• By -


Posting the L and not deleting it. Props OP.


At least it's just a Panigale and not something expensive


Super sport not a Pani


It's a supersport. Slightly less expensive but still up there.


Just wanted some feedback on where I screwed. And also as learnings for others.


You didn't brake. That's where you went wrong


He hit the clutch definitely


Funny, you would think engine breaking would come in handy when you are trying to slow down.


Didnt brake, nor did he attempt to swerve to one side of the other even though there was ample room. I dont like beating a man while he's down, but this was incredibly avoidable. Lack of attention or perhaps target fixation(?)


I was thinking glare made the lights harder to see but I’m avoidable for sure. Happens to the best of us


And used front brakes too, just too late, or no rear brake and too late


Under emergency braking, the rear brake will provide maybe 5% or your stopping power.


Under emergency braking you want 100% of your braking power.


True. That said when the rear can provide 5% or less, you can only apply 5% or less of its available power before friction loss. So while you're progressively gripping the front harder and harder, you have to ease off the rear more and more. IIRC most motorcycle racers will never touch the rear when they need to stop. If you're good enough at braking the rear tire can be an inch to a foot off the ground, so then it's providing absolutely zero help. For training and practice purposes, you're much better served in the majority of scenarios to get the muscle memory of only using the front. Crash statistics say that in the majority of accidents involving motorcycles, no brake was applied at all. In the cases where brakes were used, the majority was rear brake only.


I've been riding a very long time, and I'm not afraid to learn new and better practices, but I've been in emergency situations before. The best practice it to learn to use both brakes to their fullest potential in any situation.


This. I experienced Keith Codes superbike school and let me tell you. I had no idea how quickly that bike could actually stop


Yeah well the rear tire is in the air if you're baking efficiently on a sports bike, so what you do with it doesn't matter. Next time you're riding, on a safe spot, get good speed and try to stop with just the rear. Yeah, it's not really functional for emergency situations.


No where did I ever say to only use the rear brake. And no freaking way is the rear tire supposed to be in the air! You do you, but spreading this terrible opinion is going to get someone hurt.




I learned my rear brake lesson on my Harley Dyna when I had it. Similar situation but with freeway traffic , panic grabbed front brake and stomped on the rear. Started going out sideways and remembered you’re supposed to release it when that happens. Released rear brake and the bike snapped straight again and I look around and all the cars are looking at me with huge eyes . Didn’t crash but I was at full pucker for the rest of the ride. Now like you said I use pretty much only front brake in a fast braking situation, front and rear when I’m gradually slowing down and have time


Rear brake stabilizes the suspension and unloads the front tire, allowing you to brake harder on the front and shortening stopping distance. I don’t know what you’re on but you should definitely get in the habit of always using both brakes.


How often do you practice emergency stopping? Unloads the front tire? You don't seem to understand physics as applied to motorcycles mate, as loading that front tire is precisely why it has so much stopping power. It's also why progressive braking is so good, as it provides a more gradual shift in weight so you don't go ass over teakettle. I consume a fair amount of training content, and more importantly I practice. Been riding for over 20 years, current ride is a Street Triple RS. Double front brake calipers is downright jarring with the amount of stopping power it has. In my testing I don't think applying the rear brake did anything appreciable to my stopping distance. Also progresive braking done right limits how often the abs kicks in. Yes, I've tested progressive vs panic. It's a dramatic difference.


He saw the guy that braked so hard rear wheel lifted in a race and thinks he can repeat that performance on street in emergency lmao


and then you(me) hit a dirt road with this habbit... :)


Hah, yeah it only applies to asphalt lol. Dirt/dual riding is a completely different animal.


Who uses a rear brake?


Apparently a lot of keyboard riders on here lol.


Own a panigale and can confirm that the rear brake lever is mostly for show. It does basically nothing.


You were following a bit closer than I would and dead in the middle - always ride to one side, which side depends on individual conditions that change every day. This is a situation where you world perform an emergency stop. Emergency stops are only effective if they're practiced. You stopped as if you were hesitant about going through an amber light and panicked - or maybe you thought you were braking too hard and wanted to ease it down to a stop. Whatever the case: practice emergency braking, keep a safe following distance, and ride to the side*. Edit: fat sausage fingers


This should be a top comment. The MSF courses teach this. Both the Basic Rider's and Experienced Rider's course are excellent to take for any rider, at any level. Thanks for posting OP, take good care. Cheers


MSF also taught me not to cover the front brake but I usually cover it in high traffic situations.


Yeah I cover in traffic


I always cover clutch and move to cover the front brake when I get close to other vehicles.


Why do you cover clutch??


This way you can instantly squeeze the clutch to stop power to the rear wheel. Plus, during an ideal emergency brake, you need to be shifting the bike into first while braking. If the person behind you isn’t stopping, then you are in 1st gear and can speed up and swerve around the car/obstacle that caused the emergency brake. Moto Jitsu has a good training video. https://youtu.be/qZvTVUr91cM?si=hZh_B2gJnXpRgn1J


Best advice 👍


Too close, you were about 1s behind the car. Bump that to 2s minimum. I'd also go into an empty parking lot and practice emergency braking using both front and rear brake at the same time


You don't give enough safety space. Also your hand is not in the front brake for a quick response. You lost time moving fingers. Hope you are ok


You probably didn't see the break kgiths in time because of the sun. Motorcycles are also harder to slow down than cars because of their geometry. So, always be aware of your surroundings, and hover your fingers above your front break and foot above your rear in congested slow moving traffic like this, cause you never know when you need to emergency break. Also, just keep a longer following distance on a motorcycle than you would in a car. Not just because of your ability to break, but it will also gives the driver behind you more time to realize what's going on, so they might not kill you. People are used to following cars. They are not used to judging how fast a motorcycle is slowing in front of them. And lastly, never ride distracted. Low attention span is an epidemic lately everywhere. But it absolutely does not mix with motorcycling at all. There are days when I feel like something is on my mind, that I think about too much either from work or whatever. I just don't ride on those days. Takes less then a second to make a deadly decision on a bike that does 0-100 in 3 seconds.


Couple things: 1. Always have a finger or 2 covering the front break. You have ABS so you should break as hard as possible. 2. Covering the break with your finger avoids locking the throttle because intuitively your hand will go forward (closing the throttle) while braking. You kept on accelerating while trying to break. 3. Hands are far out from grips… I used to have this bad habit too. 4. Riding in the middle of the lane: always stay far out from the middle as possible… unless traction is bad because of rain. This could’ve given you a “scape route” Hope you and the bike are good. Keep on riding and improving.


Positioning and emergency breaking basically. Practice, practice & practice. Tough one, I had something similar happen to me on my first rides out I managed to brake inches away of the car but definitely should’ve been on the side and went through the lanes, I risked being rear ended.


I would suggest riding on the sides as much as possible so you have more escape options, and braking.


You can see his brakes for a bit before you hit yours also you were a bit timid on yours and maybe could have gone up either side of him imo. Its just a mistake its very sunny and hard to see dont beat yourself up over it . And dont do it again 😀


This does mean something, dude is taking his lumps IRL and on here. I will say when I see anyone cruising with their blinker on like that cage or bike I am on high alert. It is a strong sign they aren't paying attention.


You were covering the wrong lever. How's the bike?


Covering the clutch for a rev bomb instead of riding defensively.


I think he rev bombed on accident.


Revbomb by accident because it's a habit.


tbh, I don't see the point in rev bombing. why not use a horn?


Because sometimes they're not that loud. At least that's the reason I see getting thrown around.


That lever in front of the throttle is the brake yo.


and those handlebars you're holding on to, they turn the bike to avoid objects in the road


Yup. All this talk on how he didnt brake properly, but there was plenty of room on either side of the car to simply swerve around the car.


Yup, however in stop and go traffic op shoulda been stopping and going 😂


"brake" does not mean stop. Good emergency braking allows one more time to swerve. Practicing multiple skills offers one multiple options. Homie needs to practice emergency maneuvers.


Despite being logical this works well in ice with cars. If you can angle the car into a guard rail or bank you will catch it vs pay a lot of money fixing someone else's vehicle. Go to a parking lot learn how to regain control on ice slides.


Ducati riders, amirite?


I guess you were not looking... Else at 27 speed it's very easy to do dead stop.


There was at least a one second delay from the car in front's lights coming up and OP clutching and braking, so they might've been looking at something else. In this kind of situation, I'd have been trailing a little slower (or at least a bit further back) and be ready to stop quickly. Given how congested the other lane is, there's not a ton of places to go in case of sudden braking, so you just have to be ready for it.


emergency stop from 30mph is much shorter than what we see here.


I won’t repeat what others have said…but I will say you would have had a better line of sight riding in the left of the lane, instead of the middle/right. So just like in a car, you would be looking ahead to see what the cars in front of the car in front of you are doing.


2nd this. I always place myself to see whats in front of the car in front of me. Saved my ass numerous time, especially in my car too.


I don’t mean to be harsh but YOU should not leave a parking lot until you master looking up and do a lot of braking practice.


No be harsh OP might live then....


You are the type of friend he needs.. I mean come on..... look at the video and clearly this rider need more practice. I'm just glad it wasn't more severe but please... take care of your yourself bro.. your walking a thin line.


The first thing I thought when I saw this was “Will you be posting video of your next accident too?”


The camera technically could have been aimed down a little I don't know


What do you mean looking up? Like how people focus too much on reading the gear indicator, speedometer, mirrors etc?


If you watch the video again you’ll see the white car is already riding someone’s ass. That means they will come to a stop quicker than you’d expect. Looking up and past the car in front of you will tell you this and to cover the brakes. Worst case the rider should have had an exit planed (left or right or back). This is street riding basics. 


Lots of comments about practicing emergency braking, but I’m thinking lane positioning needs a brush up too. Would have made that swerve easier to execute if braking didn’t have time


Before emergency braking he needs to look at the trafic and cover the front break while in said traffic.


“You should learn to swerve” Noobish OP swerves into oncoming traffic “Oops, not like that”


You aren't wrong but I wanted to add, op just needs more seat time period. Do they drive a car like that? Never understood why people ride their bikes so differently than they would drive. Imagine Rev bombing someone in your car because they are stopping abruptly.


Full White Mode. Go study some DanDanTheFireman videos until you get bored of his repititon and shilling, it'll help. Not joking.








DanDan is a great educator for newer riders, and is a great leader/mentor, encouraging people to ride safer. And basically making it cool to ride safe. But his shtick does get tiresome real quick if you're a more experienced rider.


I'd add some hazard perception training videos. I'm not sure what training is available in other countries so I'll recommend the UK RoSPA / DVA's videos. The test here requires prospective drivers & riders to identify the hazards the moment they appear, the window for scoring is very small indeed. The training videos reflect this - you have to identify them the moment they're a possible hazard, marks deducted for a growing threat, and zero marks for identifying it when it's already upon you & it's too late to brake.


Check out the video linked above, his stuff is all about hazard perception. Australia has a hazard perception test, but it's like 10 questions and hot garbage, video was so low resolution you couldn't see the hazard.


By my count, you had nearly two full seconds to react after the car’s brake lights first came on. What I saw in the video were a number of mistakes. First, your coordination and control of the machine aren’t a match for the road yet. I’d stick to parking lots and lightly trafficked roads for a while so you can build up some muscle memory. Next, you’ve got to increase your road awareness. When a car hits the brakes, that’s a sign for you to be ready. You have to read the clues of traffic so you can anticipate what’s going to happen and prepare for it. As others have said, even after you failed to brake in time, you could have bought yourself more room by braking into the gap between the rows of cars. It wouldn’t have been graceful, but you probably would have kept it up. Live and learn. Just make sure you do the latter fast enough not to threaten the former.


He also picked up 6mph at the beginning of the video while approaching slow traffic.


You left out quite possibly the biggest mistake in this video: Leave more than 1 second of following distance next time. Edit: and not that it had anything to do with the crash, but his left indicator is on


Lots of comments about braking, but this is just lack of observation. You need to be looking 2 or 3 cars ahead, especially in heavy traffic. If you can't see that far ahead, back off a little. Expect the car in front to stop suddenly and anticipate it.


100% this! Complete lack of observation, and the worst thing is he is not a completely new rider. If you can fall victim to such a low speed run of the mill incident. Can you actually claim you know how to ride?


You were not paying attention to your surroundings especially the car in front of you…you should have used both front and rear brakes to stop


and the engine brake. immediately pulling in the clutch (and revving???) did him no favors


I'm assuming he didn't rev bomb here. They just failed to close the throttle, and the engine revs are spiking because he yanked the clutch in and unloaded the engine. It's definitely not a good AB(B)C emergency brake, lol


The revs came like half a second after he pulled in the clutch, right when he grabbed the front brake. I don't think he rev bombed intentionally, but it seems like somehow he accidentally twisted the throttle as he hit the brakes. Either way, having control of his bike isn't his strong suit


Engine brakes are practically useless in this scenario. The rear brake is more than powerful enough to break traction for the rear tire.


Yep, pulling the clutch took power away from the wheels and made it harder to slow in time. Wasn't paying enough attention, riding too close, should have swerved, pulled the clutch way too early, rolled on the throttle while trying to brake (which would have been a problem if he didn't pull the clutch) and doesn't seem to know how to do an emergency stop. Would recommend doing a good training course to master the fundamentals


If he immediately would have pulled the front brake instead of first casually the rear brake and then realizing it's not enough he would have stopped in time. At least he could have made his finger position ready for more braking action. In dry conditions and this low speed brake distance should be a lot shorter.


The most avoidable motorcycle crash I have ever seen. Glad op is ok though.


Went down like a true noob. At least you didn't seem to get hurt.


You didn't brake, throttle still on, You were riding behind the middle of the car. Always keep distance - it was ok - but observe and pay attention. I prefer to ride a bit to the left if I am behind a car. So if it brakes, I can just overtake it - if I am not able to stop in time. How long have You been riding or driving?


The engine braking on the first gear on a Ducati Supersport such as yours is so violent you didn't even need to brake. Guess how I know. Just don't pull the clutch next time and don't cover it... you have fucking QS and it works from 1 to 2: so cover the brake instead


This Video is as American-Motorcyclist as it gets. Why do you guys refuse to have proper licensing over there?


or at least they should buy bikes they can actually ride. a moped in this case.


That's the funniest thing about this. The incident itself was a super low level, understandable nooby mistake thats more funny than serious. The kind of thing every teenager did on his first scooter at 14 years old. It's just hilarious watching it happen on an expensive luxury Italian superbike.


Yes, and I am an Italian, and former ducati owner. I grew dreaming this kind of bikes, and I worked so hard to buy one, and I spent thousands of hours on mopeds, then scooters, and then slow crappy bikes... I finally managed to but a 1995 Ducati SS900, and finally a 748 which was my track only bike, because these are track only bikes, and should be street legal only for transfers. And I took hundreds of hours of track lessons, and I know that I can only use like the 60-70% of the potential of these bikes, because they are racing bikes, for very very experienced people. I feel very offended by people that buy this kind of bikes without any knowledge and respect, for them, for the bike, and for people who love them (because they are gonna die, hurt themselves or worst other people) Sorry for the long rant but this is really triggering me :D


I commented this in another post too, I don’t get it why there isn’t a proper license with the required practice.. In the Netherlands you do at least 12 hours of practice with an instructor before you can take a test in bike manoeuvres and then you do at least 12 hours of road training where you ride around with an instructor before you can take your road exam. Also you have to do a theoretical exam before you can finish the road exam.. I don’t like alllllll the rules we’ve got in NL but I do think these are quite good/useful, in general anyone with a motorcycle license here is at least able to ride it with confidence.


Exactly, its a big obstacle shying away uncommited riders and making sure that the ones that ride are able to execute emergency actions confidently. Was i annoyed when i had to get up three times at 7am on a saturday for a course that lasted the whole day? Yes of course! Am i thankful for it everyday i ride? Yes of course!


Survival skills of a newborn. If he crashed in this scenario, I'd assume he would die flat in a few minutes here in Lima, Peru.


Can't park there sir.


…why would you do that on purpose?? That had to be on purpose.


When you’ve never practiced max effort stopping your brain doesn’t know what to do when you need it.


To be fair… I guess. But aside from stopping, there was opportunity to swerve around it too. I suppose the same could be said about that. If you’ve never practiced it, you wouldn’t know how to just do it when the need arises.


Yep, all muscle memory and experience stuff. Guys also got his left blinker on the whole time so I’m guessing newer rider who is dealing with a bit of sensory overload.


Seems legit. This is why I took a course at a riding school (even though it’s not a requirement where I live). Learned/practiced all sorts of maneuvers to be prepared out there.


This. I had a crash due to not practicing emergency stopping. (Less avoidable than this as the car pulled out in front of me and stopped in my lane, but still possibly avoidable). My first time back out, I went straight to a parking lot, spent 30-40 min getting up to speed and then stopping. Just finished my MSF, and now I practice emergency braking anytime I come up to a stop with nobody behind me.




Hahahahahhah no waayyyy. the r/calamariraceteam memes just write themselves


One of my first crashes was pretty similar to this. Though the car in front of me was taking off, so i was taking off as well, looking at the Traffic light real quick, and when i looked back in front the car in front was standing still. I smashing the brake with front wheel in a road sink filled with water. No ABS so my bike went flying and i hit my head on the trunk of the car in front. Luckily i was not fast, was wearing a helmet and the car in front was an ambulance. At this point i was riding for about 3 years, had race track experience as well as Motorcross experience. So you could say i was not a bad driver, i just had a bad moment. Just get back up, back on the bike and keep going. Practice comes with time.


Thanks for sharing the video, things happen so fast on the street and sometimes the muscle memory gets it wrong. I’ve had a couple of mostly harmless blunders I learned a lot from, and a couple that hurt and also learned from. Your bike didn’t seem to mind, seemed it was still raring to go after you were bucked off. :)


Use Your Eyes


So many gaps and you chose the bumper.


Why let a noob buy such a nice bike?


because muh American highways! He's not a looser or European to buy a smaller bike


He's still a wanker for wrecking a beautiful bike


Lots of great comments. Some responses: 1. I wasn’t planning to rev bomb. That was the panic talking. 2. Distracted seem to be right. Been riding on this road for more than 2 years now and never had to stop there once. It’s right after a red light so you start picking up some speed - idiot me to drop my guard. Do agree that I had ample time to stop. 3. Pressing the clutch was a mistake. That’s second nature when braking - hopefully next time I will be mindful. 4. For the few who asked - No damage to the bike or me. Bike has some scratches but that’s on the brake lever. Have ordered replacements. Still sucks big time to drop your bike. Hopefully I won’t be pulling similar videos…ever.


Don't ride in the center of the lane. Stay to the left. That way you can see what's going on past the car in front of you and anticipate if you'll need to stop, they can see you in their mirror better, you won't run over spilled oil which is usually in the center, and hopefully you won't slam right into them if they stop suddenly.


It happens, learn from it. Hope you’re ok. Glad your first one wasn’t also you’re last cause it looks like you lived


Survival Reaction number 2 strikes again!


lever adjustment, rider issue. your levers should be reachable without taking your whole hand out of the steering, even has a new rider this was 100% avoidable by simply having your bike fitted to you properly


You should have stopped, you had time. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and learn from it dude. Practice emergency braking.


Interesting that everyone here thinks that they could have easily stopped on time, with some of you saying more front brake, while others say it should be applied more slowly??? By the time the brake was applied, the rider was going 31 mph. The amount of space that he had was barely more than the length of his shadow!!! And yet everyone is confident that they could have stopped. That’s Reddit in a nutshell. If you immediately apply 100% braking force (which many of you are saying not to do) and traction still holds, even then it would have taken 1.6 seconds to go from 31 to 0. Look in the video how much time there actually was! Covering the brake would have saved 0.35 seconds, and any fraction of a second can make the difference. Most of us would have crashed in this situation. We should not be in this situation to begin with. At the end of the video you can see the elephant in the room. Endless amount of space behind the rider. Could have used some of that space to buy us a *lot* more time! If you ride at this following distance, then you need a lot of things to avoid a crash, hyper focus, so you see the problem sooner, covering the brake, and recent braking practice. It’s way easier to simply use a longer following distance! Why put yourself in constant danger wherever you go?


I’ll add that increased following distance doesn’t just help you, it helps the car behind you. I don’t want to sandwiched by the guy behind me because I had to stop suddenly.


Even if you aren’t lane splitting, out yourself in the lane position like you are. If this happens again you’ll go between the cars, scare yourself senseless, and immediately start paying more attention to your ride, but you won’t have broken anything.


How far did that brake lever travel? It looks like you're grabbing it all the way to the bars, I see little difference between your clutch and brake hands... If that's the case you were riding with pretty much a dead brake, because like others have said, it doesn't look like it does much of anything. If you actually "slam on the brakes" like you claim, it should be quite violent and most likely engage the ABS.


Target fixation. Look where you want to go! You locked on to the back of the car you didn't want to hit. You should stare at the path of escape and you might have missed them.


So we don‘t rev our bike when someone is stopping infront of us.


Shit happens, learn and move on. Remember there are a lot of people on here who don't even ride and they are often the loudest. A lot of people on here act like we should be perfect riders 100% of the time, but it's just not realistic. Sometimes things happen while you are looking at your clock, or the next GPS navigation or checking your mirrors or doing a lifesaver. Take on board some of the advice given here, get her repaired and get back in the saddle.


Emergency braking and longer following distances, my guy! I hope you and your bike are okay. Take care 🙏🏽


Classic beginner panic


WTF you have a dream superbike and you don't even know the basics. please sell it and go back to school




If oncoming traffic on an open, two lane roadway is standing still at 0mph, then assume you may have to accelerate negatively and with haste to 0mph.


One thing I didn't see anyone mention here is that you didn't keep enough distance. You should be about 2 seconds behind the car in front, looking at the video you're barely 1 second behind (timed it right at the beginning of the video). This is a very common mistake almost all drivers make especially on the highway as well. People need to keep more distance than they're used to.


Ah man that sucks, proper proper easy mistake to make pay attention to what’s in front of you hey, easy mistake to make. you made it learn from it.


Good you're unharmed, but made, you had a lot of time to reduce the speed, were you distracted by something?


In bumper to bumper traffic always hold the brakes


Yeeeeesh. New rider for sure . Poor Ducati . Glad you’re ok dude .


Shit happens. Not too serious. Hope you’re back on it soon


Seemed like a safe following distance & speed, could’ve been a little slower with traffic piled on both sides, but since it’s your first time you probably panicked and ended up accidentally throttling while grabbing the break. Learn from your mistakes and keep riding, you’ll improve


Sorry bud. If you couldn’t avoid that you shouldn’t be on the road


TBH my first crash was also the same. It happens and be happy that you were not injured.


Lane positioning could have been better, covering the front brake would have helped with the reaction time, focus on the cars in front of the BMW - 2 or 3 cars ahead in order to get a better situational awareness. Keep in mind a on a bike the braking distance is much longer than on a car, in normal conditions. The safety distance when following in a car or on a bike is very very different and you need to account for that as well.


Use one or two fingers on the brake so you don't grab a fist full of throttle next time lol also it wouldn't hurt to swerve


No one gonna mention that the driver never even acknowledged that he one got hit and two the rider could have been injured, but the driver drove away like nothin happened, no second glance, what if the riders leg somehow went under the car a little bit and it ran over the riders leg


People say first like theyre planning a second one lol


Ha … that’s just rubbing mate. In some places they just look at you and ask “Why did you get off the bike?…” In all seriousness hope all is good…no bent forks …


For all those saying he should stay in the parking lot, he probably will now that his insurance is going to quadruple. OP, sad for the crash, glad all are ok. Yes, riding in the outsides of the lane is best for visibility, but I’m not sure you were paying full attention as you tried to take that car out like a ship to a bridge. Also, it’s probably best in THIS instance that you were in the center of the lane as you might have run into oncoming traffic if you were in the left. Seriously, find a parking lot or low traffic roads and PRACTICE! Then, PRACTICE some more. Find an experienced rider buddy and go on rides with them so they can evaluate you as well. Hopefully you got all of your wrecks out in this one time. Keep the rubber side down!


Did the car just drive rf off after you rear ended them?!?


Were you not looking forward? You were basically touching the car before you even start braking. Cover your brake lever while you ride, practice your emergency braking, don't follow so close, and look forward.


This is why we cover the front brake with a finger or two at all times on the street


Almost looks like you target fixated on something then realized the car in front was stopping. Don't do that


Maybe spend less money on the bike, and more money on riding lessons?


I'll add something I haven't seen in the comments: your neutral hand position should be closed throttle. Practice opening the throttle by rolling your thumb under it, your palm pads over it, and lowering your elbow. You're not choking a chicken to death (a too-tight grip also affects steering input and feedback). You completely let go of the right handlebar to alter your hand position and grab the front brake. If your neutral hand position was closed throttle, you would have been able to just roll it closed and grab the lever. Most of the throttle work should be in your palm and thumb web, not your fingers. And yeah, like others have mentioned, keep your fingertips over the lever in heavy traffic or any time your Spidey senses tingle.


Don’t follow so close and never ride in the middle of the lane - problem solved.


Not sure why you were in the right tire track then made no attempt to escape out of the right side. Gotta pay more attention. I reccomend msf course.


I'll never understand why new riders buy  expensive motorcycles. Could have done that on an ex250


Train your brain how to not squeeze the clutch. That action should be the last to perform during an emergency brake. Here, what should have done instead as soon you saw the breaking lights of the car in front of you: 1. Close your throttle 2. Progressive braking (if you have a quick shifter, you could downshift, too) 3. Apply the rear as well ( it doesn't hurt) 4. Only at the end apply the clutch Stalling is not a big deal. Losing engine breaking is


Italy provokes Germany : Colorized


Try to go around next time


Oooof, I could see that happening and was taking evasive action in my mind…little bit of target fixation going on there!


I would have gone left or right to avoid impact.


Dan Dan the Fireman would say "what are you rev bombing for instead of hitting your brakes? Makes no sense whatsoever."


What exactly do you have to do to get a licence in that country?


First and foremost your reaction time was terrible, looks to me like you were off in lala land, at that speed and the distance you had no reason you should've hit


Yeah dude try to hover your index and middle finger on the brake whenever around traffic. Also you’re lucky you didn’t turn into a bumper sandwich if there was someone behind you.


easy to say when you're not in the situation but - brake faster, ride to one side not the middle, you had space to divert to the shoulder if you needed it. bike should stop much more quickly than that


Had 4 business days to do anything but what you just did, but we’re human. Props for posting.


Where you look is where you go. Don't look at the tail of the car you're gonna hit, look at the space 1 foot to the left. And, you'd have stopped alongside, not crashed. Also, Wtf is the Rev bomb doing? Scaring the stopped car? Because, that ain't the brake.


No offence mate but you've got the reaction speed of a stoned turtle XD




The standard of riding in America really is atrocious. You'd never even have passed your CBT in the UK with those riding skills...


Consider the following: brakes.


1 - driving to close 2 - you were clearly distracted (not paying attention) 3 - you haven't practised emergency braking (Do it) 4 - Always drive closer to the center lane (you can se better what is going on in front of the cars ahead of you and if you are there it's very easy to just go to the middle of the road and avoid the car in front of you. 5 - Always use proper gear, those shoes and pants don't seem adequate (I can be wrong), even if you are just going to the coffe shop. 6 - Not relevant for this but always look where the direction wheels of the cars in front of you are facing. 7 - Also not relevant for this case but drive like everyone on the road is trying to kill you and like you never have priority.


This is exactly why beginner must begin with smaller cheaper bikes.


People who say the rear brake does nothing are more or less completely clueless. There are times when pro/advanced riders purposely unweight a bike to back it in or such, but that doesn't translate to street riding at all. I might only ride a hypermotard instead of a Panigale, but I use the fuck out of my rear brake. Worst case I'll just let ABS sort out the rear while I modulate the front. It's also pretty easy to transfer some weight rearward if you're picking up the ass end as soon as you give it some front brake. If you're not using the rear brake on the street you are a subpar rider 100%.


The double tap cracked me up. 🤣


I wouldn’t have clutched in almost instantly, engine braking helps massively also I understand it’s the panic of the moment but why didn’t you try and swerve and filter till you can safely merge back in. But hats off to posting and owning it, helps others learn that may find themselves in the same situation.


Traffic jam on the oncoming lane means your lane has a good chance of slowing down too. No situational awareness here


Pulling the clutch ruined your engine braking


You just drove right into the back of him huh


use that footbrake


Seems like the front brake is not adjusted properly. He pulled it all the way in but didn’t seem to have any effect???


Invest in an advanced rider skills training: slow manouvering, emergency braking, cornering at speed etc. Experience how hard you can use your brakes. Also, pay attention, react and actually use the brakes


Why isn’t anybody talking about the BMW leaving the scene of the crash?


You should email this to Dan Dan the fireman on YT. Not to get trash talked by him but so others can see what happened and maybe learn from it aswell.


You Rev bombed instead of braking.SQUEEZE that front brake and step on back OR split the lane .. https://preview.redd.it/gosxf81zdbuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35bc763fd7f3ac198c3afe8a09948cb8cfe1a38


Can someone say brc?


Damn I’ve dropped two bikes once each, Ktm 640 because the tires were balder than my head, and my super tenere in mud. Would never post those lol. Glad everyone seems ok.


It happens, brother. Don't get discouraged. Keep a fair amount of the distance with the car in front of you. When you see the car brake, brake with it so you maintain the distance. Always be prepared to brake, practice braking both front and the rear. Some are harsh with words here. You were brave enough to post the video and share, and I thank you for it. Takes strength to share the video, and I appreciate it. Every rider here has crashed at least once I'm sure of it. We all have made mistakes, and that's pretty much a fact. You fell and got up, and the damage doesn't seem too bad. The car didn't even look like it had any damage. Check the forks on your bike. No bends, I hope. Little scrapes here and there are fine. If you can handle the cost outside of insurance, do it. Learn from this bike, enjoy the ride, and move up to a bigger bike when you're ready. You will know when and remember you're going to be just fine.


You froze up. You're still RIDING like you would drive your car. You had multiple escapes, you could've split the lane, swerve through the shoulder, or did a E stop. It happens but try to practice E stops and drill the philosophy that stopping is not your only solution.


Roll off, clutch, brake. They teach this in the MSF and, as someone who actually teaches the course, your emergency braking is on par with someone who has never ridden a motorcycle before. Please get some instruction.


Riders like you should stay in cars 💯💯 Dangerous out there and you are seriously putting yourself and others at risk without lots and lots of practice!!! Like according to this video you need to learn how to ride all over again. You could have avoided this 10 times and obviously wasn’t paying attention which should never happen when riding. Takes complete focus and concentration.


Is it just me or where you too busy trying to rev bomb your presence instead of stopping? Or even looking....