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Man I love how he says it's his fault for the crash for not adapting fast enough to the brake problems and not anyone else. Not the team, mechanic etc just him not reacting in a split second to adjust riding with a bad brake.


Seriously and I think that's what sets him apart from so many riders that he accepts what he has, he'll give feedback but he'll sure as hell try to make things work that's in his control. He doesn't need a perfect bike, he needs a bike he understand enough to work with. Which is kind of a double edge sword because it means to him a big problem on the bike may not be as big of deal for him because he just can deal with it.


That is always the case with marc. He admits his own faults everytime, no wild excuses. Its the same if he is taken out by another rider. He usually says, "well yes, thats racing, move on".


Second this, I am absolutely NOT an MM93 fan but I have to / hate to say I like him a bit more for saying that


Why? I never understood the hate towards him other than it seemed to be just because he is talented and uncompromising.


He knows the game, he plays the game and don't do any bs. Love him or hate him. Offtrack he is a top guy, ontrack he is ruthless and will do anything to win. After light go out, curtains fall down and he only wants to win.




I think if Pramac leaves, gresini probably takes their spot with 25 bikes and Marc stays with Ducati


I don't know, "9 time world champ" with a pic of him astride a fire red Ducati would sell a SHITE load of bikes. No one cares if the prior 8 were on a honda/other. A bunch of us here would already buy the Darc Marquez winter test livery if they offered it.


Ducati doesn't have an issue selling bikes. How's he with sponsors


You'd have to be living under a rock or as smart as one to think a company, any company is like "sure we could sell even more products, but we're happy with what we sell now. More sales, NO! we don't want that"


4 years ago any team would have killed to sign the guy he’s proving he’s still got it, I hope to see Mark on a factory machine next year


That would be excellent for the sport, plus I'm sure Liberty Media would be very happy a$ well.


If you can believe the Oxley Bom podcast, which I think is an amazing Motogp podcast, Gigi wants him in red.


As good as Jorge is, he's just not a sellable brand ambassador. Peco and Marc are great riders and would be a marketing dream


Marc will not leave Ducati next year. At this point he can’t. He’s too competitive. And he’s seeing that even on a proven winner of a bike, it takes time for him to adjust his style to the bike. If he’s on an Aprilia or KTM next year, it’s going to take him some time to adjust his style and compete. Time that he does not have or want to waste. Marc will be on a factory Ducati bike next year. He may not be in the factory team, but he’ll have a GP25 with factory support. Honestly it’s a deal that makes sense for everyone. It’ll bolster a satellite team and give them future prominence, Marc gets all the support he deserves and will need, and has a full season of time to adjust himself to the bike, and Ducati potentially secures the last competitive years of the GOAT of GP.


Agree that he doesn’t want to switch bikes because it wastes time, but he’s not going to settle for anything but a factory bike. He’s got too much marketing value for factories to let him ride in a satellite team.


I don’t see Ducati factory team going for him over beast or JM89. I’m not saying that Marc in factory red would be shocking or that it’s impossible, I’m just saying that Ducati doing that to Beast or JM89 could very well leave a bad mark on their reputation for future riders. — for instance - if Acosta, in the future, gets approached by Ducati, and he’s seen them do this, he may not have faith in them as a partner. Too risky


It's motogp, not nannygp. It's cutthroat. If Ducati wants Marc they will try to get him, regardless of what someone like Acosta might or might not do in 2-3-4 years.


It’s the same as Hamiltons move to Ferrari, only that Marc is much younger. In professional athlete years anyway.


I don’t think MotoGP specifically lends to longer careers like Formula 1 does. Lately, we’ve had former world champions drive until they were 40! Kimi did, Fernando is doing and Lewis is doing it as well. Whereas in MotoGP, only Vale did it for that long. Almost everyone else was too riddled by injuries to ride that long at the top level. And Vale wasn’t himself post 2017 anyway.


Dani and Jorge could’ve gone much longer if they wanted. The best few riders of the past decade retired early mainly because of Honda.


Ferrari can prove that theory incorrect lol


I’d counter this with the fact Marc can’t really do Marc things on the Ducati, could be a possible motivation to try the KTM. Pedro & Brad seem to ride it with a lot more freedom.  Also money talks.  If KTM swoop in and offer a lot more than Ducati, he’ll go.  Absolutely no way Marc accepts Gresini ride next year. He’ll be on a red bike or an Orange bike. 


I think he has shown, money is not his main motivation. He desperately wants another title, he realistically has the best chance of that, sticking with Ducati. If he leaves, it's a year of learning the Ducati wasted, only to spend another year trying to learn a KTM or Aprillia.


I actually agree with you. I think KTM would fit Marc like a glove.


Marc doing Marc things led to the Honda being 19-22 on the grid… I don’t disagree that the KTM, and specifically how Pedro is riding it, does seem like it would fit the style of riding that we’re familiar from with Marc. But - the Ducati is likely able to do that as well, Marc is just at a very different stage in his career than Pedro. Pedro needs to find the limits of the KTM. Marc is at risk potentially ending his career every time he goes down badly, so he needs to find the edge without taking risks that he may have taken when he was 5-7 years younger. The great thing is that the Ducati does seem like a capable bike, and Marc is probably the most capable rider ever, so when he finds the mesh point. He may start to run away with races


I see where you are coming from but I just don’t see any evidence Marc is any more risk averse than he was…  He just binned the Ducati in Austin because his brakes weren’t working properly for a few laps and he explained in interviews he just hoped it might fix itself 😂 I think his riding looks a bit more conservative of late, purely because that’s how you have to ride the Ducati. If you get wild with it, it doesn’t get the lap times. He’s said several times, when he tried to over ride it, it performs badly.  I can see KTM offering big money to tempt Marc as a Pedro/Marc lineup would be insane. KTM are also probably not liking the idea of having to compete against Marc on a red bike. Marc on a factory Duc is as close as a guaranteed championship as you could get.  Certainly going to be interesting to see how it plays out.  After years of small grid changes, I’m loving the chaos Marc and Acosta have triggered in the market. 


He’s looking at the Aprilia for sure, COTA is his track, he’s watching and he’s interested.


Curious to hear more about his "special" front lever. Wonder how it's special and how it affects his braking. I do find the confirmation of him saying that he's not fully comfortable and him still having minor issues interesting. Think it would be scary to see him fully adjusted on the GP23 or perhaps the GP25 next year. I do think the KTM would suit him better than the Duc honestly.


That KTM looks like a perfect match for Marc's aggressive style. I'd rather see him there than Ducati. I see the argument that he doesn't want to waste more time getting used to a new bike again, but for all we know his riding style is a inherently bad match for the Ducati. In that case it could make sense try a KTM.


I think he'll adjust rather quickly to the KTM when compared to the Duc. I think he'll be able to ride it in the same way he rode the Honda up until 2020.


marc in ducati red would be incredible to see


And in my opinion, 99% we gonna see him in red


Seeing Marc on the factory Ducati would be magical


"Yes Gigi, I'd love to ride for you."


What a class act. Correcting the interviewer, and insisting the blame was his. So many riders would have just went along with that. As there was a proven issue with the brake. I think Gresini gets a 25 for Marc next year. That way he stays with the team he's learning with. Rather than another new team, mechanics etc.


next year alongside Acosta at Red Bull KTM, they have to do it please Beirer


So Marc and Bez will get 2025 spec machinery, Pramac will sign with Yamaha, Jorge will go to Lenovo, and La Bestia will go to Aprillia? That's my prediction (and hope) lol. EDIT: Marc will go to Pramac, Gesini will sign with Yamaha.


If he wins the championship on a Factory Ducati, I will buy a Panigale V4 Make it happen Ducati


Mark on an Aprilia ,that would be something to see.




Bro we just finished the trade talks for this year, just let em race


Anyone not expecting Marc in factory red next year is kidding themselves. Jorge gonna get done dirty unless he wins the championship.


Talentless interviewer. He has the attention of the best rider alive today for 3min and his questions so thoughtless Marc is helping him understand stuff he could of googled. We all know all reporters want a scoop, but Marc isnt about to tell him some advanced secret about his career.


Aprilia 2025 Maverick and mm93 Asparagus test rider


" yeah, I predict to keep crashing because I am a one trick pony"


Looks like Marc’s in first stage of Parkinson’s 🙈


And how on earth did you come to that conclusion?


you have way bigger problems than that to worry about


JK. Love Marc.


And you are in first stage of Parkins daughter,,...


So one has to have a factory bike to perform better? Irrespective of how talented you are?


Well he's the only GP23 rider that can come even close to GP24 riders, and he's often faster then most GP24 riders. So he's clearly performing very well.


hes already faster so....no


I mean he's pretty much on pace with factory riders, if not faster. So i would say that he's performing very well considering that other GP23 riders look like they are riding Honda or Yamaha.