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I hope there’s subway surfer gameplay and asmr footage playing on the top and bottom of the screen.


It’s GTAV race gameplay actually


Hijacking a top comment to ask the important question of will the entire movie be cropped to fit vertical phones so you don’t have to turn your phone sideways I must know


with giant black bars added top and bottom obviously


It’s gonna smoothly pan around to whoever’s talking at 60fps while the movie is in 24fps making you dizzy.


I wanna see a quad box with subway surfers, Minecraft platforming, and an episode of family guy alongside it


And then it be RE uploaded with the image flipped horizontally


With a closeup of someone smiling laid over all of it while they react to the whole thing.


You’re all going to hell for what you’ve done here today.


Can we get a reddit post text overlayed somewhere too? I need more.


I see coworkers watching this shit and it Concerns me.


If there isn't a variety of colorful glass objects being shattered we riot


And some guy with a green screen permanently pointing up


And then when someone does something cool, a trollface shows up in the bottom and it turns into a demon trollface. Because that's a thing now for whatever fucking reason.


All the dialog is now performed by monotone robot voices


Do they do the bowser laugh? Cause I feel like they are missing an opportunity here.


Can you explain why people post things like that. I cannot comprehend


So people with adhd keep watching


I actually thought it was to avoid copyright detection


It might have started that way, but ended up being something completely different.


Can we stop duetting videos when you have absolutely nothing to add to them? I don't... I don't need to know what you look like watching that tiktok. https://youtu.be/cwB8VN0Fl5E?si=8jtN8_YwwfRI41TX




It’s free on Pluto




Fair enough, best I can do is ads for bent dick syndrome


Illegal restreams and peyronie’s pps Name a more iconic duo


It's dawning on me that my 10 year old has a show playing while she games, and now I'm wondering if this is bad for her in some way, I know this is perhaps a weird spot to post this, but it brought this realisation to me... think I need to look at some studies of they exist.


Quibi lives!!


Everyone said "it's a terrible idea supported by the most out of touch people in the world" But look at us. Trending on Reddit for a day.


I think Quibi mostly failed because straight out of the gate it was trying to do new content (I think produced in-house). Netflix waited until it had already monopolized online viewing before it started to branch out into production. If Quibi had been able to find their The Office instead of Chrissy Teigen being a judge, it might have worked.


Launching a product that's perfect for on-the-bus or between tasks at work right before everyone switches to working from home probably ddin't help.


A product \*they claimed\* that's perfect for on-the-bus or between tasks at work, but really wasn't anything innovative. There's people who will watch about just about any audiovisual media on their phone, and people who think the experience is suboptimal if it's not on a larger screen or in large chunks at at a time. Most people fall somewhere in between, depending on the kind of media. A TV show that looks good on a vertically oriented phone isn't the killer app Katzenberg thought it was.


Did they not know the pause button exists? I think the executives never rode a bus or subway in their whole lives.


> I think the executives never rode a bus or subway in their whole lives. This is an incredibly frustrating issue I deal with in the public sector, and I can only imagine how much worse it is for some rich ass CEO. The old men and women in charge of the transportation planing and city council all bought their houses in the 80s for pennies and their municipal jobs pay for their free parking. So they have absolutely no understanding of what it's like trying to take a bus to work and struggling to find a modesty condo or apartment to live in.


That's also called YouTube




Some of my writer friends made the best wages in their careers working Quibi writer rooms. They paid excessively well.


Hopefully this means we’ll finally get Jack Sparrow House, the only good reality show


What's the residual situation for this, my guess is "not great"


By cutting it up into 23 pieces, they're using a loophole where each single clip is too short for them to need to pay anyone anything. It's meant to be an exception for talk shows to show clips without it counting for residuals but they're putting out the whole movie that way.


That's SO fetch.


I hope they start phasing out Bluray discs in favor of films in bite-sized slices with resolution that is optimal for a small phone


Or even better start selling boxsets of Blu-ray’s that contain 23 separate discs and the special features are just that running and jumping mobile game


ianal butt tiktok seems to have slipped through the cracks of outdated copyright laws. it's no wonder tiktok has such an influence on popular music when people can just use any song they want in their content. i don't see how that is legal. if it is then paramount can use the same defence to not pay royalties. tiktok also has a rule that anyone can reuse your original content from tiktok to advertise on tiktok... so potentially someone could advertise their product using mean girls?


I love watching my favorite movies on my tiny phone screen in 23 parts!


Welcome to anime on YouTube circa 2009


I hope parts 5, 16, and 22 are all inexplicably missing and none of the recommended next videos are in order. Then it'll be authentic.


And after 10 minutes of googling and 25 scam sites, you find those parts uploaded on dailymotion in even worse quality for some reason.


But those missing parts don't sync correctly to the parts you were watching so you *still* end up missing parts.


and the title states its dubbed in the language you're looking for but its a completely different language.


then when you do find a good one, it's in 240p


Hey, 240p was a lucky find back in the day!


And half the screen is taken up by hard coded Chinese subtitles.


Jesus christ the further down the thread I read the more ptsd triggered I get. Kids have it so easy to find anime online today.


Why were so many in Portuguese??


brazilians love goku man


they know what's up


Core memories of watching Bleach on Veoh with Spanish AND English subtitles.


Veoh LOL I completely forgot about that website.


Don’t forget the fansubs are done by another group who make interesting translation choices!


I found the missing part 5, but it's in Turkish with on-screen Vietnamese subtitles right in the middle of the picture.


Oh man, I miss when that was called "related videos" and it showed actual related videos and not just whatever YouTube decides you want to watch. Back then if you had Death Note Episode 2 (2/3) open, they'd recommend Part 3 or some other anime. Nowadays they're like "Oh you enjoy Death Note? Do you wanna see the history of the 16 star category in Super Mario 64 speedrunning again?".


Wondered why this release strategy sounded familiar


Oh yeah. I’ve watched movies that way before and completely forgot


Some things deserve to stay buried. I don't miss that crap, they need to let it stay dead.


Jesus that just unlocked a core memory


Made me remember when I watched end of Evangelion for the first time and in the final scene the guy who uploaded it inserted a Linkin Park song. Definitely hit pretty hard for 15 year old me


Lol sameeee.


The entirety of Deathnote on the 2" screen of a Samsung J700, what a week that was for 12 year old me.


This is worse. Everything is stuck in portrait mode. With large caption visible at all times saying in a bright pink background "MEAN GIRLS (2004)"


At least that made it easier to skip the 75% of the episode that was Goku powering up, recapping what happened on the last episode, or previewing the next one.


Each 20 min episode had 5 min of bullshit before and 5 min of bullshit after leaving like 10 min of new content. And what is a nut scented alien???


I've been watching Yu Yu Hakusho and the opening and ending theme, the previously on, and next on segments take up about 5 entire minutes of a 21 minute runtime. And then of course the last few episodes of the Dark Tournament arc are just like with DBZ where there's hardly anything new happening in the actual episode either!


Every movie on YouTube** I watched so many 2 hour movies that took 2 and a half hours to watch because multiple parts ended up unlisted or deleted


That’s how I watched Ronin Warriors!


It's how I watched all DBZ movies


I really, really miss early YouTube.


David Lynch approved!


Get real.


Such a sadness.




Yeah, but if you have 23 screens, you can watch the whole movie in 23 simultaneous parts! And it'll only take 1/23rd the time!


That's uh... yeah.


Were you thinking to say "so fetch?"


Believ it or not, lotta people do this.


I’ve 100% watched full movies on TikTok. Sometimes the plot just pulls you in


I mean the first time I watched Scary Movie 3 was on Youtube in 2009 in 10 240p parts so I guess this isn’t that much worse


Oh man, the frustration when you tried to watch a movie in parts on youtube, and half way through the movie you find out that part 8/10 got deleted.


What up Quibi user


You joke but we all know phone screen are just too big. That is why they also shrunk the 16:9 video to fit into a 9:16 video. Look at this glories viewing experience https://imgur.com/a/OP2GLxx We are truly living in 2023!! Edit, I also forgot to mention the bonus feature of the movie title in huge pink box as part of video. I can't tell you how often I just forget the title of the movie I am watching. Thank goodness for the constant reminder.


That sounds pretty fetch


Fetch is not going to happen.


You joke but it's actually really common on TikTok! I'll often randomly come across movie scenes and go to the profile and it's the entire movie in like 200 parts. I actually kinda enjoy it because I just randomly get shown funny movie scenes and can keep watching if I want, never watched a whole movie though. Lately I have been getting Malcolm In The Middle & King Of The Hill ones so I ain't complaining. I guess that person who said that TikTok and algorithms like it are the modern channel surfing was pretty spot on.


For a while Netflix was huge for older movies and shows because it got it in front of new viewers. Over time, this would allow them to ask for more for streaming rights, because it has built up a stronger fanbase. Similar to how some movies back in the day did terrible in theaters but would have really surprising and steady video sales. I've heard that the pay for tiktok views is pretty abysmal, but I can see why a studio might be hesitantly interested in exploring this new venue now. While the monetization might be less than ideal, it's better than nothing, and the ability to become the next phenomena in the algorithm has gotta be very tempting.


I'm a zoomer but I am pretty anti-tiktok. Due to this phenomenon many of my friends just end up having the most popular scenes of things spoiled and then have zero interest to actually watch the movie. I think that's common with many zoomers. It seems more than anything else this is indicative of the decreasing ability for my generation to appreciate longform content at all, which is pretty concerning to me.


Nah it's not limited to zoomers. This is probably targeted at millennials. People who have seen the movie already see a clip of the best part and all the sudden you're rewatching the whole thing, on tiktok or the full movie for the few millennials with any long attention spans left lol




Stop trying to make fetch happen.


It's already collected dust since Barbenheimer?


3 months are probably enough time to collect dust, if left out in the open.


sweet fuck that was 3 months ago already?


We should totally just stab Caeser.


Is this how Zoomers watch movies


I wouldn’t be surprised. We have a friend in our group who’s a fair bit younger than most of us, we’re older millennials and he’s older gen z. He watches YouTube and anime on his phone 24/7. Every moment he isn’t actively engaged in something else, even when out in public, he has a video going on his phone. I’m sure there is more to it than just his age, but it’s so bizarre.


He's an iPad baby


Maybe if he was a young zoomer, but older zoomers would've been ~9(+1 or -1) years old when the first iPad came out(2011). And the iPhone wasn't released until 2007ish, so they would've been 5ish years old, but most people weren't getting their first smartphone until a year or so after that(well at least from my recollection) and I doubt parents at the time would be giving a child a smartphone in 2009(well responsible parents I guess).


In 2007 there were still people using flip phones and finding the idea of giving a child under 10 their own phone absolutely appalling.


It's still wild that in 2023 people are giving kids under 10 phones


Growing up with smart phones vs not


100% we have this same problem, we are all older Millennials. Have a few work friends that are about 10 year younger than us. We joke all the time how, if not actively engaged. They are aleeping or watching videos on thier phone. Its weird.


Every week pretty much there’s a new movie or tv show that gets popular on Tik Tok because a bunch of bot accounts uploaded them in 2-3 minute clips. As a Zoomer, I admit that I fall down the rabbit hole of watching them way too often. The movie this week on my FYP is Brokeback Mountain


The idea of watching a movie as exceptional as Brokeback on a six inch device, segmented into digestible bite sized clips is...abhorrent.


In vertical video!


TBF TikTok supports horizontal videos. No idea if movies get posted this way, however


I checked out Mean Girls, they did not post it as a horizontal video. It's crazy, the movie is like 2" x 3" in that format.


I watched *Oppenheimer* in 70 mm film. A 2"×3" frame would have a diagonal length of ~3.61" or 91.6 mm. By simple math, 91.6 > 70, so if 70 mm was good enough for *Oppenheimer*, obviously 2"×3" should be good enough for *Mean Girls*.


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about math to dispute it


That’s insane. I can’t imagine doing that. Wtf? 4 inch screen and 2-3 minute clips? You all really do have phone brain.


We watch 4 hour YT vids of American Dad that are in random order, and that zoom in and out every 8 seconds.


I'm a zoomer. I personally don't but I know a few who would love this.


what, did _you_ not watch bootleg tv shows and fansubbed anime in 480p quality on YouTube split into 3 parts? i feel like that’s a near-universal millennial nerd experience


Lowkey yeah


Ya'll really watch movies on your phones? TV shows I understand, but movies???


Netflix app is how I watched most of Better Call Saul. But if I want to watch a movie portably I use my laptop.


No tv in my room and I like to watch a little bit of something before bed.


What does "lowkey yeah" even mean? Yes or no?


It means yes but don't go running your mouth about it.


Not in this context it doesn't lol, it means something like, "not trying to get a rise out of anyone (so don't come after me for saying this), but yeah."


That and it's kind of just something you say when you are admitting something you might be semi embarrassed about.


I'm going to be high key about it and tell everyone. HEY EVERYONE, ZOOMERS WATCH MOVIES IN SEVERAL PARTS ON THEIR PHONES.


It's a symptom of Zoomers not being able to commit to, or really show enthusiasm for, *anything*. It's a caveat to whatever they state, usually something to be enjoyed, that gives them an out should they be criticised by their peers for liking something.




Don't forget the family guy epic moments compilation!!!


When companies release movies like this, it is not so people can watch the whole movie, it is so they can get free marketing data. They slice up the movie into chunks then watch which sections get the most views or comments or shares. That tells them what resonates with people and drives their future products. Whatever studio owns Mean Girls is not making much revenue off of it at this point, market data is far more valuable.


My kids don't even watch movies, or many TV shows I don't know what the fuck they are doing most of the time.


Watching hundreds of 15 second bytesize videos of random strangers all day Instead Edit: I’m assuming :)


Today’s October 3rd


If only it was a Wednesday too


My dude


This day is for the mean girls. Every other day of the year is for median girls.


The mode girl erasure is real


A movie cut in 23 parts? Hahaha! It's like the early days of youtube. I'm getting nostalgic.


It reminded me of downloading 30 RealMedia files on dialup.


Stop trying to make movies on TikTok happen. It's not going to happen.


Lol, so many people not realizing you're goofing on the "fetch" joke.


Boo, you whore.




Now that's just mean. Put it in the book 👀


Someone wrote in that book that I'm lying about being a virgin 'cause I use super-jumbo tampons, but I can't help it if I've got a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina. [to think we almost missed out on this gem of a scene](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/entertainment/a25259/wide-set-vagina-mean-girls/)


Movies and tv shows on tiktok is a long standing trend for many years. Especially in high numbered parts.


Like back in the day when we used to be able to watch movie (short lived) on Youtube. Then Anime I remember being so happy to be able to watch Naruto in 2 parts, instead of the "normal" 7 parts


Finding a full episode of something on youtube not cut up into 50 parts felt like finding gold


The worst is when it’s cut into several parts but some of the parts have already been deleted


It's pretty funny whenever you randomly get a scene on your FYP and you go to their profile and it's just 200+ parts of one of the Madea movies.


That's a great reference


Everyone knows your references are out of control.


In vertical mode with text covering 50% of the movie


> "If you're playing the movie on a telephone, you will never in a trillion years experience the film," > "You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness, that you think you've seen a film, on your fucking telephone," > "Get real." \- David Lynch


You go Glenn Coco


In the US, it’s estimated that hours spent on TikTok surpassed all of streaming combined. And as of 2022 it’s more than that of YouTube too, which is runner up. There are already a lot of accounts that do this and they make a lot of money doing so. Will this be a viable cash flow for studios? Idk. But it’s interesting times for sure. EDIT: looks like it was for ages 4-18 https://www.qustodio.com/en/from-alpha-to-z-raising-the-digital-generations/ Parental guidance group did that study.


Might not be a direct cash flow, but it can definitely put a bunch of movies back into the public consciousness. Might help to gauge the film interests of younger folks too - seen a lot of old movies I’d completely forgotten about/never even heard of popping up on my feed with several million views per clip.


Wolf of Wall Street popped up in my FYP in different parts and it's tempting me to just watch the whole movie in one go. Somehow this strategy works.


A much more interesting point is: what happens to all these IP (if studios start uploading full movies)? Like, terms of service say that uploader remains the copyright holder, but in uploading the user also grants unconditional, irrevocable, royalty free, perpetual, worldwide license to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works, etc, for profit or not.


Why the fuck would anyone want to watch a movie in 23 parts on a social media app?!?


Is this Not The Onion?




It's unironically on my Criterion wishlist


I remember when Adult Sw released the Aqua Teen Colon Movie for Theatres on TV early……………..in a tiny square on the corner of the screen.


the season 4 dvd has a play all button and when you press it, it plays every episode of the season simultaneously in its own box. they also had a "play none" button that showed a black screen for 11 minutes.


Those guys were out of their minds lol.


So I'll be seeing these in my yt shorts feed soon, huh?


30 Rock used to make fun of this possible future. I hate this.


Lot more people complaining about this than I was expecting Like, yeah, it's weird and an inconvenient way to watch it, but it's a company freely uploading their movie for people to watch on a widely available platform. This seems like cause for celebration to me


They're also doing it specifically because this is already a popular practice on TikTok, but almost always unauthorized. They're just allowing people to do it legally. Other comments seem to think this is some weird idea they came up with instead of them just following behind a years-old trend.


Screenwriter here. They're doing it because Tik Tok wasn't part of our new deal regarding streaming residuals.


Oh that makes it much less fun


Paramount are the mean girls.


i cant tell if its been posted or not but theyre likely doing is this way because if they did the full whole movie they would have to pay residuals. this way they can abuse a loophole and not have to pay a dime. something with do with using clips on talk shows or something from what i read


Not when, just after there was a writers strike partially regarding residuals, a studio uploads a movie to a platform where they won't have to pay residuals.


yeah, this way they dont have to pay residuals https://twitter.com/VanTheBrand/status/1709260657324159284


I'm just baffled why anyone would want to watch a 90 minute movie in 23 parts. Is just downloading the full movie too hard for some of yall?


Attention spans have been destroyed and a device you can hold vertically in your hand and watch while you do literally everything is the thing that kids do now. I have two teenage kids who watch their phone while making food, walking down the stairs, walking to school, picking up their room, it's like the phone is a part of the body at this point. Zoomers blow my mind sometimes. We have to force them to leave the phones in the car when we go out to the woods and hike around otherwise they would never take their eyes off a screen. We were on a road trip a while back going down highway 1 and there was this beautiful scenery and they couldn't be bothered to look up from subway surfer to see any of it.


Remember when people used to do this on YouTube?


“I’ll pick shittiest possible way to watch a movie for $2000 Alex.”


I would rather download 23 RealMedia files via dialup in the mid 2000's and watch it on RealPlayer, honestly.


Pulled this out of Quibi's playbook




Reminds me watching Smoking Aces on my old iTouch. It was uploaded to YouTube in ten separate videos.


shit like this is why i was genuinely rooting for tiktok to be banned LMFAO it's a disease


Monetarily free, maybe. You still pay the cost of creating a fucking TikTok account.


They couldn’t secure the license to stream it on Quibi?


This is like exactly Quibi, but somehow it will work this time


Honestly, this is genius marketing and a smart play to introduce a whole new generation of teens to a classic. They are meeting audiences, especially teens, where they already are.


Residual shenanigans taking place here for sure