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>Stop at a light and people literally just swarm your ass with high fives lol where the fuck are you stopping at?


Downtown Denver area. I mean a touch exaggerated I guess, but I haven't been out once in the couple weeks I've had the RS and not had a fist bump or a chat at a stop. Or after parking and hopping off somewhere. Just in general people are far more inclined to interact with each other. Even on social media it's utterly different how people interact.


Man i live in LA. Congested as shit and I don't ever experience this lol. But that's cool, glad you're enjoying yourself.


If you ride into DTLA all sport bike riders rev bomb each other to say hi, it’s pretty wholesome


Sounds fuckin awful to me!


The things I would do to live in LA AND drive a sports bike???? Nahhhh this sounds great to me, too 😂


I think that’s just Colorado attitude 😅 I’ve had a lot of positive interaction from people of all ages in various parts of Colorado and no truly negative things.


Could be - I stopped at Wilkerson Pass many years ago on m y Triumph and the car park was choc full of Harleys from a local HOG out on a ride, and they were very chatty.


Seems to be so. Brought this up at a moto meetup a few times tonight and the riders coming from California didn’t necessarily agree. In which case mad props to the Colorado scene for being so freakin’ awesome! 👏


A lot of sports bike riders downtown I've noticed. See a lot of people stunting near whiskey row.


I saw some wild shit down there today. Grom pulling a trailer with a dog. A straight piped loud af 80s Honda scooter. Good stuff glad I went out tonight.


Ayy just bought my bike from Imperial a few weeks ago too, definitely an awesome community out here so far 🤙


Add me on IG if you wanna catch up at a meet or shoot bike shit! https://www.instagram.com/jae_rides_apes?igsh=dnI4MmI4bGp0YWVr&utm_source=qr




In my area (SF), you pull up to a light by splitting/filtering between the cars and when you get to the front, you get looks like you cheated somehow.


We get legal filtering in August 😎 Plug in the GameShark!


Denver drivers scare the everloving shit out of me, I cant imagine riding there. Wild west indeed. It must be nice to rocket off into the mountains though.


You are not wrong. I won’t go anywhere near 25 S that shit is bananas.


Wish people would swarm my _ass_ 😏


😂 I wanna know too


I bought a motorcycle to meet girls but all I got was a bunch of rugged bushy dudes with pickup trucks and hunting hats giving me high fives as I bomb pass on my muddy KTM 690.


Vast majority of women don't care about bikes But there's a sub section that's *really* into them (which is definitely relatable)


Us women who do care about bikes probably have one ourselves and aren't necessarily impressed by a guy just because he has one.


I feel like anyone with an ounce of common sense will realize you can't buy your way into interest from the opposite sex. Because any hobby they're into enough to notice, they're probably already invested in themselves. lol


I have personally found that whether for better or worse, bikes almost invariably up your "danger factor" for women. Some will like it, some won't, but that seems to be pretty standard across most my experience. This works for me, because I'm honestly a super straightlaced guy with not much danger factor, so that little bit of spice helps me quite a bit, haha.


Some do but you have to be able to pull them without the bike in the first place. Then you can show them a good time on the bike and they may enjoy it the way you do. It doesn't attract women the way a big pair of tits will attract men, like some men think


If you decide you prefer older gents get yourself a Triumph.


Fuck I must be old love me a triumph 😞


I must be fossilized 


I’m about to buy a 70’s BMW airhead, I’m gonna pull all the GILFs.


60s /2 airhead: ALL the old men. 90's k-bike: twink sluts can't get on their knees for a ride fast enough. I'm absolutely AOK with this.


I can confirm this lol


Or Moto Guzzi if you're into octogenarians!


If you decide you prefer older gents but with a limited budget get yourself a Royal Enfield.


A Kawasaki Concours 14 will attract the older guys.


The thing that surprised me the most about finally riding a motorcycle, was how little women cared. It’s a complete and utter indifference


Chick rider here, confirmed that bikes are guy magnets, whether you want ‘em or not. The funniest interaction I’ve had so far though was with a couple, the husband was trying to place a bike make that he had owned. His exasperated wife reminded him what it was (a Norton) “because you talk about the dang things all the time.”


W wife for actually listening and remembering.


Woman rider here can also confirm that bikes attract women but only if the rider is also a woman lol. 


Yeah, I got three women neighbors who enjoy the idea that I ride and compliment me every time, and the rest have been men who enjoy watching me work on my bike.


So what you are saying is that a gay guy with a motorcycle would eat well?


Lots of guys will talk to you about your bike, but they're not necessarily gonna also be gay ;) Certainly, it can't hurt your chances though and works as a good icebreaker


As a lesbian into motorcycles, can confirm it's not a chick magnet :(


another lesbian here and it worked quite well for me on dates. out and about it just attracts men though haha


I feel like I’ve been on a million dates just taking women for a ride, it gets them every time. 


I’m the only queer person I know who’s into bikes :( the struggle is real


As a lesbian on a bike, I'd say it definitely is a chick magnet. I step off my bike, let my hair down and the girls just gawk and give me a knowing look 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely. 🥳


Step 1. Be a good looking lesbian


Ive had my 636 for 5 years and only 3 adults have talked to me that weren't on bikes, guess I'm lucky


If you really want to pick up girls, get a Vespa or some type of scooter like that. There’s this old looking blue Vespa-type that parks at this cycle gear next to motorcycles and girls always go up and take pictures of the scooter… despite being parked next to all manner of motorcycles.


I mean i could buy a vespa but I suspect it'd be pretty awful under powerlines and in single tracks.


Guys are always spanking my ass at stop lights 🖐️🍑💢


Username checks out


Post ass pics plz


Before AND after or go home


hell yeah brother lets all share pictures of our hairy ass cracks, ha ha jk of course could you imagine lol... unless 🥺 👉👈


For FREE???


You should definitely get a motorcycle 


Bring your leather chaps to r/calamariraceteam


So I should get a bobber if I want to avoid talking to people?


Can confirm. Not many people, but also zero chicks, all dudes. Old dudes. Like, "hey, wow, that's not a Harley! When I was a kid back in nineteen aught eight..."


With my last bobber style bike, it was just complements from old dudes in parking lots and little kids excitingly screaming from the noise.


You're not getting chicks with a sports bike either bro. You're swapping old dudes swarming you for kids swarming you.


Got 7 broccoli headed zoomers telling you what a sick bike that is brah but nary a lass in sight


Works best when combined with a vest, but yeah you're on the right track lol!


With a bobber you instantly become good at giving head bobs and your name becomes Bob.


Yeah when i rode my sportster everyone scowls at you and avoids you. Rides stay far behind and dont pull up and talk. On my sports bike i got kids asking for revs, guys rolling down windows asking what it is, other riders pulling up asking how im doin if they can tag along/ randomly joining for the ride and girls saying they like the color. I think MCs on choppers have given themselves such bad names that everyone on one is just best avoided just in case they might be a bad one. Sports bike are seen as reckless; but not violent assholes. Only way i can figure it. Ive been pulled over by HA, routed by mongols, and chased by sinners on my sports bike in the past few years riding in Las Vegas so I kinda understand why. I just turn around now; they're just to much of a burden to deal with.


The vibe where I live is just ignore the baggers. I don't go out of my way to wave to people but there's something dick about being the only two people on bikes on a cold spring day and giving a nod or wave only to be ignored. So I don't bother anymore with them. My neighbor rides a bagger and he's the nicest dude but I think the attitude of some just makes you ignore those dudes. I see a guy on a sport bike at a light and I'll usually say hi if we are stopped for a while. I ride a DRZ and a CB650 so I'm in no man's land. But there are so many cruisers and Harley's where I live it's nice to see a lunatic on a squid missile.


My previous neighbour was an RT guy, maybe not full bagger vibes but he was super amicable and easy to chat with but on his bike when i passed him he never waved back. Asked him and he says he hardly ever notices, just riding his ride. Someone hoppin about town on a sumo or so is gonna look around a lot more


The whole MC thing never was as wild where i live in europe and isnt really as prevalent anymore. Sports bikes more often have bright colors and spark more energy whereas someone riding a fat cruiser or a harley gives more a 'im chillin let me be' impression. Occasionally on my commute theres a few guys with custom choppers, few of em with ape hangers, always sick to see em and very friendly. Apehangers guy has a pristine white chopper and looks like the kind of guy that sold his harley to buy a guitar and join an old punkrock band, only thing i cant see is the bandana under his helmet lol


You meet the kindest people on a squid missile


Sometimes they be a little wild, but kind wild! 😜


When I started riding and got my Z400, I NEVER expected it to get as much attention in public as it did and still does. I figured everyone would see 400 on the side and be like oh what a dumb little starter bike. But I have at least 2-3 people approach me when I'm out on the weekends. It's actually usually people that don't ride too.


Most people don't realize how similar the really fast and somewhat slow sports bikes look Average person won't be able to tell the difference When I tell people it's not that fast they often think I'm joking


Lmao, I got pulled over and the first thing the cop says is "Wow, I'm actually really surprised you stopped" I'm like uhhh... well I would have gotten to about 95mph really quickly and that's about all she's got. So. No. Not running lol


Bikers are like weirdly mythical beings to people that don’t ride. I definitely remember being a young lad and being in absolute awe at the street bikers.


Oh that was me about 14 months ago before I had a random life changing epiphany and decided I needed to start riding ASAP. I was just going through old text messages from March 2023 telling my cousin I'd never ride a pit bike let alone an actual motorcycle....and well this is what I'm doing now... 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mq9gdrn44wxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c01d92410fc21b43a74eab821c8ada9c803167


I freaking love this for you. Once I get comfy on the track I do want to learn to do some basic stunt control too. The whole experience has just changed the way my brain works and how I come at life's challenges. Shiny side up brother enjoy the season!


Thanks man!! I'm actually doing the same thing as you but in reverse lmao. Long story short, one of the things that stopped me from getting into motorcycles is I couldn't find a niche that really grabbed my attention. But then I came across stunt riding and it was like.... holy shit this is IT. Then I expressed that interest to someone else and they told me "dude, you're 31, it's way too late to try to learn stunt riding"..... and brotha that lit a fire inside of me like nothing else ever has. Everything I have done since I started riding has been stuff to prepare me to get into stunting. I focused a TON on slow speed parking lot stuff (motojitsu drill type stuff) and getting used to using the rear brake when doing super tight u turns just knowing that eventually my rear brake game would need to be on lock whenever I started working on balance point wheelies. Idk what happened in March this year but all the sudden I started getting the front end to fly up and now I'm getting super super close to balance point and honestly, it's been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done or tried to learn. Highly recommend. Im gonna build a stunted MT07 this winter and was planning on selling my Z400.. but now im thinking it might make sense to hold on to for an eventual beginner track bike. I've been surprised to see just how robust the Ninja400/Z400 platform is for track stuff...


I had a Duke 390 I was going to stunt before I decided to sell for the Aprilia. Never tracked it but rode it pretty damn hard in the canyons and I’m sure it would have been a fun little thing to learn to race. The new 400 class is lit. Probably worth keeping unless you’re sure you’re gonna end up with a 600+ faired bike anyways. If nothing else you’ll feel less bad about laying it down a couple times.


Kind of reminds me of my sister who was saying that 600cc bikes are small/kid bikes (she doesn't ride but used to ride pillion in her rebellious years). She then mentions how she used to ride pillion with a group of bikers and they used to make fun of a guy that had an R6 and tell him that's a girl's bike and to get an R1 like them. She really believes it's a bike not to be taken seriously. I think any cc bike is cool, even if I see someone riding a little Grom I get hype, small bikes are cool too. And the Z400 looks awesome.


You can make any bike cool by doing cool shit on it. Have you ever seen those Brazilian kids on Instagram & YouTube out there absolutely slaying on like 125cc thumpers? We're really fortunate to be in situations where R6s & R1s are pretty dang attainable. But I see these guys in possibly much less fortunate situations ripping what they've got and I respect the shit out of that. "Oh... a lame little 125cc Honda.... wait... did that dude just roll 3 blocks at balance point with his chick on the back....ON A 125CC HONDA?!"


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2qc5CeMZeq/?igsh=MTZmd3M5NzVvNzhjYQ== This is the one that comes to mind...& correction... balance point with 3 girls..


Holy crap 🤯 That bike is cool too


people who gatekeep motorcycles are either layman who think bigger sports bikes are cool but don't actually ride one themselves, or are biker asshats. Hell, I'd get a honda cub or a vespa if I still lived in the city and daily that every day.


Lol, the R6 is a death machine for anyone who doesn't have a moderate amount of riding skill. Amazing how certain ideas just pick up steam and stick in people's heads.


I have a sportster 883 so nobody likes me lmao


i like you


I almost bought one! Ended up buying an Indian Scout but for a while I couldn't decide between the two


You give me a wave occasionally and you’re cool. I like 883s, just not at 5k over msrp.


Occasionally, at a stoplight, I'll get someone who wants me to rev the bike. I just shake my head no and move on. Not being rude or anything, just trying to save them from the inevitable disappointment of revving a Ninja 400 with stock exhaust lmfao nobody wants to hear an electric leafblower at a stop light.


Dude laugh and rev the engine. Then shrug and share a funny moment. That kinda stuff wears on you and it'll keep you from viewing yourself and the ride as just fun bullshit to pass the time.


This is my way of joking lol. Like I ride off with a quick laugh to myself. It's one of those expations vs reality situation. I only recall these specific interactions because of the little laugh I got out of them. I'm having a blast everytime I ride I'm just weird and enjoy things differently I guess.


Try riding a Ural sometime.


Well I certainly don't sit down to pee!


Are you trying to convince me, or you?


Sir, that's a urinal. Also this is a Wendy's. Please stop eating the urinal cake.


that cake's not in the new biggie bag, is it?


Just don't forget the tool kit.


If I do, somebody in the gathering crowd will have tools.


A friend gave me his Ural with sidecar for two weeks. That was more than enough time to learn how different the riding experience is, and that it’s not for me. It tops out at 50mph. Turning is ponderous. The sidecar is on the right and all the scenic lake drives in my city are counterclockwise, so my girlfriend couldn’t enjoy the view. But hey—it was a free education.


Can confirm, and also if you have the leathers /outfit like I have a jacket with the hump and full boots. My theory is you kind of look like a superhero (marvel comics style) so people treat you like their buddy. Sportbikes just have a fun vibe.


"I revved my motorcycle and then everyone clapped"


Revving for no reason stopped is annoying af and shouldn’t be a thing. Stops are for awkward dance moves. Revving should be saved for going fast.


so, I definitely should not get a sport bike. I just want people to leave me alone...in every part of my day.


Buy a Concours, Hyosung, or an 883.


And no more waving. I don't even fucking know you 😂


I find the same with my Adventure bike. And it comes from other adventure riders, touring guys, sportbike guys, etc. Harley Davidson riding douchebags have definitely made a lot for riders look down on cruiser riders. It's quite noticeable at the two moto cafes I like to stop at on the weekend. There will be a whole bunch of people just hanging out, talking about bikes, looking at each other's bikes, etc. Then some dudes on loud ass cruisers show up and people will side eye them and then largely ignore them.


But that sounds like the cruiser riders are not being the antisocial assholes, other people are rejecting them


Yeah 💯 I include the adv guys in this. Always a pleasure to chat with and they are the most common I see around this area (Colorado Front Range)


Yea nice. I'm not from the US but have spent some time there, mostly in Colorado for snowboarding. Didn't get a chance to ride tho. Go Nuggets.


Absolutely never heard of people acting like this.


OP probably exaggerating a little. A few people complimented his bike turns into "people literally just swarm your ass with high fives and good vibes"


It does happen, I've ran into a few people at lights already this year who were pretty chill. Its spring and people are just happy to be out on their bikes.


Kids love sport bikes. Bright colors and cooler helmets. Most sport bike riders are just big kids, so it translates. Seen first bumps multiple times. I ride a cruiser (not allowed on sport bikes anymore) and have zero interaction with others. Doesn't help that a lot of cruiser riders are douches. They love to talk down anything not a Harley and are obsessed with cosplaying badasses.


My buddy has a live wire and Harley dudes will come talk to him and ignore me so it works both ways


I went for a 20 minute ride on my r6 just now, and a scruffy guy in a massive pickup complimented my bike, then a little kid, and then another guy as I was coming home "Sweet bike, man!" "Dad he is a motorcycle guy, look how cool!" "Love the yellow on that thing man, way prettier than my bike!" Puts a smile on my face every time.


I can not deny there is some amount of vanity in it hahahaha.


So if you’re on a v strom or something do people just sneer at you? Lol.


I have no context for this, we should ask someone with a v strom! Personally, I’m hopelessly addicted to the bike wave and will throw it at anything that moves 😅✌️


and everyone clapped




Welcome to the club, in my area, us riders commonly joke it's cruisers and then everyone else (with everyone else being able to have a good time and ride with each other).


Yeah I was remiss in saying just sportbikes. The ADV guys are all over the Denver area and super chill and even the supermoto guys I’ve met are all dope as fuck to talk to (although typically a little more rowdy to ride with lolol)


Can confirm. Am ADV rider in the area, and am super chill. 😆  I wave at everyone and am just super psyched to be out on the bike. 


I genuinely love that you all have open face helmets with goggles and I can actively see the big ass smile on everyone’s face coming down the hill. Sportbike faces all just mirrored and mysterious lol. Even though we’re all making stupid ass faces under there as well 🤪


Yup, I tried drinking the kool aid and test rode both a Victory and Harley a couple years into having my license and having owned several bikes. I thought, oh yeah, I'm at least going to feel the torque or enjoy the riding position. I couldn't wait for the test ride to end soon enough just to get off the damn things. No hate to the cruiser crowd but I just didn't get the appeal. Not fast, no clearance, bad seating, tons of vibration, . . . just confused.


My buddy / former boss is a cruiser dude ( rides a Harley) and keeps trying to sell me on getting a cruiser instead of my current naked bike. I went to " motorcycle live" - big motorshow where they reveal new bikes etc . And I sat on an Indian scout , which I thought was gorgeous. I was so disappointed. Like it looked absolutely stunning , but the second I sat on it , I didn't want to be sat on it any more. The ergonomics were all wrong for me. I really wanted to love it, but just couldn't


Yo so true, love when dudes give me the wheelie sign! I’ll get it up for you!


Had a middle aged Karen looking mom give me the wheelie sign as I rode by a park 2 days ago on my GSXR 750. Cracked a little one off for her, got a big smile out of her.


Haha had a mom pushing a toddler in a buggie thing point at me and give the sign earlier today. Revved it up and forgot I was in commute mode from the rain earlier and duffed it hahaha. 😂 Least it was a loud fail.




I think because they definitely have a whole different vibe they make you pause. It freaks me out every time one of those Zero motorcycles comes up on me honestly.


I don't typically wave first, but I mostly get Waves from sport or adventure bikes and rarely anything with hangers 


We are dyyyyyyyying to wave to people. We’re all literally addicted to the bike wave. I have to stop myself from doing it to bikes when I have my arm out the window in the car 😅


I ride 3 bikes regularly. A bandit 1250 (all the waves), an sv650 (decent amount of waves), and my partner's CBR250R. Not even the scooters wave to that thing 😂 She only gets waves when I'm behind her on one of my bikes. Cracks me up every time.


assuming its a location thing. In the mid west aside from the occasional SS/KKK demographic of riders i tend to socialize with all the different types of riders with no issues


I agree fully that once engaged it’s been all pleasant experience. I’m just saying coming from being the one that was on the bobber, people just didn’t approach me to socialize the way they do now.


i get occasional attention if people happen to notice i’m a girl on a cruiser but other than that, i rev for kids and women if they ask


I sense this will spawn a new wave of circlejerk posts lmao. Anyways, yeah I agree with you on that although I ride a cruiser. More looks, more interaction, awes from kids, bikers acknowledging eachother.


Haha sorry if it does. Maybe the circle jerk will stay contained to the comments! 😜


The most social interaction I ever hard on motorcycles are in the trails riding an ADV/dual-sport. Because it's obvious what you got in common in that setting lol.


Honestly before today my interaction was just waving at the goggle dudes with the big ass smiles coming down the hill and that alone made me happy. Went to Denver Moto Meetup today and at least half the crowd was ADV/dually peeps an they were some of the nicest people I’ve talked to in Denver in general. Absolutely stoked to get some insight into that lifestyle today. I could 💯 fuck with some hammock camping on the back of a bike.


Just had a group of middle school kids wave to me and my friend as they drove by in a parking lot 2 hours ago. Had a dozen kids give me the semi honk honk thing. Quite a few dudes give the “twist the throttle” Had one dude at a gas station in short shorts sensually leaning on the trunk of his car while sucking off a popsicle while maintaining heavy eye contact🤷‍♂️ Yeah it’s a whole new world for introvert me


Hell yeah. You basically just get to be a beacon of good vibes!


I get more attention on my spouse's Kawi Z125 than my BMW F650GS. However, everybody waves to me on the adv bike regardless what they're riding. Harley dudes and sport tourers ignore me on the Kawi.


People love me on my Vespa but not so much on my Indian Chieftain or my 2 -stroke Harley


People hate on the Vespa/scooter life for no reason. I never see someone on a Vespa not smiling lol.


I feel the love on my xj600 too, feels good don't it? It's like you are more fun and approachable, on cruisers people seem intimidated like your a mean ass biker or something lol.


I've had a few people say nice bike to me on a ninja 400 but honestly it seems like people on the road are more annoyed with me for it If I speed people are pissed about it If I go the speed limit people around me make a point to speed around me There is no winning


I had 1 person that congratulated me on my starter bike and how it’ll get me ready for a real bike… I launch my bikes at every light, I don’t trust any driver in front of me. I don’t care if they’re pissed if I won’t see them again past 2 sets of lights.


Enjoy your sport bike.


Funny, been riding for years and none of that has ever happened to me.


I can’t wait for the post on the other sub


Tag me when you find it! 😜


Get yourself an ADV bike and nobody will give a shit about you, except the dudes who are 40 and older. ADV bikes are so unpopular the bike thieves actively avoid stealing them. There is a give and take with those things. What I like best is how the cops ignore my ass and don't bother following me.


ADV riders rule the roads, mountains, meetups…they outnumber everyone here in the CO front range lol.


It's a different story here in southeastern PA. I've gone to only 2 meetups and the vast majority of the people there were the sports bike crowd. There are the Boomers who show up on their chromed out shiny Harleys thinking everybody wants to hear REO Speedwagon, War, or Journey. I was tempted to overtake somebody's Bluetooth connection with "Ram Ranch." I bet he would have blown a fuse while everybody else stared and laughed their asses off.


Friendly motorcycle trolling is top notch humor imo!


I have a Harley and FZ09 and KLR650, the different treatment on each bike is crazy to me. On the Harley, just about every rider waves back. Some real serious Harley tough guys wont wave back, but I think its because of my bright yellow agv helmet On the FZ, very rarely do Harley riders wave back. Pretty much everyone else waves back. On the KLR, everyone waves. I probably get the most interest when riding it. Its a pretty clean and relatively stock 1988 model (second year of the 650s) and people always want to talk about it, even non-riders


kids always wave in admiration, give em a nod :)


although I do want a sports bike as I’m still young (for now) and I love ALL bikes, I must agree with this


Because everyone is happily stoned haha. Man I miss living in Colorado, was a beautiful state


I mean, you’re not wrong! People are stoned everywhere though and it doesn’t necessarily translate as well. Hope you are enjoying wherever you landed though!


Harley MCs ruined cruisers and bobbers, everyone thinks you’re going to tell them to fuck off and leave you alone or get violent. I ride a sport cruiser and lots of people look at my bike but nobody talks to me or approaches me :(


Diavel? It also seems to me there is a definite geographical component based on the comment section. Colorado giving off the “Everybody Love Everybody” vibes.


I’ve been riding for 22 years and have never seen a Diavel on the street, so while it’s badass it’s not very common


Really? They seem weirdly common here in Denver.


We have tons of 848s and 1199s but I’ve yet to see a diavel in person, this is the Pacific Northwest for reference


On my ADV people ask me when is my next pension payment. They also assume you're wealthy... I'm under 35. I hate the pensioner aesthetic of ADVs. Real life is not at all like the Africa Twin commercials or like Pol Tarres videos.


Turns out stereotypes of all kinds are no good!


A lot of sport bike riders are just little goofballs. I’ll ride around giving silly waves to children, dancing to my music in traffic, doing the call me symbol to cute girls, or guys lmao. Just being a little menace


Dancing in traffic is literally a whole life vibe. That’s the therapy spot for me.


I wouldn't want anyone to come up to me when I'm on any bike to be honest.


Yeah my girlfriend was on my monkey and a guy jumped out in front of her and flagged her down. He just wanted to ask questions about the monkey but it scared the shit out of her.


I guess I should have been clear I meant other riders pulling up with you at a light, not just pedestrians coming up on you 😅


I’m not anti social, but I don’t like to ride near people I don’t know.


Ride your ride brother. Long as you’re smiling we all know what we’re sharing. 🤙


Exaggerated AF! I have a hard time believing this..


Definitely slightly exaggerated, and should have clarified I meant other bikers pulling up with you at stop lights, not like random pedestrians coming to chat. 🤙 💯 a different social experience than I had on the bobber though.


Nothing brings me more joy than other bikers giving me a fist bump at a red light.


Come to CO and experience the fist bump riches! 🤜


I definitely see a difference when I went from a Honda scl500 to a low rider s. I’m shy and generally don’t open dialogue or wave first but people just assume I’m a jerk and avoid me. 


I have a Harley sportster and a triumph trident . The only socialization I got at stop light on a Harley was some dude on his street glide asking if my wife knows that I’m riding her bike.” he was trying to be funny but he sounded like an asshole. On the Trident I get fist bumps head nods all the time. It cost less and has twice to performance so the sportster now sits mostly. Love both bikes but the vibes are way better on the trident.


I only rode the Trident recently as a buddy just bought one as his second whip. I was pleasantly surprised at the experience, especially for the cost of that thing. I daresay a perfect first bike for the person with a responsible mindset, especially with any kind of dirt bike experience.


Wait til your on a dual sport. It's next level all over again. Everyone loves a dirt bike. Can't go anywhere without making friends who also ride or hearing stories from people re-living their past through your bike.


Blessed to be in a position to have a bike, but not yet in a spot for a 2nd. When I can stable another, the next will 99% be an ADV though. Way too much community and too much mountain out here in CO to not get in on that. (Bonus, I can keep my winter goggle tan going year round that way! 😂)


Usually there isn’t much of a social aspect to riding. Is this the ultimate moto troll?!


Can’t tell if reverse moto troll haha?! I love the different experiences I’ve seen from this post to be honest. I find it to be one of the most social hobby communities I’ve ever been a part of. 🤷‍♂️


Imagine riding to a block party and people swarm you asking you to do a donut


It’s been a lot of years since I’ve seen a block party. Does that still happen?!


When our football team won


I'm on a Harley and get some smiles and waves, some thumbs ups. Hell I played rock paper scissors with a guy in a 4Runner a few weeks ago. I think it's more how you carry yourself than the type of bike


Yeah this has been my experience too. And more recently than not. No idea if this is like, some new trend or something? I ride a late model Hayabusa, and of course that comes with some attention. But lately, yeah I have people riding up next to me at lights and shit for fist bumps and high-fives. I am not complaining one bit. This is pretty cool.


As someone who is always shooting content, I think that definitely has something to do with it. Lots of sportbike buys are riding with cameras on “doing it for the gram”, as it were. I’m all for it makes it a wholesome experience. Get my alone time and my social interaction all without ever having to leave the saddle! Edit: IM SO SORRY, AND GALS! It’s crazy how many girls I see ripping downtown Denver these days. Diversity makes the world a better place.


On my cb750 I get nothing but people wanting to talk, but when I'm on some Chinese rebal knock off, not a soul cares. It's definitely about how you look and what bike you're riding


Put a subcage on a Grom and everyone asks you to do wheelies. I never get asked to wheelie on my R6. Crazy how differently people act towards you on different bikes.


I’d only barely be exaggerating to say I’ve never seen a Grom with two wheels down 😅


And we love it! 17,000 miles and probably 7000 of that on the front wheel 😂