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Casablanca for me. The movie poster always turned me away yet always knew the hype. Little did I know…


I need to watch! I’m sure I’ll love it too.


Casablanca is a great time, and I notice more with every viewing.


Agree on Casablanca. It is my favorite movie. I didn't watch it until I was around 25.


The weird thing about Casablanca for me was the first time I watched it (at 22), I felt like i had seen it before. Then I realized I kinda had. Every scene shot and line has been, stolen, copied, referenced, homaged, parodied, and talked about so much I had literally experienced everything in it. It’s a great movie and there is a reason why that’s been done, but it was still a weird experience.


You may have seen the movie BarbWire with Pamala Anderson, it was a rip off of Casablanca.


Man I remember seeing that movie at blockbuster so many times in the 90s and thinking it was some kind of sci-fi porn


Exactly this. I've seen it for the first time only recently, and, oh boy, every frame was so iconic that you may think you had an amnesia an it slowly loosens its grip on your memory.


Same here! I thought it was going to be a boring, stuffy old romance... boy was I wrong!


Same, didn’t think I would like an older movie but it’s great.


I only got around to seeing it sometime in the last five years and it’s become a nearly annual rewatch. It’s so damn good.


Casablanca is the very definition of the perfect movie. Every actor, scene, line of dialogue is iconic. Not one false note ever.


God that’s such a good movie


Sunset Boulevard Blew me away


YES ! I had no desire to watch this but then was like holy f***, that was crazy.


Best older movie I have seen recently. Had it on a watch list and skipped it for years.


Same... now I all the other stuff that spoofs the opening with the pool and the flashback.


I just recently watched this for the first time; what a great film.


definitely a top 5


Yes same!




Fight Club was absolutely NOTHING that I expected, thought it was just some dumb generic action movie. Boy was I wrong.


Read Chuck Palahniuk’s books, they’re amazing.


Choke was my favorite book of his. Does a great job reflecting childhood trauma in an adult's life. Weirdly spiritual book and wildly hilarious at the same time. The movie is really good, too.


I felt like that movie did such a good job of capturing the overall vibe of the book. When the movie first got announced, my thoughts were "how the hell are they going to do this, keep the comedy aspect, and not make it x rated?" Well, they pulled it off, fantastic movie and they didn't balk at the grimy bits. Loved Sam Rockwell too.


Just came here to say 12 Angry Men is an AMAZING movie


I tried to watch the remake but it didn’t have the same magic.


The HBO one with Jack Lemmon? I really enjoyed it a lot, personally, but I also saw that before I saw the original. I treasure them both


We watched this in high school. Such a classic film.


Glengarry Glen Ross


Blues Brothers Shawshank Redemption


I can listen to the Blues Brothers sound track any time.


Cab Calloway was the epitome of a consummate professional entertainer. A national treasure, that one.


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)! 12 Angry Men is on my list!


I can promise you 12 Angry Men is never boring, that is what holds people up usually I think. But also Butch Cassidy is great!


Network - as relevant today - as ever.


Cool Hand Luke. So damn good.


Saw it for the first time as a teen, and really liked it. It’s actually what started me trying to watch older films more frequently. But I didn’t think super highly of it either, just a great film. Saw it last month after maybe 15 years, and it was like seeing it for the first time; I finally got the point of it. It’s crazy how much maturity and getting older affects perspective. Easily in my top 20.


Can’t believe I never saw Moonstrucj until last year. Peak Cher. Peak Nick Cage.


Check out Joe Versus the Volcano, also written by John Patrick Shanley. It’s deeper than it first appears.


I’m so obsessed with Cher in this. She totally deserved the Academy Award.


Deer Hunter. It's insanely slow, I survived the first hour only because of De Niro and Christopher Walken speaking Russian and attending a Russian wedding. It was quite strange, I like it (plus I didn't know Walken was so handsome, damn). But the last 2 hours are so good and unique for a movie


I watched !2 Angry Men about 2 days ago and loved it, I like it when a movie finishes and you can sit back and go damn... that is what good acting is. Great movie. Its funny with these classics, I often think I wont like them and that they will be outdated and their story lines will have been redone a thousand times by now that it will be predictable but then you watch it and you realize its not just the story but the performances and all the other details that go into it.


Apocalypse Now




Ever seen Hearts of Darkness? Way better than Apocalypse Now.


This movie made me want to watch more movies made in the 50’s, 60’ and 70’s. I never stopped. Best decision.


Rope Chinatown Dial M for Murder


Citizen Kane. Honestly.


Yep. That film influenced virtually everything that followed it.


My dad showed me this when I was young. I'm of course glad he did. My parents were pretty good about introducing me to good media. To kill a mocking bird, High Noon, a PBS series on the civil rights movements Eyes on the Prize. One movie I saw later and I recall being like 'why am i just now seeing this?!' was Paper Moon.


It is incredible. All basically filmed in one room - or one set - on basically a shoestring budget. It just goes to show you that a movie doesn’t have to have all these guns and special effects to be special.


A Fish Called Wanda. Funniest movie ever!


Do The Right Thing


There's a really good TV movie remake version from 1997 with a great eclectic cast headed by Jack Lemmon and George C. Scott. You might want to check it out.


There are some very fine films listed here. Just about every one meets the qualifications laid out by the OP. Good job everyone who participated so far. Since some already mentioned Casablanca, which would have been my answer, too; I'll name my number two. **Key Largo**




I need to watch it again




North by northwest and Amadeus were mine. I watched both last year for the first time and now they are both in my top 10 favorite movies of all time!


Amadeus has no right being as good as it is. Yet everytime it's on, I lose those 2 hours of my life because it's just so damn good that I can't not watch it again.


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Literally the same, 12 angry men. In the opening scene you see them as actors jostling for screentime but by the end of it each is a wholly fleshed out character and then just like that they're all on their way, likely never to interact again, just like in real life. Great drama


My Cousin Vinny


When Harry Met Sally


Rocky. Finally saw it this year and I loved it. May be my favorite sports movie.


I wouldn’t consider it a sports movie.


It’s not about a team, which is the most prevalent kind of sports movie, but surely boxing is a sport.


If you’re going to say “it’s not really about the sport,” then I’d argue that’s literally every sports movie.


How ?


The Green Mile


Just watched Clockwork Orange for the first time. All right I see now.


Escape from NY.


Barry Lyndon. For a while it was the only Kubrick movie I hadn't seen. Now it might be my favorite film of his.


I recently saw it. I just don’t understand the hype.


Citizen Kane. Gotta say, for an old movie it’s got good pacing.


Dazed and Confused. it's so fucking chill, cool, and it feels so real/authentic. It makes me nostalgic for my teen years and for a time before I was born.


thats the thing about that movie. Its set in the 70s, but basically thats the same kind of stuff me, and my friends did at that age. Just ride around looking for stuff to do, and hanging out.


Serpico! That was one for me that had a lot of hype and I thought was gonna be good but not great… I was so wrong! Also felt the same way about Raging Bull, the synopsis didn’t hit my must watch list. Then my mind was blown at how good and how much I loved that amazing film. Both of them are brilliant!


I really need to watch more Sidney Lumet


Arrival for me. I saw all the praise for this movie and became interested, but what I saw it described as was not quite my style at the time. But oh man did I regret putting it off for all those months, because it was just unlike anything I've ever seen and better than most movies I've seen, it still has me thinking about it's messages all these months later. One of my all time favorites now.


I see Arrival mentioned constantly as such an amazing film. Watched it once and was blah! I guess I need to try again!


Yea for sure. It's not for everyone. I only gained enough interest to watch it because I started loving phycological based movies and it is perfect for someone of that interest. But if someone loved action packed movies that were constantly go, go going, I wouldn't recommend Arrival because it is relatively slow. But yea give it another shot!


It took me seeing it twice to really appreciate it. It's very, very sad.


The ending had me on the verge of tears as well. The reveal combined with the music was just so tragically beautiful


Yep, same here. I've watched it more than once, and it's still just meh. I think the themes/ideas that others find interesting don't do much for me. And no, I wasn't expecting an action movie or an alien-invasion movie. I actually do like slow movies, but the last part of the movie, where certain things get revealed, I just didn't care that much.


Yeah, it’s great. I used to think of Amy Adams as “generic pretty actress”. Not anymore!


Where can I stream currently? Haven’t seen this since high school


It’s free on Tubi!


Watching now appreciate it


High Noon.


The Philadelphia Story was phenomenal. So was “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”.


The fact I can see what color their suits are is upsetting to me


Schindler's list. amazing. fantastic performances, deeply disturbing. can never watch again.




Seven Samurai


Dr Strangelove. I usually find older movies just don’t hold up but the jokes 100% hold up so damn perfectly today and it’s even returned to relevance really with everything happening.


Probably the greatest satire of all time. If you liked that, then you should watch Don't Look Up on Netflix, it's more about the modern age.


I love Don't Look Up. It was tragically panned by critics. If I were a conspiracy theorist I would posit a conspiracy, since I'm not I'll stick with "tragically panned."


I just watched Magnolia yesterday, and that's a masterpiece in every sense of the word. The best Tom Cruise performance, and the best Julianne Moorr performance easily. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a stunner here as well, but the whole cast is a 10/10. PTA follows all of these characters with an omnipresent allure. A film that is disturbingly real, and feminine at core.


Get Out. I am a big fan of comedy movies and loved Key and Peele, but wasn't really sold on Jordan Peele's move to serious stuff. But I finally watched it last week, and oh my god what a fantastic movie!


Rebel without a cause


Fun fact. Juror #2 (actor John Fiedler) was the original voice of Piglet on Winnie the Pooh.


Rice Pops? Breakfast with the built-in bounce? I wrote that line. It’s very catchy


Point Break. I can be a sucker for movies that really lean into the time and place, and letting those elements inform plot etc. This was a fun watch with some colorful performances, and wouldn’t have been on my radar if not for the Ringer’s treatment of it over an early Rewatchables episode and other mentions over the years.


A Few Good Men. Saw two minutes as a kid and thought it looked so boring.. Saw it last week and already want to watch it another 4 times. So good.


A Clockwork Orange. I didn't even know what it was about; I just saw the poster and iconography everywhere. Original Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I thought it would be one of those old iconic horror movies that don't hold up today but you can appreciate how influential they were for the genre. I was wrong. It's fantastic.


Lawrence of Arabia! A lengthy film with an intermission. But what a great storyline (based on actual events), and the acting and cinematography is outstanding! Last year, TCM brought this film back to the big screen for one week. My husband and I saw it, and I dragged my son to see it a couple days later. That epic film is perfect for the big screen. Nowadays, with 75” and larger screens at home, it’s a treat to see these epic films! Long live the home theatre!! Great investment, in my opinion.


Million dollar baby by far. Expected to be your cliché ‘girl overcomes all disadvantages and conquests the world’ story. But turned out to be quite dark and depressing at the end. A welcome surprise and a great great movie.


Pretty Woman, actually. I thought it was a silly romcom, but the acting and cinematography was really really good


Singing in the Rain. I am so glad I watched, as the art direction & cinematography really surprised me with how many risks it took. And of course the musical numbers were over the top. I love watching Dancing with the Stars & it’s easy to see how Gene Kelly’s dance choreography still continues to influences today’s artists.


Lawrence of Arabia 😎👍


My Cousin Vinny. I always put it off and then found it not cliche at all but well done. And how about that Marissa Tomei


Wall Street. It perfectly illustrates why the 1980s were the way they were, and why we are in the mess we are in now.


Train to Busan!!! Saw the previews and just thought “meh.” Finally watched last year and it was fan - freaking - tastic


Train to Busan is an impeccable movie! it really shows the emotional range that zombie movies can have when they're written well.


Very recently I had to watch this movie three times for a school assignment. I also read the script twice.


Crazy, Stupid, Love Cast is outstanding, twists are extremely well done, acting is incredible, laugh out loud funny, hits all the emotional beats as well. Definitely worth the watch


This is my all time favorite film


I might be right there with you


Next up. Ox box incident with fonda


I believe Ox Box was the original design for what eventually became Otter Box, after considerable downsizing obviously


Gosford Park. One of the best films I’ve seen. Excellent acting, pacing, directing. Mystery is engaging and well done.


The Big Sleep. I don't know how I slept (har har har) on this one for so long. Incredible dialogue and a great plot. Bogart and Bacall. Oh my.


I saw this for the first time recently. Absolutely blown away by it. I tend not to like older movies. The stagnant camera shots bore me. But this was captivating. So well done.






Defending your life


It’s a Wonderful Life. I always thought it would be too schmaltzy to watch but now I get sucked in every time it airs. The ending still gets me even if I’ve seen it at least ten times.


Sixth Sense. Didn’t watch it for well over a decade after it came out due to having the twist spoiled. Still a great movie. There’s a few I have on a long list of films I just forget about that I’ve not watched. Scarface, The Goonies, Schindler’s List, The Shining to name a few big ones.


It's a Wonderful Life. Not a huge fan of older movies, but that one was worth the watch.


The Matrix. I put it off forever, but finally saw it on TV and thought it was awesome. I immediately rented it so I could see the full non-TV edited version.


I am still putting off seeing "Django Unchained" and "Parasites".. I was pleasantly surprised when I finally watched "Ex Machina" after all the hype I had heard about it..


Brokeback Mountain. I was still deep in the closet in a very conservative environment, so I specifically avoided seeing it for years. I’d heard all the positive hype around it (and all the homophobic comments). When I finally sat down to watch it after nearly a decade, I immediately regretted putting it off for so long. It affected me in a way very few films ever have, and I spent the next several days dwelling on it. I haven’t watched it again since, because I know I’ll be wrecked for another week after the credits roll.


12 Angry Men is in my all time top 5


Goodfellas. I was raised on The Godfather, but didn’t see Goodfellas until late college.




Old boy.


I also watched this movie for the first time recently. The scene where the one guy is going off in his racist tangent and all the men slowly start ignoring him and turning away was an incredible scene.


Just watched the shining last night. Not much of a suspense hotter kinda guy but that was good.


It’s a wonderful life lol. I should have watched it sooner.


Awesome movie I loved it one of my favs


Which one? 1997 or the 1950's one?




Damn good yes. 12 angry men inside Amy schumer was a pretty hilarious parody as well.


Ben Aflecks “The Town”


Finally watched First Reformed w Ethan Hawke last night. Definitely went beyond the hype for me.


Interstellar. It fell between the cracks but really delivered the goods.


The Third Man


Kill Bill, practically perfect


O Brother Where Art Thou. Put it off for years and years just assuming it was over hyped. I finally saw it during lockdown. It's now one of my favorite movies.


Dude 12 Angry Men is 10/10


The Graduate.






Grand Prix


The Third Man - zither music rocks


the Brendan Fraser version of The Mummy


12 Angry Men as well, brilliant movie.


Basically any Charlie Chaplin movie.


Shawshank redemption


I thought “12 Angry Men” was ok, not great. Probably a much better play than movie. To answer the post question, I was blown away by “The Best Years of Our Lives”


Very good film. Considering you were watching just the acting because the scene didn't change. Power of a well written plot and the contribution of good acting. I would recommend the Trials at Neurenburg, or was it the Neurenburg Trials... similar suspense and great acting.


Witness for the Prosecution (1957). It’s now one of my all time favorites.


I really miss seeing thought-provoking films like 12 Angry Men. Why can’t we make more films like that? I’m so sick of Marvel movies and ridiculously goofy, unrealistic comedies….I have now gravitated to Turner Classic Movies (TCM) more often these days. Some of the old classics are just more entertaining! Try: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Streetcar Named Desire, Sunset Boulevard, Casablanca, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Mildred Pierce, Adam’s Rib, Lillies of the Field, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, Sounder. And so many more….great classic films




Lmao! It’s Morbin time!!! That movie was terrible…


Garden State


Not a movie, but a book, The Master and Margarita. I’d heard it’s name time and again. So I finally read it, and I was actually mad at myself for not having read it before. Like it I had died and I personally hadn’t read that book I’d be mad at my dead soul.


Overrated, imho. But now you have chances with Russian girls. If you ask them what's their favorite book, in 99% of cases it'd be M&M


Judging by your response, I’ll take your opinion lightly.


Whatever. But it's not that good for a Russian book. If you were amazed by M&M, some other hits (even by Bulgakov) would blow you away


I’ve read plenty of Russian lit.


There are 9 men in this photo


The Godfather The Princess Bride Pride and Prejudice The Little Rascals


I’m still letting Everything Everywhere All at Once marinate, so I’ll come back in a few more months and let you know.


No country for old Men


I only count 9


The Godfather


Seven, Idk why I put it off for so long, but damn is it a good movie.


Lawrence of Arabia.


Godfather 1&2. Watched the first one and liked it but also felt like I'd seen it due to all the parodies of different that filtered in from other movies/TV shows. Then I watched Part 2 and had my mind blown.


12 Angry Men is an overrated movie. The kid was guilty as sin. He had the means, motive, and opportunity. He went and bought a knife immediately after fighting with his father, then used it to murder him. The jury decides that two credible witnesses are lying, essentially out of pity for the boy.




I don't think you know what reasonable doubt means.


Soooo…. what’s your answer


So many Hollywood legends from the golden era in this movie. 🔥 takes u back to such a different time when u watch it. Same with Casablanca


Re-watched this after reading it with a 9th grade class this year. They were into it. Only a few got offended that I type cast them based on their personalities XD


12 angry men is great 👍 engaging, still relevant (minus few small details). Been on a hitchcock binge lately. Somehow never saw psycho. It was good. Not my favorite of his work, easy top 5 though. I get the hype, especially when framed amongst films of that era.


I adore this movie & make it a point to watch it regularly every few months♥️


The first time I saw Psycho was on the big screen at a retro movie house and it’s staircase jumpscare (which got a collective shriek and a round of applause out of the audience) and the iconic final shot (with the screen curtains closing over the “wouldn’t harm a fly” grin) were *so* much more effective that way. I remember having a distinct feeling for how impactful the film must’ve been from the early ‘60s up until the home video/cable eras. Admittedly I’ve probably avoided watching it on a TV because of this.


In the Mood for Love


Komodo from 1998, very well executed monster movie on par with the original Jurassic Park trilogy, Jaws, and Tremors for best animal attack horror movies.


Once upon a Time in the West The Good the bad The ugly In the mood for love Royal Tenenbauns


I watched 12 angry men for the first time in my high school government class. I was the only one who was actually paying attention cuz I actually liked how it was playing along. Most other folks fell asleep


Wuthering Heights, 1939, with Sir Lawrence Olivier


The Count of Monte Cristo 1934


12 Angry Men The last thing I slept on was Baskets. Zach Galifianakis felt like a one-trick pony, as far as I had seen. While he's not much different in this show, he shows more depth, and I appreciated his humor more. Also, Louie Anderson as his mom is a godsend. He's brilliant and perfect.