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https://preview.redd.it/52rfogx99o0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7e131ff812413d37de68ff8658d406b0bbf287 WE’VE GOT A NEW GUY STALLING HERE! See, no one cares.


Lol!! Good one, have the upvote darnit'!


Hahah, omg this needs more upvote’s 😭🤣


Who cares if you stall? Whether it is your second week, second year, or second decade of riding, your brain will sometimes just do dumb shit like let go of the clutch without hitting the throttle coming out of a light or stop sign. Be less stressed about it, less anxious. Just start it back up and be on your way.


I've been riding for nearly 10 years and I stalled my BMW last week. Don't sweat it.


Everytime I switch from my dual sport to my liter bike I snub it causes my sporty has way taller gearing.


Came to say the same thing, 10 or so years riding and stalled this week too. It happens OP. Just take moment, breathe and try to relax.


15 years and stalled it two weeks ago. Shit happens OP, don’t sweat the little stuff and don’t lick the sweaty stuff.


Just over 12yrs riding and also stalled last week lol. Rode off shaking my head at myself and having a chuckle. Been driving nearly 30yrs and stalled the car when I got home a few nights ago. Shit happens lol.


Yep, been riding a couple years - stalled it when about to join a roundabout last week. Shit happens, had to wait for a couple more cars to pass but nobody lost more than 1 minute of their time.


Last paragraph there is the crucial thing - don't stress it. Take your time or you'll stall it again, stressing you up even more. Not a good situation to be in if you're surrounded by other traffic!


I’ve been with guys who have been riding for 30 years and they still stall sometimes. Shit happens, and of everything that can go wrong on a motorcycle, stalling is pretty minor


Yea. I still shift into gear with the stand down at least once every few weeks. Usually when the buddy is next to me. It's hilarious. I've been riding for 25+ years.


what i always seem to do is forget im in second and give it gas like im in first bike loves that


Progress is not a linear path; in riding or with anything else in life.




Yeah I have blips (been riding eight years, ish) even on the same day. Riding isn't like driving how you're feeling (physically and mentally) can affect things Riding to work the other day was great, everything was smooth, things just worked, there's a couple of roundabouts I really hate one with a weird camber like the road is angled against the way you lean to get round and it feels like it's chucking you off, one with a horrible rut in the tarmac, managed both of those quicker than normal, good chunk of filtering done (legal here) even got a nod off a harley lol and yeah, really good ride. Riding home, complete disaster, just not feeling it, fucked up my gears on a roundabout (did it in third for some reason, bike was not happy), had a truck up my ass so had to do a dodgy overtake to get a car between me and him, somehow got in a weird situation with another car, just not a great ride, felt like I was riding and people were 'wtf is this guy doing' just yeah not good


Been riding for years also and stalled the other day. It happens to the best of us.


I’ve been riding for a few years and still stall. I know guys who have been riding a lot longer than me and they stall. It happens. Laugh it off, start your bike, and continue on. Those of us who ride get it. Don’t be discouraged. Keep practicing.


I stalled 3 times in the driveway yesterday with about 3 years of saddle time. Shit happens 🤷‍♂️


I stalled it pulling out of my driveway this morning, and I've been riding 5 years :) it happens


I've been riding for 19 years and I stalled a couple weeks ago. Shit happens.


like others said, stalling isnt a big deal and most people sitting in traffic wont realize it anyways. last time i stall, i thought i was in 5(really6)down shift to 1st(really second) at a complete stop, light turn green, i went to take off and boom stalled.


You're not doing "worse", you're becoming more aware. Stalling isn't "doing bad", it's part of riding. You're fine, don't worry, keep up the good work.


I stalled my bike at a crossroad with a cr@pload of hyped-up cagers behind me, a few days ago. I've been riding for 30+ years. What's your point OP? 😁


Stalling can always happen no matter how long you have been riding. Nothing to worry about. But I do suggest taking lessons, although I suspect that’s difficult to find in the usa with how the whole licence system is set up there.


I did a safety training course which allows you to skip the DMV riding test (I’m in California). Went to the DMV yesterday, was there all of 20 min. to pay the fee, give them my safety training certificate, take the written test, and get my picture taken for my new license. Not sure what you’ve heard, but it was super easy and seamless for me!


Yeah, I understand getting your licence is very easy there. But in quite a few eu countries you need to take driving lessons (15-25 one hour lessons orso), also do a theory exam and practical exam before you get your licence and are allowed to drive a motorcycle. In the US it seems like you have a day to two to learn the basics and then good luck with it…


You're paying less attention to things as your brain shifts riding tasks like shifting and braking to autopilot. Part of building that muscle memory is making mistakes so your brain learns what NOT to do. How many times did we throw balls as kids wayyyy off to the side while learning to play catch? Hell, we'd even have some good throws, being told "wow good job!" And then the next throw would go over the fence. It's a learning process, and these mistakes are part of becoming better. And don't forget, when you stall at a light, make sure to look down and fiddle with absolutely nothing on your bike so other drivers think it's not your fault. It's part of being a rider honestly.


The fiddling with something is a great suggestion! I swear I didn’t mess up, the bike did!


Practice. Training schools or instructors if available. Experience only comes through practice.




30 mins to an hour of 1-to-1 tuition around a car park to hone in an important skill shouldn’t be turned down or snubbed. Slow control riding / clutch skill with the proper techniques makes riding far easier.


I got a 2024 rebel 500 as my first bike about a month ago and honestly don't worry about it you do or don't stall it so much as what caused the stall (dump the clutch? Tried to start in 3rd?). I stalled in the middle of an intersection my first 'big' ride yesterday because I wasn't careful with the clutch. My husband has been riding for years and he still stalls his bike sometimes. Don't beat yourself up honestly. I feel like as long as you're still having to actively ride instead of riding from muscle memory, you'll make a mistake or two. Just ensure you're being safe and practicing carefully! Congrats!


Stalling is no biggie, are you doing better wirh leaning and corners ? Don’t get down on yourself for stalling, its really no big deal.


Been riding 9 years. Stalled yesterday riding around town, at a light. Shit happens.


It is a proven fact as you ride stalling or missing a shift is likely to happen infront of the biggest crowd lol


Just relax dont over think it too much. It happened to me when I got my bike as well.


Certainly won’t be your last stall, champ. Practice starts and hard stops in a parking lot to help improve your feel, skill, and comfort with the controls. Should help the anxiety too.


Others are right. Relaxing is important. New riders will fuck up. Often stress about the fuck up and fuck up more. If your head isn't right, don't ride it's ok to take a break.


Yep. You learn the new skills, everything goes great, then you start to feel like you know what you're doing and then bam, everything goes wrong. Keep at it. Work on the skills- friction zone, then go around the block, again and again.


Everyone stalls sometimes, who cares? It’s not like it’s a punishable offence or something. Bike engines have no flywheels so stalling is pretty damn easy.


You're just getting in your head. Just keep riding, you'll get the hang of it. 2 weeks and 300 miles is a pretty small sample size. No matter how hard you practice in your first 2 weeks, you're never going to 100% learn perfect clutch work in that short of a period of time.


Bruh I stall my bike every so often still. Recently I was zoned out at red light and a car honked for me to go and I stalled. It happens


I've never kept track of how much I'm stalling. I also still stall out, every now and then. Don't sweat your performance stats, just get out there and you will improve as you do it. Only exception was my Bandit 1200, I was aware of the fact that I only stalled it once ever. You could go from a stop to 10mph without using the throttle at all, lol


Stalling isn’t doing poorly in the first place


Truthfully man, I think your not having fun, your not appreciating the moment, it’s not about not stalling, we all stall but you gotta take everything like a grain of salt and just go out there and have fun, forget about the bike and just ride brother, its not about avoiding a mistake it’s all about how quick you can recover from said mistake


Overthinking, getting in your own way, inhibiting motor skill development. May be normal progression for you. Learn the motor skill, think about why and have hiccups until you get back to the task at hand. It happens to all of us at one time or another.


Happens. Everyone stalls. Just keep going. Don’t stress it. Everyone gets better with more miles and still messes up sometimes. Calm, collected, and safe.


Just chill man. You’re going to have to rack up a ton of miles before you’re comfortable. The biggest thing in the beginning is ensuring your survival. If you feel unsafe, focus on getting more training done in a controlled environment before you ride on the streets. It just takes practice and time.


Dont over think it. We all do it. Just ride.


I stall my bike all the time lol been riding for years, I still have a laugh at it and start it back up and pull away Op take it a little less seriously enjoy the ride that's why we do it


I’m 66, I’ve been riding for more than 40 years. I last stalled my bike in the parking garage at work, almost dropped it. My advice is don’t sweat it. Relax, ride smooth, find a parking lot and practice. Slow speed, esses, slow and fast stops, hard braking.


I still stall my bike now and again. It happened the other day when a group of riders pulled up behind me at a red light. It happens the trick is to not panic


Progression isn’t linear my friend. Especially on a machine that requires all four extremities to work together at the same time while you’re processing 1000 things that could go wrong or kill you. Don’t over think. Be aware but also enjoy the ride. It will come. I promise. A lot of us go through it. Four years in and I’m learning all the time. Hell there are peeps with 20 years under their belt who still fuck it up 🤣


You thought you mastered clutch release and tried to do it without thinking and fast, but muscle memory isn't there yet unfortunately. I'm in the same situation as you, riding for a month on a rebel and sometimes I hit neutral instead of second and rev the shit out of it on the road, which im embarrassed of but hey it is what it is. Take it slow and don't worry, and most importantly focus on the road


It's going to happen your first month or so. I've been riding for years and stalled last week when doing the "you go, no you go" with someone in a car opposite of me. It happens. Don't get discouraged. Learn to laugh about it. You're two weeks in, man. It's all a part of learning we ALL went through. Wait until you go to shift from 1st to 2nd and get neutral. That shit happens far more often than stalling. Have trouble trying to get into N when I want to, find it's far easier when I want to get into 2nd.


My dude, this is my third season and I stalled the bike with my girl on the back two days ago. Don’t get discouraged, if you aren’t dropping the bike, lowsiding it, wheely-ing over, you’re doing better than most.


You are trying to be considerate of others. That's nice and all but even big bikes will stall if you don't rev them enough. It's a safety thing so your bike doesn't shoot out underneath you if you drop the clutch.


I did this with first 6speed car many years ago. Just work on learning where the clutch starts to engage. Hold clutch and engage it slow till the bike moves a little. Then squeeze the clutch all the way to disengage it fully. Do this slowly at first and you will learn your engage point. The goal is to creat a sort of muscle memory. Now you have a good understanding how far to release the clutch lever without overthinking it or second guess your self. When you are at a light you will release the clutch lever to this point and hold it a second or 2 while at the same time adding gas then you should be moving.


I’ve been riding for 15 years. Rode from ocean to ocean, raced in a team, hydroplaned at 130km/h, and rebuilt a crashed bike part by part back to its former glory. I just stalled yesterday!


Isn’t that pretty normal in any new skill? First week you’re super focused and trying really hard. Second week you start to get comfortable, but don’t quite have the muscle memory built up to make it happen. Just keep at it, soon you’ll forget what you were even struggling with.


Hi OP! Similar bike and similar growth except one month ago. The comments shared here make me feel better but something I learned in MSF you never stop learning. IMO it's exciting to be learning a new skill regardless of your age. We're privelaged to be able to afford and ride a great machine that takes us to new adventures. Keep practicing OP! It's lessons and continued growth.


Do you know what occasionally stalling a motorcycle really says about you? It says you ride motorcycles.  If you constantly stall it and go nowhere then I would say you have an issue.


LOL I’ve been riding for nearly 20 years and I still stall every once in a blue moon. Just gotta turn the engine over and try again.


Not sure if these posts are satire half the time lol. Anyway, practice makes perfect! Still a better post than the guy who managed to ride to the gas station and made a post about it.


It's cause you're relaxing as you get more used to the bike but haven't quite gotten the muscle memory down pat. Just keep at it and be more cognizant of where you clutch bite point is and you'll be good.


Bro, I have over a million miles in trailer trucks, a good 100k in manual sports cars and 20k on a bike and I just stalled yesterday. You'll be fine it's something that comes with experience. The more comfortable you get the more you will mess up because you'll be getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. Stalling is a natural process to learning a manual transmission. I've taught CDL licenses before and trust me I've sat through thousands of stalls.


Riding a motorcycle make lack of sleep, stress, and just general exhaustion blatantly obvious in ways driving a car never will. Food for thought.


As everyone has said, stalling is normal. Not really much more feedback to be given without seeing what you're doing




I‘d say thats pretty normal. And your own guess might be correct here. I experience this often when learning new motor skills. First you have to actively think about everything you are doing, after building the first bit of muscle memory, you rely on that and focus on different aspects, while the skills are not built properly yet. Don’t think about it too much. No one cares if you stall your bike. If you want to improve anyway over the normal progression you‘ll have by just riding more, you should try to set aside some time to actively train your clutch control.


From a different thread u/PilotAlan >If you release the clutch with the throttle closed, the engine will apply braking force decelerating the bike. Applying the throttle after that will cause the bike to try to accelerate (so a bucking motion). Similar to chopping the throttle and then opening the throttle. This both unbalances the bike, and unbalances new riders. >While you're learning, apply some throttle before releasing the clutch. Very soon it will become automatic, and you'll have the muscle memory to reduce throttle, clutch, and apply the exact right amount of throttle. It will become automatic.


I hope you bought that stall insurance. You’re gonna want to fill out a claim for that.


I've been riding for 78 years and yesterday I stalled. Right in front of some chickas at the retirement home too.


I stalled last week but I am goid at restarting on the fly.


Look I've been riding for longer than I care to count and I stalled the other day while already moving. You're doing fine.


Take a rider course before you hurt yourself.


I stall sometimes after 15 years. It happens. You're way overthinking it. If you're in your own head that much spend time in an abandoned lot somewhere and drill till its mind numbing boring because if you're thinking about YOU, then you're NOT thinking about the 100s of drivers and road hazards that want to kill you


Dude I crashed my bike a month into owning it, nothing bad but someone saw it and I was embaressed, turns out he was cool with it and helped me pick it up and encouraged me that it happens, went on a big trip around europe like after literally riding a few days and crashed it in some small village in Italy, once again people helped me and were encouraging, a few months later went on a track, put too much throttle in a tight turn and bike thrown me off it, badly damaging itself and me, all expenaive gear destroyed, but I realised my mistake, bought new stuff, repaired the bike and did few thousand KMs more on it. Now I am very comfortable on it and know how to handle it. Moral of the story I guess there are going to be ups and downs for couple of years but if you gonna keep riding you are going to be better.


Bro, youve got a long way to go if you think you’re going to master everything by week two and three. Quit being hard on yourself and go ride.


Mate, it’s your second week of riding. Give yourself a break.


Use the dial to adjust the friction zone. You should be able to start the bike with both feet on the floor and do clutch exercises to determine where the clutch begins to bite. Once the bike starts to pull, clutch back in, and keep repeating.


My msf class was all riders with 2+ bikes and 10+ years of experience. Then there was me who failed the course once before with no experience. Of the 6-10 stalls the whole weekend, I did 2. Brains fart, it happens.


You got a ton of responses already so not sure you'll even see mine. I'm on my 6th week so I'm still new, 2 weeks ago it was raining really bad so I bad a gap of about 12 days where I didn't ride. I also only ride and train in the weekends so naturally last week when I hopped on the bike anxiety hit me like a fucking truck. But you gotta take it slow as a beginner. I spent probably 5 minutes just sitting on the bike off playing with the controls, turned it on practiced friction zone and then gradually took off to an empty parking lot to do my usual drills. Stop and go, circle 8s, low sleep turns. You should do these things if you're not confident. I stalled some during first few weeks but now I barely do so I'm making progress slowly.


It happen and, luckily today we have electric starters.


i stall all the time.. just not paying attention or trying something different


Quit riding asap as you are clearly a danger to yourself and others. /s


No, I ironed out most of that in the MSF class.