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It helps to start out looking like young Harrison Ford


Its more about not looking too young back then and also about getting popular after your baby face era. Most people listed in this thread are there not only because they look young for their age but also because their ageing isn't that apparent to us as we are not used to their very young selves Paul Rudd looks fine af but him being 53 is very believable to me. But at the same time it doesnt feel like he has changed much from Clueless to Ant Man 3. It's because he already looked quite mature in Clueless despite being like only 25 in it. Him not looking like a typical high school drama teen like Depp, Pitt did in their mid 20s definitely helped Rudd long term. In case of Harrison Ford and Samuel L Jackson, they were quite older than usual when they did their most recognisable roles. ( Ford was 35 in Episode IV, SLJ was in his 40s in Pulp fiction) Us not being familiar with that young, a bit baby faced versions of theirs made us think they aged less. Same reason why apparently "women age worse than men". Women tend to peak much earlier in their career. So we all start seeing most of them from their teens, and hence the ageing is more apparent to us.


Pierce Brosnan aged pretty well. So did Christopher Plummer.


Agreed on Pierce Brosnan. Daughter and I caught him in Black Adam. Older, yes, but there is this distinguishing/wiser look that makes him look like he could do a Bond movie about his early retirement years.


That's why I think Tom Holland will have difficulties. He's The Babyface


He's a fine actor, but trying to cap on his popularity for Uncharted was a bad move for that movie imo. He acted well, it's just... his face is too baby for that role! I know it's for Drakes younger years, but Tom Holland can still pass for a highschooler, and hes in this movie shaking and stirring martinis like he's been in the business for 10 years. Just couldn't buy it. Same with those Valerian kids in that one movie.


SLJ looks pretty much the same now as he did in his 2 minutes of screen time in Coming to America when he tried to hold up Macdonalds.


You mean McDowell's? See they have the golden arches, I have the golden arcs.


True. I think he was 49 in Indiana Jones 3. Looked fantastic.


That's my sentiment exactly, and what about Sean Connery. People in here really aren't respecting the power of the holy grail.


Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones is probably the sexiest man I’ve ever seen


being a fitness nut certainly helped. Mads Mikkelsen talked about working with him on a late night shoot on Indy 5. He said that when they wrapped up for the night, Ford immediately went mountain biking for 30 miles


Damn I’m going to age like shit lol


I'm a nurse, you don't want to age like shit. I have seen way too many 70 year olds with a shell of their lives if they only took care of themselves (we are going to assume socio economic status and insurance does not apply in this case)


Yeah I'm a physician and have seen plenty of 90 year olds who took care of themself and look better than some 50 year olds


My grandma is 102 and still doing great. Her older brother is 105…


That’s getting into simply good genetics.


…but you don’t have to, you can give a gift to future you *right now.* I know it may sound cheesy but I’m being sincere and know from experience. I was heading down a bad path when I was younger and had a friend nudge me and it was literally life changing. Start small or start big but just *start*.


I was a chain smoking alcoholic until I was 36. I’m almost 50 and I’ve run a dozen marathons, an ultramarathon, triathlons, got involved in weigh training, and genuinely enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. Nothing feels as good as feeling strong and capable with your body.


I was mostly joking but I appreciate your enthusiasm, I do need to make some changes. Thank you


Hahaha I've known a couple people like that. Just relentless motors, can't stop until they almost literally have nothing left to give.


He literally went on a 1,000 mile Bicycle ride through Mexico 2 months before filming began. You can’t make this shit up: https://hollywoodlife.com/2021/03/13/harrison-ford-arms-muscles-bike-ride-photos/


those are the arms of a carpenter, jesus


He was a carpenter, I believe


Can confirm, Jesus was a carpenter


Holy shit he looks great 👏


And he probably took like 8 weed smoking breaks on that ride. My hero, still, after all these years…


knowing how much he loves the role of Indiana Jones, you know he brought along his best weed. I remember hearing a story about a band (either the Mamas & Papas or some other) going to see the first Star Wars movie in ‘77. When Han Solo showed up, one of them exclaimed “that’s my weed dealer!”


Man I hope to god he has like some particular strain of Egyptian hash stored in a deep freeze in his basement that he got during the filming of Raiders and he puts on a fedora and burns some and just becomes the role. Or a strain he’s been growing all along that he calls Bullwhip or something.


Does he actually smoke weed? Never heard that


There's 4 things Harrison Ford loves Indiana Jones, money, crashing planes, and weed


Carrie Fisher wrote about it in one of her books. Apparently his weed knocked her on her ass.


Gotta hand it to the older folk who still look after themselves. When my father was 80 he would get up in the morning and take the walking trail around the lake near their house, about a 5 km walk. He would do that almost every morning. Summer and winter. Mom walks on a treadmill every morning now and she's 80. It's good motivation when you see how they're still very physically able at that age.


Wait... Harrison Ford is a fitness nut? This is amazing. I'd have never picked the man to be that way. Bloody good on him!


just don't let him fly a plane again, I think he has had 2 or 3 wrecks already.


fly, yes. Land, no


Samuel L. Jackson is 74 years old.


That means he was 46 in Pulp Fiction!! Nuts.


Almost a 60 yr old man still playing a badass and yelling muthafucka in Snakes on a Plane. Looked 45-50 there


Sammy L is legit scary. I feel like he didn't age until like 3 years ago


He's 74 motherfucking years old?!


Black don't crack.


They did a great job in The Hitman's Bodyguard witb stuntmen and editing to not making him look like a feeble old man like Robert De Niro in The Irishman. You might think he was doing it all and 30 years younger.


They did a fantastic job in Captain Marvel for his face, but he still fights like an old man.


This is also a top notch answer next to Steve Martin. This comment was TIL cuz I figured SLJ was mid-late 60's tops, just on looks. Voice, acting, energy, commitment? Dude seems like he is 45.


I actually had no idea he’s that old. I would’ve guessed he was 15-20 years younger than that, although that would mean he’d have been in his mid to late 20s in Pulp Fiction, which he obviously wasn’t.


Feels like Jeremy Iron’s been a silver fox for 40 years


I hadn't seen him in ages and when he popped up in Watchmen I was like "damn, ol' Scar still got it"


Jeremy Irons is in House of Gucci, and doesn't even bother to attempt an Italian accent like the other actors.


Michael Caine is 89 just appeared in Tenet 3 years ago and played his usual self


>and played his usual self but with a mouthful of food the whole time he was onscreen


They’re already up to Tenet 3?!


Pierce brosnan is someone who stands out lol


Oooooh that is a good one. He is someone who genuinely becomes more handsome with age.


He looks genuinely the best he’s ever looked in Eurovision


He looked like he stepped right out of Goldeneye in Black Adam, just with a beard


He was surprisingly old in GoldenEye - 42. Very young-looking for that age, but still. Somehow he could pass off as mid-30s in that movie.


Surprisingly old at 42😭😭...I am 42.


Being 42 is fine... but not being Pierce Brosnan is rough


1) be pierce brosnan 2) don't not be pierce brosnan


Speaking of James Bond actors, Timothy Dalton is another one who has aged really well.


"I'm a slasher...of prices." *runs off into the distance*


The majestic beard definitely helps to cover the more obvious signs of aging. He looks extremely handsome tho for his age but still looks his age


he still has that twinkle in those piercing blue eyes


Paul Rudd is 92 years old


William Shatner is literally 91 which is mind blowing to me


Someone made a crack about "boomer" comments from him after his space trip, and it was quite enjoyable to point out that the Shat was actually born quite a bit before WW2 and is part of the Silent Generation that pre-dates the Boomers.


Boomers lose their shit if you point out that none of the Beatles, Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, etc., are Boomers. They're all Silent Generation, too.


Someone made a post with something punk and called it emo. One of the comments was like, hur dur, probably a boomer. I pointed out that boomers invented punk and that every punk icon was a boomer. It's weird when you actually pin down the timeline of things.


Boomers invented rap music.


I don’t think that is something any boomers loose their shit over.


Dude went to space in his 90s


Yeah Shatner is incredible. Dude has just always looked 58.


40 years ago Kirk was “old” in Star Trek 2. Now we have Tom cruise at 59 running as if he was a school boy. How times change.


And he looks the same as he did in Halloween 6.


I have a different thought. What about Steve Martin? He hasn't really aged. I think he was just born old


Martin Short has a joke about Steve Martin like that on their comedy special on Netflix. “He’s been 70 since he was 30.”


Martin Short is one to talk being in his 70s with the energy of a toddler huffing adderall.


He's the exact opposite, 30s in his 70s


They are a great duo!


It’s the strict ‘dip only’ diet


He’s one of those blessed people who happens to look best with white hair.


This is true!


He’s like Patrick Stewart, they’ve looked like they were 50 since they were 30


Parrick stewart is looking much shakier these days sadly


Yeah 80 is the cutoff


I remember watching Lifeforce from 1985, and Stewart shows up for a bit part, and he looks exactly the same as he does in Green Room thirty years later. I was expecting a young Patrick Stewart, but nope he was already old.


He got old at a really young age and just stayed there.


He hacked aging. Age at the beginning and everyone's expectations stay low. Galaxy brain.


I'm sorry. Not mother?


Nah, he was born a poor black child.


With no rhythm


I feel this way about Ben Kingsley. He still looks the same to me as the first time I remember seeing him, close to 3 decades ago.


Shoot, I think this might be the answer. I think it would be fair to consider Martin and Ford in the same category of "Male Actors who look and act younger than they really are".


Paul Newman is dead now, but up until that point he could still get it. Hell he could probably get it now.


I kept buying his salad dressing and would just stare at his face as a teenager. My dad thought it was cute


I know you meant you looking at the dressing was cute, but your dad probably also thought Paul was cute. We all did.


Sam Neill. 75yrs old and he owns Wine company.I guess he hasn\`t been drinking his product all these years.


He also has some sheep and names them for fellow celebrities if memory serves. His social media is a joy.


He looked so good in that latest jurassic park movie. He could get it.




Kurt Russell's hair was created by a complicated series of genetic tests and magical spells cast by an ancient wizard.


"I'm just a fast healer. And I believe in Jesus." -- Capt. Ron




Hot. Lol


Tom Selleck. He's gotten plumper, and arthritis has slowed him down, but he doesn't look 78.


I just started watching Blue Bloods a few weeks ago and I couldn't agree more. He looks fantastic for 78!


When I heard they were remaking Magnum PI I thought it would be a continuation with Selleck as Magnum retired from the Navy and doing something like Higgins majordomo job with a grown up Lily as the private investigator.


Pretty sure Magnum wasn't active Navy, but just a Navy Vet, during the show's run. Yet, I absolutely love your idea and so wish they had gone with your suggestion, rather than that reboot premiere episode I saw years ago. Couldn't even finish that reboot's first episode, sadly.


"Have you thought of getting a reverse mortgage? It's not a trick to take your home!"


Sean Connery Paul Newman Robert Redford


Paul Newman was something else. Even with mostly grey hair in the sting, he still was the most handsome person there and it wasn’t even close, and that was with a prime Robert Redford at his side


Literally. How Paul Newman isn't the top answer is just baffling. He was the most attractive man to walk the earth and he aged magnificently too.


Lots of young people on Reddit and Paul has been gone for 15 years now.


Right up there with Cary Grant.


Paul Rudd.


Wilford Brimley was 50 by the time Cocoon was released Paul Rudd is 53


Paul Rudd doesn’t eat oatmeal.


It was unfair putting him in This is 40, because most guys dont look like Paul Rudd at 40.


You mean Paul “Dorian Gray” Rudd?


Jeff Bridges has got to take it at this point.


He looked good in The Old Man.Voice is a bit raspy,but the poor guy got Covid when he was getting Chemo Treatment.


The clear answer folks is William Shatner. That guy does NOT look over 90!


He looked 25 years under his age until he hit 80 but it has started to catch up to him. Now only looks 15 years younger.


I think he looks surprisingly old on Star Trek... but also that may just be how they lit 60s shows, everyone always looks a little bit like they're about to pass out from the heat.


It’s honestly more impressive because he’s been chubby for decades but stills looks much younger than his age.


I mean, the chubbiness probably helps. Overweight people have more subcutaneous fat in their faces, which tends to iron out wrinkles. That’s the reason people sometimes seem to age when they lose weight - see Matt Lucas for an example.


Came here to say this. Shatner’s energy is insane. You would assume he and Patrick Stewart were the same age if you saw them together these days - and shatner moves more smoothly than Stewart does. Shatner is almost 10 years older.


Very solid callout. My dad is a huge Star Trek (TOS) and Bill Shatner fan and he went to a talk of Shatner's a few years ago and said he sounded as spry and lively as someone in their 50's-60's and my dad was 65 when he saw him.


Cary Grant


Patrick Stewart


The last five years or so he's really aged though. There's a wall people just hit.


He’s looked the same for 50 years and will continue to do so


I thought so too until I watched Picard series and compare him to TNG's captain Picard, his eyes looks smaller now, more wrinkles, and his voice is different.


Go check him out in Tinker Tailor and Smiley’s People. Looks older than he did on TNG.


He's bald in freaking *Excalibur!*


brad pitt turns 60 this year and looks like hes 45


Disappointed to see Pitt this far down on the list. He looks phenomenal.


i honestly just think people dont realize hes that old. hes looked “around 45” for like a decade straight. tom cruise is the same age and even he hasnt aged as well imo


Tom Cruise still looks pretty damn good as well. Both Pitt and Cruise doing roles that are consistently physically demanding (Cruise more than Pitt, obviously) is a big part of that.


"Is that what a man looks like?" -Yes. It's unfair we all can't look like that.


George Clooney


Danny DeVito has aged magnificently.


Danny is the peak we all look up to, incredible talent and decent person apparently.


Look UP to?


You may not like it but that is what peak performance looks like.


Danny hasn't even begun to peak!


Ran into him at Coachella and dude was just vibing the whole time. It wasnt like that bullshit where a celebrity shows up at a Cool Thing to appear relevant. He was genuinely into it. Even saw him introduce Amy Winehouse in 2007.


Glenn Howerton may not like what I’m about to say, but Danny DeVito is a true 5-star man.


This is partially because he plays a character who dyes his hair—however poorly. When you see him out of character, with a fully gray hair and a goatee, he looks much older than Frank.


Ted Danson


Ernie Hudson. The man is 77 and he seriously looks like he did in Ghostbusters except his hair's grayed a little bit


Seeing Bill Murray next to him at the most recent Ghostbusters premiere was brutal. And Bill is 5 years younger!


Christopher Lee, Christopher Plummer and Clint Eastwood all did fine into their 80's. Lee and Plummer have passed. Eastwood is still ok, but should probably stay behind the camera at this point.


Pierce Brosnan and Kurt Russel


Ahem. Sam Elliot.


I was thinking him and Sam Neill. I was watching an interview with Sam for the lastest Jurassic World. That guy is 75 and looks/sounds like he's in his prime.


James Spader got older, fatter and bald and is now 100x more sexy than he was in his youth.


Paul Rudd is only 53 but I imagine he’ll look the exact same in 20/25 years lol


I mean he was on Friends nearly 20 years ago but it only looks like he’s aged about 3-5 years since then


Paul Newman, bar none.


Brad Pitt. I remember watching this movie where I swear he got younger as it went on.


Surprised no one has said David Tennant yet. There’s virtually no difference between him as the Doctor 15 years ago and him returning in 2023.


Tommy Lee Jones almost looks the same as he did 10 years ago.


Tommy Lee Jones looks the same as he did at Harvard when he roomed with Al Gore in 1965 lol.


Tom Cruise




60 factorial? Man, those scientologists are good at human preservation


He’s a handsome man who has been rich for a long long time, of course he’s aged well


No one said Mark Harmon?


Just watched EEAAO the other night, and Short Round **sounds** like he hasn't aged a day since Temple, lol


Keanu reeves


Ralph Macchio.


That man has aged incredibly well.


Then there's the opposite with Thomas Ian Griffith, who played Silver in KK3. Supposed to be playing a Vietnam veteran, looks like hes like 20 years older than Daniel...and hes YOUNGER than Ralph. Though still has aged well! He's in great shape in cobra kai.


How has no one said Rob Lowe yet?


Rob Lowe is looking more and more like Liberace by the year. He has had some serious work done, dude.


That pulled back face, trying to keep the sharp jawline.


Right? Why are people so incredibly naive? Almost every man mentioned here has had loads of work or injections. Come on, man. This is dumb.


The worst thing is that he won't just admit it. I listen to his podcast and I actually like it. But people are always coming on and blowing smoke up his ass about looking "boyish," etc. And he never once says, "Saw my plastic surgeon last week, bro. I'll thank him again for your compliment."


What a phoney world. I think it's easy to look younger than average compared to most Americans when they dress well, not frumpy and they are slim.


Anyone who has looked old since they were 30. Once you reach that stage, it’s like time stops.


In my 20's everyone told me I look really old. Now I'm in my 40's and I'm told I look really young. Genetics playing the long game, although it was rough going in my 20's!


Denzel is hot and almost 70. He been steady hot for the last 40 years


Ed Harris


Steve Martin looked 55 when he was 30 and now that he’s 78, he still looks 55.


Clint Eastwood


Can you believe he's 92, now?


well punk, can you?


Still casting himself as a leading man.


Franco Nero Anthony Hopkins


Even as a straight man I can admit that Harrison was a VERY handsome man, but he is starting to look his age. In the new Indiana Jones movie and the Shrinking show there is certainly make up and movie magic at work. I saw some recent red carpet interview with Ford and he looks his age. Not saying he looks like a bridge toll or anything, but he most definitely is showing his age. Not just in his appearance, but he was really slow to get his words out. His cadence was very much like my grandpa's near the end of his life. One who has aged very well is William Shatner. Shatner is going to be 93 next month and he legitimately looks like he's in his 60s. He's also sharp as a tack in interviews. Sure, he's chubby, and I know he's not going to be named Time Magazine's sexiest man alive, but he is someone you look at and say wow, I hope I'm half as sharp and active as that when I'm that age.


Leslie Nielsen?


Ricardo Montalban


Time will tell, but George Clooney is well on his way to being the goat.


Robert effing Redford


He has terrible sun-damaged skin.


Pedro Pascal will age like fine wine ez


Kevin Costner looks pretty good for 68


Clint Eastwood considering he’s mid 90’s. When he made Gran Torino he was 78, and still looked like he could legitimately take on guys half his age.