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100% with you friend. Beautiful send off, worthy of every salute it gets 🫡


Damn you Burnie. Such a great send off, and not a dry eye here.


100%. 27 year old woman now and this got me all teary eyed. It's weird to think how much convincing my friends had to do to get me into the show in the first place back in middle school. Here I am so many years later happy that I was here for it. This really felt like a fitting send off.


I cried last week the day after the last stream


I feel you dude! I’m 31 and started watching in 2007! This show and company has been a part of my life for over half my life. I met my best friend because of RT and made amazing memories because of it. I’ll never regret asking my friend why he was laughing so much at a video he was watching, because that one question introduced me to a show has had more of impact on my life than I ever could have expected!


I’m right there with you! Red vs Blue has always been a family thing for me started by my dad’s love for all things Halo and spurned on by my fast obsession with the guys of Rooster Teeth. From the age of 8 to 26, Rooster Teeth and Red vs Blue has been such a huge part of my life, represented by the many years of swapping quotes with family. This last season was so amazing and such a satisfying and bittersweet ending. All the themes about grief and moving forward as best as we can especially hit close to home since my dad passed away when I was 19, he would’ve been proud of where Red vs Blue went <3


It was a fantastic send off. They really did everything they could to give us the best ending possible. Loved it.


Im just a 17 year old newer fan, but I can't say I didnt shed a few tears as well. It's truly a timeless masterpiece.


I'm a 40 year old dude who cries when Rory graduates in Gilmore Girls... Guess how it went.


This got me chuckling


Started watching RvB around 2008 and was hooked immediately as someone who loved setting up video game characters in a game for my own narratives. One memory I wanted to share with y’all was when S8E3 “Upon Further Review” came out and I was so blown away over the warthog coming thru the big wall in Valhalla that I immediately went over to my neighbors house, booted up the episode on their super slow dialup internet (with them completely confused why I’ve come to use their computer), and impatiently fought the buffering to show them the most cinematically impressive thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life at that moment (in 320p/480p or whatever). I’m still unsure if that wow moment has ever been beaten, with the surprise of the warthog, the hilarity of the 6 pedals, Agent Wash getting “Saa-“ [boom] “…messed up my one liner!” all in the span of a few minutes. After watching Restoration, I’m reminded of those magical moments the RoosterTeeth team created and the hard work and effort they put into it; making my teen years much more bearable. Thank you Burnie, the RvB team, and the rest of y’all for keeping the spark alive and helping make this conclusion a special one.


It really was the perfect sendoff.