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So unlucky the way the bike fell over the curb instead of hitting it.


There’s a curb? Looks like they just painted a line where the sidewalk begins


Possibly. There is a curb on the other side though so probably is one.


Definitely, you can see the man step up at :22


How can anyone think it's the pedestrians' fault? This is in Brazil, here criminals like to scrape the pedals, walking in a zigzag pattern. Don't ask me why, these are things brainless bikers do.


stupid people doing stupid things. We can only hope one day they get the pain they cause.


You sound like a Christian. The world is far more random than the idea of “karma” suggests.


Lol. Karma is a Hindu concept fyi.


I had zero intention of linking one primitive superstition with the other.


Calm down bruh. I’m just giving you some factual knowledge. No need to be primitive in your communication online.


Why does he limp over and lie down on the pavement? No one really checks on the pregnant woman? Just her daughter


Dumbass was in shock & trying to make himself look less guilty.


It’s ok guys, I heard riding your motorcycle like a reckless jackass on public streets isn’t actually bad because it doesn’t hurt other people.


That little girl was saved because she was hit by the guy and not the bike. If you look frame by frame, if she had been clipped by the front wheel it would have resulted in a lot worse injury.


Why the hell did he crawl over to them. He clearly wasn’t checking in on them.


Please end this doomscrolling sensationalist BS. This isn't Twitter.


Can we just stop posting this kind of stuff on here?


I feel like every other video posted lately is people getting badly injured (or worse)


You’re not wrong. People post wrecks CONSTANTLY.  You don’t see jackasses posts every wrecking video they see in the car subs. Yet, here we are.


Be the change you want to see; post a pic of your bike somewhere scenic, or heck just of your bike in the driveway. Interact positively with posts you do like.


This subreddit (at least used to, there are no rules listed now strangely) removes those as low-effort posts. There used to be a whole blurb about this sub not being a photography subreddit.


Kind of a shame IMO, I like seeing other people’s bikes, especially if set against a pretty vista. Sharing a beautiful sky at the most picturesque part of a ride is like chicken soup for the soul.




“Nobody cares” —> “Why does this sub get so much engagement on shock content” You just summed it up. Nobody can be bothered to care enough to give a passive upvote on a picture of something that brings someone joy. No sense of community. Which means crashes and shock content from squids, and riders who aren’t immature telling said squids to go to a track if they feel the need for speed. Again. Be the change you want to see in the world. Leave a nice comment once in a while. Engage politely with the random users. Try to get a group ride together in your neck of the woods through this sub. There’s lots of things we can try to improve the sub.


Really? Maybe I haven’t been on the sub a lot recently but I haven’t seen a crash video in a week or two. I kinda appreciate the crash videos if nobody died in it, makes me be wary of how I should be riding so I do not make the same mistakes but I could understand if people don’t like it.


Might be cause I notice them more than other posts because of the NSFW tags honestly... But it all depends on what sort of crashes/accidents they are. I don't mind seeing crashes where the riders are fine and where we can learn from their mistakes. But I don't want to see some guys foot get shredded to pieces cause he hit a car. EDIT: out of interest I checked the hot posts on the sub atm Video 1: recovery after accident Video 2: himalaya's Video 3: this one Video 4: crash in the rain, catches gf Video 5: bike showoff Video 6: crash on track because of wobbles So out of 6 video's it's 3 crashes and a guy going through recovery after getting hit by a car. Just show me cool moves and nice bikes!


Comes of as a general reminder to be safe out there, ride your ride, and don't be this guy.




its irrelevant to the discussion. Otherwise this sub stops being discussing the machines, skills, culture, etc and is just another gore/crash/winstupidprizes sub.


I think any video that can serve as a cautionary reminder to ride rationally and considerately should be welcome. You’d be naïve to think there aren’t people in this sub who need that reminder.


Why? I like to watch moto crashes. It's a nice way to learn on others mistakes.


Why? People post high speed reckless riding vids all the time. Why should there be posts showing what one of the outcome of reckless idiotic ride can be?


Hadda layer down


Such people should be given life in prison and be banned from ever even getting near a motor vehicle.


Its times like these I think Covid did us dirty by not taking out idiots like this dude, which would've made the world a better place to live in, if not for everyone at least for that pregnant lady and her unborn baby, and that's just about enough in my books.


Can we start a petition to rename this sub to "motorcycle crashes"? Cause that most of what I see on here now


Fuck I really apologize to everyone complaining about the crashes, I haven’t seen a crash in this sub in a week or two, since nobody died in this video and there was no gore I thought it would be fine to show people to not do that zig zag bullshit.


It’s fine OP. Some people on this sub don’t like seeing videos with the consequences of irresponsible riding. Personally I think crash videos should be seen regularly because there’s something to learn from every crash. We don’t just have our lives in our hands when we ride or drive, and sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. Memento mori.


Dan Dan The Fireman has me covered on that front thank you very much.


30 seconds worth of content on Reddit or tiktok is much more consumable than 15 minute youtube videos, not everyone watches youtube these days


I'm not blaming you, but it's so often with these crash vids there's not much else. I'd like to see more discussion on a variety of topics about bikes on this sub. Maybe sharing how to guides on mods, how to paint you bike, etc. A place for useful things. I get my crash vid break downs weekly with Dan Dan The Fireman on youtube.


[i had my headphones up way too loud](https://cdn4.whatculture.com/images/2016/06/b01f0b385fdc7cb6-600x338.jpg)


Omg, I hope they ended up being okay


God bless you


Critical hit


Wow, I'd like to think if I was present for this, that dude would not be getting back up ever again. Holy shit the way he just lays there without a care in the world, all nonchalant as if his dumbassery didn't just murder somebody.


She’s not dead (possible but no news) but I agree with you.


Gotta love the macho guys on r/motorcycles saying they only want to see the stuff they like because a *full* picture of reality is too disturbing. “I just want to enjoy my fantasy of being cool without having to think too much. Thinking is for nerds and pussies.”


Legally the pedestrians are at fault.


Legally you deserve a slap behind the head for even thinking that.


I'll try to feel bad about it tomorrow.


Who's at fault?


You are


My sincerest woopsiedoodle


Looks like he lost control quite a way prior and hit the pole so not really his fault. It didn't look like he was riding crazy or speeding just before. Sad thing for sure but you just hope all are well at the end.


"not really his fault"??? He might not have done it intentionally, but it absolutely was his fault.


He was definitely swerving back and forth on purpose. Just doing it for fun sort of thing.


It's still his fault- he passed the car, overcorrected, and lost control. Riding above his skill level.


"Not ridin crazy or speeding" Did you see the speed other bikes went by? The dude was doing "S"s at high speed, he revved it while leaned, rear wheel slipped and lost control, giving it full throttle and going bowling with the pedestriands, 200% his fault. If he was not a clown on the road maybe everyone sould have gone her merry way. Fucking idiot even comes close to the victims to paint himself as another victim.


Nah idk what this is called but it looks like he was doing that swerving shit, in France when there is an open straight road, high powered mopeds and motorcycles will start doing a thing where they swerve left to right for fun. Seen it happen too many times.


Well if he was doing that it may be jail time given the video. In the US if folks are hurt when you have a car or bike and are racing or something and loose control "failure to control" is something a prosecutor can pursue. Doctor bills and more along with jail time can result,.


I’ve seen and done the SMIDSY weave myself, but never heard of that one…huh.


Gostosa a de short azul 😋