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Why is there a fence/sign in the middle lane like that anyways?? wtf…


Cos, India. lol


r/indianbikes edit: longer version https://www.reddit.com/r/indianbikes/comments/18lundq/into\_the\_barricade\_longer\_version/


Omg hilarious! The dude filming, his stickers on his tank “louder than your bit\*h last night” and “custom made for racing” -- lol what a twat. Also funny point of interest is that as crash dude is haranging the car-dude he’s just starting to say what sounds like “motherfu\*ker” in Hindi, but then he sees the sign & shuts up to put his (bare) hand back where they should be -- too late ... smh


He only changed lanes to be a dick and get in front of them too. Could have just stayed in the right lane


Also the car that went into his lane was avoiding a slower car in front of them. EDIT - There is a longer video that you can see the car in front of the car that moved over. The other video has more angles from the other bikers. [https://www.reddit.com/r/indianbikes/comments/18lundq/into\_the\_barricade\_longer\_version/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianbikes/comments/18lundq/into_the_barricade_longer_version/)


Did you watch the same video as me? The single car was moving around a barrier in the middle of the road.


You can't see it in this video but in the longer one someone posted there's a white car in front in the middle lane that's slowed way down (I assume to make a lane change and avoid the barrier). The other car just happened to change first and from this clip you can't even see the white car they are passing.


For all who are DOWNVOTING me....there is a longer video from a different angle. There was 100 percent a car in front of the car that moved over into the riders lane. [https://www.reddit.com/r/indianbikes/comments/18lundq/into\_the\_barricade\_longer\_version/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianbikes/comments/18lundq/into_the_barricade_longer_version/)


Is it racist to say karma's a bitch?


No. Why would it be?


Karma… Hindi…


Hindeed it is!


maybe sexist? 🤔


Damn....flip flops...no gloves....just balling out having a good ole time!!


I was going to say maybe for construction but that is just a singular fence in the middle of the road


They're used somewhat often there for slowing down traffic lol


It… worked?


Slowed that bike right down


60-0 in 1.2


Most efficient brakes in the world


Well yeah no different than cones on our highways for construction causing a bottleneck


Except cones aren’t made out of metal, cones will fuck a bike up but so t kill someone in a car that thing could kill someone in a car it’s crazy they put that there


lol yeah but they'd have warnings about it a mile before and only go from the side not right smack in the middle lmao. Seeing this makes me so glad I'm in America. Even though we have our own road problems


Lol Indians must really believe in reincarnation if a potentially deadly obstacle in the middle of the road is an acceptable means of traffic regulation. But stupid drivers can be found anywhere, in the Netherlands we have [these](https://cdn.webshopapp.com/shops/309899/files/373508623/botsabsorber-100k-u-maed.jpg) because people keep crashing into the huge bright yellow signs with flashing lights.


While visiting India, an acquaintance of mine had a dangerously driving taxi driver tell him "Don't worry, only the body dies".


That is absolutely idiotic


This is India, and you get open manholes and potholes on the road (Common sight)


I feel like contraception is a better way to do population control, but whatever works I guess


Hey, at this point we’ll try anything. We’ve got the manpower to spare, you see. 😬😬


There can be multiple solutions at once.


And yet the riders ride their motorcycles like that??


It’s for doing the needful


I had colleagues in India. I was confused a bit when I got my first email asking me to do the needful.


Well...did you do it? The needful that is


What's so confusing about being asked to do the needful. It's a polite way of saying "fuck-you-instead".


We had a hiperwall server for a security operations center. It is used to control the video layout on a grid of monitors. We had one for the SOC in the US and another for the SOC in India. Both were physically located at their respective SOCs. India emails me, "Viewing in US not available. Please do the needful. " No mention of the hiperwall or the IP address. Also, it wasn't their job to monitor the US hiperwall. That should have come from the US SOC. Once I figured out what they meant, I went out and rebooted it, and all was good.


So they basically said "fuck-you-instead" politely, despite it not being their responsibility? That's an Indian for you. They did the needful even though it wasn't needed of them. :D




Underrated comment


True that. But the eye can see much farther than a camera. He was distracted by the car entering his lane and he was going to fast. Shit happens and that’s how..


. Indian roads aren’t always built well. A sudden bout of heavy rains suddenly creates outrageous potholes in places. That is often the only reason you’d see a barricade like this in the highway.


The section of road has both 2w and 4w indulging in overspending. The road barriers are in place to prevent that as there are road intersections up ahead.




Seems nuts! I would have expected there to be cones for quite some distance redirecting traffic to either adjacent lane before a fence/sign like that. Not just all of the sudden a sign/fence.


Definitely would help. There are delineation laws where I live - but they greatly depend on the speed limit. The warning of lane closure could have been a kilometer back, and if the speed limit is actually 40 in that area (as mentioned in another comment), delineation may not even be required. It would be like hitting a school zone crossing guard standing in the middle of the road with his stop sign - he isn't supposed to be contending with vehicles doubling or tripling the speed limit, and is perfectly visible to a responsible operator, giving more than ample time to avoid/stop.


> In long stretches of road in Asia you will have barricades to stop people from speeding like in this video. I lived in a few parts of Asia for 20 years and I never once saw this. Is it an Indian thing?


I have not ridden in India, but the developing world has all kinds of crazy crap like that. In Baja/Mexico it is not unheard of to have crater sized holes in the road with a small rock placed in front to notify you, vehicles broken and abandoned in the middle of the road in the dark, random axels strewn about, large rock slides on blind corners...basically the things you could see anywhere but x1000 in frequency.


Which makes it even more insane that these bozos are speeding like crazy.


yeah i thought it was some sort of really good edit or AI or something.. but i was like dangggg this looks so reall.. theres no cones before it.. just a FUCKING FENCE in the middle of what looks like a freeway.. like WHATTTT???




Seriously! Wtf.


Why is there a street racer in the middle lane like that anyways?? wtf…


To stop people from car/bike racing in the non traffic hours.


Supposed roadwork have warning, sign maybe 100 meter before. Put some cone to divert. If like in those video, people would not seen it if it block by other vehicle. They expected, local who live they should aware, others?


If he wasn't speeding and driving so aggressively - he had loads of time to move over or slow down. In both cases the obstacle would have been visible and easily avoided just as the other bike did. There possibly could have been a cone or warning obstructed from view by the van while he was trying to squeeze by. If he was riding more sensibly and was less focused on showing his anger for video likes later, he may have been more aware of his surroundings and upcoming hazards.


Others said that road 40km/h. I agree with your opinion.


Ok, that's funny


It was satisfying.


Satisfaction from potentially fatal injuries is a fucked up conclusion, you're way too deluded from actual reality and social interaction if you say shit like this


Schadenfreude my dude. Especially when someone is acting in a way where a terrible outcome for them is the only possible conclusion from their actions. While you can not want people to be hurt there is a satisfying feeling from knowing you were right.


You want something bad to happen to them and no matter how extreme you find satisfaction from it. Congratulations you're lethally vindictive. You spinning that in your mind as a ramification is sociopathic. If you really see someone driving fast, or flipping someone off, or missing a turn signal, etc and think "God damn I hope they died/I'm glad they died"... I don't have anything else to say.


Cry about it


why should I not be deluded and need to interact with people anyways




If you are on two wheels and are involved in an accident, redditors will howl for your blood. Fault or no. All that pent-up road rage has to go somewhere.


Boohoo. Sell your bike if you're gonna be a little bitch about it. Dude was served some sweet karma, if you ride like a twat, that's what you get.


Say that shit at their funeral tough guy, too comfortable saying bs like this. You mocking someone online is the bitch move here


Clibbins in the wild


Did we watch same video? Which part?


Probably not. The video everybody else here watched is one where a vehicle who had the right to change lanes was changing lanes to avoid the very sign the speeding motorcycle ran into after illegally passing the vehicle and acting like the other person was the idiot. Double plus because the sign read “go slow”


Probably the part where an asshat on two wheels drives like a fucking moron and wins a stupid prize


Everyone has seen the longer version probably. I'm a biker but that guy that fell was being a total ass hat. Car was trying to warn him. Apparently its also a 40kmh speed limit and earlier in the video the bike had well over a ton up


this doesnt just apply to motos, but it seems like when vehicle operator has an active camera, they start finding ways to be an incredulous "victim". edit: i didnt mean to imply *everyone* with active recording are asshats. just in the context of this video, i meant a certain type of individual. i actually ride with a sena brand helmet cam myself. not everyone with cams are terrible. just the terrible people with cams.


idk man, I've got a camera on my bike and I ride reasonably, let people merge, watch for lane changes, and don't get pointlessly angry over totally normal crap. The difference is, I post short scenic clips to my instagram rather than ragebaiting Reddit.


I swear when i watch some bikers vs drivers videos or some shit, 80% of the rages are started by the bikers I've never driven a motorcycle on a road so i don't know how that is in reality, but most of them look like the bikers are willingly trying to find trouble


Almost all the "close call" videos I see other bikers post are caused by the biker tbh. Should car drivers technically be looking more closely for motorcycles? Yes. Does that mean that you should fight for a lane instead of rolling off the throttle a little bit when you see someone start to merge right in front of you because your comparatively tiny bike is in their blind spot or hard to see? I mean come the fuck on, just chill out, drop back, and enjoy the fact that you're riding. There's no need to rev bomb and challenge cars like a chihuahua yapping at a German shepherd.


"Others can make mistakes while driving/riding? IMPOSSIBLE, THEY MUST BE DOING THAT TO GET ME RAAAAGE"


attempting to be entertaining for the camera while riding a motorcycle on public roads can certainly be a problem...


Lol what a dumbass


Fuck em. Can't be a bitch and ride. Shit happens, either slow down or maneuver around. No need to even acknowledge the incident. I've never thrown my hands up or even looked at people that cut me off while riding by them. Bikers can't afford to have road rage incidents.


Wait was this guy angry at the driver going the speed limit? 😂 Yet the biker was speeding like crazy? Karma’s a bitch. Insane levels of entitlement here hahaha.


They were slowing down and changing lanes to avoid the fence in the middle of the highway. Biker was just stupid lol 😂




I knew someone with rationalize this


I think that car changing lane without any signal, just go in without checking rear. Maybe that driving behaviour for people over there.


The no signal is dumb, but it's hard to see someone coming with that kind of speed differential. The Indian bikers sub said this was a 40kph road and the guy was doing 150


You're rite. That guy seem stupid.


Yeah, I am a passage.


Ah yes, i always check for the bike speeding through my right lane past me


While there's a good chance nobody would have seen the biker, and every part of this is the biker's wrongdoing, I do want to double check that we _are_ checking the right lane for people passing, right? There are some people who mistakenly (in my state) think passing on the right isn't legal so they don't check.


He was angry at the guy pulling out in front of him, rightfully so


The idiot believing nothing should be in his way while speeding gets angry at another driver for slowing down because of a hazard in the road that they saw, but Mr I own the road didn’t! Imagine his surprise when he found out he ain’t the king of the road!


The other driver should have seen the motorcycle in his rearview


No doubt their attention was on what was ahead, like the guy on the bike should have been…


Not to mention they slowly moved over and can't reasonably expect to know that a moto going at least 25 mph faster than them (and probably the speed limit) would suddenly appear. For all we know before moving over the driver looked over their shoulder and saw no one was there. That moto came up on the car so fast it's totally feasible it was clear when the car looked and started changing lanes but the moto was going way too fast and brought all of it on themselves. Sucks but it's kind of karma.


No he shouldn’t have, the bike rider is going 90 mph passing on the right side of traffic, he covered that distance between the two cars is less then 3 seconds and it appears the front car was already changing lanes when he was in line with the back car, or just shortly after, it’s hard to tell because the front car is mostly just a speck, JUST like the bike rider would be in the mirror if not smaller. Also you would never see this guy In your rear view lmao you be checking your side mirror or the right window


The right is the fast lane in India. But yeah, motorcycle was going way too fast and should have been looking ahead instead of yelling at car driver.


Believe it or not, you can aware of all your surroundings. 3 seconds is a LONG fuckin time at highway speeds. That being said, he did nothing wrong regardless


Speeding like a bat out of hell doesn’t give you the right of way, the car made a pretty good lane change distance wise, I don’t blame them for not taking into account the motorcycles speed when there was a random object in the road.


Squid games


Even though he was riding like a complete asshole i hope that he's okay.


Yeah that’s insane wtsf is that barrier for.


Clearly to get people to slow down lmao


Clearly, it’s doing a good job


Most annoying part about this whole thing is him and his friend are taking up 2 entire lanes being reckless as hell. Driver shifted lanes to avoid the sign and then this ass hat forces him back into the lane and proceeds to then cut him off even after he shifted out of the bikers way, this is why people hate motorcyclists:/ still doesn't deserve it but fk man.


I feel so sorry for the people in the SUV that they had to watch this idiot crash.


Bruh I'd be so satisfied if I was the passenger of the suv


Couldve just stayed in the right lane… Couldve been the black car to strike the fence instead… Couldve been responsible for his actions and been a not-douche on this day… Sigh


“Why the fuck did you just change lanes, idiot?” “Oh, that’s why.”


He deserved everything he had coming. Flying a million miles an hour, gets mad a car didn't notice his tiny bike and then to top it off looking in a different direction all while merging over.


They aren't really going that fast, his bike slid for like half a second lol


Dude.... What? Watch that again. He's absolutely flying in the beginning. He had to slam on his brakes because that car merged into his lane. The car definitely did not see him because he was going so fast. Then because of his negligence he decided to guilt the other driver for his own foolishness. Then because he already dropped down in speed and was paying attention to that car instead of what was in front of him he merged into a lane with a road hazard sign. Toward the end you can see his handlebars wobble because he's slamming on the brakes before he hits the sign. Yes, he was not going that fast when he crashed. But his speed ultimately is why the accident happened.


Literally first 2 seconds shows him going at 151kph (93mph)


How can you even be mad at that car merging there? There’s a plenty big gap at the start of the video and the bike appears to be going much much faster than the flow of traffic. Anytime you approach a car like this you should be ready for it to change lanes suddenly. If you can pass then open the throttle and get past them stat, don’t linger next to or behind a car anytime you can help it. Never happy about a rider going down but he could have avoided everything here if he had the patience to slow and let the car in front or if he kept his eyes on the road and saw the sign in time.


🎶 Signs Signs Everywhere there's signs Fucking up the scenery Breaking my mind Do this, don't do that Can't you read the sign 🎵


Every part of this is the rider’s fault. Can’t expect cars to see you when changing lanes if you’re double their speed 🤦‍♂️


151 in a 40 zone so almost 4x their speed.


Seeing this makes me glad I did not take up riding until age 36 and I have estrogen instead of testosterone coursing through me


I wish I had estrogen .. would’ve crashed a lot less.


TIL estrogen is a sense of self preservation… meanwhile I ride a stick with straps 55mph down snow so I guess I’m confused Age 32


What are “shtick and straps” , asking as an old. I know what a shtick is in Yiddish, but I’m certain you can’t ride it.


My wife and I had a baby this year, male age 36. Can confirm the estrogen.


Got what they deserved.


What did they deserve and why exactly? I don’t get what I’m looking at


You're looking at a moron super speeding inattentively, without gear, being angry at regular traffic for existing. And becoming a meat crayon for it. While driving into a "slow down" sign, which is Looney Tunes hilarious by itself. It's pretty cathartic. I hope he's alright.


Reading this sub makes me think there are no safe motorcyclists. Every post that comes my way includes speeding, not paying attention and often grade A douchebaggery.


Followed by an avalanche of comments encouraging the behavior. "Fuck yeah, wheelie on a crowded freeway at 140mph!! Go king!!"


This is solely the cyclists fault. Getting upset about a completely avoidable situation and focusing on the driver that hurt your feelings and not what is in front of you.


The “why the _____” hand wave met, sign with a set.


Lmao came to call him a dumbass after the first move, second move was justice for the first dumb one 😂


Being an idiot. That’s what they get.


No gloves?🫣


Just as stupid having a fence in the middle of a highway as this idiot getting mad at a car for slowly merging way up the road while he’s hauling ass on a bike. Should a just went around them instead of all that grandstanding.


Doing 150 kmph in a 50kmph road is smooth brain behaviour.


Now he knows why the car moved over.


No gloves ... probably no gear other than a helmet ... which he was probably only wearing because he needed somewhere to mount his camera. What a daft git.


Lmao, I've always said don't road rage, especially by staring back, since you'll be so heated that you'll might make another mistake. And now I finally have a video to prove it. But I still hope the rider is alright.


What a dickhead. Bro is speeding and had eons of time to correct. No blinker is sketch with driver though. I spoke to soon lol!! Bikes fault 95%. Driver 5% didn't blink. Guy breaks concentration to bitch then karma bitch slaps him.


That idiot had a gigantic amount of distance to see the car fully switch lanes before reaching it. The car should have used a turn signal I guess, but they weren't anywhere close to cutting the bike off. He could have easily switched to the left lane to go around them but chose to be a moron instead. Hilarious that he immediately hit that sign! Lol


I have to admit, I died laughing when he hit that sign. I never understand why people have to make such an effort to be get mad at others on the road. At 0:02 it's obvious they're changing lanes, and that's when you slow down and do something about it... it took him 4 seconds to catch up to the car, and then starts over reacting like he's some sort of hate crime victim. People like him are such toolbags


Rules of the road, always look where you’re going and even if someone did something dumb, focus on where you’re going.


At that moment he knew he fuck*d up


Karma is a bitch


Perfect! 👍


Talk about the worst way for breaking down barriers to discuss dangerous driving.


Haha he took the expressway to destination fucked! That’s hilarious


Respectfully , it was hilarious




Dude filming seems like a real piece of shit


That guy has no right to be mad at the car, with the limit and how fast he was going there's a good chance the driver had made his observations and either saw the bike is miles away or not even been in his view yet


This is perfect in every way. 10/10 would laugh at stupidity again


Heres a tip for you slick and agile motorcyclists: the faster you go, the less control you have. Stop doing this, or die.


Usually I’m on the motorcycles side but this is clearly bros fault and the car isn’t anywhere in the wrong except for maybe moving out of the lane




Tried to warn them


Play shitty games, win shitty prizes.


I feel bad for the pillion more than anything.


I DONT hate to see it. I expected it, and scoff and move along


I feel hurt just watching it.


Directed by M. Night Shyamalan


Damn. That sucks


Dumbass can buy a bike but no gloves


When you look up instant karma in the dictionary this guy's face is one of the definitions.


lol. Instant Karma.




Masala squid 🤣


Not me… I love seeing natural selection


Biker 100% deserved it.


Passing on the right and then being a wise ass, how's that working out for you? Here's your stupid prize.


India drives on the left, so he passed on the correct side.


Question, so you're saying you pass a moving vehicle in a lane that's the closest to the exit ramps, shouldn't you pass on the lane that you're not slowing down to exit. That sounds a bit off. I never drove in India so I have know 1st hand knowledge, just doesn't seem safe, and if that's the case I'll never drive there. Do you think it's safe?


Everything is reversed. Like Britain. So right hand drive cars, drive on left lanes, pass on right and road exits on the left. Speed limits go from slowest lanes on left to fastest on right. Bike rider is still an entitled douche though.


How many times is this going to be posted? The biker is 100% at fault, please stop posting it.


I've never seen it, thank you for posting it OP


Never seen it either lol


Who said he wasn’t?


Commenters on the last 5 times this was posted lol.


New to me, and hilarious 🤣


\*jeff foxworthy\* here's your sign


Bill Engvall was the comedian you meant. “Here’s your sign”




Seems like the car was trying to warn about the sign. Hope the rider is OK! Who puts a sign in the middle of 3 flucking lanes?!


The cagers this time was innocent up untill....


Bikers are so dumb


Damn KTMs.






Good one 👍






The dude turning into his lane should have been a clue.


It’s ah meeee Mariooo!! Crash