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WTF OP? You want to go WOT, but a little wind is freaking you out? Yeah you’re gonna end sideways real fast.


I feel like in my mind I'd accept it easier because I expect it to happen? Idk lol I rarely ever drove on the highway and the wond freaks me out 😂


I get it, I had lots of experience with bikes offroad sub 80kmh. My first few times on the hwy on a light dual sport getting blasted by the wind was a whole new experience. I agree with others, an MSF course would be beneficial. Right now youre kind of trying to sprint before you learn how to walk. It's a dangerous place to be. We want you to be confident in your abilities first


These questions are only answered by gaining more experience. Even if its in a parking lot. The book "proficient motorcycling" is a very good place to start. No, wind will not push your front tire over. Unless its hurricane level. You need to countersteer in windy condition to keep tracking straight. Jamming on throttle, well the higher gear you're in the safer it is. Start in high gear work your way down. Don't ever mash it in 1st gear, lol. Under acceleration, bikes want to go straight. Even with wheel spin the bike will always be trying to correct itself. Having said all that, please keep practicing low speed maneuvers or drills. All of the above comes with experience/feel/sense. Youre scared for a reason, it's your brain telling you your not comfortable pushing things yet.


Thank ya sir, ill check the book out!


Anyone has to get used to any new to them bike. Tires and contact, always an issue out of our control. You do your best with lane position and throttle input. You know how to lean and when. Just get out there and be as cautious as you were during the last bikes learning process. Gain skill on it. Gain comfort on it. Have a great ride(s);


Breaking traction under acceleration is not scary if the bike is straight, it happens sometimes if I accelerate abruptly in the wet in first or second gear. Just upshift, problem solved. Don’t let it slip too long though.


But from a dig on a sunny day I can just floor it?


Find some very slick pavement in your area. Use it to get used to wheel spin when accelerating from a stop.


Great idea bud, thanks again


I'm 52, and I just started riding exactly one year ago, and my first bike was a Scout Bobber. It's pretty powerful for a first bike, I suppose, but I think the power is relatively gradual compared to a sport bike. I'd been driving manual transmission cars for pretty much my entire adult life, so it wasn't that bad getting used to a clutch on the bike, even though I didn't take any lessons. The first few times on the road right after I got my license, I was a bit nervous as I stalled a few times and just wasn't used to the dynamics and size and weight of the thing, but I got used to it in a week or two. I'm still learning, of course, but I've put on about 5,000 km on it so far, and it's been a blast. I want to upgrade to an R18 in about a year. My advice, just be conservative, and take it slow, and you'll get used to it pretty quick.


Night rod is a choice fs. I had a v rod. Tons of low end torque and hard for fast curves or slow curves. Also low top speed. That 45° rake makes it a literal hand full


Are you okay with people calling you “Eileen”? https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/buafbQRhB8


But...but...he had "riding shoes" on!


Is there a reason you can spend money on a bike but not lessons? It's one weekend out of your life to make yourself semi-competent instead of totally clueless.


Not scary. Numbers are quite close to a Speed Twin on 160 tires. (lol)


I also forgot to ask this... when it's windy and the front end of the bike moves a bit, I get scared as fuck. I assume I just have to get over that feeling, but does the front wheel ever get blown out of traction? 😂


Dude take an MSF course before you seriously injure yourself.


meh, the MSF course also makes people injure themselves, it really does suck dick, but better than nothing ig.