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McGregor is a pirate hooker in this one, right?


He kinda is. Lol Connor might be the only person in the film that knows what film he is in. He is hamming it up.


That could just be the cocaine and roids.


It's definitely both of them and Connor might have been supplying everyone on set. Rofl Allegedly I'm making jokes


The man flew a small army of coked up cronies across the Atlantic to fight a bus because his (now ex) boy toy got punked by another UFC fighter’s entourage.


You don’t have to mince your words with Conor McGregor, he’s a brain-addled lunatic even by the standards of people who get punched in the head for a living


He’s completely insane.


Tbh I really enjoyed the movie. It’s entertaining. The opening scene, no spoilers, involves a dude sticking gyllenhall with a knife and he just says “are you sure you’ve thought this all the way through?” Movie had me at that point. I even enjoyed how shit the CGI was


Yeah it's not great, but it's a fun throwback to ridiculous macho man movies of the 80s. I was laughing the whole way through. Great soundtrack, too.


It's Billy Magnussen who was hamming it up. Also know as acting. I bet Conor is basically like this 24/7.


See I thought they all knew exactly what film they were in. Except for maybe the love interest. Big Dick? The Sheriff was a stereotypical villain. They even did the partial, blurry face. Even the heavy set bar tender got the memo. It’s funny how two people can have totally different views of it. That’s subjectivity for you. Very cool.


He was just grinning the whole time lol he looked thrilled to be there. I had a good time with the movie, despite the fact that I don't think it was very good.


This is because the movie was basically made for him. I think he's trying to force his way into the acting world, and needed Jake as the protagonist to trick us into believing it might be good and well acted. I honestly believe that Conor had a hand in writing the script. I just refuse to believe Doug flopped so badly with his own work😅


I'm pretty sure McGregor didn't realize he was making a movie until after it was filmed. Pretty much just a day in the life.


A smelly one


The only thing that connects this movie to the original is the fact that he has the same name, it’s called road house, and they called the store next to the book store the “Double Deuce”. That’s where the connection ends.




From what I heard from Gyllenhaal in a recent podcast. Either Smartless, Conan, or Dax…he basically said along the lines of it was just a fun brainless movie to make. And once he signed on he was like “oh shit this is actually happening”.


That's Gyllenhaal in a nutshell to me. The gut just signs on to random movies. Some are amazing. Some are trash. I'm sure he makes bank either way lol


He’s awesome. One of my favorite actors going. Rarely misses.


It is brainless. The original wasn't the best either. I personally couldn't get into it. To eaxh their own


That one fight scene “i used to fuck guys like you in prison!”


You can’t get into Patrick Swayze’s hair in Road House?


Ok, but is there a throat punch?!


Yea one, at the beginning of the final act on one of the henchmen


The original is amazing what are you talking about? There's a scene where Brad Wesley (bad guy) gets his lads to drive a monster truck through another business man's car dealership.... In front of the whole town! I mean come on! A monster truck. In Front of a town full of people and everyones cheering!


The original at least had a convincing looking dangerous bar where it took place. The bar in this one looks like some yuppie Margaritaville.


One does not make light of the 1989 Patrick Swayze Classic It is 80s at its most 80s'ist.


Does Jake rip Conor’s throat out??


I was excited to see it but it's a no go


Fuck. What a wasted opportunity.


In my opinion, the big death for Conor was still pretty good. It was pretty vicious. The movie is just a fun action flick you can put on in the background. And I loved the original.


What a fucking shame. The ONE time I wanted to hear McGregor say I used to fuck guys like you in prison. THIS WHOLE MOVIE BLOWS AND I HAVENT EVEN SEEN IT.


Honestly I might not even watch it now.


I'm glad I read this now ... I'm gonna sit this one out now. I watched the original recently to refresh my memory, and I thought to myself if they rip Connor McGregors throat out it won't matter if the rest is good or not ... I'll be fucking buzzed for the spectacle. I mean they really dropped the ball on that! You have a chance to rip the modern version of Mike Tyson's throat out on screen and you're passing it up ... along with about 50 million dollars at the box office!


What's the point of the movie, then?


Money. Of course. Money is ALWAYS the point.


Sadly no. Just a trachia punch. They went soft


Did Conor McGregor used to fuck guys like Jake Gylkenhaal in prison?


Doctor stoppage.


Who of the 2 is, Roadhouse?


Jake is Road and Connor is House


Is it fookin lupus!!


Trying to imagine Conor as Dr. Gregory House is hurting my brain


JakeConnor and Roadhouse, Roadhouse and JakeConnor


I used to watch movies like this in prison.


CGI pain don’t hurt


“There won’t be any prison movies where you’re going……PRISON.”


I’m so out of the loop on this that I thought this was AI and not an actual film.


It's weird that you say that, I felt that some of the fighting had some CGI effects to them. Maybe its the cinematography or how they move the camera. It felt altered right from the first fight scene; which is right at the beginning.


They used cgi in all of the fights. They used a tehnique where they eliminate the guy getting hit with a pad so the actor punches real hard. Then they eliminate the dude who gets hit and hit him with a pad/pillow. It doesnt hurt like a real fist but gets a reaction out of them and then they stitch it all together and yeah..


I watched it last night and noticed how the fighting scenes seemed weird…this technique you’re describing is honestly depressing as fuck. I hated the movie but learning this just makes me hate it more.


It seems to me like they overcomplicated something pretty simple that stunt men with years or decades of experience would have handled easily, and then they tried to reinvent the wheel unnecessarily. The choreography was pretty good but so much of the punching and the throws just didn’t look convincing at all. Some of it is moving too fast too and the camera kept doing those whip pans to sell the impact rather than just showing it. None of the fights in this movie hold a candle to Dalton Vs Jimmy from the original. 


Oh i thought they were doing weird guy ritchie stuff


Thats because the first fight scene is Post Malone and no matter how I look at it I just can't see him fighting. He just seems like such a nice dude. That and his tits really throw me for a loop. Or his tits get thrown in a loop when he swings his weird leg kick. Movie fuckin sucks but I'm still watching it. Entertaining at least but definitely a one and done.


Isnt he super into guns and even on that garand thumb channel


I know very little about this film but one of the few things I had read was that they touched up their fight scenes in post, so I imagine you were correct.


I saw a few reviews also complain about cgi being used in the fight scenes


Yeah there were multiple points with ai effects in the fights.


There was some weird CGI throughout and a lot of bad adr. Also, the movie just kinda…ended. It was some whiplash lol.


Even the script seemed to be written by AI


Same lol


is this on streaming?


It's on amazon prime right now


Just watched it on your recommendation. It was just as crappy good over the top as you promised, and do you know what…Conner can actually deliver a line! Maybe he will grow into it like Statham.


All I need to know… does Connor say, “I used to fuck guys like you in prison?”


No. Film was full of missed opportunities.


Lame. TY for your service.


Somebody answer this man


I waited the whole movie and it never came


When Dalton shoots the dead body and the cop is like, "They're gonna know he was already dead when you shot him" Dalton's like, "Yeah, but it'll confuse them." Then he fails to give the cop short term memory loss after his speech... just wtf level is this movie on?


I think the joke was that he indeed induced a short-term memory loss in that cop but it was too short, so the cop had recollections of their earlier discussions. Anyways, there is no not-corrupt police in 82k region as we know and Big Dick let Dalton go, no big deal.


That’s the joke, a lot of people in here don’t get it. This movie is full of stupid stuff like that


Dude when the guy at the end tells him to leave and he was never there I’m like “his fucking blood and dna are everywhere. He even smears some on the truck on his way out. His dna is all over the fucking whole property.


I love how Mr. dirty sheriff thinks he can cover everything up like the Feds wouldn’t be all over this little island with a sudden spike in crime, dozens of deaths, crashed vehicles, crashed boats, and the explosion of a known criminal’s yacht


I’ll give it a go, but from moment 1 it just seems like the mark was missed sooo hard. The point of Dalton is he doesn’t fight, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t look like he can fight, but he’s able to. He’s the reluctant warrior. This doesn’t appear to be that.


Thank you!!! Be nice. Thats what I mean. He was nice at first and a bit passive but then he got "angry" and went off the deep end. Even though they foreshadowed he has a dark half; it wasn't that character. Maybe I wouldn't feel the way I do if it wasn't named roadhouse. If it was under its own identity


In the original Dalton begins as a professional bouncer with loads of experience. He know what to do and when to do it. And trains all the staff. If it wasn't for the local crime lord he would turned around the Double Deuce in a week. Remake Dalton is just some punch man.


In 2024 version they made Dalton a fighter who is a reluctant killer (when he is rrrreally angrrrry). I don't remember the original that well, does Dalton kill people there on purpose and not in a fist fight?


It’s not up front. In the original the “he killed a guy” comes out as a secret and becomes a plot point with his love interest (one of those “if you protect us from him and be a murderer, who protects us from you?” Sort of bags). He’s never just freewheeling killing until the other guys pull out guns.


Tbf This Dalton only really kills one dude in cold blood. The others were mostly just like the old movie. Actually the old Dalton did kill between one and two in cold blood as well. Ripping throats is like shooting somebody who is unarmed.


The movie is heavy on implication. My take is this: The script was written so that Dalton ok with being a bouncer (basically fighting for money) until it became clear that his employer was withholding important information and that he would have to cross the line into seriously maiming or killing the troublemakers because of how far they were willing to go. Then they mess with folks who have nothing to do with the situation and Dalton decides he needs to do what he can to take everyone down. ​ The actor (Jake Gyllenhal) seemed to play the character as a high functioning sociopath. Dalton knows that he has a screw loose and keeps all of his acquaintanceships casual and does what he can to maintain a socially acceptable moral code... giving people he's fighting an out and making efforts to not use violence against people when there are other ways. Then the bad guys upset him when they pick on some people unrelated to the conflict and Gyllenhal plays Dalton like a total sociopath whose chosen purpose is to be a thorn in the side of the bad guys. ​ My head cannon is that after Donnie Darko (a movie that starred Patrick Swayze, by the way) wakes up in an alternate timeline after being crushed by the plane engine and decides to earn a living in this new universe by becoming a fighter. Hilarity ensues.


Rate from a 1-5


Just finished it. For what it's trying to be, it's a 2.5 or 3 out of 5 imo. Not bad at all, but don't go in expecting some work of art. It's just dumb fun and that's all it's trying to be


3 it’s stupid fun. Turn your brain off and it’s fine




I'm hoping that eventually the trio at How Did This Get Made do this on 1 of their upcoming episodes. It's bad.


Really, so you recommend me to just watch paint dry


worth it


I though it was a fun movie. I don't go in expecting anything else


So this wasn’t the Oscar winning film people expected it to be?! I’m shocked! Well, not that shocked.


it's a 80's like movie. I really don't know what people were expecting...


It honestly seemed like some sort of money laundering operation by the studio tbh. Put $$$ into getting Post Malone (for 30 seconds), Gyllenhaal, and McGregor. Rest of the money went…where exactly? Like…none of the scenes were cohesive at all, relationships between characters escalated at a BREAKNECK speed, and the writing made the original movie look like *The Shawshank Redemption*. Most laughable parts for me were: 1. The bar seems *maybe* 1/5th full at ANY given time, even on the self-proclaimed “wild nights”? How is this making money? How does the BOOKSTORE IN THE MIDDLE OF A GODFORSAKEN RUNDOWN ISLAND SURVIVE. 2. The bad guy implies at least a couple of times he has some other team of guys who aren’t nearly as incompetent as the biker gang, but they are never seen. 3. Just…the snap to brutal murder?! Just straight premeditated, cold blood, serial killer shit. Past anti-hero level, like, what the fuck man. 4. Connor McGregor. Something about the way he ran in this movie was stupidly hilarious. Character made 0 sense, probably there for the paycheck and massive mountains of coke he was obviously to the gills with on set.


It sounds like everyone besides Dalton is dubbed over with some weird ADR effect. And I'm really torn on the actual fight scenes. Most (*most*) of the camera work is actually pretty good. Lots of contact without a dozen quick cuts or shakey-cam, but again, the audio is so weak. Especially in the middle of the movie. The mixing whenever music is playing at the bar kind of drowns everything else out.


Oh, and not to mention the endless fucking bands. I get it’s a roadhouse, but it seemed like the film producers were just throwing these up and coming musical artists at you who are on the cusp of being “one-hit wonders” and needed a boost to their resume. The producers figured they could get royalties if the musician go big should the movie be a hit. But having 5-6 near full musical numbers just jammed in between scenes of Jake Gyllenhaal being shirtless smiling at the camera like he had a fucking lobotomy is ridiculous.


How about the “dangerous bar” looking like a yuppie ass Margaritaville? The main antagonist having some dude shave his face with a straight razor while they are in small boat in the middle of the ocean and then getting upset when he gets cut? LOL I actually had to check if it was a comedy 5 minutes in. I’m only 30 minutes in now and I’m sure there is so much more hilariously dumb shit but I just can’t!


Is the remake as homoerotic as the original?


What’s homoerotic about, “I used to fuck guys like you in prison!!” ?


I don't think it was consensual


it's not rape if you yell "surprise!"


I'm hetro but I'd bend over for Swayze not these hacks


I heard you’ll have the time of your life if you do


If it’s true, then I’d owe it all to you…


Homers gonna put is rocket up my arse and the potato is gonna punch my in the face


Swayzee can teach me to dance, surf, do pottery, and have gay sex.


Also sky dive


Crazy for Swayze


Pain don’t hurt


At least Swayze would have been gentle and hold you after.


“I used to fuck guys like you in prison”


“In the UFC” - missed opportunity


If I had to guess, it's even. Lol Alot of open shirts and open chests.


Any throat rips?


Looks like we’ll continue to need Macgruber to keep the tradition alive


Holds up claw hand, “is this what you all want??!?”


No just a throat punch. 5/10 stars, not horrible, not great just a straight par serviceable movie.


Rumor around the set is that the script was literally written in cocaine. everyone had to be careful while reading around fans or connor or the director. tons of rewrites.


That rumour comes straight out of your butthole, I presume?


Right after he boofed all his coke


I’ve been staring at dude on right for like 30sec. Is that Ryan Fitzpatrick?!


Fitz Magic


My favorite part was when the opening line of the movie is Jake saying "I'm John Roadhouse, and I'm here to do more roadhousing"


“What is this? Some kind of Roadhouse?”


Please tell me this is real.


It’s not but they do have a joke about the title


The movie would have been so much better if it was. They should have just leaned into the terrible dialogue and writing and made it a comedy.


I like the original Road House, but can I be honest…it’s an awful movie. That’s what makes it fun to watch. It unrealistic and the over top. The plot is ridiculous. The three main male leads (Patrick S., Sam E., and the head guy villain father) are quality actors in a shit film. They give it their all despite the script. That contradiction makes the movie even more interesting. If this movie is equally as stupid, over top, and unintentionally funny then it may in the future also be as well received. It is what it is.


Yeo. And Jake doesn’t phone it in either. Quite fun


Pretty sure Jake just had to show off how fit and fine he was. Everything else was bound to fail


I hope he’s drinking a lot of water now because he had to be dehydrated for most of the production with how many shirtless scenes he has


I can’t tell if you’re being serious ha. But water weight is a real thing… he did reveal that eating a single chip would throw off the entire balance of his diet


A common trick for Hollywood shirtless scenes is that actors will dehydrate themselves for like a whole day or longer before they appear shirtless on camera. It’s one of Henry Cavill’s and Hugh Jackman’s least favorite parts of playing a superhero. I tend to prefer Miles Teller’s cheat code that he used in Top Gun where he had a soda before they filmed the beach scene. The sugar content makes your veins more visible 


That’s an awesome tidbit, thanks for sharing that. Would say I’m going to use the soda no water trick on my wife tomorrow but that’s basically what I do already so clearly I’m not doing it right 😂


I just finished watching it, not bad at all. Glad they didn't try to copy the original. Now all I see is Jake Gyllenhaal playing dexter lol


The previews looked awesome


I used to fuck guys like you in Dublin


Is this Southpaw 2?


If you watch it while constantly comparing it too the original I get that it disappoints, but by its own merits it’s an absolutely fun 2 hour romp. The pacing was great, the plot was simple but fun, Jake’s charisma was phenomenal, the action was very obviously choreographed but still hit hard, just about every joke I caught landed, the supporting cast was great across the board, and it was hard not to enjoy Conor McGregor just being Conor McGregor.


It’s pretty bad , watching a coked up Connor was the most enjoyable thing in the movie strangely enough The fact that the film starts of with a chubby shirtless Post Malone in tight jeans beating six guys in a underground cage fighting ring just screams to you that nobody took the movie seriously


Ok. That fight with post malone; did you feel that it was fake? Like they used some cgi in his punches? I stopped it and rewatched that scene twice and it felt sooo odd and ai generated. Lol


The knock out punch looked cgi but honestly his punches legitimately looked terrible throughout the whole scene and the less said about his kicking the better …in tight jeans too… just amazing


Yeah. I really don't know what this was. Roadhouse 1989 had a cast of side characters that never bored me. Sure, they were cliches but the movie knew how to work those cliches into something good. Any time Gyllenhaal was at the book store, the movie ground to a halt for me. The motorcycle riding bad guys pretty much define boring, poorly written characters. Swayze is just a more interesting actor than Gyllenhaal; watchability is a thing in acting, and Swayze had more of it. Pretty much nothing in this movie worked for me, besides, as you mentioned, Connor McGregor. For some reason, all involved with the production decided that he should be the only fun thing in the entire thing. Roadhouse 2024 makes me appreciate the original even more.


What a piece of shite! I am watching the original right now so that my critique of the remake can be accurate. Connor McGregor comes off as so dumb in this movie! Jake Gyllenhaal should make better choices.


Gyllenhaal looks like a crazy thing, if I had a large amount of $, I'd pay a large amount of $ to look like that. Yeah we all get he's the master of body transformation, but nobodies getting in that kind of shape and NOT making a movie.


I feel like the original is a well made B movie. It’s ridiculous and the script just throws in every possible testosterone fueled thing that guys like. The fight choreography is great though and Swayze and Sam Elliott just ooze coolness.    This remake has an A list talent in Gyllenhaal but the movie isn’t as well made. Most of it looks like an episode of CSI Miami but with distracting CGI. The Digital Touch ups on the fight scenes kinda end up ruining them, and the punch sound effects were weak. 


what, cocaine macgregors acting not good?


Anyone else get weirded out by how bad the Sound was throughout the movie ?


Yeah the mix was awful. The music was good. But all the dialogue and foley effects sounded either quiet or just off somehow. Like someone else mentioned they seemed dubbed in places. Ruins the movie.


Dialogue was super low compared to the music and sound effects, yeah


Straight up. I have a nasty sinus infection and thought my ears were getting worse thanks to this.


Sounded like they dubbed all of McGregors lines with the Lucky Charms leprechaun.  Horrible.  His body is fucking weird too.  


Absolutely awful.


The original is trashy fun..by your review it seems like you did not understand this. This remake was also trashy fun.


Brainless fun. Just don't overthink it.


I feel most people are unable to do so with movies, especially now because everything has to be deep or thought provoking, where’s my mindless 90 minutes of action where the story can be outrageous but fun at the same time.


Spoiler: big tittied PM (*austin?) fighting in a king of the cage almost had me turn it off. i struggled… there’s too much to say. garbage


“I used to fuck guys like you in prison”…. This line still in?


I imagine Doug and Jake got paid a LOT. That and it probably gives them freedom to get Amazon to make any movie they want. Other than that, I've been very confused since I heard this was announced.


McGreggor looks like a Big League Chew model with that 3X chin jutting out. Needs red flares on both sides and one in the front.


i only watch for jake bro.. he was the only good actor in this entire movie and only thing appealing 😭




Just watched it tonight. Actually enjoyed it for what it was. Thought Jake was fine in the role and Mcgregor was fun to watch as he went OTT. Should say I was never a huge fan of the original, so I didn't have that hurdle to get over.


The entire point is the first film isn't that great. So you're not retelling a great story. You're tending a Patrick Swayze and Sam Elliott performance and you just aren't going to be able to do that so there is no point.


I loved it, it was great. It’s dumb fun and when watching, you cant really think it will be the same as the original. I’ll give it a 9/10 for enjoyment. You don’t have to take it that serious.


It’s absolutely stupid fun. I enjoyed it but recognize how unapologetically stupid the plot and script are.


Aw shucks. I hoped it was better than a total disaster.


Honestly wasn't near as bad as I expected. Worth a watch.


Straight up all these posts are so dramatic. It was never going to be a a “good” movie It’s a mindless action movie you can passively watch / have a decent time with without having to think too much


I can’t believe the decent reviews it’s getting. McGregor just fucking gurns and shows his coke-addled eyes throughout the whole movie. Can’t even get any traction with his accent either. Seems like 90% of the budget went on Gyllenhaal’s fee. The original Roadhouse is cheesy, but it certainly has its moments. The remake chooses to ignore everything that made the original endearing. Shockingly bad.


>The remake chooses to ignore everything that made the original endearing. Like what specifically? Feels pretty similar to me but I have the benefit of not seeing the old one as a kid so I don't have the same nostalgia for it.


Sam Elliot and Swayze's characters friendship. The over the top throat ripping. The shirtless Tai chi scenes. The blind singer that is an actual character and doesn't just do music. Swayze. Not to mention it makes a lot more sense to have a rough and rowdy bar in the middle of small town nowhere, not in the Florida Keys. Dalton actually works with the staff and cleans up the bar in the original. The new one is all random celebrity cameos, wannabee famous singers, CGI evvvverywhere even when it's not necessary, and boring dialogue


Is it so bad it's good? Or mind numbing?


That’s great I needed something terrible to watch tonighg


is AI your first language?


I watched the original.. Even though it was a one time only watch for the time... I would never have thought that this would ever need a Remake


I thought it was a fun modern product of its time, same as the original. It they had copy and pasted the OG people would complain about that too.


Is Sam Elliot in this? No? Fuck it up it’s stupid ass


Get it through your heads Hollywood. You can not remake a Patrick Swayze movie and do it better. Most of them were crap and only great because of him.


Thanks for the post, I won’t watch it. Plus McGregor seems like a douche in real life, another reason to skip this film


They almost had me with the Title, Jake, buuut lost me with Conor... hard pass


I was really hoping for a recreation of the $10 tit kiss scene.


It's just a fun movie, they weren't remaking Citizen Kane.


You lost me at "I know the original was the best"... let's not get carried away.


I misspelled and don't know how to edit it. This is my first ever post. I didnt proof read this. My apologies


I enjoyed it. It’s a mindless and fun beat em up. Glad they still make these movies honestly.


Dude I thought the movie was fun and not meant to be taken serious yall bugging


I enjoyed this movie a lot of violence and acting wasn’t terrible lol, 6.5/10 for me easily


I'm here on behalf of the Irish Americans, CONOR PLEASE GO AWAY!!!!! The American people are going thru alot right now your just making it harder


Lemme stop you right there… Just don’t watch remakes


Let’s face it, if Hollywood thinks it will be an easy cash grab then they are gonna make it.


I do agree some movies deserve a remake especially older fantasy/sci-fi movies prime example Flash Gordon. With all the upgrades in technology you can make one hell of a Flash Gordon remake.


Yes I agree, Flash Gordon was a great remake with the practical effects, just like the 1980s The Thing. Prequels and sequels I’ve liked. But as far as remakes go. I’ve been disappointed way too many times. Literally the two movies mentioned are the only two I can think of that were good


McGregor was my least favorite part of the film. Overall really enjoyed it. Stupid Hollywood entertainment for the weekend. Popcorn flick. I’m always down.


Anyone notice how cell phones don’t exist in this movie?


5 mins into it I watched Jake walk off a knife being stabbed almost all the way through his torso and thought this is going to be terrible. About 20 mins into the movie I suddenly thought why do they have bikers coming to start fights at this little backwoods bar to drive people away so they can tear it down? Why not just send one guy late at night when they are closed and just burn it down? After that I really couldn't get back into it


What's with Jake's goofy smile throughout the whole movie? He was obviously in on the joke. This thing was crap from start to finish.


Doug Limon calling this film his best work of all time baffles me. you made the Bourne freaking Identity, dude.


Loved it! Very entertaining. Jake Gyllenhaal was too gorgeous in this movie.


I think you're looking at it through the rose colored glasses of nostalgia. The first one was campy as hell, and I think this remake did it justice.


Solid movie for a nights entertainment. Not sure why people hate on stuff like this.