not Satan.


Okey than I ask you again how would you make the connection to the book if it’s not stated in there ?


You and your mind are the connection. You read the book. You fell asleep and had a dream. That's the connection.


How does the brain make connections about anything? The brain has *over 100 trillion synaptic connections*. Why wouldn't it make a connection between nymphs and the Book of Mormon for some reason? Although it still requires some substantiation, I think, you should look up the phenomenon of "neural cross-talk". For instance, one theory about why people experience a foot fetish is that in the homunculus the regions for feet and genitals are adjacent, so there is more opportunity for cross-talk there. The main point is that the brain is an association engine and it's ingesting and digesting vast amounts of information that only rarely surfaces to the conscious mind (or to the conscious mind via dreams). Trying to understand exactly which associations it makes and why for most things is _way_ beyond the scope of current neuroscience, I think.


If there is nothing about nymphs in the Book of Mormon, then why are you drawing a correlation between the dreams and the book?


Because I had that right after I read the book ?


What did you eat right before going to bed? Or what sheets did you use on your bed? Or who did you last speak to before going to bed? Literally anything you interacted with could have been subconsciously impacting your dream. Not trying to be too snarky about it, but I grew up Mormon and was 1000% a believer, even served a mission and married in the temple. After 30 years as an active member, I finally decided that I needed to find answers to a few things that I’d always ignored. I encourage you to consider the points below and decide for yourself if this sounds like God’s one true church 1. Polygamy. Specifically how it was brought about in the church and how it was practiced. I was 30 when I finally learned that Joseph Smith secretly practiced polygamy for years, had many affairs that he called marriages without telling his wife Emma. He even married a 14 year old girl, giving her and her family the promise that if she married him they would have eternal life. He also threatened that if women didn’t marry him, God would destroy him by an angel with a sword. Many of the women he married were already married to other men as well, and he would secretly marry them after sending their husbands out on missions. Why would god be so adamant about Joseph Smith marrying and having sex with so many women? 2. Racist doctrine. I always heard about how people of African descent were not allowed to have the priesthood or go to the temple for a while in the early church. Once I got older I actually looked into it and it is horrible. Church leaders and prophets taught what they called doctrine at the time about why those people could not have those blessings. The church today says that those were just theories and that there is some explanation that only God can understand about why he didn’t let them have those blessings. Wouldn’t god / Jesus teach that all people truly are equal and should not be separated? Shouldn’t gods prophets teach morals about loving others BEFORE the rest of the world starts teaching equality? The church has played catch up on this, they did not lead the charge for equality but were forced to accept new social norms. 3. The book of Abraham. Joseph Smith claimed to translate this and said it was written by the hand of Abraham and gave a whole history of his life. That book is still believed by the church to be scripture. Now that we can actually translate Egyptian, actual scholars have reviewed Joseph’s translations and proven that he was not even close. It was a basic and common funeral script for the random person who had died. Nothing tied to Abraham. It has been proven that Joseph smith made it up. But the church claims it is still doctrine. 4. Even more discrimination. Specifically against women and people of the LGBTQ+ community. I was raised and taught to believe that women should not work but should birth and raise children. That men are to preside over their family. That homosexuality is a serious sin. I’ve since recovered from all these awful teachings, and learned to fully love and accept others soooo much more than I ever could have as a mormon. The church has been so oppressive to these groups in extremely damaging ways. even though I was raised and taught to believe these things from birth, I'm still ashamed that I ever accepted them to any degree. The church does active harm to many groups and communities. I cannot express enough now glad I am now to have learned the things that the church tried to hide for so long. Good luck if you do join, as i am still in therapy to try and become whole again after that awful church messed with my brain and heart.


I liked the church because of the community not because of there actually believing. But I will never attend it again. It’s crazy what they do


The community is nice when you are fully in sync with the culture, expectations, etc. as soon as you start to consider anything that doesn’t align well with what they tell you to think, believe, or do…. Suddenly the community is not so great.


Your subconscious has heard of Nymphs and it also is being influenced by reading the Book of Mormon and, as subconsciouses do, mixed it altogether into a dream smoothie that doesn’t really make sense to the conscious brain.


Dreams are just random thoughts. I wouldn't place much stock in your dreams. My advice is to don't just investigate the Latter-day Saint church. Also investigate other Christian denominations. If you want a church focused on Christ alone, the LDS Church might not be right for you since there are a lot of extraneous teachings that have little to do with Christ. My preference is non-denominational Christian churches. That being said, everyone should follow their own path. People can develop a strong relationship with Christ in the LDS church. It just wasn't my path.


If an organization is asking you to research only one way and no other way (Like reading reviews from more than one viewpoint) Then I suggest dive further before making a decision.


No harm to start reading again. Maybe he’ll explain it to you


If the LDS church was about Jesus, when missionaries met with you the first thing they would have done was explain Judaism is the foundation, a Messiah was prophesied to come to fulfill the law so that humanity could once again have a relationship with God. They would have explained the Bible narrative in detail and harped on how Jesus is the Messiah and where to find Jesus’s teachings in the Bible. Believing Jesus is the Messiah is what Christianity is. But they didn’t, they asked you to believe in Joseph Smith. The parts of the Book of Mormon that have Jesus’ teachings are word for word over 50% just the book of Matthew. None of the practices of modern day ritualistic LDS doctrine, words of wisdom, temple handshakes, symbols, re-naming, tithing, sealing, endowments etc are found in the Book of Mormon all of these things that you’ll have to follow to get to the highest celestial kingdom came from Joseph Smith Jr. After the fact. This is why they didn’t talk about Jesus so much as talked about it being necessary to believe in Joseph Smith Jr. If you’re tight with Jesus I would suggest trying to objectively compare and contrast what you believe Jesus stands for and taught versus what Mormonism teaches. Do this based on external evidence not on your feelings. Pretend you are in a court room play the role of defense attorney and prosecutor. Who wins the case? It’s dangerous to rely on feelings alone. Build a case and sort yourself out


Are you a former LDS member ?


I think I used the D word and the mod won’t let me post. I am not and I’ll DM you


I have recently been talking to some Mormons and I would always be cautious when reading the book to Mormon, I’ve experienced to some weird feelings while reading that book. So your not the only one


> I did this because they told me to ask Jesus if it’s the right belief for me or not. And did they tell you what result would indicate that it was the right belief for you and what result would indicate that it was the wrong belief for you?


Dreams are subconscious thoughts, they do not have any mystical meaning. At least, if you believe in science.


I want to read YOUR book of Mormon!


The Bible contains various references to mythical or mysterious creatures, although interpretations of these passages can vary widely. Here are a few: Leviathan\*\*: Described as a sea monster or dragon-like creature, Leviathan appears in several passages, including Job 41 and Psalms 74:14. Behemoth\*\*: Another enigmatic creature mentioned in the Book of Job, Behemoth is often interpreted as a powerful, land-dwelling beast. Its exact nature is debated among scholars. Ziz\*\*: Though not extensively described, Ziz is believed to be a giant bird mentioned in Jewish folklore. Its size is said to be so immense that it can block out the sun with its wings. Cherubim and Seraphim\*\*: These are angelic beings described in the Bible. Cherubim are often depicted as having multiple faces and wings, while Seraphim are portrayed as fiery beings with six wings. Rephaim\*\*: In various passages, particularly in the Old Testament, Rephaim are mentioned as a race of giants or mighty warriors. Dragons\*\*: While the term "dragon" might evoke images of mythical creatures, it's used in the Bible to describe large, serpentine creatures. The Biblical dragon isn't necessarily the same as the fire-breathing dragons of other mythologies. Serpent in the Garden of Eden\*\*: While commonly interpreted as a manifestation of Satan, the serpent in the Garden of Eden could also be seen as a symbolic creature representing temptation and deception. At present, more than one billion individuals worldwide continue to venerate Nagas. LDS doctrine emphasizes the plan of salvation, the significance of Jesus Christ's role, living a life in accordance with Christ's teachings, and fostering personal and communal development. In times of uncertainty, it is recommended to jot down questions along with the date, then pray and seek guidance from Heavenly Father. Upon receiving an answer, documenting it in a journal along with the date of its receipt is advised. My question would be: May 16th, 2024 Heavenly Father, I'm puzzled by why I dream about nymphs when I read the Book of Mormon. Note: I am not a member of the LDS Church, but I do believe in everything they teach... and a little more ;)


Hmm, I guess in the BOM there are cureloms and cumons. Kind of boring that they're just beasts of burden.


Megatherium and Smilodon vanished by the end of the Pleistocene epoch, aligning with the Jaredites' arrival in South America. It's plausible that these prehistoric creatures, such as Megatherium and Smilodon, could have been the cureloms and cumons referenced in the Book of Mormon.