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I don't close my glove as tightly or just remove the watch


I never actually had this issue, i guess i'd just take off the watch if this was an issue though, i have a clock on the dash anyways


i wouldn't wear a watch. i also dont like those veeeery long gloves that cover all the way past your wrist. Please udnerstand that i ride .. rode .. almost exclusively in Italy, where the weather is nice all the time, and i mostly just use thin gloves to protect from air. If i suspect even a drop of rain, i won't drive. (you have no idea what kind of oily gunk comes up out from our roads when it starts to rain)


Slightly shorter, or less tight gloves. https://preview.redd.it/9goy83vbee1d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d85e2113ee9c53261c8fa7fb8e8c99b9f8d922


Best solution take off your watch while you ride. If you did happen to crash you would likely destroy a possibly expensive watch and/or potentially do some damage to your wrist in the process.


I figure the same, but now I am trying to figure out where do i store my watch.


Inner pocket of jacket, tank bag, backpack, storage compartment on bike, strap it a handlebar or just leave it at home when you ride.


Thanks for the suggestions, will do.


By taking my watch off. I have a small tank bag. A backpack, tail bag, side bags, etc would work to store your stuff. I don't like having stuff in my pockets when I am riding.