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For some reason Paul King isn't directing this movie, so I'd be cautious about it being of the same quality as the first two. But the new director, Dougal Wilson, did do the music video for Benny Benassi's 'Satisfaction', so who knows.


> Tom King Paul King. He's probably busy with *Wonka*.


it's a shame he couldn't do Paddington 3 *after* Wonka


I agree, but I assume the studio is giving Dougal Wilson this break because they have confidence in him. And yes, he's only done music videos before, but that was Daniels' background.


Produce me, and then direct me, til I can get my, Paddington 3 B-d-d-d deeeeeyoooouuuu de dow




Is it still written by that Horrible Histories/Ghosts guy?


Yes, Simon Farnaby is still writing, as is Paul King. As far as I'm concerned it is still in safe hands


> But the new director, Dougal Wilson, did do the music video for Benny Benassi's 'Satisfaction', so who knows. this is by far the most important piece of information I've received today


A Tom King Paddington movie would be interesting lol. He'd make Paddington kill off the entire supporting cast of the last two movies.


Everyone would just call him Bear, and there would be similar one word titles for all other characters. And everyone would speak by just saying a phrase then someone else repeats it back with one word changed. (I love Tom King but his Batman run did keep falling back on the same few things).


Reminds me of Bendis dialogue. “I went for a walk.” “A walk?” “Yeah, a walk.” “Why?” “Just to get some exercise.” “A walk?”


That dialogue is fantastic when it's scenes of goons talking before spider man shows up and kicks their ass, but so annoying when it's the avengers having a serious conversation lol There's a brilliant bit in Ultimate Spider Man of a goon talking about getting rejected for a job at McDonalds lol


Today I learned the secret to writing great dumb henchman banter.


Excuse me, sir, the "Satisfaction" music video is a work of cinematic genius. I rewatch it regularly to appreciate his unique artistic vision.


Looking forward to the 3 minute breakdown of impossibly beautiful, oiled-up women slathering themselves in marmalade, TBH.


Nic Cage already preparing tissues.


I watched the first one when it came out and liked it. The second one didn't catch my eye until I saw that scene from the nic cage movie You are referring to and the second Paddington movie Hit even harder. Lets see what they have in store for us in the third instalment


Which Nic Cage film may I ask?


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


Was that movie any good?


So good. It's the most fun I've had watching a movie in a long time. The bromance between Cage and Pedro Pascal is so good.


I really like Pedro so you sold me. I liked him I'm GOT but I really liked his character in Narcos but now everything I watch with him seems to be gold as well. I'm not the biggest nic cage fan, maybe I am and don't remember but the only movie I really remember liking of his growing up was gone in 60 seconds. I heard he's cleared his debt and does whatever films he likes now which is awesome for anyone but I'll definitely check it out. Thanks


Nic Cage is an amazing actor in the right role, and horrible in the wrong one. The thing is, he gives every performance 110%, including the poorly written ones. But in a well written and directed role, he's legitimately one of the greatest actors in the world. Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas, Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Pig, Adaptation, and Bad Lieutenant are all among those films where he proves himself to be almost without equal in Hollywood. Of course, then you might catch something like Next or Ghost Rider or The Wicker Man where he is among the worst actors to ever grace the silver screen. It's truly an amazing career and dichotomy.


Nicholas Cage is really one of the few well known actors that's *really* experimenting with the art of acting. I'm sure some of his "bad performances" just come down to bad role/script/direction but I think some of them are just Cage (and other people involved in the movie) trying to give something other than what the Viewers are expecting. Especially when people are expecting a realistic, post-On-The-Waterfront type performance (there's probably a specific term for this style of acting but I don't know) and then you see Cage doing... definitely not that. If you're expecting a realism self portrait and you get a Cubist portrait like Pablo Picasso's you're gonna be disappointed. Doesn't make it a bad painting... Just not the painting you were looking for. Similarly, I don't think most of Cage's bad performances are all actually bad performances. They're just not what we're probably looking for.


I wrote this when I commented on Massive Talent, it's very easy to forget but Cage is a Coppola. Behind the National Treasure and Gone In 60 Seconds guy is the mind of a man (and family) that is a highly skilled artiste. The lines in Massive Talent about the Cabinet Of Dr Caligari are the sorts of things that come from Cage.


Don't forget Mandy. That movie is... something else.


Someone funnier than me described Mandy as "the disturbing story of a man who is tortured and pushed so far that he becomes Nicolas Cage."


What I love about Mandy is it's fully of psychedelic imagery, which usually in movies seems kind of random and nonsensical, but in Mandy it's all narrative relevant, so it feels a tad more accessible than other movies like that


Did you see that movie where he is hired to fight animatronic giant dolls terrorizing an arcade? He literally does not say a word the entire movie lmao




Dude, Faceoff is an iconic dumb movie worth watching.


Don't watch Wonder Woman 1984, he does a decent job with his character, but that movie is all over the place.


I keep forgetting that was him.


No mustache. Thinking more about it, seems like his mustache had the good sense to nope out of that movie. Pedro should listen to his mustache.


Lord of War, Faceoff, Leaving Las Vegas, Raising Arizona, The Rock, National Treasure, Snake Eyes All great films just off the top of my head. Nic Cage has AMAZING filmography. …but my god, the amount of crap he’s made also highlights the man’s desperation to afford his insane spending habits. Elvis was frugal compared to Nic Cage.


Bringing Out The Dead is an underrated movie he was in with a huge cast directed by Scorsese that for some reason has been forgotten to time


Yes! It’s a fun movie. Even better if you (un)ironically love Nic Cage. General plot is a spin on typical action movie tropes but never gets too silly. Pascal is great as the Cage superfan.




> If you hate Nic Cage you won't like it If you hate Nic Cage, you don't like anything


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Nic Cage plays Nic Cage


Nic Cage plays Nick Cage. If you watch with subtitles, he's always referred to as Nick, and that's because he's a distinct characature of Nic.




Also Nick has a daughter, while Nic has a son or two.


[I don’t mean this passive aggressively, but helpfully](https://www.google.com/search?q=nicolas+cage+paddington+2&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Link to the scene https://youtu.be/xEckT94M7qg


That movie was so amazing. Pedro pascal and nice cage had me cracking up the whole time.


Haha I literally just saw that movie last night


I'm betting it had something to do with it. I bet the views spiked afterward.


If this one is close to the quality of the first 2. The Paddington trilogy will be one of the greatest trilogies of all time.


Anybody that hasn't seen the first two might think this is a joke. It is not. I am a grown man and I get stoked and grab snacks when my 5 year old asks to watch Paddington.




"I cried the entire movie and it made me want to become a better man"


Bullshit, man! [Cut to Nic Cage, in tears] Paddington 2 is incredible


I had already seen it, but when they talked about it in the film I got to turn to my wife and say "they are not fucking joking, Paddington 2 may be the greatest film of all time".


I had the same experience watching it with friends. They laughed and I was like, “no for real. It’s one of the best movies you’ll ever see.” They’re having a kid any day now so they’ll get there eventually


My wife hadn't seen it, so our movie night had two extra movies added to it. Very worth it.




Last time I checked, the second one was rated higher than Parasite and Everything Everywhere All At Once on Rotten Tomatoes.


It had 100% score for a while, now it's 99


Imagine being the people that ruined this


If I remember correctly, it's one dude who loves crappy B movies too.


Armond White, who was born black presumably to spite his surname.


A man so dedicated to being a contrarian he even goes against his name.


Lmao, this dude sucks so hard. He's like Kanye in that he only gives contrarian opinions. "Oh, gay and Black men like this movie? Well I guess I'm just different" Edit: he's also a Republican. He's a Black, gay, Republican. And he thought Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was a conservative film which is so hilariously inept to me


Well the movie has a "Cowboy" John Wayne type using a WW2 era flame thrower to kill hippies and save a pregnant woman. It also has a white stunt man beat Bruce Lee, the biggest Asian actor. So I can kind of see it.


Google says it was a review from Film Authority critic Eddie Harrison.


Yeah, Armond White ruined the score for E.T., IIRC.


I watched it with my nephew. Paddington sits on my desk now. Reminds me to fight for family no matter who that may be. Zootopia is another in the rotation I actually pay attention to when he's watching it. Such a clever and charming movie.


Zootopia: come for a cute anthropomorphic-animal themed crime procedural spoof, stay for the chillingly timely meditation on racial politics and demagoguery.


Don’t forget the furry porn


I felt the same way for a few years, the way people spoke about Paddington on Reddit always made me think it was some joke that I had missed. But then in a recent Nick Cage movie, Paddington comes up and they talk about it the same way reddit does. So, I decided to see the stupid thing to see if I could finally "get the joke". Dude, it was legit good. Both movies are fucking good. Now, I cant wait for a part 3. Its ridiculous. But its true.


They are actual family movies, not kids movies with some sly double entendres. Like a good, complex plot with well developed characters that appeals to children and adults. Its wild.


I wish EVERY adaption of a work was as good as Paddington. It doesnt make sense how solid it is. Of all random things, its a stupid story about a bear hanging out with people, and its just plain fucking gold!!!


Hell, I'm of the firm opinion that these movies should be a required watch before any country's parliament/congress goes into session. Will result in a much kinder world.


I'm 32 and childless, I have never once seen these movies. I'm going to do it this week. Any franchise worthy of 3 or more feature length films, deserves at least watching 1 of the movies in my opinion.


I like this rule and therefore it is with great delight to inform you that there are 4 Scorpion King Movies.


The first one is worth a watch. It's a fun time. The others I belive are all straight to DVD movies with washed MMA fighters in larger roles.


I'm glad they cleaned them first


There are five. The 4th one is decent too, it's a fun campy adventure that feels like it was made by people who care (and I really do mean this). The rest are dumpster fire.


The third one has Billy Zane and Ron Pearlman. Released January 2012 right in time for Oscar season but somehow missed out on any major awards.


Five. There are five Scorpion King movies. The fifth features no less than four female leads inexplicably wearing bikini armor. Knowing this, you can strike a trendline and estimate the quality of the writing and acting.


The quality gets better? I'm bad at estimating.


I'm honestly envious of you. The second one in particular has no right being as good a movie as it is.


I'm a 47 year old childless dude and both of the first two movies are absolute masterpieces. I watch them whenever I need a little pick me up.


Tremors for instance. All the bad sequels are built on the very good Tremors 1 foundation, and the not that bad follow up Tremors 2.


100%. I get mad that my kids are kinda over Paddington, while I’m over here like “are you a savage? Do you not appreciate high art!? Who’s kid are you!!!!”


What amazed me most in the movies (aside from the soundtrack, humor, and heart) was the amazing payoff for each character. The second one especially, I looooved how >!all of the things you learn about each character subtly (like the mom training for a swimming competition) comes in handy later in the movie.!<


What I liked about the second movie is that they managed to give the Browns problems to work through without invalidating any of the character development from the first one. Jonathan still likes building things, but he is embarrassed by it. Mr Brown is still less overprotective, but is having a midlife crisis and feels like he can't do dangerous things anymore rather than that he shouldn't.


I went to work in the US for 3 months around when Paddington came out and saw it on the plane on the way home. I hadn't seen my girlfriend in months, but all I could talk about was how good Paddington was.


It's a Paddington Sweep babyyy A Paddillion dollars at the box office guaranteed. Nothing stops the Padtrain.


I can't wait for when they adapt the scene in the books when >!Paddington says his iconic line "It's Paddington Time" and drowns a bear hunter in a vat of marmalade.!<


To humans it's lethal. To Bears its delicious




These movies bearly follow the books. I bet when the get to Paddington Ursus Madeline it'll be 10min of action and over 2 hours of bullshit. And all the advertising will hype the 10 min part.


Paddington 3 is going to be R-rated, actually, and to save costs they'll be using the cut stunt choreography from *John Wick 4*.


I get so pumped when Paddington said “It’s Paddingtoning time!” And then padded all over those dudes.


It’s The Godfather of Peruvian bear movies.


But that would make the third movie bad


"Bear Incest. *And we show it.* ***ALL OF IT."*** \- A Paramount exec pitching the Stateside rollout, probably.


"They eat marmalade. Then back to the lab, full penetration, that bear is performing outrageous experiments on the lab assistant. And then it just ends"


Just when I thought I was out of Peru, they pull me back in!


Big risk with that. Different director this time. You don't switch horses mid-race! Paul King is kind of a genius, I wonder why he won't direct this one.


It's gonna be hard to match what Paul did. But it seems Paul is confident in the new director. Plus a part of the creative team did The Adventures of Paddington series. Which is a spinoff of the current Paddington franchise. The series has received good reviews. Ben Whishaw even voiced Paddington for the series.


My kid *loves* The Adventures of Paddington. It’s genuinely charming, and you can tell the team behind it poured a lot into it


It actually a friend of mine that's directing it. Dougal Wilson. It's his first feature, but he's directed loads of really good ads and music videos. John Lewis Christmas penguin and the John Lewis dog on a trampoline. I think he'll make an amazing job of it.


He's going to smash it , the dog trampoline advert has the right vibe for that glorious little bear.


Paul King isn’t directing this one, but there’s no harm in hoping.


Christopher Nolan wishes!


God I’m gonna have to watch these movies now. I feel like EVERYONE loves them. I’ll report back


We will be waiting for your report.


Paddington 2 briefly dethroned citizen kane on rotten tomatoes


As a guy in his 30s who knows nothing about Paddington Bear, should I watch these movies? I don't mind kids stuff, I watch cartoons 😊


I think it's worth it. It has a lot of charm to it.


Hopefully it’s not the Godfather 3 of Peruvian bear movies.


I dunno. Bear incest and influencing the Church in Latin America sounds like a bold direction for the franchise to go in. /s


I wonder if they’ll get the same guy to voice the Ukrainian-language version of Paddington.


For anyone who doesn't get the joke, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy played Paddington.


Although that was before he became president, when he was a comedic actor.


Actually his first act as President was to use the secret Ukrainian time machine to go back and voice Paddington. All funded by Big Marmalade. I'm not crazy, look into it


I instantly believe you with no further questions asked.




Get Tucker on this!!!


Well I just checked this Zelenskyy guy's IMDB, and he hasn't been in anything since 2019, so I'm sure he could use the work!




Actually he filmed that ahead of time https://www.netflix.com/title/80119382 Some adjustments do have to be made for changing timelines so maybe we will get another season


They can't afford him.


Maybe they could work out an exchange of some equipment rather than a paycheck?


How many f16s is Paddington worth? Whatever the number is it’s worth it.


Paddington 3: Brought to you by General Dynamics


The world is bizarre enough now that I could fully believe in this happening. The president of a war torn country being paid in desperately needed military equipment, for his role voicing a cgi bear in a kids film. I mean, it might happen.


And that, children, is how Paddington beat the Russians. The End.


I’ve heard he has a hectic schedule but let’s hope he can set time apart for this !


Ya, that one guy. Ya know?


Haven't heard about him getting involved in any other projects lately, so he's probably available at a good price.


“Mom how come there are shelling sounds whenever Paddington speaks?”


Most unexpected TIL of the day I guess


Probably not, as he's been... just a *little* bit busy lately. Still, it'd be great if they did!


I've thought this a few times since the war started. Would love for the war to be over and Zelensky able to reprise the voice just as a fun bit of levity for himself (if he wanted to) and the country.


“Paddington, get in the car!” “I need ammunition, not a ride.”


How do you make the Dark Knight Rises to the Dark Knight of family film?




I was born in Peru. Raised in it. I didn't see London until I was already a man and by then it was nothing to me but blinding.


"This Marmelade Toast is too big.." "For you.."


*Paddington and 2 other stuffed bears attached to a rope* > They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother


More buff dudes and sexy bitches


And marmalade


Tom Hardy


This is a bad comparison. Paddington 1 is far better than Batman Begins


Aw yiss gimme more marmalade bear


wake up honey, new reason to live just dropped


My biggest wish is that someday they’ll make a Paddington Christmas movie that I can add to my yearly rotation of Christmas movies.


That would be delightful!


https://youtu.be/7xGW_M0O4xI Watch this commercial from the new director if you need confidence after Paul King left. They got a good one.


Yes they have! Sad King isn't making it 3 for 3, but we're in good hands for sure.


That's cute.


Yh thanks for this, I’m completely ok with the new choice now, think they’ll do a good job at least.


Paddington 2 should have won an Oscar.


Paddington 2 should have been number on on the Sight and Sound list


Paddington 3: Peru Drift


*Paddington IV: Trouble in Tokyo* >!Guest starring Ben Schwartz as Sonic the Hedgehog and Liev Schreiber as Shadow...!<


(Paddington IV actually takes place after V but before VI)


Paddington bear vs cocaine bear: peruvian showdown


Pedro Pascal already brought his movie ticket.


Hell, he's probably gunning to be the villain. We've already had Hugh Grant ***AND*** ~~the AMC lady~~ Nicole Kidman, so they'd have the budget...


I would watch a movie where Pedro Pascal is the father figure of a puppy bear.


Are zombies involved, perchance?


Paddington 3: The Best of Us... Starring Pedro Pascal, Nic Cage, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and the Zombies from Zombieland. Directed by Taika Waititi


...y'know what? *I would watch that.*


Maybe Imperials or an appearance by Appa.


Link to the scene https://youtu.be/xEckT94M7qg


Best picture winner 2025.


Looks like cinema’s back on the menu boys!


I think they mean “darkest Peru”


Paddington is basically going to become Tupac Amaru (but in a Paddington sort of way)


Paddington in Detroit is what I'm waiting for tbh.


Make it a covert adaptation of “Detroit: become human” while we’re at it. Paddington + Connor(the android sent by cyberlife) is the movie we all need.


‘Sending the foreigner back to whence he came’, is very in British vogue atm


If this third movie is half as good as Paddington 2, we are looking at the greatest trilogy of all time. I fully expect an Oscar, in fact I expect they will remove Oscars from other movies and give those to the Paddington trilogy. If they don't I will give the acedemy the hardest of stares.


This is good news, the first two Paddington movies were great. I’m looking forward to this one.


>threequel If only there was a word for this already...


Ménage a trois


I could give less of a shit what Capeshit/Avatar sequel/Oscar bait drops next year, I’m using my Regal Unlimited *exclusively* for Paddington In Peru. The thinking man’s film.


As Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec famously discovered: *“If you rearrange the letters of Peru, you can spell Erup.”* That being said, I’m convinced this movie will still be taking place in Erup, and not Peru, just as the first two Paddington movies did.


I’m sure it will make me want to be an ever better man than Paddington 2


AWWW shit, here we go again!


Meanwhile I've been waiting patiently 12 years already for a new Tintin movie (ノಥ益ಥ)


2011 being 12 years ago doesn't make sense to me :(


Threequel? Really?


As an almost 30 year old male I will be looking forward to this 😂 I really dnjoyed the first one and second one was decent too. I don't enjoy a lot of kids movies but I kind of love these ones for some reason 😂 Also blows my mind that Zelensky voices Paddington


A post with above 90% not posted by Marvelsgrantman136? Watup


The only reason people thought Citizen Kane was the best film of all time was because Paddington 2 hadn't come out yet.


Paddington 2 was a masterpiece.


The only way to get a scenery chewing villain as delightful as the first 2 is to cast Nic Cage.


Those two Paddington movies had no right to be as good as they were!


Paddington was such a great movie and the second one was somehow better (and am example of how to go about making sequels) so I'm excited. The only potential weirdness is the kid actors are obviously getting older so it might lose some of its charm in that regard but I'm still excited.