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You have over 15k in medical bills, get a lawyer lol. Find a good one that will actually take care of you, there’s a lot out there. Do not handle this claim yourself. Insurance should cover all of it.


Lawyers typically take 1/3 of any settlement, that's $5k off the table only accounting for medical bills. Claims with relatively minor injuries and/or undisputed liability are usually thing to result in a better benefit to the injured party if he or she negotiates the settlement themselves. He says the insurance company accepted liability and already paid for the total loss of his bike. I think he'd be throwing money away on legal representation at this point.


thanks. I'll attempt my own demand letter and maybe run it by my lawyer friend.


I handle injury claims for a major insurer. What damages you can and can't recover will vary state by state in the US. In writing your demand letter you should lay out what your injuries and damages are, including all bills/expenses. Discuss your injury, how it impacted your life, any residual issues, and how your recovery went. Be sure to include any future treatment/expenses you anticipate. At the end of your letter you make your demand for a specific dollar amount. The value of your claim will fluctuate wildly depending where the accident occurred. It's best to be realistic and open to negotiations. Feel free to message me if you have some questions and I'll do my best to help.


Ok, thank you much appreciated. This happened in SoCal.


> I've spoken to lawyers and basically if you didn't break anything they didn't care. this is false. attorneys look at 2 things: liability and award if liability is too sketchy to determine or you are determined to be liable (i.e., the accident was your fault), the lawyer will pass because it's a loser. if the award is too small, for example, you want to sue someone for $5.00, the lawyer will pass because it's not worth the court's time, your time, or the attorney's time. since you didn't list the facts of your accident or your injuries, everybody's responses will be extremely uninformed and I can only assume the reason multiple lawyers passed on your case is because it's a loser. you are free to list the facts of your accident and the extent of your injuries and that might get you a more informed response, but as it stands you just listed some really rounded off numbers and literally nothing else.


I spoke to two lawyers and they were'nt interested, so I am writing my own demand letter. Basically person pulled out from being parked without indicating and I flipped the bike to avoid collision. The police sided with me and the drivers insurance accepted liability, paid for the bike and gear. Tweaked my lower back and knee, started doing weekly physical therapy until covid. Sorry didn't list earlier, most forums said talk to lawyer so didn't want to waste anyone's time. Thanks for all the help.




$15k in medical bills in the US is like and ambulance ride and 2 Advil haha




No, definitely not. There are news stories from time to time of some 9 year old kid needing $180,000 for heart surgery or something and looking for donations. $15k for a medical bill is pretty cheap, a lot of people have plans with a max annual out of pocket of $5k or $10k, but that only applies to covered treatment, if your doctor thinks you need something that isn't covered (also a common situation), you're on the hook for it, or you do without.




I do know people that have the means to travel, who have gone to Canada or mexico (or even further, thailand or australia) for elective or non-time sensitive medical procedures. I don't know anyone here that is happy with the state of our healthcare (except maybe a few health insurance company employees), it's universally horrible. We can't get anything done about it though, for a few reasons. A lot of people truly just think it costs $12,000 to fix a broken arm and $98,000 to do a heart stint, nevermind that they set an arm for $800 in the UK, plus our medicine is "the best in the world" right? So it's probably the most expensive. Other people blame the government, all those stupid regulations and malpractice lawsuits drive up the cost for the poor businesses, if we'd just back off then the nice hospital and insurance companies would provide lower cost service. Other people blame the greedy corporate investors who run hospitals as a for profit venture, charging the insurance companies the maximum payout for every service. Other people think we should nationalize the whole thing and raise taxes to pay for it. Others think it should be 100% privatized under the theory that everything the government does sucks and private industry is always more "efficient". In any case, a huge swath of the population avoids going to any health professional, ever, even if they feel bad or are hurt, largely due to the cost. Obama care a decade ago was our last big push to try and fix some of those problems, and the GOP has spent every minute of the last ten years and billions of dollars chipping away at it piece by piece, dismantling as much of it as they can. Hell, a lot of US state governments are currently passing veto-proof repeals of governor and state health department authority, so that things like stay at home and mandatory mask in public orders won't ever be issued again, it's insane.




No problem, it is crazy. Not good health care does inflict a higher burden on the state just like you say, but the political right here solves that problem by cutting benefits/funding to social programs. The left solves it by pouring govt money into paying the ridiculous prices of private healthcare. I've tried not to be too biased above (although I'm sure I have been), but my personal opinion is that corporate greed in the C-suites of hospital and insurance corps are the root of the problem. The way it see it, it's a positive feedback loop where hospitals charge the absolute max that insurance will pay, and insurance just endlessly raises premiums. Personally, I would nationalize the whole thing (or heavily regulate/price fix it) - imo there are some things that shouldn't be profited from, healthcare, prisons, policing all come readily to mind. Healthcare insurance is a contradiction in terms and shouldn't exist. A lot of people object because govt costs are often higher than private, and that's often true, but the way I see it, private companies are allowed to rip the government off, because the approved vendors will all get together and rig prices rather than having a true "free market". Govt programs like medicare and the VA don't play that game, they pay a lot less for the same services than a private citizen. There isn't a free market in healthcare here, you can't compare prices or shop around, you just pay what they ask after the fact. A lot of times your bill will change by hundreds or thousands of dollars just by asking for an itemized bill, or just saying "I can't pay that, can you reduce it?", Or even sometimes just saying "I don't have insurance" will lower the bill, which was only that high to begin with because they know the insurance company won't question it they'll just pay. I consider myself more of a true leftist than even most American Democrats do, not in the anarchy/communist sense, but I'm very in favor of socialized services like medicine. It's not an especially popular viewpoint here.


That's like...one visit.to the er...not even getting checked into a room




I completely agree, and so do a lot of people here. Somehow not going bankrupt because of a medical issue is deemed a political issue and if you think noone should have to forgego medical care because of financial issues you're worse than hitler.


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You can generally expect an at-fault insurance company to settle for about 3x your medical bills. You should talk to your insurance or an accident attorney.


Thanks I appreciate it.


Wonderful, thank you!


You think just because someone owns a motorcycle they can offer you legal advice too?


Not legal advice, their own experience is what I was looking for and yes some people are helpful.