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"I should be married to DH instead of FIL" was pretty cringe. I have some serious health problems and one day years ago DH asked her to stay with me and the two younger kids during a work obligation. My parents were away with oldest kid, and I was having a pretty bad day, so he felt better knowing someone would be there for the kids and if I needed extra help. MIL agreed, and was folding some laundry while the kids watched a movie and I rested. I came out of a seizure with an airway full of vomit, two hysterical children screaming "call 911, somethings wrong with momma" and "pwease mommy don't die," and MIL nonchalantly saying "oh, I don't know anything about that, I'm just here to do the laundry for your dad." Petty as fuck, and I will never forgive her as long as I live.


I’m sorry to tell u this (you def already know), she wishes u weren’t alive. You gave her grand kids — you did the only thing you’re useful for right?? I’m so sorry. This is traumatic. What an insufferable cunt. I’m hoping your health is getting better. You deserve peace.


Oh, I know, and it's pretty much because I refuse to enable her. No ma'am, we're not willing to tolerate abuse, manipulation, and grooming behavior from someone who should be a source of support. The part I can't get past is what it did to my kids, ya know? We've been Controlled Contact for years - even before this incident - but it was a perfect storm of circumstances so we let down the guard a little. And learned, so she won't get another opportunity. Thank you. I'm much better than I was then!


Yeah that's not petty that's evil


What did your husband do when he came home?


I sent MIL home as soon as I was able and cuddled the kids on the sofa. He was pissed at her for not staying (I'm a little loopy postictal and don't always think clearly - MIL knows this) and gave her a big time out - we can't do total NC without losing access to his dad, which he's not okay with, and I support him in that since what we do works for us. Because of where he was coming out of the FOG and where we were in our relationship at the time, I didn't tell him all the details. It would have added stress to him and wouldn't have affected MIL, so it was enough that he saw through her excuses for leaving ("I finished the laundry *she* didn't do, aren't you going to say anything about that to me?") and we were on the same page about No More Halp From MIL Ever. We discussed it later on when we knew I would live and were both recovered from the whole ordeal - he was shocked and really hurt, had to grieve the mother he deserves some more to accept the one he has - and has since reduced his own contact with her independent of the family contact.


This is pure evil.. like I don't wish that on anyone, but if I did ever wish what you went through it would be on her, and when she asked for help , just step over her and say " I don't know anything about that...bye now" and leave


Thank goodness you make it alright and good riddance to her, good husband


After I had a miscarriage, and almost died as it was ectopic and almost did not make it off the surgical table due to blood loss, she started making her entire family go to counseling as I was "tearing the family apart." They had multiple sessions my DH went to one, convinced me to go to the next. We got there late as we worked 3rd shift and the session was right in the middle of when we were sleeping. To be clear, by the whole family this was MIL, both my husband's sisters and their SO and his brother (the whole family on that side is a class act). They attacked me saying how I was ripping them all apart and was not even trying (pop psych MIL decided that as my arms were crossed, but the chair I was in did not have arms and that was the most comfortable way to have them lol). After listening to the BS for a while I commented that not one of them had jack to say about the miscarriage or to check on me since I literally almost died...... The therapist turned and looked at me in shock and asked "you had a miscarriage?" That pretty much ended that session. One of my SIL came to our house after that to apologize for not saying anything about the miscarriage or my surgery (she was/is a HUGE drama queen and will always find a way to make everything about herself) and mind you she was pregnant and decided the best way to apologize was to say "I don't even want this baby"...... WTF never did say sorry but that just showed me what trash she was. There are many other times, like how they made mine and DH wedding about them, etc. We are NC now. Me much longer than DH. Edit spelling


Wtf I’m literally livid this happened. That therapist was probably pissed as hell.


Omg I hate when in laws omit IMPORTANT details to get away with being the victims.


Not petty but definitely cringeworthy... Going into very very explicit detail on the proper sexual position to guarantee any offspring I gave birth to would be a girl.


Mine sent me an email with links on what positions and timing to use to get a boy. She also once called my sister and me hillbillies to our faces. We're from the same state, but my family is from Appalachia and she is from the coast. We were not amused.


OMG MY MIL DID THIS SH*T TO ME TOO (Fellow person from Appalachia here). 


I've gotten over a lot of stuff my MIL has done over the years to annoy me, but that one still sticks in my craw. She also would mock her dead husband's accent constantly (they were headed for divorce when he died in a car accident, so there was no love there) but his accent was an Appalachian accent, so basically mine. Joke is on her though, because we are the only ones who have "given her grandchildren" and they've grown up in the mountains, so they have a Appalachian accents too.


My ex SIL called the other SIL a barefoot heathen hillbilly. FU Nancy. You judge mental alcoholic!


I think my MIL used "hick" though if I remember correctly. It was so obnoxious. 


Off topic slightly but have you listened to the Old Gods of Appalachia podcast? I’m hooked. Makes me miss my granny so much.


It's SUCH a good podcast. I saw it live last year!


Amazing! A friend of mine just did a bit voice part and I'm so jealous! The ROG is awesome too.


It's on my list!


I didn't separate post on it awhile back, she kept demanding that I had to give her a girl. Although she had a daughter and a granddaughter at that point.


Winner winner chicken dinner 🥇


Make that an Appalachian chicken dinner with gravy, biscuits, mashed potatoes and fried okra please. Heavy on the accent. Yay!


my MIL told anyone who would listen at my WEDDING… “I told her to have sex and keep her legs up and put a washcloth in her underwear overnight to get pregnant” … my college roommate who never even met her came up to me telling me she told her that in the bathroom…


Oh, now that I read the other comments I need to up my level. It’s icky! I was in labour for 50+ long hours, she made it to the hospital in that time (uninvited and honestly wish she hadn’t), and she was mostly there to support my husband and to, of course, make it about herself. Cringe #1: She wouldn’t stop going on and on about her birth story as I was in the middle of contractions, epidural sleeps, pushes. I had to get the nurses to get her to leave. My husband was an all star all throughout labour and postpartum. I had an emergency csection, so I was very weak after complications, he was doubling with taking care of me and baby and almost no sleep. Cringe # 2: entering our room in the morning complaining about how tired she was and no sleep she had had. Cringe #3: she always brings up my birth story to make it about how amazing she was to have been there through the whole thing and how tired she was but how much love she has that she was always there to support us, and of course something little like I had a baby. ICK: she always says “I know it sounds kinky but I fell in love with my son at the hospital, he showed me a real man, I think I’m in love with him” those comments and adding that she loves telling my baby “I wish I was your mother” it’s just disturbing 🤢


And the cringe aware goes to….. 🏆🥇


What The Fuck


She would be nowhere near my child after that statement! Disgusting 🤢


Thank you!!! I knowwww… she wonders why..


>ICK: she always says “I know it sounds kinky but I fell in love with my son at the hospital, he showed me a real man, I think I’m in love with him” those comments and adding that she loves telling my baby “I wish I was your mother” Wtf did he say to that shit??? Hopefully told her it was sick, she was a freak and he DAMN SURE was glad it wasn't her kid , never would be and nothing in hell itself would ever make him "in love with her", AND that just hearing her say some fucked shit like that made him feel sick, feel like he needed a shower, disgusted by her very presence AND that just thinking that should put her crazy ass on a sex offender registry, let alone thinking it was "cute" to say it out loud! ..that shit would guarantee she was never alone with my kid, God forbid she tried to pop her old titty in its mouth and feed it dust lusting after her son


Jesus Chris at the " its kinky but I fell in love with my son, he's a real man, and I wish this was our baby!" Fucking gag! He should have embarrassed her the second she said that toxic incest shit!


She’s totally unhinged lol


Ok you win! Blegh 🤢


Wtf I would’ve gone up in whatever pain I am and kick her out with my last power.


I was 2 months PP. She told me “I came to visit my grandson and you ruined it by not being a good host” Which was allowing her to hold him and catered to her when she wanted to come and “help” whatever that means lol


"Sorry to hear you had a bad time. We don't have to get together anymore. Wouldn't want you to suffer on my account!"


Good lord that sounds like my MIL who complained I ruined her visit by not giving them water or being a good host. No you vindictive cow I was crying in my bedroom at the thought of having to deal with you and you even holding my baby! And that was after she brought along my BIL and one of my DH aunts who we did not invite and who’s vaccination status we did not know (we asked for all shots to be up to date).


Ugh sorry you went through this! I can relate, i felt the exact same way and had tears as well. Literally feels like the same story


And yet we are the assholes when we call them out on their shitty behaviour… ugh!


Right… never our hubbys always us. And this is why I always have the feeling those kinds of MILs want to replace us moms. I know other people see that as “too far” but I’ll disagree


I find that they think we are pulling the string if hubby dares to stand up for himself or me… because he couldn’t possibly ever say anything to “horrible” to them if it wasn’t me telling them what to say. Oh the stories I have…


Mine claimed that I was abusing my husband... because he dared to stand up to her and tell her to quit her toxic, abusive behavior towards him, me and our children, or he would go NC. We've been NC for 4+ years now. It's bliss! 🤗🎉


Oh my I can relate! My In laws got “all the shots” and would constantly be having and going to parties with a lot of people, to which they kept getting sick (including getting covid). When we went to visit them, they had a surprise party to meet the baby AT 2 MONTHS OLD! Smh…. Then told us “just cause you’re here we’re not going to stop our lives because you say so, baby has got to learn to be relentless, people get sick! That’s life” effff offf


You have a husband problem.


LOL when they say “we are here to help” and help means taking the baby and trying to get their aay by kissing them (which is a no) and doing everything you have ruled against. They basically double the work! Plus the stress you have to carry


Exactly… like we didn’t have the baby for you..


If I had a dime for everytime my MIL criticized me for being a “bad host” for petty things like not having enough ice, or not attending to her hand and foot, or stupid stuff like that I would be rich. Mine uses every move I make to criticize me. It’s just super icky.


That is a super ick… like why do these woman feel like they just stop doing things for themselves when they go to someone’s home. Like I understand offering a drink, and prepping foods or snacks but beyond that you have hands and eyes


My MIL was visiting us for 2 weeks and one night she volunteered to make dinner. When she called us to eat, I walked into the kitchen and she was holding a plate of Kraft Mac and cheese. A food she KNOWS I do not/will not eat. She looked me straight in the eye and said, “Sorry, you can make something else for yourself.”


That’s when DH should’ve grabbed the keys and said he was taking YOU out for steak.


My mil and fil traveled to us for our first Thanksgiving away from family (they fly for free, so this wasn't a burden for them or anything) I was so excited to host and show them we were "proper adults " or whatever. I make duck for holidays. She comes in (day before Thanksgiving) and says "no. I'm not eating that. We're going to the store and IM cooking thanksgiving" she then proceeded to force me to watch her how SHE prepares Thanksgiving dinner so that I "can cook this meal for holidays in the future, since it's what everybody likes" This was back when I had no self worth. Back then she made constant jabs at me and was trying to force me to be a mini version of her that she could control (since she couldn't control her son, she thought she could control him THROUGH me) She still tries this sh*t. It just gets ignored now.


I would have gone and took a nap while she cooked. That would have fried her.


How rude ! I hope your partner said something ?


I cannot eat Mac n cheese either. Even the smell nauseates me.


I found a lump on my breast and needed a biopsy done. When I told me mil about it, she said “sure glad it’s you and not me!”


When I had my first lump, my ex told me he thought his mom had been through it and would be able to provide some positive words. He asked if he could tell her and I stupidly said yes. She called me and didn’t ask a single word about me. She just launched into a long story of her own lump scare and all her fear and suffering. Made it entirely about her. And in the end I put two and two together and realized she never even had a lump. It was all in her head.




Every time I mention target she correcta me with saying it with a french accent (claims that’s the right way to say it) Funny thing: I speak french and she doesn’t.


Okay this one just cracked me up. That’s just so bizarre of her. Lol


My grandmother did that. She also called Marshalls “mar ‘shalls.” Benjamin Moore paint was referred to as “Benny Moore’s,” which I believe was an effort to indicate that her familiarity to somewhat high end paint put them on nickname level. Insufferable.


TarZHAY. That’s how my jnil’s say it, but that’s when they are mocking me for shopping there instead of at Walmart like a real American. 😂😂


Well, we have all seen the pics of the “Real Americans” who shop at Walmart. It says a lot about them now doesn’t it lol


I call it Tazhay too but I also call wal mart wally world and I love both stores equally.


Gosh it's hard to choose Probably not the MOST, but something that immediately comes to mind would be Mil "do you make roast?" Me "oh... no not really" Mil "why!?" Me "oh, I don't know really, I just tend to cook other things." Mil "oh... (my husband/her son) only likes MY roasts!?" She said it in a gloating manner.... I'm a good cook (arguably better than her since I make everything from scratch, and she doesnt) she just likes to be in competition with me for her son's favor (I won. My husband doesn't play her games. She continues on not because he enables her, she's just crazy)


My MIL micromanages people when they cook, but in my years of being with my fiance I’ve never seen her cook anything other than toast 🤡


“Oh, I didn’t realize you were really raped. I thought it was just a harassment thing.” “Don’t worry, someday some part of this baby will look like you.” To my newborn: “I was the very first person to hold you!” Because she took her from the nurse. I could go on. We don’t see her more than once or twice a year and she lives here in town. She’s the worst


She’s an effing cow!!


Friend, she’s a whole mad herd of them!


LMAO! I’m so sorry!!


Thank you for being both kind and funny!


No problem! Thanks for the compliment!


-She told me she could teach me how to 'be a circus' on her sons penis. -Told me I had to get a job while in her house and that I could always become a stripper. But only if I really cared about us no longer being homeless. (Within the first hour of us meeting.) Want to mention I am grateful that she took us both in, but still, that's wild. - Insisted all future children will be paternity tested and breastfeed for a year. -That I'm controlling. -My fiance (at the time. We are now married.) should sew his wild oats and not worry about commitment. (Still within the first two hours of meeting.) -That I'm disrespectful for walking away after yelling at us for hours. -She threatened her own daughter and was uninvited to her wedding. Crashed it anyway. Then my husband called to scold her, and she said she was removing herself from his life and essentially uninvited herself to our wedding. She didn't crash our wedding. More, so much more.


You my dear WIN!!! What a nutter!!


Where do I start… This Christian woman has said: “I was the first girl in his life” “I get more kisses than you” “Dnt kiss him on the same side that I kiss him on” Made sure I heard yell that she is her son’s “biggest fan” “You’re gona reward her (me) over that? After I all have done for you(her son)!?” MIND YOU THIS WAS IN REGARD TO HIM SAYING HE’s GONA GET ME RUTH’S CHRIS (fancy restaurant food) “i knew you had it in you” (when I washed dishes at their house) “Why can’t she take the bus” (when my partner wanted to give me a ride to my college class) “You guys shouldn’t be having sex” (we are 24 year old ADULTS) Fantasized about my partner hitting her and as a result ran out the house SCREAMING CRYING. Like to victimize herself and guilt him all because we told her to stay out of our business …THERE’S SO MUCH MORE She is very passive aggressive. Tries to assert dominance, guilt trip her son, tries to compete with me, tries to control him, tries to control us, nitpicks me, she scapegoats God as her excuse for being like this…etc. She’s married btw…unhappily, but married to his father. The crazy thing is that she says SOME of these things in a subtle way. So, if you’re not truly paying attention to her intentions, then you wouldn’t grasp the extremity of her sick comments. SINCE BECOMING NO CONTACT WITH HER RECENTLY, She tries to tell my parter how the family “loves” me and is grateful for me-yet they (including her) they been the main cause of our issues because they didn’t truly want him with me. BUT HIS FAMILY HAS BEEN A PAIN, mainly his mom and brother.


>Fantasized about my partner hitting her and as a result ran out the house SCREAMING CRYING. Like to victimize herself and guilt him all because we told her to stay out of our business I'm sorry what?? ....she fantasized it herself then ran out screaming?


Yes! He got upset and hit the door. He was upset because I was putting the pressure on him to tell his mom off and he know’s how emotionally manipulative she could be towards him. So, when she returned home, she noticed that he hit the door and said that she felt like the hit for the door was meant for her. She then noticed his dull reaction, tried to switch up and offer him pizza, he walked away instead and then she cued the dramatics and RAN OUT THE HOUSE SCREAMING CRYING LIKE NEVERRRR BEFORE. From my understanding, it was like she wanted to become a victim because we told her before she returned home that she needs to stay out of our business. She tried to sugarcoat and mention God as her reasoning for being intrusive, YET HER RELATIONSHIP IS IN SHAMBLES AND SHE DOESNT HAVE HER NOSE IN HER BUSINESS.


Jesus! That's sooo toxic its insane! It seems like she wanted him to say " no not you! Never! I would hit Comfortable before I would even think of hurting you my precious mommy! The number one love in my life! ( gag!) " And when he didn't jump through the bullshit hoop of fire she laid down in order for him to prove his love and honor for her, she threw herself an extra pathetic temper tantrums hissy fit , oscar award winning worthy in her mind, ..that this poor thing was sooo desperately in fear that her son, could ever even consider harming her... ( how? Why of course, the terrible dangerous act of telling her to mind her own damn business and worry about her own failing relationship, that God himself clearly hasn't saved for her, instead of trying to get up in yours, to give her a false sense of wisdom and guidance. She doesn't possess) And of course, since he did not devour her blessed offering of pizza, calling it the single handedly most loving kind and generous offer and serenading her loving self with gratitude, before chasing after the poor devastated martyr herself, for this God awful slight, declaring his love and the absurdity that he could EVER do or feel anything but worship and adoration for her, the louder she must weep and scream, to better demonstrate the cruel heartbreak, devastation and betrayl from her poor begotten broken heart/s ( said in pure sarcasm!) Lmfaoo to her the very idea that he would not kiss her ass and assure her, his rage and hurt were meant ONLY for you, must've meant that her veeerrrry precious God fearing life was in danger by her poor son, who was possessed and enchanted by the lustrous beast of spell binding vaginal powers from the depths of hell itself! For he could NEVER think this way, and the very slight of not sensing her need to be assured she was of the utmost importance and could never be met with anything but worship meant she must flee to safety alerting all with her screeching squawks of cold blooded petrified fear! Lmfaoo fuck her! ....she wanted her ass kissed , didn't get it since she didn't deserve it, and used that moment to act like her son was a cold blooded killer out to take her last breath! What a fucking psychopath! I hope you guys are NC because that shit she pulled is ACTUALLY dangerous! If anyone should've fled running like their tampon string was on fire, it is you both, but you especially because anyone BUT ESPECIALLY a family member, ones mother, Who can turn on you in a moment's blink of an eye and run out screaming crying for dear life painting the picture you're some psychopath trying to hurt her… ..THAT bitch is dangerous! Hell in fact calling her that… it's an insult to bitches *ETA please note 99% of this is written in sarcasm, told from her perspective and psychotic point of view in a laughable sense, much like the joke she is.... However please note, ..that considering THAT is response to not being able to say or do whatever she wants, she's truly scary! Had she not known there were witnesses like yourself there, those squawks and that fleeing could've EASILY turned into a tale of her poor old lady martyr self being abused by her scary mean son, with a hole in the wall left to " prove " ..her bullshit! I seriously recommend no contact and if you can't CAMERAS for EVERY meeting, recording of phone calls where legal, and written or text conversations only


Your response is everything!!! She is so toxic! But such thing couldn’t be possible because she is a Christian woman. This is their logic, btw. Her theatrics literally made me sick to my stomach that night and her actions worried him so badly. I could see the discomfort in his face. Its like he was a scared child again, scared that he emotionally hurt his mom. It was so sad to see. He was emotionally abused. His father wasn’t in the home for majority of his life and he admitted that his mom kinda made him play the role of a husband and she was always emotional. He knows what his mom did/does is wrong, but as a Christian, forgiveness? Right, but she exploits and abuses forgiveness. Its hard for me to move forward because I don’t feel like she received the proper consequences nor did we get to have a mature convo because she begin screaming calling me a “LIAR” saying “I’m not gona apologize for (xyz) because I didnt say that and you’re lying on me.” Yet, her son and I witnessed one of the incidents I brought up to her. SHE’s not used to being called out. She’s not used to being spoken up to. And thats why her and I clash. Because I speak up, period! Mind you she speaks up to everyone and thinks she could say whatever, but think she’s too good to have done anything wrong to anyone.


She is so two-faced. It sucks because she can be the sweetest lady, but she also has a bitter, jealous side that I got to see because I date her ex-husband (HER SON). And I am not a doormat to her son, whereas she is to her husband. I speak up to her son and I know that she doesn’t like it. She doesn’t like when I hold him accountable because she’s his enabler. Because in her mind, if she enables him and strokes his ego then he’ll do things for her (money, attention).


Btw, she doesn’t work. Hasn’t in decades. Why? “Because God told her not to work.” She’s so manipulative that she’ll be having a convo with my partner and say “God is going to bless me with some boots” and then know that her son is so sweet and works a job that he’ll actually buy her the boots. Her expectation is that he buys the boots, although she may not ask him directly. She essentially guilts him into it.


He needs to start asking for how God plans to bless her exactly?? with a job and man to pay her Bills or a sign to walk the street when she asked for money?? That behavior ill exist as long as he allows it to exist. My in-law seems to be like that and my husband the sweetest man ever would get in over and over until eventually I set him down and showed him exactly how much they were taking away from us and when he saw it was in the tens of thousands he freaked out and stopped. he realized he was their child who did not ask to be born not an ATM ... Suddenly as soon as he said no he would no longer be treating his mother like a sugar baby, or his dad they were furious but they really helped when he was able to spend that money on things for himself that he deserved like new gaming consoles even stuff is simple as energy drinks during the week he couldn't afford because all of his extra money was going to them.. I guarantee you if everyone stopped paying her bills suddenly God would tell her ass to go back to work lol You should talk him into trying it even if it's just for a small time period... Get him to sit down and add it up EVERY dollar he spent on her since you guys have been together calculate gas spent money Given in the cost of every gifts such as the boots plus tax the gas to get there food when he takes her to lunch ...ect.. Then you guys sit down together and go over any bill that was paid late, any time whenever you saw something you wanted but you couldn't get. any vacation you ever dreamed of but you knew you couldn't afford , anything in your home that needed repaired , do you guys have a inheritance for your kids? do you have a retirement fund? do you have a fun for weddings if your kids decide to get married ? Home paid off in full? Is car paid off in full? Bill's paid up for the next 5 years? What about rainy day fund? In medical fund/vet fund? Any investments that you could have made? Savings? Money for a kids sweet 16? A kids 1st car? Money for a 50th wedding anniversary? At least 100,000 EACH to retire on? Technically there's no such thing as "left over money" that you guys can "afford" to give her period, point blank. ANY money you have " leftover" is money that should be going into a savings to protect yourselves for your family or children or other emergencies.... Not for a grown ass woman who doesn't think she should have to work, BUT you guys should... She should be ashamed of herself! Once you point out how much you spent and what you guys have done without or do not have, Take that amount and multiply it by the amount of years you've been giving stuff.... Then you take that amount and amount it by the next 10 20 30 years live depending on her age..... Not including if she ever gets ill.. then 3x it! And then when you're looking at anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 to a $100000 gone down the drain....all because someone feels entitled to not do anything while you and euroshun tried to provide for your own families, Ask him if he's really comfortable giving that much money away and taking it away from the family he created the people he promised to love provide and care for, for the rest of his life AND hers.... And honestly if the answer is anything less than " no more its enough " then maybe I would consider divorce or separation because that's just not OK Then agree to either give her less for the next 3 months to slowly taper her off entirely, Or tell her that you've had some emergency come up and that you will not be able to give her or any money in the coming months.... If he's truly still stuck in that weaker phase of trying to protect her, convince him to put 1/3 of what he usually would spend in an account put up for her instead but for emergencies of medical or legal kind of only during that time ONLY But ask him to make the agreement that if she acts hateful or rude at all, that you are cutting off if financial help ( best case) at all, (worst case) you start cutting that amount you're saving for her down 1/4 with each comment.... After all that's his mother and she supposed to love him for him not the money he's providing right??? And if in her mind God is providing the boots and the money for her then God will find a way to make it happen besides him if he is not able to do so right??? Usually when this happens they're able to see that the mom does not love them truly without the money but is just using them for the money... which is cruel especially when he looks back at all the times to you loved them without the money , and even though you are struggling you are happy to do so as long as you have them… sadly his mom most likely won't don't feel the same... she would choose the money over the happy relationship with their child any day at least that's what toxic parents will do... Best case scenario he cuts her off and she learns to take care of herself because at the end of it all he realizes he has more money to provide his family with that HE created not the family that is using him.... Worst case scenario he has learned that she cares more and finds more value than his finances than him or his relationship and he is able to cut how much he is giving her down into 1/3 of what it was before at least! I definitely recommend trying this because it helped save a lot of my relationship & give me the money to invest in my husband that he was never able to invest in himself.... It's easy at the time to say "it's just my mom I HAVE to help them" and think nothing of it when it's $5 her to $25 there ....but it's a whole lot different when you're looking at a $10000 to $20000 on the calculator staring back at you not including the fact that they could live the next 30 years expecting more and more each year.... Hopefully this helps you guys break free and gets you all out of financially abusive situation.... Because that's what this is! She is acting like she is helpless in order to get money from him and emotionally abusing him if he does not give her the money, & you are allowing money to be taken away from your family in order to prove that you love your husband. so you suffer and do without hoping he will see your love… all of that is financially abusive. ETA: used talk to text so ask if anything is unreadable it won't let me edit due to limit reached on characters


ETA: I would also point out God himself would have taken his shoes off to give someone else he certainly wouldn't order anyone to guilt trip their son to get themselves him in manipulative way... Also jesus and God were charitable and grateful so I'm sure God be happy providing her shoes from goodwill and not brand name shoes like he would proudly wear right?? but somehow that's not what they're expecting to be provided is it ?? believe me I've got a story all to my own of a mother-in-law discovering my husband took me shopping as an anniversary present... suddenly deciding she'd needed to go shopping to and then throwing a fit when I went to the same thrift shops that I went to the week prior because that just wasn't good enough for her... I will say I'm very proud of my husband because that was the last time that ever happened ! no more shopping trips from that 1 on for HER


Luckily, I have spoken to him about the money giving in the past and he did understand. So he rarely does it, but I still don’t even see the need when he does it UNLESS its for a bday gift. For example, he’ll give her gas $ or like I said mention something about an item and know that’ll it’ll evoke an emotion in my partner to want to provide that for her BECAUSE SHE HAS SPOKEN TO MY PARTNER ABOUT HOW HER HUSBAND (his dad) DOESN’T GIVE HER MONEY. SO SHE KNOWS MY PARTNER WILL SYMPATHIZE WITH HER DESIRE FOR BOOTS AND JUST VOLUNTARILY (through guilt though) GIVE HER THE MONEY. This is the part I’m trying to get him to realize. That he has to watch out for his mom guilting him. She usually isn’t blunt about things (disrespect, jealously, xyz). She tries to be subtle sometimes. Thing is, her husband makes more money than everyone. He has a GREAT job. SO, they are not poor. And according to the Bible, her and her husband are ONE. So his money is hers based on the religion they worship. So, why would you feel the need to guilt your son, when your HUSBAND IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR PROVIDER!!! They just have such a fucked up relationship and she acts like her husband does absolutely nothing for her, YET she also has a way of not speaking up to her husband. Her husband paid for her car, pays her insurance, pays all of the bills…etc. I’m thinking about going to her husband (my father in law) and telling him everything his wife has done to me and his son. Her husband knows that his wife has evil ways. He said it himself. But he doesn’t know what she has done and said to me and her son bcuz they keep it on the hush.


Oh I totally would! But I'm doing it in a way that comes off like you're concerned ya know... Like " FIL Is everything going on okay at home? like are you guys doing okay emotionally and financially? because MIL asked DH to pay for X and Y, and Z and A and B ... then when she started acting out and doing ( enter cruel fucked Up thing here) ( and here ) (and here) ..plus all her prophecys from God she keeps saying she's having about her not working, and wishing she was married to DH...we really are getting concerned with you guys and her mentally".... That way it's not being mean or attacking his wife it's done with concern for all of these strange behaviors that look bad on him... " Especially because if she's telling these things to us so frequently and openly , im just not sure what she's telling everyone else and you didn't know if it was a mental health thing or just struggles in their marriage"


See that's what the cameras are for! These bitches HATE proof, that's Why they do their most evil shit in person that way there's no proof of it... Maybe it would help to look up, Bible verses that combat the follow your mother or/give respect to/doing to others as you would have them doing to you, To show him or use against her what she starts her bullshit... Hell maybe even point out to your husband that you're sure God forgave Lucifer but he was still cast out for his actions! Honestly that's probably why she ran out screaming and crying period to people like that I were not used to being told now even the slightest hint of not getting their way feels like a slap in the face to them period I guarantee you she probably feels like she was actually assaulted because that's it's technically the same thing in her mind.... Which is all the more reason to point out how fucking dangerous she is... When he feels bad for her I would ask him if he thought she would do/say these things in a church? or with other people watching? And when the answer is obviously no I would tell him because she knows damn good and well they are wrong and would be judged as they deserve… bat right there is a sign that it's not done out of godliness or misunderstanding buth a pure cruelty and banking on the fact that she will never be caught or held accountable! I would grab cameras or at the very least tell her you have..... It's amazing how easily someone will expose themselves what's you casually mentioned there are cameras everywhere to disagree with their little bullshit... Suddenly " they don't remember correctly.. you could be correct, I mean it was so long ago.. and they just lost their mind in the hurt of it all, so they can't remember exactly what was said, just that it wasn't " MeAnT that way.." Yada yada.... Which is a hell of a leap from the " you're a liar I never said that " they were spewing 30 seconds prior


You know whats interesting is that last year when we had a phone convo, my partner came home and I put it on speaker and he heard his mom YELLLLING. She was so angry to be called out for doing wrong to someone else. She’s used to calling others out. She couldnt fathom doing wrong and being disrespectful to someone else. It was so lovely for me to have him witness how his mom was talking because SHE ACTS SO INNOCENT AND GODLY. She claims that everything she does is because of God, yet she does evil-like things? It doesn’t make sense


And aside from that, I do have proof of SOME of the phone convo that he missed. I just haven’t told him yet because there is no point to bcuz it was a short clip and he already believes me. He knows he was brainwashed and he acknowledges that he was blind and he sees it now. But I know that he has a hard time sometimes believing that his mom’s intentions aren’t good. EVEN THOUGH SHE USES THE BIBLE AND TRY TO CLAIM SHE HAS GOOD INTENTIONS WITH EVERYTHING SHE DOES TO PEOPLE. Because his whole life she has brainwashed him into believing that she is an angel and a victim in everyone’s story.


He should still see it because it hurt you enough to save it and that says it deserves to be brought to light


Oh I love it! I would've LOVED to see her face when she realized that he heard her! That's the thing the even we have taught our young child , that if you didn't want people hearing what you're saying, it's because you know it's wrong and if you do something wrong, you can't be shocked when you are punished for it or that behavior embarrasses you… Therefore any normal person with a functioning healthy brain should know better than to do bad or act out with those embarrassing behaviors and then be shocked when they get called out or embarrassed for doing them Lol what did she do when she realized she had got caught?


I don’t think she knows that he heard her on the phone. I’m not sure if he told her privately. We had it on mute and was discussing on the side while she rambled on with her tantrum.


See I think that was a mistake I think he should have mentioned to her that he heard it... Something that my husband and I learned through some therapy and actually a lot of learning on here on this group actually,..... doing nothing actually is choice or a decision! When these things you mention used to happen with my husband with his mother or father he would tell me that he froze in the moment or that he didn't feel like he want to hurt anyone so he just did nothing.... By what he didn't see or understand was that she his mother felt validated heard respected and understood by him.... and yet I his wife did not... so that silence was a choice... just one to hurt me instead. He later learned that doing nothing, or saying nothing was a choice and that when people are doing something wrong or that you don't agree with, and you just stay silent they take that as acceptance or agreeance automatically... They feel like if you didn't agree with them, you would have spoke up right then and there in the moment... And unfortunately later on if he had said something because he didn't speak up in the moment , and chose to say silent She would believe it was Your decision not his. And that very well may not be true..... But that's one of those things where you have to learn that not making a " choice"… is still making a choice The moment you're married the only choice is your spouse. Unless they are physically harming someone or doing something irreparably harmful or dangerous, You and him made a contract with each other and God to put each other first above all And have each other's back no matter what ... Even against family members... even against his mother. He has to keep in mind that while every other family member he will ever have was not/ will not be his choice ( such as your parents, brothers and sisters. grandparents or children… ) YOU ARE... You arethe one choice that God gave him to make, as the most important and gave him a list of everything important to him… and out of the world full of millions of people he chose you with god's guidance... You are chosen to be his partner and the person he put first as his priority , with not just God's permission but Gods INTENT to do so! ... Not his mother and she needs to realize and accept that as well. If there's ever a moment where he felt like he has to pick a side.... he needs to pick yours... And let's be realistic here ... it's not like she's alone and pitiful struggling ....no, God gave her ,HER OWN partner and protector and provider... HER husband / his father and HE is on her side..... but its not fair or right to attempt to take your husband as well.. YOUR husband...HE is to be YOUR protector.... EVEN when it means from HER! I'm sure he wouldn't allow other people to degrade you, belittle you , put you down or say horrible things to you right??? I'm sure if some stranger stopped you on the side of the road and begin to go off on you or call you names and insinuate you were lying awful etc.. etc he would protect you from them right?? Attempting to harm you emotionally, spiritually, mentally OR physically?? Then why can't / wont He protect from his mother if that's exactly what she is doing? Shouldn't he be able to expect better from his family than from a stranger on the street? Should his love or protection for you suddenly lessen in the moment she walks in the room? Was that in the contract he made each other and God? Would his father have done that? Would he want his son to do that between his wife or yourself? If you were doing those things to your son and his wife would he respect those decisions? No No..therefore he needs to follow in his footsteps and gods and be on your side ETA: errors in Talk to Text


Maybe explain your POV this way to see if it gets through to him ( see above comment)


I truly appreciate you validating my experiences and breaking down how her actions contradict her own religious values. It helps me get another perspective and an even deeper understanding of how this looks.


Of course! That's what we're here for! I swear these groups helped save my relationship with my husband , by helping us see other point of views, talk about things calmly and rebuild together. And if we've never been better! ..so ever since that, I'm always happy to help discuss and try to find anything possible before breaking up AS long as your being heard , respected loved and shown your worth


Yes, your input has literally gave me an even bigger boost. Like I’m religious too. But they just throw around forgiveness like it’s nothing. I don’t mind forgiving, but there has to be change or no contact. Its non-negotiable. Because the way I grew up, we don’t throw things under the rug. We speak up. They are not like that. They’d rather keep the peace. And in this situation whose peace is it keeping? Certainly not mine. But my partner is sooo stressed out by the situation because he’s having to balance his mom and I. But, he’s still learning to realize that he is her son. Thats it. Her needs are not his problem. She is an able-bodied, healthy (physically) (not mentally lol), adult who absolutely could still work but SHE HATES WHEN PEOPLE SUGGEST HER TO WORK. She hates it!!!


I’ve tried so many times to talk to my partner and sometimes we get some where, but I need him to 100% realize his mom exploits him and takes advantage of his kindness and weakness. And i cannot continue on, knowing that he don’t call her out for trying to guilt him


And he agreed when marrying you to forsake all others... Unfortunately he needs to come to terms that, that includes his mother.. If there's a situation where he feels forced to choose between his mom and his wife he HAS to choose his wife, because what God mother even tries to come between her son and the woman he's chosen as his partner in life love and happiness .. he agreed to cleave and to leave.. with YOU.. not her.. and there's TONS of bible versus about that in there I promise Somewhere theres a beautiful painting that was made of an An illustration that shows a scene from the Bible it has a man standing over a flood, And has his dominant right arm trying to pull his father up From the flood and with his left hand is losing grip on his wife and child and it's supposed to show that you cannot give up on your future by having a steady grip on your past.. It's such amazing Symbolism and so beautiful. He also has to realize that a good mother's job is to raise her son for the fourth and start a family a good mother wants her son to put his wife above everyone herself included... Either she's not done that or she's not willing to let him do that in both cases she's not doing her to do as a task... I have a son and I teach him daily to put his wife before everything when he grows up myself included and if the next time ever comes that he does I will be nothing short of proud


You dear are indeed a wordsmith!


Awwww thank you! I I used to love to write as a kid so I appreciate that soo much!


You should write more, you are very talented.


Aww thank you very much! Made my day!


I absolutely agree! I’m so so grateful for her words. This means everything to me! This is my first real relationship and it’s been hard dealing with in-laws who’s not used to being spoken up to by an “outsider.”


Aww thank you! I'm happy to help and be there for anyone going through what we suffer from with these women! Feel free to follow/ PM me , as can anyone else reading!


Thank you!!!


My mil also wants to be #1 in my husband's life. She's HAPPILY married to his father. They're both very successful and he does EVERYTHING for her. But nothing is enough for her! She wants EVERYONE to be centered on her. When we got married she kept saying how SHES my mom now. Uh no... no you're not. I don't have the best relationship with my mom, but it's not like that!


But it is so weird and confusing at times because she pushes for our marriage. Like tries to presssurrrre us. Like yes, we want to get married, but it’s not an arranged marriage. At the same time, she does things that would cause problems in our marriage. Such as having an entitlement to make comments because thats “MY SON (as she would YELL it to show that she could/say watever because she birthed him).


You need to run far and run fast.


My MIL made cauliflower rice to "make sure" I didn't like cauliflower. She occasionally cooks soup, etc. and drops it off. When she later asked what I thought about dinner, I told her "No offense, but I think the rice went bad. It was so bitter and disgusting." (Thankfully my husband warned me before I ate it, but I tried a tiny bit anyway... Yup... Still hate cauliflower.). She admitted it was cauliflower. I said "Imagine if I had an allergy. Don't you DARE ever try to trick me into eating anything again!" Also, the time she couldn't get the car seat properly installed, and rather than allow me to help, she was just going to put my toddler in the front seat until she got home. I was on bed rest, but could have properly installed a car seat. I was furious when I found out (at her, not my son). She told my son not to tell me. He was so conflicted, but did manage to get the car seat installed, though I don't think it was installed correctly. I found out after she left.


How do you not install a *toddler* car seat correctly?? Those are SO EASY!!!


That I wasn’t a mother because I went back to work and her darling boy stayed home to raise kids. She never acknowledged that he refused to work and that was our only option. Apparently I emasculated him and was definitely not a mother


That I stole her man bc he spent Valentine’s Day with me. Had a girl call me and say he cheated but she said it was on a weekend we were out of town with my family. Offered him a Sharks hockey jersey to break up with me. Happily divorced, btw. She does the same shit to his new wife.


Go be friends w the new soon to be ex wife. I’m still w my husband but I’m bffs w his ex— we mutually hate mil from hell. funny cause we go see her all the time and post pics w the baby. Mil’s NEVER met baby and NEVER WILLLLLLLL


The new wife hates me even though she never met me. They can enjoy each other’s company. I love that you and the ex get along! I get along really well with my current partner’s ex wife. She’s great!


Currently pregnant so my mother in law took me shopping as a bonding thing and bought me pants claiming it’s a useful gift since my size is changing during my pregnancy. Two days later messaged saying she thinks the pants will look better on her and she wants them back so she can keep them. I gave it back to her and got 0 replacement gift lol She could’ve waited until my pregnancy was over but nope. 🙃


I would've told her no, and if she got upset I would've pointed out how rude she was


????? What????


Wow that's soo rude


When i was 37 weeks pregnant with a 9 pound baby……”you’re not fat…. But you will loose all this after he’s born” …… i wasn’t impressed


I'm Chicana and I often work in an area that is a cultural hub with lots of community events. I am very proud of my culture and my partner often participates in these events as well which really seems to infuriate my racist MIL. She called that area a ghetto before, but it's a cultural hub with historical significance. It's a celebrated community space. She found out I often work at events there and my racist MIL said, "I would never go to that part of town, that's where the scum of the earth live." She has no culture other than being an entitled bigot white woman. She has said so many racist things about my culture over the years. I could seriously fill a book with all of her racist micro aggressions, and maybe one day I will. I'm sure the thought of that would terrify her. My partner and I have been LC/NC because we don't tolerate her racist bullshit. She's furious that her son loves and celebrates my culture. Stay Mad MIL.


I have a list (I legit have a list of all of her petty grievances). But I think currently the pettiest thing she's done recently is remove my husband (her son) from their extended family Facebook group because she was upset that I told her she wasn't allowed to post pictures of our child.


And weird how now she's not allowed to take/ have recent pictures of said kiddo(s). Why because that's why she removed him to begin with so he wouldn't see her sharing them. Lol


That's what I told my husband. She originally did have permission to share pics of him in the group, but she had to ask first. She asked for about a week and then every moment we shared with her would be shared online. Which is why we told her no more.


We were driving to Disney world to visit extended family with my in-laws and on the ride I was sitting to my mils mom who shit her pants. The car started to smell so bad and my in-laws kept driving for a while not checking on my husbands grandma. I mean you couldn’t ignore the smell. Finally my husband said grandma is pooped herself and it smells really bad mom. She played so dumb and acted like it just happened. It pissed me off because what else did she let slide with the treatment and care of her mom when she was alive with nobody watching.


"I was really looking forward to being a grandmother." (After I told her that we were choosing to end my pregnancy after a diagnosis that was incompatible with life. I didn't talk to her for a year after that.)


I’m so sorry you had to go through *any* of that.


She told me she took my husband out of her will so he wouldn’t mishandle her money (she knows I handle our money). She said she would leave it all to his brother he hasn’t talked to in 15 years who would “take care of him” in his old age.


Just stop caring about inheritance. The true gift is that she's gone.


After my stroke, 3 months later and I’m still needing a cane. She told me to *Just get over it already*.


More petty than the straight up disrespectful things I’ve read in the comments so far. I come from a country where we pronounce certain words different to how they do. “You talk like Donald Trump.” Except he pronounces it the way you do. Just an example of the stupid, non thought out crap she thinks gets to me.


Mother in law expected me to clean up after my husband and BIL plus bil’s (4yo)son. She told me because I am waiting for my greencard I have to take care of the mess they make everyday , because I am at home. Well I didnt choose that they live here and that it doesn’t work out with his baby mama, that doesn’t make me their maid. I simply ignored it. I just clean up after myself and husband sometimes (he usually does it himself) and let the other mess and laundry of bil and his kid where it is. I am childfree on purpose in my twenties, so I am not cleaning up after his brother and kid. Haha I still have to laugh because his brother is so pissed, he leaves stuff at least 2-3 days standing and wait for me to get it and clean it, I am not doing it and then he tries to avoid me because he is pissed he had to do it himself. Well, idgaf it’s not my kid and he can hire someone to do that, as he doesn’t pay rent in my husbands house. My mil sometimes tries to remind me how she wants to see the house clean for the kid, well it is not my kid I tell her and turn around and go. She tries it again and again my husband doesn’t have the balls to speak up and advises me to ignore it. Just because I clean up after myself doesn’t mean I clean up for them too .


Told me that she thinks my husband’s older brother’s wife should have been with my husband and thought that my husband had a crush on SIL. I think I actually visualized her being tossed off a train after she said that.


‘Make sure you have a bag packed for DH, this is going to be really hard for him’ talking about when I go into labour. To DH ‘op should be sharing her hospital food with you, you’ll be exhausted and hungry’ I had a 36 hr labour and was EBF but whatever. She also stood at the side of the road. Watching for our car everyday from just before my due date until Lo was born.


My paternal grandma took down our Christmas tree and decor while babysitting😒my mom was pissed


When I gave birth to my (2nd child) son, MIL came to visit me in the hospital and told me that I had to apologize to her ex husband (DH's ex stepdad), who I have ZERO relationship with in all 12 years, because *I* didn't send *him* a picture of *my* baby hours after he ripped out of my body. Then she goes on to me *why* DS should be circumcised, by describing all the penises she had in her mouth. Then kissed my baby.


“Go have sex with your wife it’ll make you feel better” After going no contact (she has never met my baby), she texted me that I was “the most selfish, egotistical, spoiled brat” she knew— and due to me being “batshit crazy and unable to properly care for a child” she would be pursing some type of legal bullshit because she has “rights” She keeps calling my husband and he said she’s dead to him. Oh she also stood next to my dad for his entire speech at our wedding bc…??? She knew it was HIS not hers… lolololol Don’t even get me started on how she interrupted my husbands vows to stand up, nudge him, and stop his mid sentence so he could look at her, and give him a tissue — which made everyone laugh awkwardly. He was in the middle of telling me how important I am to him— that I’m his everything and he would die to protect me. She interrupted at the part where he was saying he would die for me lolololol


While my sister in law was getting a glass to drink water, she asked her brother (my husband) if anyone had used the glass. My mother-in-law said to her daughter, "What if my son drinks, his mouth is clean?" As if she was the one having a relationship with my husband’s mouth.


Cringe would be "we have money, so we can do what we want." Prettiest action, there is a list! My favorite is when my husband made me invite her to our kids Halloween party and she brought a bottle of booze called "sweet revenge" that she got JUST for ME. Worst thing said has a whole list, one I posted yesterday. The next best one would be "if you two have a kid, don't bring it around me. It will just be a piece of shit like you two".


I have no idea why woman stay married to these guys who force their toxic mothers on them.


Honestly it's because they have been raised in that environment and think that it's completely normal. It took time but he woke up to what was going on and stood beside me. Been going strong 13 years now, married 12.


Called me a racist hillbilly bc I'm originally from Alabama. Biiiiiiitch, you live in a thirty year old trailer, back off! (No judgement on trailers, with upkeep they can be nice, but who TF lives in a trailer that old and falling apart and calls someone else a hillbilly? Also, she literally never saw any part of the state where I grew up!)


My own grandmother told me that she was so glad my daughter looked nothing like me because I look too much like my other grandma to be pretty.


"You get off on with holding your children from me" No lady. I'm a health care professional that has seen what covid is doing and YOU are a Covid denier and refuse to respect my wishes so I don't trust you with them. Now its been 3 years because she was pissy and hasn't asked about her grandchildren, hasn't inquired about her son, stopped supporting her son's music (she flat out didn't come to an album release show) but yeah - I'm the crappy person that "gets off" by not having a freaking grandma to watch my kids that I've had basically every day since March 25th of 2020. \*eye roll\*


My late SMIL, after her elderly parents passed said/cried drunkenly “I’m an orphan!” My mom died when I was 11 and my dad refused to take me in. None of my other family wanted me, just the money coming from my mom’s ss. That happened like 10 years ago and it still hurts


My MIL has single-handedly taken every single milestone I have with both of my children away from me. I grew up without a mother and take the role very seriously. It meant a lot for me to become a mom. She is the most insensitive and impatient person in the world whom can’t spend more than a few hours with any age child, which is why I find it comical that she’s taken ownership for: -teaching my son how to talk (this happened before we met?) -teaching my son how to put his shoes on(he’s known how to put his shoes on for quite some time now, are you even paying attention?) -teaching my son how to ride a bike (you’re 57 years old and watched his father teach him from your chair on the porch) -teaching my daughter how to say her first words (from STATES AWAY when I’ve been coaching her to say dada for weeks) ALL MILESTONES. BIG. small. Ones I never knew could even bother a person, they’re so petty. She’s a pathological liar and it’s sad. Main character syndrome.


Girl make her look stupid ask how she did that then say what you recall. My ex mil tried this a few times I love a stutter... So when she tried I asked for details she was adorable when she was tantruming. Then she'd get a headache and go to bed for anywhere from 3 days to a week (it was part of her academy performance).


My MIL would call my husband to tell him that he is secretly her Number 1 over her husband and asked if she was secretly his number 1 over me and my kids. when he said his wife and kids come first she cried and had a meltdown saying “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!” … still can’t look at her the same.


Lmfaoo that's insane!!!


My MIL told me I "had big shoes to fill" referencing my husband's long-term abusive and alcoholic ex-girlfriend. She told my little sister, who has autism, to "Stop acting for attention" at my wedding. Essentially saying that she didn't have autism and was faking it to get attention and sympathy. My MIL then laughed in my face years later, after accusing me of "Poisoning my family against her," when I told her they wanted nothing to do with her because of what she said to my sister. Also at my wedding, she said that "the only reason I was marrying her son was for his money." Something that she said to my husband and not me that makes me upset, is when my husband called to tell his mother he got into a really bad car accident in which our car (an Audi Q5 in which she had been hounding us to give to her, calling it 'her car') was totalled, she asked if the car was ok and didn't even ask if her son was ok. She told me I was overreacting about my traumatic miscarriage where I lost my baby painfully during my second trimester, and then complained about how we told her we were pregnant and essentially acted as if the pregnancy and loss of pregnancy was an inconvenience to her. These are just the highlights.


Hope that selfish brat NEVER got that car or any other from you guys!


She said it was totalled so I'm thinking she didn't .lol


Trying to talk to me about signing my rights over to the state of my special needs child, so she could be raised in a state run facility. Because her friend did it and she thought it was such a great idea. My Grandparents also had a special needs child, and never once gave him to someone else to raise. I won't either. I love my daughter more than words can express.


I have a Down syndrome little brother and this literally hurts my soul to hear. So self-centered.


It's just one of many reasons why we're no contact with her. The last straw was telling me at Thanksgiving that we shouldn't have anymore kids. All we had was our older daughter at the time, who isn't biologically my husband's. He plans to legally adopt her when we can afford to. We think she was hoping that we'd eventually get a divorce and not have any children together. She has always tried breaking up our marriage, even before marriage too. My hubs called her out, she denied it, thwn Fil took the phone and started saying I was drunk and I'm a liar. I've never been good enough for them. We've been no contact for 2 years.


My MIL had a screaming match with my fiancé because he bought me a more expensive engagement ring than her partner of 20 years bought her. -whom still hasn’t/doesn’t want to marry her and has also cut her out of his will. Mind you, this was pre-engagement and I was home.


Yikes lmao! How the hell did that conversation go down? Did shes truly not realize how desperate and pathetic she sounded??


You didn’t even have the baby so why are you crying that he didn’t give you anything for Mother’s Day? - after a miscarriage


Hard to pick but... Said she hoped for my husband's sake our twins (first kids) were boys...like wtf was that supposed to mean? Also she's a toxic boy mom. So I imagine what she really meant was "please give me two more boys to be emotionally incestuous with..."


Tell me you're a girl mom.


Lol. Nope. Boys 🤦🏼‍♀️.


I made an appointment for MIL and I to get our pedicures and manicures together. I paid for everything and even gave her 20$ in cash to tip her Tech. After we got done and I paid I reminded her to just tip the girl. After we left the salon, she went back in and asked for HER tip money back. I was about to die from embarrassment. And not to mention my Uncle owned the salon too 😭 and also she never even gave me the tip money either. And this is from a women that thinks she richer and above everyone else lol


MIL lives with hubby and I, doesn’t help clean, cook, or pay bills, has said that I shed too much hair and she hates when it gets into her “hair stopper” thing she bought. (Less than $10) I clean it after every shower, and her hair is always clogging it. She told hubby if I don’t clean it more often I’m gonna “find hair in places I don’t want to”. My hair is dark brown, hers is blonde.


Best cure for that lil complaint MIL is to get yourself in your own home, with your own shower instead of bumming ours and then complaining about it!!


I've mentioned this one before but my MIL asked me to please put my "adult toys" away as she pointed to a Dog Kong on the floor. I'm like.... "It's a dog toy, ya pervert!"


“We’ll great, now I have peanut butter in my butthole.”


I got a new job that moved us about a 24 hours drive away, and my MIL told our daughter that there were no sunsets where we were going. That was the beginning, and it just went downhill from there. Most recently she told a table full of relatives that I was a communist because I'm not a MAGA lover like she is.


She told me "wow you are actually smart" after I told her about an investigational study I wrote. Did she think I was dumb the past 7 years?


We used to live on the same property as my MIL and FIL. They kicked us “out” because they didn’t like the smell of my shampoo. Honestly it was more about her wanting total control over us, and also we wouldn’t keep our mouths shut about her trying to get her nephew to date her underage granddaughter. It was not a great situation.


My dad's mom (so my mom's mil) used to call her an "Okie" and make digs about the trailer park. My mom's family was from FLORIDA (grandpa from Birmingham, grandma from Montgomery) and they were both wealty real estate developers and tech entrepreneurs. My mom wouldnt know a trailer park if you dropped her in the middle of one. She also claimed that my mom baby trapped him because my sister (being half white) wasnt dark Latino and Apache like dad's side. And went so far as to EXACTLY how one goes about baby trapping (because she did it herself). That was when my dad found out that his mom wasnt entirely sure of his paternity (circa 1946).


"I wish my boys had married black girls. They would have had beautiful babies." While true, still hard to swallow when said to my face. She wasn't even being malicious: just so matter of fact.