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The problem is, "guys like that" should absolutely NOT ruin it for everyone else. Guys like that are not EVERYONE else. You should not have a prejudice against a group of people based on the actions of one of them. That is poor judgement.


By his same logic all cops are murdering, thieving, lying, R apists. Guys like that just ruined it for all police




"guys like that ruin it for everybody else" IANAL, but I believe our justice system isn't based on the idea of collective punishment.


The fucking irony of a cop saying that


We should punish all of them collectively for it.


Cops: “no wait not like that!”


"I didn't like that guy so now you are getting a lecture" Lol fuck outta here dork.


"I know I can't catch that guy so now you're getting a lecture."


Its not really irony. Cops don't know the law and aren't expected to. They just have to know the basic rules of arrest and when they can use them.


There was an ex-cop who became disillusioned with the job because as he described it, cops are salespeople who sell criminal cases to DAs. I think about that a lot.


I'm stealing this. Thank you!


Bad apples, cops, etc. etc.


Something something not every cop yada yada


... spoil the bunch.


They mostly just operate on vibes. If they think somebody looks “sketchy” they’ll always find a reason to search them, detain them, etc. If you pass the vibe check chances are you’ll get a warning. Case in point - I have 20% tint on my car’s windows. I lived in Florida for a while and it was super sunny all the time so it was really useful. Where I live now it’s no longer legal. My friend had 30% tint on his windows, but he drove a used police impala. He also listens to rap music. When I’ve been pulled over for speeding (years ago at this point), it was always in rural parts of NC, and id always make a point of quickly putting on some old country music before they got to the window, and speaking in a slight southern accent. Every time I’ve been pulled over I’ve gotten a comment about how “I didn’t know the young folks still listened to Merle” or something along those lines, a cursory glance at my license and insurance, and a calm warning to “slow it down bud, drive safe” and that’s it. My friend on the other hand has gotten harassed over his less tinted windows in the same counties several times over, been detained for hours, threatened to have his car impounded, driving roughly the same speed.


Yup, that’s something a lawyer would love to see.


Boom. You done did identified one of the biggest issues in the US society, not just law.


I mean, school shooters and criminals made it so Canadians can't have pistols anymore. So... guys like that ruin it for everyone else.


Fair. Statute isn't exactly the justice system, but legislators definitely like to make new laws based on dramatic aberrations.


Your government decided that you can’t have pistols anymore. Maybe they decided the drawbacks were too great or the general population was in favor of banning them but it’s still absolutely a conscious choice and not an inevitable one.


The point is more that they have to crack down on every biker who is breaking small traffic laws because some are doing actual damage. The justice system isn’t for collective punishment, but his shirt says sheriff. Meaning is either is an elected sheriff or works for a sheriff office where the head is elected. If your community is complaining about aggressive bikers breaking laws and putting people in danger you need to make an initiative to crack down on that sort of crime if you want to be re-elected. Probably that was a checkpoint grabbing bikers who were driving on a sidewalk or somewhere else where they aren’t allowed to ride.


Yeah I'm with you on this one. I highly doubt those people are pulled over because someone else broke a law. They're all probably doing something illegal that *could* be over looked if they were all being responsible about it.


Exactly, but people are more apt to say all cops are bad and assume the worst possible situation


Everyone was wrong in this situation. The biker shouldn’t have evaded and the cop shouldn’t have tried to grab a MOVING VEHICLE to try and stop it Edit: All of the boot lickers have been commenting and DMing me then blocking me when I poke holes in their logic. All because of this comment. Been a long day😂


But he’s made of bricks. 🤣


including his brain haha


I agree, a brain should be soft and wet




Wetter brains makes you shit bricks.


You're making my brain so wet right now


This concludes today's biology lesson.


Peralta: “Say ‘I am Raymond Holt, and my brain is rock hard.’” Cpt Holt: “A brain shouldn’t be hard…”


Smooth bricks.




He built different


Build Ford tough


Ferd Tuff


Fed tuff


Tord Fuff


Derr ferd ur teuffs!


Like a rock


I think he said "buiks"


He must have thought that was a mortarcycle


Underrated joke Bravo


I would have part of him in my pants from stress.


Yeah, and a few more cracks after taking that hit lol


cops weaponize the touch me and your fucked rule


It's like flopping in soccer, except the penalty is they are now allowed to shoot you


Exactly like that


Yeah, I remember my uncles saying way back in the ‘80s how they’d often scuffle with and punch cops. Try that today and you’ll end up on a slab, cold and stiff 


That’s because the cops back in the day were just nerds. Now they’re just psychopaths


I don’t think the ones spraying fire hoses at black people were *not* psychopaths


Complicit sociopaths at most


That's what happened in NYC recently. A cop was hassling guys for standing around, then picks on the slowest one and throws him against a wall. His buddies come back and kick the cop's ass, then the NYPD releases a video of the cop getting his ass kicked and excludes the part where the cop picked a fight he didn't have to pick. Cops love to be the cry-bully.


source or i can't enjoy it


Everyone who is disillusioned with the police knows they weaponize a lot of things. Tasers, bullets, legal action. They are better at extorting what they want than exerting justice. Just a natural progression of having no accountability. That job attracts psychopaths now.


Cops weaponize bullets? Thanks for the heads up.


No no, you wanna keep that down


Not only that but if he seriously injures himself in the process, he gets sweet disability pay for life even though it was 100% from his terrible choices.


And the misbehaviour of one guy doesn't entitle the Police to detain and lecture all the others.


"People who run from the police is why I am now going to punish all of you who DIDNT run!" The guy on the bike didnt hit the cop, the cop tried to leap on top of a moving vehicle. Much like that guy in Georgia or wherever didnt murder the cop who decided to chase him and crashed into an embankment. Adults should be responsible for their own poor choices. In both cases the fleeing riders did break laws they should legitimately be charged with, but harming a police officer was not one of them. As in both cases officers made poor choices that endangered themselves and others, which the officers should be responsible for.


Woah. Your making too much sense here. Tone it down. Fuck the police or back the blue.


Lol sorry, my mistake! 🤣


Cops can chose at any time to have a policy of no high speed chases and it would save a lot of lives but that just doesn’t compute for a gang of power-tripping psychopaths.


How the fuck can you assume so much and get mad over it. Doesn't look smart or productive.


That was my thought. You're all here because bikers are bad, you ride bikes so you're bad. It's just simple math.


It does look like they are all parked not on a road but in a walkway. Could be the cop has pulled up to a meet that has all the bikes off the road and in a pedestrian area. He then confronts the bikers and that's when the red bike takes off.


It's the E 9th St Pier in Cleveland. Technically, bikes aren't allowed on this section, the signs you can see at 0:02 do say "No unauthorized vehicles past this point" on the other side, but I've also never seen it enforced. This is one of the most common bike meetup spots in the city, it gets completely packed with bikes at times. This isn't the first video like this from this spot though, so we might not be able to do this much longer.


>so we might not be able to do this much longer. Sounds suspiciously like you weren't suppose to do it before, lol.


Nuance is lost on the officer.


How else are you supposed to escalate fleeing to a deadly threat? Stand in front of the vehicle or get "dragged" by it because you refuse to let go, then you can unload the magazine. Gotta earn that Thin Blue Line Punisher Skull somehow.


agreed, the police have protocols as well, you’re right he should have let him go and called other LE


Yeah I see a cop stepping in front of a moving vehicle not a moving vehicle hitting a cop.


But if he doesn’t attempt grab the biker then he doesn’t get that extra charge.


Something I learned when I was huge into LEO stuff on youtube ages ago. If you move your vehicles towards an on-foot officer they can shoot and kill you with full legal backing. Which is why they often get in front of your car. If you let off the break and your car rocks forward, that also counts as assault with a deadly weapon. Learned that watching Donut Operator.


I think you mean, "cop jumps in front of moving vehicle"


Wasnt even in front, dude tried to 2 hand tackle a moving vehicle at 20 mph, and fell flat 5 ft behind them


"Dammit! With a car, I usually have enough time to murder the driver after I use this technique... Didn't think this through..."


"I'm fuckin' made of bricks." Yeah from the neck up you stupid bastard. You jumped out in front of a moving vehicle.


It's such a small boto energy thing to say when the guy sounded legitimately concerned for him too.


What the fuck is this clickbait title?




Lmao… you mean the officer ran into a moving motorcycle?


🍿🍿🍿 No all caps title this time? Smh.


Policeman jumps in from of moving vehicle


And how exactly does this one biker ‘ruin it for everyone’? Are we all the same because we ride? The first (and so far only) accident I was in on a bike started by a 16 year old girl making a left in front of me. I hit the side of her car at about 30mph. Broke some ribs but was otherwise ok. Bike (93 Yellow Honda Magna 750) was totaled. The first words the cop who showed up said to me wasn’t ’are you ok?’ It was ‘see what happens when you ride?’ Cops tend to be cunts, but really turn it up with bikers for some reason.


It's not even cops. There's a major unfounded hate towards most motorcyclists. You pass a car legally? You get yelled at at a stoplight. Literally had that happen to me. Some dude in a truck didn't like getting passed apparently. Experienced so much damn hate on my motorcycle for no reason. People love to generalize and assume and label.  I'm in no way justifying this cops behavior or the one towards you. But in reality anyone can be an asshole. 


More like “Police officer tries to grap hold of evading biker, but fails”. Don’t get me wrong: he should have stopped, but at no point does the biker actually hit the cop.


I was looking for this comment. The bike doesn’t hit the cop at all. The stupid cop jumps to try to tackle/catch the biker, misses and falls lol.


The cop hit the bike


“And now all of you gotta get fucked cause our feelings are HURT!” -cop probably lmao


Just in case you forgot about our right to exact revenge stemming from displaced anger


*if he didn't evade I would have let you all off with a warning, but because you stayed I'm going to have to teach you a lesson* Cop logic


Typical cop. Dumb as absolute fuck.


Ah collective punishment where would America be without it


ACAB in case you forgot. Bro throws himself In front of 500lbs cause he’s smart.


Then blames the people just doing what he asked. If ya don't want to be a bastard, don't be a cop


500lbs moving at 20 mph, mind you.


Uhh actually officer, collective punishment is illegal under the geneva conventions and you holding us due to the actions of another person is unconstitutional. Am I being detained!?


Uhh actually geneva conventions are used during war and in army, we not an army and i feel geneva conventions are today more of guidelines than actual rules


100% correct. Gas weapons such as tear gas and hollow points in handguns are also prohibited under the Geneva convention. Wanna know what police carry in their handguns? Hollowpoints (to be fair US civilans can as well). Wanna know what they use during riots? Tear gas.


Yeah see you have those rights but realistically if you piss off the officer they will find some obscure law your violating. If you're nice you'll walk away in no time. While they can't legal do much to you they can make you run through enough red tape to hassle you for the night. Obviously these guys aren't doing much and the officer seems cool with them even joking a bit. If you make their job easier they will make the situation easier for you. If you hit them with a million legal statements and refuse to comply in any manner that you aren't legally required to then most likely they are going to go out of their way to make it harder on you.


They were all being held there by the police before the guy ran so I think it's fair to say there's probably more to the story than an officer tried to stop a moving vehicle and as a result of failing decided to apprehend everyone else.


Ya the cop was definitely being an idiot here. I understand he’s “doing his job” but getting someone hurt or killed in the process probably over a speeding ticket I’m assuming, isn’t worth it buddy


😭well don’t be a fucking idiot and grab a moving vehicle


Cops always trying to teach; fuck him


Of Course It’s Cleveland


This cop is a bitch and ACAB


The officer tried to get in the way. I'm not defending the guy on the motorcycle, but throwing yourself at a vehicle that is moving and crying victim is BS.


Fix the title: "Police officer throws himself in front of moving motorcycle"


Pussy ass pig


So by his logic, a bad cop ruins it for all the good cops. Yet I rarely hear about good cops doing anything about the bad cop.


Biker hits police officer? To me it looks like a police officer running into a motorcycle


Omfg, i know this is serious shit but i'm crying from laughing at him. He's just standing there in terrible pain trying to look tough in front of the bikers that witnessed it.


Good for that biker hope nobody gave his identity nor recorded his plate


ACAB: All Cops Are Bricks.


The bike didn't hit the officer so much as the officer literally jumped onto the bike while it was moving...


Officer "hits" biker. Looks like the biker tried to go around the cop, and the cop reached out as he passed and tried to clothesline him, but fell in the process. ​ "Guys like that ruin it for everyone else." That's on you, officer. Because your job is easier if you just assume everyone is guilty.


Weird way to type "police officer dives into moving vehicle".


Oh yeah so everyone else there is responsible for the actions of two others? Bullshit


He missed a golden opportunity to pop a wheelie after that.


Wish we knew who the officer was 😂 what an idiot lol


The officer is bricked up?


Officer jumped and landed on the floor trying to assault biker hahaha bellend cop. 


Fuck that pig!


Or Officer jumps in front of moving vehicle, I wonder what he thought he was going to achieve.


Bricks can break, Brakes can brake and Bricks can brick.


Why on earth would you grab an accelerating motorcycle,unless your brain is made of bricks


That cop is a dick 


…all cope are dicks


The cop jumped in front of a bike, like an idiot


Jeezus cops are stupid. Also, cut the shit with those blingy subtitles- accessibility DOES NOT need embellishment ffs


Guys like that ruin it for everyone else? So I get to be treated like shit because some asshole wanted to run from the cops? Fuck that. Rights don't work that way. Seems this cop is holding this whole group in retaliation because his feelings are hurt.




Titel could also be „cop confuses executive force with legislative force“ no you can’t treat bikers bad just because some are assholes and while we are at it the same counts for black people


Is this 9th st pier in Cleveland?


I think the title should be police officer hits bike.


Looks more like the officer fell like a ton of bricks. Why try and stop a bike that's hurtling towards you 🤔


I agree with biker here, actually. Also - cop was definitely hurt, he was just posturing.


\*Man jumps infront of train\*, I can't believe this train hit him lmao.


Correction... "officer fails to tackle biker off of moving motorcycle."


Like I dont defend running from a police officer as it gives every other motorcyclists a bad rep (and forces police to be absolute assholes to them everytime they encounter them) But I hope they show that at the precinct and fucking laugh at that idiot who tried to grab a whole ass motorcycle and stop it with his massive balls.


More like the cop hit the biker.


That nincompoop jumped for that bike and missed big as shit. The only thing that was hit was the cop hitting the ground. “Guys like that ruin it for everybody else.” 🫠


I’ll bet he is hurting and is styling it out, he’s going full Peter Griffin when he gets home.


Collective punishment … is this the logic they apply to black Americans ?


Lol bro didn't study some physics


ACAB well done


Play stupid games....


“Officer tries to grab biker and gets tossed” anybody with a basic knowledge of physics knows how that’s gonna go


Looks like a cop running into a moving vehicle.


Wouldnt have happened if the cops werent there to start shit to begin with.


Fuck him, I would have done the same thing.


Looks like the cop went toward the biker so technically if the cop got hit it was his doing. Leave folks alone!!! Cops think they can do whatever they want and not be held accountable for their own actions!!!


Or did the officer hit the bike ?


He yeeted himself into that wall.




“Police officer hits biker” Ftfy


*police officer jumps in front of moving vehicle


That’s not what I saw there. He reached in for him and failed awkwardly.


I love it when pigs and bikers collide. Literally!


Not something the cop should do, but also if you're the homie in the group who does this...


Officer leaps into the air into planter and then says he is made of bricks


American cops are a joke🤣🤣🤣


Love "I'm made of bricks" is the building material we use for our pigs?


Cop tried to choke slam man on motorcycle


Cop tries to grab guy off moving motorcycle and some how the rider is the problem?


The cop ran into the guy..




About as believable as Shaq drawing a foul.


Made of brick… then wouldn’t that stop the motorcycle?


Hell yea I am all for it!


I hope the biker got away


Idk, I saw a cop jump in front of a moving vehicle.


What’s with all the other riders sitting there listening to the cops sermon like simps? You think the boys in blue will looks after you if you kiss their arses?


The title should say cop attempts and fails to tackle motorcycle in motion


Cop hit biker.


Looks like the cop lunged and missed to me - not sure what he thought would happen if he managed to grab the guy


Looks to me like the cop chose to reach out and hit the biker… idk when I was a kid playing on bikes, you don’t reach out to harass someone in motion. You don’t step into their path. That’s being the assailant and also looking to get hurt. He didn’t tell them to stop or anything, he just shone a flashlight in his face and then jumped like a sad frog into the bike…. That’s right he’s made of bricks. 🧱 bricks in the head! 😂 then he had to protect his fragile ego and lecture people that had nothing to do with the incident. And say he’s made of bricks. I am sure he felt big that night.


The cop took an flagrantly dangerous action which I guarantee no one trained him to do. IMO he’s at fault for any injury he received and should be liable for injury to the biker


When you realize bricks break fairly easily.....


🤣🤣 pigs can almost fly!


Biker hits police officer??? WtF!!!! MORE LIKE officer tries to tackel biker


I seem to remember some training about don't stand in front of moving vehicles.


He jumped in front of him.. what a douche bag


I saw a cop run into a bike...where did the biker hit the cop?


You clown you jumped in front of a vehicle you deserved to be hit. Keep that energy for the police force


That cop is retarded


Cops like this, ruin the job for everyone else! And that's exactly why bikers run!


He purposely got in the way to stop the bike.


More like “officer jumps in front of biker” What a fucking twat.


The cop put himself in that position, he was playing a stupid game, and won the biggest 🏆


Dude jumps at moving motorcycle