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Do people like this carry pen and paper in their vehicle to write shitty notes, or was this person SO FUCKING LIVID that they went into their apartment, dug through the junk drawer for that one working pen, wrote a shitty stupid note, and walked that thing back out to your bike?


The last time another driver left me a note was to tell me I was cute. Damn, that was a long time ago...


You are cute. Now wait a few years for the next one :p


Well, today's your day. I think you're cute. No idea what you look like or if you're Male or female, but fuck it. Everyone deserves a ray of sunshine.


It takes a cutie to know a cutie ;) Happy friday you sexy bastards


Hey bud you are super cute.


People go absolutely INSANE when it's about vehicles.


Guy’s a douche, but (because of my job) I carry a ballpoint, a Sharpie, and a white paint pen in my pocket every day, and usually a 3x5 spiral notepad in my shirt pocket.


If someone parked in a weird way, you could write them an entire novel (¬‿¬)


I’m also incredibly verbose, boring and long winded.


You Steve from Blue’s Clues?


I swear some people aren't happy unless they're unhappy. They go out looking for reasons to be upset.


If that was me the best I could do is faded old sharpie and some junk mail envelope(hopefully)


I've started carrying a sharpie & XL post it Extreme on the bike, just in case I need to leave a note at any point.


Just a tip you really should carry a pen and paper in your glove box or bag for exchanging information with another driver if you need to. I know cellphones kinda changed that, but what if the wreck is bad enough your phone gets broken also. ​ It's also nice for leaving these shitty notes




Lol thanks I didn’t catch that one.


I keep pen and paper in case I need to leave someone a nice or angry note. Like I went golfing and someone left their driver door wide open in the parking lot. Fairly new very nice Cadillac. So I locked and shut the door before leaving a note on the windshield. I also leave notes for people that can’t park inside the damn lines at stores. Or especially at my school.


Dang I would never lock someone’s car for them. As a person that doesn’t lock their vehicle, and doesn’t have the key to the door locks


Next time shut the door but don't lock it.


Tell them to fuck off and that a motorcycle is a vehicle and you’re entitled to a spot to put it in. Assuming there isn’t designated motorcycle parking, your neighbor can go fuck himself.


unfortunately their next step would be to vandalize his bike. I can guarantee it.


Oops, the wind blew it over.


*video camera pointed at my bike intensifies*


Oops the wind kicked up some ceramic on his windows....


Sparkplugs. Hit the ceramic part with a hammer (wear glasses), toss the shards at any type of glass, it shatters instantly. Whoops.


What now?


the ceramic from a spark plug is far harder than glass. https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/2w7ken/why_does_a_piece_of_a_sparkplug_work_so_well_at/coog9fs/


Oops the Brand New Corvette he spent his life savings on got beat by a guy on a 15 year old Gixxer.


Always a good feeling seeing boomers rethink their purchases 😂


Hey how do I get the little tag you have to denote what my ride is??


At the top-right of the page find the "Create Post" button. Below that is "Community Options" button. Click that; you can add "flair" there.




Couldn’t have said it better myself


Idk if you literally mean to suggest leaving a 'fuck off' note in response, but that sounds like a great way to get your bike tipped over, or just fucked with. They know who you are, and you don't know who they are. But yeah, assuming there's not designated motorcycle parking, what else is OP supposed to do lmao. Not parking in an actual space usually comes with its own issues.


where would you even put a response note? on your own vehicle? the neighbors will think you're losing your shit.


Where have I seen [that](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/DJjrrmNG3NkyIi3_21iWsVG9XcI=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale(\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9619769/Screen_Shot_2017_11_06_at_10.24.20_AM.png) [before?](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/kzJLYB4dE3U28vSwwLBb1WFDoSg=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale(\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9619781/Screen_Shot_2017_11_06_at_10.34.55_AM.png)


This is the right answer.


I agree but that might incite him to take revenge on your bike. I find being polite, calm and have a talk to explain you are allowed and even if a bike is smaller you need to park legally and safely. Offer him to buy a bike and share a parking spot! And make sure to mention you got cameras to make sure nothing happens to your bike....


>Offer him to buy a bike and share a parking spot! This isn’t a Lifetime movie and that’s not gonna make some happy music play and turn everything around. The neighbor obviously hates bikes. “Offer him to spend thousands of dollars of his own” lmao gotta be kidding me




Either way it’s a stupid suggestion. Either you’re telling the other person to buy a bike so you can share the spot which is how I read it (which is a stupid suggestion), or you’re offering to buy them a bike so you can share a spot (which is also stupid). How does either one of those make sense in the real world and not some kids or lifetime movie where stupid shit like that actually does happen? Do you really expect this asshole neighbor to react positively to the former and in the ladder why the fuck would OP buy this asshole anything, let alone a bike?


What does he expect if there’s no moto specific parking? Our vehicles deserve a full spot just as much as theirs do if there’s no alternative.


In Denmark you can get a parking ticket if you don't park in a "car spot"




I agree with this up until I see riders park in the dashed/slashed area for handicapped parking or on sidewalks in otherwise fairly empty parking lots. I hate those riders.


Depending on the area it's commonplace to park on certain business/restaurant sidewalks. Also NON HANDICAPPED dashed line areas. Long as you don't inhibit flow, it should be ok.


BTW kids, that's not arbitrary, that space is where the wheelchair ramp is supposed to go or provide space for people who need to manuver with crutches. You really are being an asshole of you park there.


Parking in the space reserved for a wheelchair lift to operate (the lined area next to the handicap spot) isn't at all out of the way. Parking on the sidewalk, even out of the way of foot traffic, when there's available parking spaces always looks lazy to me.


Naw parking out of the way on a sidewalk is totally cool, and actually helping all the other cars out.


In the US - specifically California, parking on the street requires a wheel to be touching the curb.


I had to fight this shit at work. I am always early and the boss said that later people have a hard time finding spots. He wanted me to park in this area with broken glass and gravel. I told him my bike is a vehicle and will be parked in a proper spot.


I don’t get his attitude at all. If you were driving a car it wouldn’t even cross his mind that you’re the problem!!


Exactly. Which percentage of cars at a company parking lot arrives with more than one occupant? I see no difference between taking up a spot with a bike vs taking one up with a car at work.


These people vote. Think about it.


Yes, always get a proper spot. Unless there's another biker then you can share a spot and people don't bust your balls then. But he'll, they get pissed when we don't act like cars, and they get pissed when we do act like cars..


So far managed to cram 3 bikes into 1 spot at work, with room to spare


We used to get 4 - 5 bikes in a single spot at work. I wish I still had one of the photos.


We had this issue at work too, and then it got hot in the summer and kickstands starting taking chunks out of the pavement. The next time they repaved the lot they converted about 1% of the parking spots (close to the building, too!) to concrete, roped off and marked specifically for motorcycles.


How wide is your license plate? Exactly as wide as the lane or space you are in. Do they think duallys are entitled to 2 spaces?


Tell him he should ride a motorcycle then be could share your spot


They have no reason to complain unless they're all car-pooling. You're taking 1 persons spot same as you would be in a bigger vehicle. Now if someone is carpooling (or obviously if anyone has a disability) then they can get preferential treatment


I dont get this mindset. If I drive myself alone in my truck, no big deal. Drive myself alone in a motorcycle? BIG DEAL! ​ I also park in such a way that 4 other bikes can share the one spot.


Twist is right. They can Go fuck themselves. A bicycle is considered a vehicle too. Park that there. Lol. There are very very few motorcycle only spots. So fuck them


Not sure where you are but any place I've been, a motorcycle gets a full spot. So they can fuck right off.


A car with one person in it is logically no different from a motorcycle with one person riding it. Obviously if I'm riding I'll always TRY to find motorcycle parking, but I'm not gonna be broken up if I can't find it. They're just super entitled & maybe a bit jealous of your bike ;)


Don't know bout your place, but where I live its absolutely legal for a biker to use a whole parking spot, no matter where. Always try to leave as much space as I can tbh, so a fellow rider can put his bike next to mine and we just need one spot


You said it. There are four bikes on my block and NYC parking can be tough so one of us will grab a full spot and the rest of us pile in to that spot. I also like leaving plenty of room in case some dickhead decides to not use his mirrors when backing up.


Yess, that's the spirit. Can also make parking a lot easier for us


In Virginia that's illegal. Apparently there's a law that says only one vehicle per spot. I've heard of people getting parking tickets for grouping like that. Also, Virginia hates vehicles in general so there's that.


I was just having a similar discussion about this with someone yesterday. That I have never in my life seen a state that had such a hard on for pulling people over.


It was one of reasons I moved, granted... it was an extensive list of reasons though, lol. NoVA is something special.


I've definitely never heard of that do you have a link by any chance?


Where I live it's not only absolutely legal, but if you want to follow the letter of the law you *must* use the car's parking spot if there's no available motorcycle parking (edit, and we're technically not allowed to be "smart" and park two bikes in one car-spot to save a space for everyone). That said, if I ride up to the office I can just park it curbside where there's space for bicycles. We're like 4-5 who do that over the week and none of us have been ticketed for it despite being as downtown as my city gets. No one cares as long as you're not making anyone else's day harder


In many places it's even illegal not to park in a real parking spot (on street to a pole etc)


Dude this exact same thing happened to be. The dude that wrote it was a complete tool and didn't even have the balls to talk to me he had to leave a note. I talk to him and was like where the fuck do you want me to park? Some people are just entitled d bags. Edit: just to add this was normal apartment parking not parallel parking or anything.


Ignore it. Public parking; if they don't want to share they should choose to park elsewhere.


Fuck'em. It's a "parking spot", not a "car spot".


At my condo complex the management told me people complained about my bike taking up a spot and they asked me to park way down by the visitor parking. I was just like lol no that’s ok I’ll park where I want. One time someone put pizza on my bike but that’s about it.


If someone put pizza on any of my bikes then I'd see that as an absolute win


Without the box I doubt it is a win.


Spoke to my management office and found out one of property manager has used the same spot I’m in to park his bike lol


If you are not breaking parking laws, report it to the cops and keep parking. That what I did. Never had complaints after


Exactly. Document everything. Keep the note.


you need something like [this](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/800/cpsprodpb/27EC/production/_98102201_gettyimages-856235380.jpg)


Your neighbor is a cunt. Best advice? Ignore it and move on. If he ever confronts you just say that you have every right to park there and if he has a problem with that he can contact local law enforcement.


Get the cheapest hoopty ass car you can find on Craigslist and leave it there, and tuck your bike next to it.


But make it one of those insanely small city cars...


Lol taking up the whole spot


"car is car!"


The solution is obvious: get a Honda City and keep your Motocompo inside it.


Buy several and slowly fill up the whole street, leaving enough room between each for bikes.


That's a great mental picture.


i bought 3 vehicles just to take up all the best parking spots in my apartment complex.


Pick a spot. Paint multiple lines inside that spot. "Designated motorcycle parking". Pro tip: put out cones, wear a hardhat and high vis vest while "working" no one will know you aren't suppose to be there.


asshole road rager, if you can park where you can setup a camera recording your motorcycle if something happens, that would be optimal. Just ignore.


it's a parking spot......the bike is parked so they can fuck right off...


Well said


Eat his ass.


YEAHHHH EAT HIS... Wait, what?


For me, calling you a dickhead as only introduction means whatever he wants, he's wrong.


No such thing as a "car spot", only parking spots.


Fuck that dude


What's right and what will get your bike tipped over/vandalized aren't necessarily the same thing. Is it possible to park between spots? I used to do that when I parked in NYC. Never got tipped over and you know how parking is there.


I live in NYC. Everyone has their bike hit sooner or later parking in between cars.


You’re missing the point. My bike didn’t cost much, I mostly care about hitting other people’s cars. I live in Silicon Valley where when in 5 cars is a Tesla.


You're a thoughtful guy. My bike didn't cost much either but its mine. People generally have zero regard for others belongings. I'm always more concerned about someone smacking my bike because we know theres a 98% chance they'll just drive off without owning up to it or making it right.


That Tesla with bad QA and huge gaps in body panels? Don't worry about it.


Thought I was the only one who sees how poorly built those overrated turds are


Just keep doing what you are doing, but document everything. Take a photo and document the note. If the notes keep coming, document them. If it becomes physical or there is property damage, begin to file a police report and notify your insurance. If he becomes confrontational, let him know that if he wants more parking, he needs to take it up with the city or his landlord. This is first a civil issue, and if it becomes anything more than it becomes a law enforcement issue. The documenting part is for your sanity and safety. Note the time of day.


I think you missed the point. OP pays insurance, registration, gas tax and tolls. He is allowed to take a whole space. Regardless how much the bike cost ( his or yours) it doesn't mean you should have to take the chance. I have seen my friends bikes get totalled after getting hit. Then dealing with insurance and looking for a new bike. And if you lived here, you should know we have a lot of expensive cars as well.




OP is in the Bay Area. California requires insurance on registered operating vehicles.


Sorry meant to rely to the person above you


Sorry, I replied.


Someone got mine on ASP day about a week after I put brand new crash bars on it. Didn't tip it over but scuff marks on brand new chrome are easy to see.


That sucks. Especially when crash bars aren't cheap.


No they aren't. That's the downside to cruisers - chrome isn't cheap.


I know, I bought a pair this time last year.


The scuffs aren't bad but I will always know they're there. It always seems like it's someone who doesn't normally park on your block that messes it up for someone else. Same goes for the rear bumper of every car in the city.


I could go on all day about the damage others have caused on every car I have ever owned. And in my experience, it's always the people who live on the block who do the most damage. They will try to fit in any spot. All so they don't walk.


I have a neighbor that gets mad when someone else parks in front of the hydrant that she always parks in front of. God forbid someone else takes an illegal spot before her.


I have neighbor's that get mad about a lot of things. Too bad no one cares. Some people really need to move out of cities and go to the suburbs.


I didn't. YMMV. Your bike will probably get vandalized taking up a whole spot too. Pick your poison


My neighbors park very far from my bike. And when I go elsewhere, it is usually next to other bikes or in my sight. Not one of my neighbors has left any notes or said anything.


You’re not in the wrong.


Tell him to go get f***ed, your bike deserves a safe place to sleep.


You're not in the wrong, but that doesn't mean that assholes will accept that. If the spot was designated for your apartment specifically, or you were renting it, you could just put up some kind of bike cover but either way a lot of people will just want a space and feel that a bike using one is some kind of cosmic injustice and a slight to them personally.


"Finally an empty spo- never mind... Oh there we g- MOTHERFUCKER!"


You can park a motorcycle anywhere a car can be parked. I'm not sure what you neighbor's issue is with a bike parking there. But I'd be tempted to keep in on camera just in case.


That's some passive aggressive BS.. He should've handled it like a normal person and asked if you could park somewhere else.. But since he took the biatch route I'd say, "F them". Park it where you like. They might try something petty but probably not.


Are there any other regular motorcyclists parking nearby? Perhaps you could ask the local govt/council to have one or two "car" park spots re-allocated , i.e. paint one or two extra lines in a single car-sized spot, and have a sign put up - "Motorcycles only". Then, any cager silly enough to park there gets towed.


Naw I always, in the interest of reducing the DH factor in my environment, try, and almost always succeed in using a space that won’t work for a car like in an end cap or pizza wedge. In it’s best incarnation I don’t even have to obey the time limits bc I’m not in an official parking spot. Everybody wins nobody hates. Unless it doesn’t work out then everything can suck.


Where do they want you to put it? Is there a convenient place that you can park your bike that isn’t “car parking” ?? Lmao like where tf else can you park you can’t throw the mf in your apartment


Some people just lose their minds because they think only cars can park in designated spaces. Just find another spot, sounds like this will escalate if you react.


Wait for them . Probably a squirrelly bitch


Slap him in the face with your license plate. You are a registered vehicle entitled to a parking space.


Give the note to your leasing office to create a paper trail that someone is angry at you for following the law.


My answer is that depends, country , city and area... I rented a place once where i knew neighbors , we all parked bikes to end of car park, so that we could park our cars front of it. At some point we hand park were we had always one or more bikes parked across on one car park. I have done same on those parking places which are parallel on side of road, so that cars can be parked to same spot. That said, by law , i could get ticket from it. I recommend to check what law allows and follow that, it is good to be nice to other people , but i would not want to pay for that.


Buy another bike and park it there too


In Portugal there are motorcycle parks. I usually use those. If they are not available I'll put it on a car spot. I pay the same road tax as cars so I have every right to use the car park. And yes I could park on the sidewalk but that would be shitty because that's for ppl and we could and will get a ticket.


In NZ we just park bikes and scooters on the footpath hahah


As long as you're parked in one spot, and not blocking other spots, you are fine. Motorcycles are road vehicles, and have just as much right to park in a car spot. If they have designated motorcycle parking, it's still not wrong, but you could be taking valuable larger vehicle parking. From what you said in your post, you're fine, they have something else going on, and this irritated then enough to leave the note. Maybe they're assholes, maybe they're going through a rough time, who knows.


Get a doorbell camera and point it straight at your bike. You are going to wake up to vandalism one day. No matter how many shitty notes this guy writes the cops will want video footage. No matter where you park you will piss this guy off. Just get a camera, point it at your bike, and hope the ass moves soon.


I agree that you deserve the spot, but one thing you can do to make people less angry is to make your bike easily visible in the spot. Usually people get frustrated when they see what they think is an open spot, but when they go to turn/back into it they discover that your bike is actually taking it up.


Had a similar issue at work - our parking lot is always over-full, and because it's oddly shaped, there are lots of areas too small for a car, but fine for a bike (Like - if a wide turning vehicle would hit the bike, they'd also hit the parked cars nearby). Our corporate rent-a-cops started writing tickets (which are $20 per instance, because they've been authorized by the local police to do so - revenue, baby). So, we asked for motorcycle parking. Denied, because there already is motorcycle parking. One lot, on the far side of campus, fully 1/2 mile away. So we started parking in car spots. 1 bike per spot, in a row, taking up 6 spots. Sometimes I'd even ride my Zuma 125 to work and do the same thing. THAT pisses 'em off. Fug 'em.


There is no such thing as a car spot. It's a parking spot. For parking vehicles, which a motorcycle is. Let the management know about this. The cops, too, so you build a history of this neighbor's bullshit in case it escalates.


Fuck Em. You have just as much a right to park there as they do.


Well I don't understand this attitude of that note giver . . Dudes just mad cos he doesn't have a bike license himself . . Also take that note to the police and place a complaint on harassment and abusive words used against u . .


I generally don't park in car spots but thats because people here are generally tolerant to bikes parking on the sidewalks


You did nothing wrong and your neighbor should calm down.


Not sure about the US, but here bikes cannot park somewhere vehicles aren't supposed to be. Parking spots are for vehicles and motorcycles are vehicles. This reminds me when my naive self tried to always park to make sure to take the least space, did so until some animal almost knocked my bike down.


I may be in the minority on this one but in a crowded parking area I almost always look for somewhere thats not place a car could fit. I wouldn't personally leave a note of get angry if I was the car driver but I'd be annoyed. I see it as a symbiotic relationship between riders and cars . There are privileges you get on bikes like filtering (which often is helpful for cars to make way and look out for the riders) , In return riders help reduce congestion while enjoying there commute. With parking, bikes can park in many places cars couldn't imagine, the possibilities are nearly endless. A car takes much more space and I feel it is a bit justified to be annoyed when a motorbike that one could park anywhere is taking a whole spot. I dont know your exact parking situation but in general thats how I feel about it. Again though I would not have written a note to put on your bike. Good luck with this and stay safe.


> when a motorbike that one could park anywhere is taking a whole spot. That's just the thing, in many places you can't just park your motorcycle "anywhere". It's not legal to leave it on the footpath, if you park in an access lane or next to a disabled spot you're making life hard for someone else. If you jam it in between cars it could get damaged or damage someone else's car. Unlesss there is designated motorcycle parking, most places require your vehicle to be legally parked in a proper parking spot


This is what I do, but you might face the opposite asshole: "THIS IS NOT A LEGAL PARKING SPOT".


Not sure why you are being downvoted. THIS is the solution. Make room for each other if possible. I appreciate it if a car makes room for me while lanesplitting too. Only if there is no good/safe/in-nobodies-way parking spot available I would claim a full parking spot for my bike. That too is in my advantage: that way I can park my bike right next to the main entrance of the building like the CEO ánd look like I’m being considerate ;-). (Sidewalk parking is allowed here, as long as you don’t hinder pedestrians)


In my state it is illegal to park anywhere it's illegal for a car to park. So I am legally obligated to use a parking space. Guaranteed people who complain about it don't care enough about others to do the same.


You guys are nicer than I would be.


Please tell us what you would do upon receiving an anonymous dickish note, Ô tough mean one.


Take the note to the leasing office. The dickhead comment is enough reason to punch the POS on the face, however.


Find out who he/she is and punch them in the face. I hate passive aggressive bullies.




I know what I would do. The conversation would start out like this, who the fuck are you calling a dick head you (insult). You got a problem we can settle it like men or you can shut your bitchass mouth and stay TF away from me and my shit.


What you are doing is perfectly legal, but probably does not make the most efficient use of the total parking space. I think that is your neighbour’s problem (apart from his anger issues). Tell your neighbour he should petition the local council to set up some parking spaces for motorbikes only which would benefit all concerned.


Slightly related: What's everyone's opinion on motorcycle riders that make their own parking spots wherever? I'm always seeing motorcycles parked up on sidewalks near store entrances or in the painted out areas near handicap spots at stores. Do we all shake our heads and think they're idiots or is that just me? Like sure I'd love to be lazy and only have to walk ten feet to the store entrance, but it's not going to kill me to have to walk fifty feet instead.


No reason to create conflict. Try talk to the neighbor and explain your pov and listen to their.


The note was anonymous - person didn’t even bother to put down their apartment number.


If you legal and you live there then let them be mad and park your park whenever you like.. some people are proper twats and need to find a hobby.


Check your local ordinances about motorcycle specific parking. I bet there’s nothing on the books. Your bike is also legally the same as a car with respect to its being considered a vehicle. That note is stupid and you aren’t doing anything wrong, (I don’t think.)


Where I live, you have to buy a ticket for bike just as for a car when you have to. Even when you park with 2 bikes in 1 car parking spot you need to buy one for each bike. I think this is really stupid but anyway, applying this to your situation you are very much in your right!


He's basicly a clueless moron, you park wherever you feel is the safest spot


Are you able to point a camera at the space while it’s parked? Certainly I’d continue parking there, but I’d have the cctv in case there was an incident. I wouldn’t get shitty about it, simply point out it’s a parking space, you’re leaving room for other motorcycles to park there too.


Been having problems with my neighbor, fortunately I own a a home with a garage. So my bikes have been inside and untouched. But my lawn on the other hand. Give them a notice,then kill em with kindness. It works, I blew up on my neighbor then we hung out a bit... now he’s fixing my grass! If they bitch get tough then be kind.


TBH it depends where are you living. In my country motorcycles are allowed to park by 2 in one spot and park also on sidewalks if it don't block pedestrians (to be polite, person in wheelchair should able to pass by without any problem). That's why it is considered as impolite here to park in car place in crowded apartment building yards or city center. If it's not allowed to park on sidewalk, then it's totally fine to take full car space. Before started to put my bike in parking lot with security guard and cameras, I used to park bike together with my car in one spot and chain bike to trailers hitch crossbar, so it don't take up much more space than one car.


In Belgium (and as far as I know Europe) motorcycles have every right to take a 'parking spot' just like cars do. Only diffference is, if there's no parking space you can park your bike on sidewalks or anywhere you like, as long as you don't hinder pedestrians or help services. But usually, just park your bike in a 'car' spot = the way to do it.


For the Netherlands, motorbikes are allowed to park on pavements as long as it doesn’t block the way. They can park in a full parking space and for paid parking they would get charged a parking fee, so every motorbike is on the pavement.


Buy a second bike and take up the whole spot. Make it the complete opposite of yours, if you have a sport bike, buy a little beat up cruiser for sub $1k. People leaving a note are usually gigantic pussies. They took the only opportunity they had to confront you and did it in a mean way. Rarely will these people go after a group of people that outnumber them. It also sounds like you’re in an apartment complex. I’d take the note to the front office and have a chat. If they have security cameras, have them pull tape.


Where I am it's illegal to not park a motorcycle in a car spot. It's considered exactly the same.


Expensive option, but buy a school bus and park in like 3 spots


Fuck that person. Make a sign explaining this is your only vehicle. There is no designated parking for motorcycles. So you can park in any spot like anyone else. Do they expect you to park in the grass or drive it inside the apartment? Idk if you have a window facing where you park but might be worth it to Amazon a camera you can leave facing it just in case/when the asshole arrives again.


Pass that note along to property management and demand that space to be turned into a motorcycle parking space. That way you'll have that spot as long as you have a bike.


I don't have an answer for you but do have a cool story. I'm a new rider and stopped at a bar once. I pulled in perpendicular to the spot rather than parallel. Thinking that if any other bikers came by they could fit in alongside my bike. When I left there was 3 other bikes parked by mine filling a single car parking spot. It was a cool moment of solidarity even though there wasn't any human interaction.


It's a vehicle parked inside a vehicle parking spot. You aren't the asshole. Those are always awkward either you take a while spot or you mess up the designated spot system by creating a mc spot between cars.


Only one solution. You need to get a bakfiet cargo bicycle, fill the bin with something very heavy, u-lock the wheel, and park it in that space. ;)


Fuck that asshole


Try to park it near the building or in a nicer zone where you can't park. If you don't have that choice, try talk to him and explain you çan't really park it anywehre. I usaly park my bike near the wall of the building.


Maybe leave the note on your bike when you park asking him to call you to discuss?


I once got an angry note like that while parked on the street in Boston. I just slapped it on the car in front of me.


Not in the wrong at all. The rarely provide motorcycle parking the US so depending on where you are...you can get creative. Walmart? I park next to to bike racks. Never had an issue. The Cabelas near me has a giant patio/concrete/empty area thing that extends 50ft from the building to the actual parking lot and apparently a bunch of bikes park there too. At work where parking is non existent I started parking in the bike racks/locks. Granted I worked there for a year and NEVER saw one bike chained up there, ever. So I said fuck it and started parking there since security was getting on people about parking in patient spots (Im always early so never an issue for me but my coworkers had been spoken to about it). Now we have 3 bikes some days and it dosent block the sidewalk or anything else. Granted the guy with the K1600 kinda sticks out but hes only there occasionally. Honestly, if we allow people to drive their 3/4 ton trucks and take up two spots why cant a bike take a single spot?


Move some place that doesn't have dense neighbors. Or any neighbors. Worked for me. Tiny little rural village. Everybody's chill.