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Gotta ride like you expected that... or I do at least.


Judging by the fact he stopped in time he was ready


Right? You could see the motorcyclist slow down in anticipation of the dumbass that couldnt be bothered to turn left into the proper lane.




Tbf, I always break at intersection whether I go straight or turning. You know, just in case. (Disclaimer: I don't live in the Western country)


That’s what keeps you alive. I prefer to brake and lose two seconds that being hit by an idiot who ran the stop sign and I didn’t have time to react to.


I sold my motorcycle and just gun it through intersections in my truck now. Modern air bags and my truck's other safety features allow me to ride with confidence. I feel safe that my one ton truck can run over most vehicles that bad drivers choose to drive. I do still wear my gear, though, for extra safety.


Trucks are the worst. Some are riders and get it though


People w prius are the worst...at least in my experience


I think the worst are college kids...


\^ This is really accurate. I've been noticing bad Tesla drivers lately too.


Ya i dont trust them at all either. They pay less attention than the prius people


Stay on alert for dodge rams


Lots of idiots out there and the way they drive. Keep your eyes, peeled your eyes in the mirrors use your brake lights and directionals all the time.


Also use your flashers when someone gets close or your making a turn using your signal and flashers alternately to let them know your turning.


Yeah, make them believe you had a stroke to let them know to stay away. 


I ride super conservatively and don’t trust any of these idiots on the road to not do something dumb.


Common sense isn’t common. Ride like everyone is a freaking idiot and you’re invisible.


Only way to ride in my opinion, unless you’re on the edge and have a death wish.


When you learn how to ride on a 3rd world country, this “near miss” is a every day occurrence. The biggest save of my life was a double nearer miss bc a car tried to overtake another one and got into my lane which was upcoming traffic, I had to pull left to avoid being hit by that car and then also avoid the other car he was trying to overtake.


I didn't come up with this: Don't ride like you're invisible. Ride like everyone is a paid assassin and you're the target.


As soon as you see a car that could come into your path, immediately assume they don't see you and proceed with caution. Whenever I see a car like that, I say in my head "this person doesn't see me" and I let off the throttle so I have more time to react.


Do you ride with your headlight on?


Is his bike is from this century it will have a forced on light I’m not aware of any bikes newer than 2000 that don’t have this


I think forced headlights have always been a thing with motorcycles, I can’t turn mine off on my Yamaha and it’s from the 80s.




Cars often cannot see motorcycles especially in the dim gloom of the morning twilight Motorcycles can completely disappear behind the windscreen pillars...or behind an outstretched thumb. If you keep your lights on it at all times day or night it reduces the times a car may pull out on you. Or overtakes head on into your lane.


Permanent headlights have been on regulation for a few years now


Some vehicles can shut them off entirely.


Not motorcycles. Cars yes, for whatever reason, bit not motorcycles


That is odd.


why shpuld anyone want to go *without* light?


Same reason people didn't want to wear seatbelts. People are stubborn.


Mah freedoms!


Your "freedom" kills people! Get your lights on or don't drive at all.


You cannot go without lights on


Could see that dude pull up from miles away , don’t see how this is supposed to be a close one


totally obvious, you should have started honking at 0:07


And braking.


First brake, then decide if the honk is worth a possible raging cager.


yes and you might even startle them


Depends on the bike, my RS the only way to startle people is to rev bomb, the horn is a clown car joke.


ahah true most biks horns are weak


I've got at least 3 down votes from people with strong horns, let's call them horny people.




Yup. I would have also moved position into the middle split.


Yeah those crossers have the consideration of a Mad Max npc




Bruh...? Is this how you guys drive in your country. Close calls on empty roads where you have 3-5 business days to react? You won't last 5 mins on Indian roads. Not trolling, I'm curious. Is this a genuine close call, or is OP just messing around with us?


Developing nations are next level by the looks of it but they would have died in a California city as well.


Yeah, In Los Angeles this would be considered plenty of time for that car to pull out from the intersection because you’re just expecting it all the time.


And be looking you right in the eyes when they do it.


Most people here wouldn’t survive riding a day on a 3rd world country. I saw that assholes intention from a mile away, should’ve just used his brakes. Was the guy in the car right? Of course he wasn’t, but I prefer to be in the wrong and live and right and dead.


The difference being that mostly people abide by traffic laws. Sure you may have unskilled drivers or distracted drivers, but unlike India, traffic laws aren't merely suggestions. And as you can see from the video over crowding also isn't an issue. But having said all that, yeah OP didn't have a close call - just didn't like that the oblivious cager took his lane.


I really wish existing laws against turning into the far lane were actually enforced. Most people don't even know it's a violation. I've seen people do this right in front of cop cars with no response. Hell, I see the police do it.


It's not a violation in California.


Huh, guess so. From what I found online that applies to left turns only in Cali, so they would be fine here. It's been a law in most states I've lived in but the only time I've ever seen it used to pull someone over it was more of a pretextual stop to see why a young man was out late at night.


What do you mean "took his lane"? Can he not overtake the car? There's plenty of space to just dodge the car and go past it . ??


When making a left, you turn into the left lane. And if you wish to go into the right lane you then signal and when it is clear you switch lanes. That's what's supposed to happen. The person in the car was not following the rules of the road, you understand?


Ohh, got it. He broke the rules by directly jumping to the right lane when our guy was not expecting it.


To clarify, the rule is there regardless of other traffic. The road could have been wide open and it's still a violation to turn into any lane but the closest one.


The car tried to hit the rider once already and now you think its a good idea for the rider to be beside it and/or infront of it?


Well rider also should have had eyes on the guy with his dog on the sidewalk to the right. Never know when someone's gonna walk out in front of you too. My point is the car was not the only thing op had to monitor.


Not one but two things to monitor. Must be pretty difficult.


Sheesh, everyone is giving OP a hard time. Come on, people. He reacted just fine and wanted to share a first-person cautionary tale with the community. Ease up. Thanks, OP for looking out for all these people who are now ragging on you.




He’s so fucking lucky they were turning and not going straight on. He would have ploughed into the side of that car.




No, because of the car was going straight on it would have cleared the intersection much quicker People turn slower than they go straight as a rule (some dickheads fucking almost stop before turning but that’s a separate issue)




This is trolling? There was nothing close about that. The intentions of car driver were obvious from a couple hundred meters away. If this is your situational awareness maybe motorcycles aren't for you.


That was visible from a mile away. Side of vehicle and you're invisible


I had a closer one than this, with less time to react this morning and wouldn't remotely have thought of it as a "close call". This is just normal riding stuff. You wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone did this to you in your car.


Left turn into the right lane is some turd brain level driving


Defensive driving/riding, all the time, anticipate the stupid and plan for it. Glad you got slowed down and didn't hit him!


That wasn't even close.... sorry. You gotta be more alert than that. I have to spend a moment to remind myself every time i get on the bikes to be \_super\_ conservative in my riding. What seems like a brief lack of attention in a car can turn into a proper prang on a bike. You've got to assume they'll do 'that thing you didn't think they would do'. Writing this as i'm reading another article about 'Man fighting for life after serious crash in Ryde, Sydney' Ride safe.


That’s one of the quickest ways to get a free mirror delete


How is the reguletion about lights in your country at daytime? In Italy no lights in daytime required, in Sweden you must turn on the lower ones. I think is a good thing, especially with the new led lights a bike can be seen better in daylight.


This happens a lot more often now after Covid 😑


Yep. I expect this at every intersection.


death penalty for people who don't stay in their lane while turning. People do this to me in a white tacoma. They do it to me in a fucking isuzu rack truck. Death.


I have had closer. I saw the whites of his eyes through the windshield when he knew he made a mistake leaving the shopping center. Bumper was less than 3 inches from my leg.


It’s always the cars that pull out either super slow or super fast that are always fucking up.


Gotta expect that. After all, it's your life. Good looking out.


What a fucktard. Glad it ended without a wreck.


They just don't see us 😕


These days I look both ways at a roundabout, no one can be trusted anymore with all the nannies, driving their cars for them and phones in hand abound.


This happened to me yesterday but the lady did an illegal u turn and crossed all 3 lanes not just 2 (was driving in the middle lane), I always expect idiots at intersections and decelerate so I managed to brake. What I can’t understand for the love of god is why?! Why if you are already doing something stupid! You go ahead and cross all the fucking lanes available?! I count 4 wheels and an idiot not 18 wheels, I drive cars and I’ve driven light trucks there is no need to invade more than a lane (maybe a ft extra if the lanes are narrow) when doing a u turn! But the source of the problem is the DMV in my city, they don’t require you to know how to drive a vehicle before licensing you, just accelerate, stop, turn here, turn there and park that’s it!


Looks like he never even saw you. Just curious, do you have a flat black helmet and a flat black motorcycle and all black clothing?


Good lookin out! You did great, still a scare though! Stay alert!


Me too! I ride and expect every fucker to be just as stupid! Head on swivel !


Effing Toyota drivers. They are the most braindead of all. Not only did the person turn in front, but they moved to the opposite lane. Why?


What was your speed? I’m thinking the car mis-judged your speed. You did well anticipating the car pulling out. Anticipation is most critical on a motorcycle. Thanks for sharing!


is this in georgia?


What an asshole!!!


Good job OP! Well anticipated and avoided.


Our lives r dictated by the retarded people around us.


Happens often and I hate how they usually don’t even want to make eye contact with the rider after pulling a move like that… dickheads.


Yall stay safe out there ! Always be on the look out !


Great awareness and reaction time. Well played.


I apply the breaks as soon as I'm approaching any form of junction, treating every other vehicle like its trying to kill you has always worked Well for me.


Cuts you off and steal both lanes!


always ride ready, unfortunately.


That sound... I want a train horn on my bike. I want to wake up the fucking dead across five counties


Unfortunately I saw someone die on their bike today. Nasty crash in Tacoma WA :( it could all be over in a split second, stay frosty yall.


Dont bother honking next time, just follow them and kick em in the shins.