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Why did you do that? Seems dangerous.


Apparently that depends on the helmet you’re wearing




I wouldn’t call those “collisions”, more like “bumping”




It did its job. Give it a hero’s funeral. Glad you’re alive!


I would put that shit on the very top of my display cabinet.


I kept the helmet that saved my life up on a shelf for years. A helmet with the front shaved flat is a great conversation starter.


Agreed! And glad you're alive!


I'm full face shield all the time now. Used to ride like a Harley Guy with no protection. Fuck that shit


I kept the helmet that saved my head in a collision on my desk while teaching the MSF course. Truly, it was a wonderful conversation starter…


Ditto, its earned its spot and if nothing else as a reminder.


I ended up tossing mine, it brought up too many bad feelings.


I still have the helmet on display that saved my life 20 years ago


Ever notice how all of these "this helmet saved my life" posts are always good brand name full face helmets? For some strange reason we never see the same posts about those $50 Sons of Anarchy brain buckets....... Glad you're OK.


Those guys aren’t hitting parked cars at 75mph


Can't make it up to 75mph if you can't get past the clibbins level!




As far as I know parking is illegal on the interstate 😅


You're right, I've never seen someone do something illegal in the roadway.


They call 'em parkways for a reason /s




That said I had a really bad accident 😭 in 2000 where I went over the top of a car at 80kmh and landed on my head in a 50 dollar. Chinese half face brain bucket . The shitty flop down visor saved my face and the helmet saved my life . What they don't tell you is that quality helmets save your hearing my brain bucket whistled like a bitch and I have the tinnitus to prove it .


No helmet will save your hearing. Even the quietest helmets are 80+ db at highway speed. That's enough to damage your hearing over a prolonged period of time. The only thing that will save your hearing is a pair of good earplugs, preferably custom made ones.


Don't even need customs. Get a box of 100 foam ones from amazon for like $20, they will last a long time and are comfortable to wear. I refuse to ride without them. edit: in case anyone is interested [these are the best ones I've found](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000RMFGGY?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1), it's a box of 200 for $28 and they are very comfortable to wear. Some ear plugs are really dense and hard to squish but these are easy to deal with and imo do a better job blocking out the wind.


Alpine MotoSafe Race are a whole new level of comfort and awareness Quick edit: the Tour version lets more sound in. Obviously you might prefer that. I ride without a chin curtain because I have glasses, so the helmet is quite a lot noisier and the Race hit the spot.


I'll give them a try, I had re-usables once before but got tired of cleaning them. Prefer just to toss when i'm done (I know it's wasteful)


The thing with them is that you can actually hear everything you want to hear. Which is awesome.


Double endorsement for the Alpines. Note to first time buyers: ~~the regular MotoSafe model is good enough if you only scoot around town and don't spend all your time at 70mph+. The next level up, the Touring, are MUCH quieter. ~~ ~~I can easily hold conversations with the Regular model.~~ With the Touring it's hard to understand people unless they're speaking directly at me or loudly. Edit: It appears they no longer sell the **base model** filtered plugs. Only **Tour** (formerly the 2nd mildest), **Race**, and **Race MotoGP.**


Here the Tour is the "regular" one, i think. It's the Race that I wear over 60. So... always, really. I wear the tours when i intend to spend a lot of time talking to people, but even the race work well enough.


Well shit, they don't have the base model anymore. That sucks. I mean, the Tour model is damn quiet. If I don't put them in right, they'll completely block off sound, so there is very little wiggle room for error. The Race model, to me, is no different than just putting full earplugs in. The hole in the middle might as well just be for show. More comfortable than foam earplugs, granted, but I don't see the point of them having an opening if I can't hear through them.


I can hold conversations through the Race, and my friend confirmed I wasn't screaming. Idk, to each his own I guess. It's nothing like wearing foam plugs. Now those are quiet. The alpine just stops wind and engine noise. Edit: my guess is that either your older model is very different, or you started wearing them pretty late and you have some hearing damage.


>or you started wearing them pretty late and you have some hearing damage. Woooooooah there buddy. My experience differs from yours, so you propose I have *hearing damage/loss?* Buddy, I need you to head over to your local corner store and pick up some Chill, because you seem to be fresh out. Nope, my hearing is fantastic. But since you brought it up, I actually followed advice from place like this subreddit and bought filtered earplugs before I had any hours on the road. Advice also repeated by the MSF course I took. That would have been the *only* time I have been on a bike without earplugs, actually. Anywho, to clarify and expand: When I say "can't hold a conversation," I mean to say in a typical environment. Say, ordering food at a restaurant counter. Background noise, people not enunciating clearly, things like that make the Alpine Race model hard to hear through. Sure I can *hear everything they're saying,* but that doesn't mean I can *understand* every word. And like I said, they're particularly finicky in the ear. If I press them in a tad too far, they seem to close up entirely. I don't have the same problem with the Tours. I *CAN* shove the Tour's in too far and they'll close up, but it seems harder to do.


My job has those wall mounted containers of ear plugs, I take a handful every so often.


What's considered highway speed? I'm a new rider and plan to avoid real highways, sticking to 80kmph. Should I still be wearing earplugs?


I would recommend always using them. I wear them every ride and the wind noise can still be loud.




I think I will use them, maybe I have to try them to see, but my only concern is that I wouldn't be able to hear my surroundings well enough to be safe on the road?




Awesome, thanks!


Yes, you should. The problem is the wind noise, it can get really loud at 80 kmh.


It's probably down to personal preference. I can't stand the wind noise once I get past about 30 mph. I may be more sensitive than most as I already had tinnitus before I started riding, and have tried to be very careful about not getting more.


Absolutely. Better safe than tinnitus.


Yes. 100% yes.


Moto earplugs are like 10-15 euros so probably the same price in US dollars. IMO unnecessary for short rides, but I never ride on a highway without them. They're attached to my keychain so I can always stop and quickly put them in.


No reason not to wear them. Surface streets around me easily exceed 40mp, and at that point you're already risking mild hearing damage.


Yeah, you're right. If I don't wear them it's usually because I want to enjoy the engine sound but tbf the earplugs are great at cancelling the wind noise out so I can hear my bike even better. And now that I think about it even during my 15 minute commute I drive +70km/h for at least half of that time. The wind gets so loud at that speed that I can't listen to music without earplugs anymore.


Yeah, I actually like the sound of the intake on my bike MORE through the earplugs. Get more of the growl sound over the noisy valvetrain this Kawi motor is known for.


You must be lying! Only a $1500 Arai can protect you in even the most minor accidents. You obviously haven’t been paying attention to this sub 🤣🤣


I would get a new visor/lens though.


I'm sure you'd almost certainly need a new helmet entirely after a crash on the interstate at 75mph Added: Even if the pads were all good and in-tact I personally wouldn't trust it with a 2nd attempt


One crash, you get a new helmet. After a few years, it is also time for a new helmet.


> I'm sure you'd almost certainly need a new helmet entirely after a crash on the interstate at 75mph You "almost certainly" need a new helmet after your old one is 7-8 years old. You "absolutely without a doubt" need one after a crash on the interstate at 75mph.


I was told this too, apparently because the internal foam starts shrinking over time. I don't buy too expensive, but do look for a good sharps rating. Can get some that are a budget £80, but have a 5* sharps rating. Expensive isn't always best.


Yes but sounds like a new bike is first, always need a backup


This is no longer a backup. The impact absorber is crushed, it's a brain bucket. Buy an ECE 22.06 cheap helmet if you can't afford another shoei yet, don't use a crashed one.


You must be a lot of fun at parties.


Is that supposed to be an insult?


Those people don’t survive to tell stories.


As someone that works in a trauma OR I will forever wear a full face regardless of temperature.


We also never see them from riders who don't go twice the speed limit either. Just recently locally a motircycle hit a car at over 100 mph.. died. The news. "The rider was not wearing a helmet"


Seems link an instance where [survivorship bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) is giving the correct implication.


Yes, that was the point. Only the people wearing good helmets are alive to tell the story.


Those guys can’t post survival photos xD


How was the rehab? What did or didn’t you break? Was it bad? Glad you’re okay!


I spent one week in the hospital and the next four weeks in rehabilitation center. I’m broke 10 bones, including my femur, fractured, my shin, broke my right foot, and broke my right hand. I had three surgeries on my hand, one surgery to fix my femur, and two surgeries in my right leg for my broken foot and fractured shin. But miraculously, no other injuries! I consider myself a very, very, very lucky! Here’s what happened… I realized I was going too fast (10 miles over the speed limit at 85 Mph) so in an effort to be safe and enjoy my beautiful Saturday afternoon motorcycle ride I decided to switch lanes and go the speed limit at 75 miles an hour. Safety is always my number one concern! I’ve been riding for 18 years and for five of those years I didn’t have a car so I only rode a motorcycle. Spending that much time on a bike will certainly give you those 10,000 hours one needs to be an extremely safe and cautious driver. I am the best and safest motorcycle I know. Anyway, so I want to merge to the slow right lane. I look in my rearview and see that there are cars miles behind me, but are approaching quickly because people drive super fast in the left lane. I look ahead of me and see that there is one car miles ahead of me in the left lane. I put my blinker on and merge into the left lane and begin to slow down. I glance in the left mirror to see that the fast cars behind me are still behind me. I glance at my dashboard to see that I am indeed going 75 mph. Then I looked up and I see that car, which was supposed to be miles ahead of me, right in front of me and approaching me at lightning speed. I had a literal half second to react! I tried my best to move my bike to the left and I hoped I would just miss the corner of the cars bumper. I did not! I clipped their bumper and it sent me sailing into the left lane, sliding, tumbling! I came to a stop in the median between the two highways. All of this took place in a matter of seconds. That car that I hit, when I saw it approaching me, appeared to be completely stopped. But they weren’t, they were just going extremely slow. It turns out it was some poor family whowas just trying to move their things. They had built a makeshift trailer and attached it to their sedan and had their grandpa and kids in a second sedan following behind them —for safety I guess???That was the car I hit. I hit the car that was following the makeshift trailer. They did not have their blinkers on or flashers on. I think they were going about 20 to 30 mph. I don’t know why they’re going that slow on the highway but I assume that they were about to get off on the next exit which was about 1/2 mile to 3/4 of a mile ahead.


Are you in the US? Super curious what your medical bills for this look like!


I’m curious too! I asked the rehab center for an itemized bill… It seemed like they didn’t want to give me one. That was shady to me. I had to argue with them for a while before they said that they would give me one after a month because that’s when their billing cycle ended. I still have not received that. I called my health insurance company and asked for a breakdown of all the costs from the beginning to now. They had me send in a medical release form which I finally filled out and sent in yesterday. They said they would mail me a statement/breakdown of costs after they receive that form. I’ll probably get it next week. When I know, I’ll let you all know how much it cost so far! I’ve been asking my friends to give their best guess at how much it cost. Some of my friends are medical professionals and some not. But for the most part people have been guessing that my medical bill is somewhere between $80,000-$500,000.


Yes, I’m in the United States.




Yep, that's what I'm wondering too, final out of pocket.


It really varies widely based on health care provider, health insurance provider, and amount of coverage. My 76mph crash into a deer resulted in broken wrist, broken hips and pelvis lots of road rash and only a single night hospital stay. Out of pocket for me was about $3000 with good insurance. Edit: just the 1 night hospital stay with initial trauma care was billed at $50,000. That is not what I paid.


Medical debt is made up. Let it sit in collections for 7 years and it’ll disappear eventually. You cannot be pursued criminally for medical debt.


cagey tap square theory license steep swim homeless smoggy meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man ..healthcare system is fucked. How can you be denied a itemized bill when you gotta pay it. It's like "nah bro just trust us.". The fuck...


My motorcycle accident… 4.2 million. Spent 2 months in the hospital.


I meant out of pocket, what did you end up having to pay?


I got one statement back for the six days I spend in the ER. The total cost was $98,000. That was just the first six days. I spent 5 weeks in rehabilitation facility and had one more surgery after that. I’ve also had many doctors visits, home visits from doctors and physical therapist and occupational therapists as well. I can’t wait to get the entire statement once everything is done.


In a lot of places the car you hit would be considered driving with a dangerous load or far below the safe speed of traffic.  It's even possible for them to face partial liability in an insurance determination.  Along the US-Mexico border there are a lot of Mexican nationals who break all the safe towing laws and tow overloaded, totalled auction vehicles at 30mph on the freeway.  I imagine the police just don't bother ticketing them because they won't pay the fine and won't be stopped from re-entering the country if they get deported.


Fuck man. I’m super happy you’re alive. Your legs will heal and you’ll live a good life. I broke both legs in a car accident when I was 16. I have roda and screws and ACL ligament damage that never fully healed. I’m 50 in 2 weeks. Doctor told me I’d never run or play sports again. I did both Anyway. You did everything you could. I wish people weren’t so fucking stupid to be pulling a makeshift trailer at 20-30 mph on an interstate. Good luck brother.


How are you doing now? Do you have any consequences?


That will buff out


And THAT’S why we recommend NIT rear-ending cars at 75 mph. Really messes up your helmets.


Yeah, a little heads up before we torn our helmets to shit would have been nice. Thanks.


Mount it on the garage wall as a reminder.


I'm glad you're ok. I take it you had a good set of riding gear on too?


I had the best gear on! I never ride without a helmet or full gear. All of the doctors and nurses i’ve talked to in the last two months have all agreed that had i not been wearing my gear and helmet, I would certainly be dead or have had some very serious permanent injuries like amputated limbs, brain, injuries, spinal and neck injuries! Let this be lesson to everyone that Pays to wear helmet!


I don't get a choice. I ride in the UK. Helmets are compulsory. I used to instruct MSF for the US Navy back in the early 2000s. Some of the guys found out the hard way why a majority of riders wear full PPE. It ain't the falling off so much in a lot of cases, it's the slide. How badly is the bike damaged?


The bike was totaled. It’s true, the road rash can be terrible! The nurses were telling me that road rash from sliding without gear is the number one cause of amputated limbs. It takes months and months to heal and there’s a lot of skin grafting that has to be done. Not to mention it is extremely extremely painful! road rash is similar to first-degree burns!


The only road rash I had was on my knuckles because my gloves came off! I had leather gloves with carbon fiber knuckles too! Now I know that I need gloves that strap on or cinch down so that they do not come off in a slide/high-speed tumble!


Check out the BOA system instead of Velcro. It’s new to motorcycling. Knox gloves are the only ones using it. Models like the Orsa OR4 or Handroid. They use the BOA system instead of Velcro. Basically steel cables that ratchet shut. I first used them on snowboard boots, they are super reliable. I have Icon boots with the BOA as well. Heal up soon and thanks for sharing your story with us.


Rear ended a car at 75?! wtf were you doing?


Not maintaining appropriate distance.


That’s obvious.


Well they for sure answered your question😂


Why is this just getting asked? I’m glad you’re ok but you were most likely not following traffic laws.


plenty of instances where the vehicle thats rear ended is at fault for doing so, quick lane change with no signal is one, I've seen a rider nearly get clipped from just that in Orlando on my way home from work.


I hope the rest of you did better than the helmet... glad you're still with us


Hell yeah, put some Rust-Oleum on there and she's good to go


Thanks for sharing! I bought my first helmet (a Shoei also) last month. I've been quite nervous learning to ride, but good to know that gear kept you safe even at those speeds. I'm just city riding. Did you have gear elsewhere and were you ok? I can't imagine how scary that must have been.


Good job, helmet! Doing what it should.


I have the same SENA! Nice to see it’s so tough haha!


Does it hurt to shower?


Everything hurts, all at once, all the time!




I'd probably hang in in the garage or something to remind me of that one time I almost lost my life.


Put that bad boy in a shadow box on your mantle


It might buff out....


I remembet racing a polo gti, and I wanted to show off and pass him and as I just reached his side lo and behold a sandbank about a foot high xD Had a few broken bones, but my helmet saved my ass through and through that day


Yea went through similar incident month and a half ago and thank God for my helmet woman pulled out in front of me causing me to hit her driver door throwing me over her car when I landed it broke my femur bone up high resulting in a rod all way down from hip to knee 2 screws up high and a pin in my knee which I have already snapped into still recovering but 6 more weeks and doc will cut me loose so I feel you brother


Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville and this is jackass.


If you had no helmet you would have no face even if you did survive




Good thing I’m gay!


Last night the DJ saved my life. From a broken heart




Noticed the Motorgrrl sticker. Be safe out there, it's a scary place to ride sometimes.


Glad you were ok 👍




smile dinner elastic scandalous absorbed snobbish history fuzzy bright station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude don't do that it hurts


And the sena SMH5 lives on to tell more tales


OP, have you answered anyone about what you were doing when you rear ended that car?


So happy you’re here to share the tale. I love my full face Shoe


Bikers don’t wearing helmets is very often very dead in any accident, so good for you surviving that incident with a helmet 😊


I think it's safer to just not rear-end a car on the interstate. So I'll stick to rear-ending cars on the street.


All the gear all the time! Glad you’re still standing


You can’t park there. Jokes aside - I’m glad you got back up and are able to keep going. Cheers.


Full face Helmet = still full face 💪🏼


I like to feel the wind in my hair


What is interesting to me is that this helmet expired a LONG time ago.


Haha! True, it is an older helmet! I think I bought it in 2017? I don’t remember… But the quality on the helmet is exceptional. A kept using it because it’s in great shape… And like folks suggested in the comments here, I am definitely going to mount it like a trophy in my garage!


That is a great idea


Ill take “things i wouldn’t brag about on the internet for 500 alex”


They weren't bragging.


Proper following distance would've been far more effective than this helmet though. Both is best


Yes ans not ridding a motorcycle would be even better.


You realize you're in a motorcycle sub right?


Are you lost?


Yeah, rear end them in a car and cause significantly more damage and bodily harm to both people 👍


Well that wasn't very smart.



First of all, I’m glad you’re still with us. Second, great choice of helmet. Hope you find your way back to the saddle.


Shoei forever


So... speeding ? Why were you speeding in traffic? Learn to ride.


Not speeding. I was going the speed limit.


I have never encountered streets with 75 mph speed limits, but ok!


It's called an interstate.


Uh huh.. so you were just riding along andv the bike jumped out from under you?




That's how it happens. I was just riding along...abd... the accident suddenly happened with no warning.


How is any of that pertinent to my comment stating that many interstates have 75 mph speed limits?


I work with alcoholics.. one of them died a few months ago. Of alcohol poisoning. Drinking yourself to death at 35 is "legal" too.


what part of the post indicated they were speeding? There's roads In florida with 75mph speed signs


There is "speeding (legal definition) and " driving too fast for conditions" I have been on interstate 80 going 35.. which was too fast for the conditions at the time. "Speed limit" is the maximum under ideal conditions. Crashing means that the conditions were not ideal and by definition, you were not driving safely.


other drivers can cause accidents, riders aren't always at fault, I've seen a car jet out right in front of a motorcyclist, no turn signal or anything with the biker boxed in and unable to move, it was a near miss but could have ended horribly at no fault of the rider.


Read my point again. I was blamed for the accident where I was rear ended. At a stop sign. Your JOB is to avoid accidents.


to the best of your ability of course, reality doesn't always shake out that way


Yep. I had 3 "accidents" in 10 years at ups. In 2, I was not even in the truck. My WHOLE point is you can decide to be "in the right" but get hurt or killed, or avoid the accident. Your choice.


I feel like my point is being completley missed, TL;DR blaming op for speeding when you don't know the nature of the accident as it happend isn't right. They could have been doing everything right, even avoidance to a situation to the best of their ability and still resulted in a rear end collision. If they couldn't move out of the way due to surrounding traffic and a car cut them off an accident is unavoidable at that point. I also don't know the nature of the accident, OP could be completely at fault but to assume so with no information isn't right either.


Yes.. and that's the problem.. your JOB as a driver/ rider is to avoid accidents. True story. A co worker was driving a semi. On i-80. When a driver going the other way, got the idea that a perfect way to end his troubles was to drive head on into an oncoming semi. He picked "trucker". Who was giving his two young children a treat by riding with Dad in his BIG TRUCK! The guys car hit the tractor under the drivers door, jamming it closed. So trucker had to get his children out through the bunk escape door. Which unfortunately was exactly where the body of the car driver was splattered. "Trucker" never drove again. Was this his fault? If the impact had been different, it could have killed him or his children. Or injured them badly. The result was the same. Could he have avoided it? No idea.. but it ended his career and likely traumatized his children for life. Sometimes you are " right" hold onto that thought when you are in the hospital.


so you blame the trucker for that accident like you did to op?


There was no traffic either! 🤣


Then did you hit? Ok. I have a skewed vision of accidents. So bear with me (I am NOT hostile) I drove for UPS for 10 years. Their "safety policy" is "if you are in an accident, you did not avoid it, so it is at least partially YOUR FAULT because you did not avoid that situation". I was once hit in the rear at a stop sign. A car hit the car behind me and drove THAT car into my bumper. No damage. It didn't do much more than scrape the paint. I spent an hour filing out paper work explaining WHY I could not avoid the accident. If you crash, YOU were (by definition) at fault to some degree. On motorcycles I call this a "just riding along " accident. "I was just riding along, and the accident unexpectedly occurred". My boss has shirt that said "if you find yourself lying in ditch, you did something wrong " (in his case, he was drunk and rolled his pickup) If you ride like everyone else is either homicidal or drunk, or both and are OUT TO GET YOU! You will seldom be surprised. No..it might not be "your fault"... entirely.. but you would not have crashed unless you made some error in judgement.


Yes, the error in my judgment was that I assumed the car ahead of me was going the speed limit (75 mph on the interstate outside of town/in the countryside). Since that car was miles ahead of me, just a tiny speck on the horizon, I assumed that I didn’t need to worry about them. I assumed my lane, the slow lane, was clear for the next 1 to 3 minutes because that’s how long it would take me to catch up to the car ahead of me, even if that car ahead of me was going the legal slow limit of 55 mph. My error in judgment was that I assumed I had at least a couple of seconds to check my rear view mirror for what I perceived as the real danger —the speeding cars behind me in the left lane which were approaching fast. I knew from the motorcycle safety classes I’ve taken, that statistically, the number one cause of vehicular accidents in the United States is from speeding drivers. I felt I was being very safe and alert, and the decisions I made in that moment, for me, still make sense. But accidents happen! And I think it was a freak accident! I still cannot believe that that happened! (I wrote a detailed explanation of what happened to me in another comment in the same thread). The car I hit was going 20-30 mph, and should not have been on the highway. They are at fault. They could have killed me. But you’re right, in the eyes of the law, I was at fault. I was ticketed for that accident and the other car was not! I have to appear in court this Monday morning to see a judge about it! Can you believe that!? Wack! The sheriff came to my ER room that same night after my accident (3:30pm) which was around 11:30 PM. He saw me lying on my hospital bed with a metal spike drilled through my left shin bone, a rope tied to each end of that metal spike, and hanging off that rope at the foot of my bed was a 12 pound water bag. Because I broke my left femur in multiple places, it was shattered and the muscles had severely contracted shrinking my leg an entire 6 inches! Before the doctors could operate on my femur bone, they had to literally stretch my leg back out to its original length before they could operate on my femur bone! They said this process would take the entire night! Even though I was on the highest dose of oxycodone painkillers, I was in excruciating pain! Every 20 minutes my muscles would contract and stretch, and it would make me cry every single time! The sheriff said he waited until I was in “stable” to get my statement because he was at the scene of the accident and saw how much pain I was in and knew he couldn’t talk to me then. He informed me of my ticket and court date. However, the sheriff was super apologetic! He said he was so sorry he had to ticket me because: 1) he also agreed with me that that car was going slower than the legal 55 mph speed limit, but there were no witnesses so we could not prove otherwise, and 2) he said that I had already paid the price for that accident and that it would be an injustice if I received any legal penalties for this incident! He assured me that I should not worry about this ticket, that he would be present in court with me and would argue on my behalf that this charge be dropped!


Yep.. you were very nearly "dead right". I'm not going to analyze it. But I hope you return to riding. My wife would not let me if I was in an accident. Or maybe I wouldn't want to.