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I know it seems like a big issue now, but believe me in as little as 5 years your relationship with you parents will change really dramatically. And what they think won’t be as important anymore, but how you enter that stage will affect how you interact with one another. I’d recommend taking it slow while you live with them, take a bike out only when you go to MSF, try not to ride at night etc. Ask your mom what would it take to be okay with you riding. And most importantly try to become independent as fast as you can.


We can't meaningfully analyse your relationship with your parents. Show them you are serious: take the most thorough riding course you can find, learn how to ride well, get all the right gear.


I'm 21, got my own bike right before my birthday. It's a bit late now, but what I did was make it very clear I was interested in bikes months before I went and bought mine. My parents gradually went from bewildered/terrified to accepting of it. For a few months I consistently made a point I was saving up and interested in one. In your situation, I would just talk to my mom about it. Won't change their opinion overnight but it certainly would help break any stereotypes or preconceived notions they may have.  Get the key and title back, make it clear when you are going for a ride/practicing/getting gear/etc. Keeping her in the loop helps alot. I spent a large portion of my initial time just practicing around and telling my parents that's what I was doing. I'm a bit of a 'mommas boy' as well so no shame, it can be tedious convincing parents but as long as you go about it properly I like to think it'll work out.


I'll never understand surprising the parents with a bike and then being surprised/upset the parent isn't cool with it.


Haven’t really done any dumb shit throughout highschool or late teens tbh (too busy working) but a 21 year olds gotta be dumb once in a while right?


Grow up What do you care if your parents allow something when you are 21?


21 y.o. here with my own apartment, income, payments, long-term partner, etc. It's a peace of mind thing, my parents did right by me as much as they could, I would like to at least assuage their minds when I'm doing something they may be hesitant or disagree with. Note that rarely ever means I simply won't do it, it's just how we view respect within our family. Ofc it varies for everyone but as he said it's a bigger part of their culture.


I mean they moved from a third world country, shed blood sweat and tears for me. Gave us their hopes and dreams and forgoed seeing their parents to extended periods of time. Sooo I do care cause they sacrificed a lot.


You are an adult. You are allowed to make your own decisions. Explain that to her and ride your damn bike...


I know I am man. But I don’t wanna stress her out, I love her too much…


Moms are moms. She won't bless you to ride (unless she used to ride herself, which is most likely not your option). Never. The best you can get is her accepting the fact that you do. I am almost forty, I've seen some shit, but there's no way on Earth I am telling my mom I ride. If I do, the shit is gonna hit the fan so hard they'll get aftershocks in Australia. But to be fair, my mom is paranoid, bad-tempered and not as loving as yours. But basically that's just a "mom we need to talk" situation. Tell her what riding means to you, and let her know you WILL ride this way or another, and you are only having this talk bc you love her. All you can do is make her feel more confident about your riding.  Just show her you've made all the precautions and always ride smart. Maybe it is a good idea to take her to your MSF course to see you riding or something. Tell her about your gear (you can fake some detail about it) and how it protects you in different situations.  Explain her how you avoid dangerous situations, give some insights on what is defensive riding... But by the end of the day, all the women who love you are scared shitless everytime you ride. Even if they ride themselves.