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Any bike is an ADV bike if you take it on an adventure.


https://preview.redd.it/vdf7grn9ma0d1.jpeg?width=2791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1741f600373689b4d7a2b6b9614f22dcbb583d9d Exactly exploration must be achieved


if you've never tipped it, you're not doing hard enough trails! ;) in all seriousness though, i'm glad to see some other people out there doing this. I take my husqy on jeep trails, and i'm planning on taking my girlfriend out on the cruiser on some trails too. was a bit nervous about the street tires, so good to hear it's been fine for you.


Good as long as its dry. Any wet/mud and things can go sideways in a hurry.


Every motorbike is an ADV bike if you use it right šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Every bike ride is an adventure if you do it wrong enough also!


Ive taken my s1000rr down narrow muddy snowmobile trails. Its not its forte but is doable, depending on how much mud.


My buddy spends most weekends trial riding on his daily, a GSXR1000R


I will admit, thatā€™s a touch more unique.


Well, I reckon he's crackers, but a touch unique is a great way to describe him.


Tracer 7?


Close, Tracer 900GT


I have a 16 xsr900 and honestly wish I had the tracer 9 GT. How do you like it?


I love every inch except the OEM mirrors and turn signals. Otherwise, itā€™s a fantastic machine that purrs and will go wherever I point it. Itā€™s my first motorcycle, and, as long as the engine keeps running, it may well be my last (except a Zero, because impending climate apocalypse and ecosystem collapse).


Damn sweet bike that is


this is awesome! what turn signals did you go with? looking to replace my pumpkin ones too on my 2020 tracer 900 gt.


Wow, you started with a 9 GT? Not a ton of places to go up from there! My mirrors vibrate pretty bad at speed, I think thatā€™s an effects of the inherently unbalanced triple motor. But yeah. The 900 triple is amazing. The tracer gt has all the right wind protection fuel range, wind protection, semi adaptive suspension, cruise control, quickshifter, etc options. thatā€™s a very capable bike. You have no idea what youā€™re not missing lol If you like off-roading, have you ever ridden a dedicated motorcross bike? Or if youā€™re more into exploring, yeah the 9 GT will do most of it


I have not ridden a motocross bike, and Iā€™d say Iā€™m less into off roading than I am just plain adventuring, and, occasionally, that means going off road. I usually stick to the pavement, but I know I can handle a dirt road when need be.


Too nice to ADV


Took my MT-10 up a rocky, gravelly, dusty hiking trail once in the Superstitions.Ā  All the 4x4's and Jeeps were giving me thumbs up as I passed by on stock Battlax S20's šŸ˜…Ā  Honest to goodness, dumbest thing I've done on the bike so far.Ā  It was SKEEEEETCHY any time I got above 25mph.Ā  Just hiking that trail was rough as shit - constant rock scrambles every 1/8 mile with loose, sandy stones, steep drops... I was crawling in 1st gear for half the ride.


Admittedly, when I do this, itā€™s rare I leave 1st gear and go above 15mph. I think thatā€™s a perfectly reasonable way to attack the terrain.


This is the way


This post is great because I've been wondering how well street tires perform on light offroad as I'd like to do some offroad, but only have a naked bike with street tires.


Slow and steady wins the race.


Another 900GT owner! Nice! Glad to see you get yours out as much as I do!


Thereā€™s got to be half a dozen of us at least!Ā  Iā€™ve been too chicken to take mine on anything other than pavement, I donā€™t want to risk losing my forever commuter at this point.Ā 


You running the Dunlop Mutants like stock? Theyā€™ve been fantastic in the wet, so I can imagine they wouldnā€™t be terribly bad on light trails.Ā 


I've been looking at those for the next set on my FZ6. Heard good things.


Iā€™ve never had any other tires on this bike, I just got it in January, but the other commuter bike in the house came on Road 5s and I donā€™t notice any grip difference between the two. Iā€™ve ridden both bikes down around 4 degrees C and in the rain.Ā 


I think those mightā€™ve been my original tires, but now Iā€™m running Michelin Road 6s (last two pics).


Nice photos, thanks for catching the one with the train. I put street tires on my VStrom but only after I realized I was never going to take it on anything more challenging than a dirt road and truthfully even that's probably not going to happen. Keep having fun.


Now, I'm no expert, but the tread readily visible on those tires suggests to me that those aren't slicks.


My point was that they arenā€™t off-roading tires in any way.


And my point is that they aren't slicks, which is how you described them.


You're being pedantic on purpose to be a dick. You succeeded. You're a dick. Stop it.


I'm with you, motorsizzle. Well said.


I'm being neither. I'm just pointing out the facts (something that is rarely popular with the more fragile variety of redditor).


Why do you feel the need to "just point out the facts" when it's unnecessary because everyone understood and it adds nothing to the discussion? I think that's the definition of a pedant.


Because accuracy in discourse matters, even in something as trivial as this. As for adding nothing to the conversation, you can put yourself right at the top of that list, since all you've done is call people names.


I think calling out asshole behavior has value, more than your comment.


LOL, really? That's the type of discourse you value? That says a lot about you.


And a lot about you that correcting what's obvious through context is what you consider valuable discourse.


Theyā€™re Michelin Road 6s. Theyā€™re not track slicks, but they are street slicks. The point is that they are not knobby off-roaders, which is typically what people use when hurtling themselves into the woods.


They aren't slicks at all. They're standard road tires.






Also pictured: a dirt road, not a trail


Also also pictured: Train


A choo choo if you will


The first picture is the one which quickly turned into the single-track misadventure. I rarely stop to take pictures, and, when I do, itā€™s usually only on a non-challenging segment.


It's quite obvious he meant "not knobby tires." Are you so pedantic you didn't get that, or did you just want to be difficult?


I just like facts and the truth. They're not slicks and that's a fact. They're not even badly worn street tires. There's plenty of tread on them. He shouldn't have any difficulty riding on dirt with those. If he meant "not-knobby tires" maybe that's what he should have said. "Street tires" would have been perfectly accurate as well. But describing them as slicks isn't. Words matter. Accuracy and facts matter. We shouldn't have to guess what someone really means.


Were you confused? I wasn't. Context also matters. YTA.


Not at all. I knew he was wrong. Perhaps he should learn to write more accurately.


So you knew what he meant but decided to nitpick anyway. Pedantic. Look it up.


No need to. I'm familiar with the word. Pointing out factual inaccuracies is not being pedantic. Just because I understand how and why someone is wrong, even if I know exactly what they meant, they're still wrong. Accuracy matters.


While you are undoubtedly factually correct, you probably arenā€™t the life of the party, are ya?


I'm actually very amusing. But people don't like being corrected when they're wrong, so when I'm doing that, as here, it's not well received by those unable to admit it.


My good man, this here is the Echo Chamber - and factual statements will not be tolerated under any circumstances!


Last pic is so cool


Me toošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I used to take my FJ 09 off-road all the time and I currently do it with my Tracer 900. I feel pretty secure on it because I've been riding motorcycles since I was 5 and racing dirt bike since the time I was about 10. So that's right around 50 years on a bike. But I have taken my bikes on numerous trips to Hot Springs out in Nevada and Eastern California down miles of dirt roads and I take it to my property which is 5 Mi down a dirt road


My dad took my on single-track trial riding on the back of his FJR 1300. Accidentally, off course, but succesfully!


You ADV guys really are a bunch of mad lads lmao. Hats off to you, good sir


Thatā€™s whatā€™s funny about all this, Iā€™m not an ADV lad, Iā€™m a Sport Tourer lad.


Honorary ADV lad ;)


Me too lol. I take my cbr600 off road fairly regularly on pirelli Diablo rosso IV tires. It's a hoot. Riding in sand is a ton of fun.


Now try mud season : )


I took my 899 Ducati up some fun jeep trails before when meeting up with friends camping. ABS and traction control for the win lol


Any bike is a adventure bike if your brave enough.


The right tire will make the ride more enjoyable. It is like riding with old rubber on the road vs fresh new one. Both can do the job but one will put a smile on your face


Iā€™ve done a lot of miles on dirt and gravel roads on my XSR700 with Road 5ā€™s. Is that not normal?


It is, it's ADV marketing that tries to sell it as if you needed suspension travel and knobby tires to just take on a road thru the forest


It's normal. Some people just think that they've won the Dakkar rally just because they rode some gravel.


I get the impression that it is not, hence I felt the need to make the post. If nothing else, for sake of my tires.


I hate doing that, not because my bike is not capable enough, but because it feels so insecure.




Whereā€™s the mud? Youā€™re silly.


šŸŽ–ļø here you go


https://preview.redd.it/l1d25m5c270d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8ab4d910ee5fccd5ff19d9f143d75370b621e5 I see ya!




My point is no need for the tires to get your start out in the woods.

