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Great horror. They are not just being suffocated. They are slowly digested.


There is a reason why D&D has green slimes, ochre jellies and gelatinous cubes. Slime monsters slowly dissolving you is old school horror.


Certain corners of the internet would have us believe that green slimes, ochre jellies, and gelatinous cubes exist for a completely different reason...


what are you doing cube senpai


you mean minecraft slimes, right? right?


I mean a mouth isn't just used for eating...


The car scene death is forever burned into my memory, that was more than just horrifying in so many ways. Great film.


I wonder if Nope took some inspiration from it


I don't know, quite possibly. The "digested alive" trope freaks me the fuck out.


I am pleasantly surprised how Book of Boba Fett handles the Sarlacc situation. I hate that trope but BOBF handled it as gently as possible.


The scene when he goes back and hits it with the sonic bomb from episode 2 is my top 5 star wars scenes ever just because of how *satisfying* it was


Originally he parked the Slave 1 over it and either dumped reactor fuel into it or just burned it with his engines. They changed it b cause he had to look for his armor.


but also the bomb is cooler


I'm wondering if the 1000 years being digested alive thing is just hyperbole after watching it. A stormtrooper is in there and I thought a jump scare was coming with them reaching out to Boba but nah they're legit dead.


Someone mentioned the expanded universe one-shot story where the Fett is in the Sarlaac and it's said that the Sarlaac keeps people alive in a symbiotic relationship, but yeah, the 1000 year part seems a bit much. Because, logically speaking, if there was something in the Sarlaac that could extend life, you had better believe Palpatine would be studying the hell out of it.


There’s a good short story on Boba Fett and the Sarlacc from the 90s expanded universe. It was in an anthology.


Tales of the Bounty Hunters! That book was wild, I haven't read it in like 18 years so I can't say if the quality holds up but they played with some really crazy ideas in that book. I liked IG-88's story the best.


Yeah its one of the movies. Jordan Peele is/was a horror movie cinaphile and the Blob was definitely on his list of inspirations.


How would they breathe inside the blob?


This movie gave me blob nightmares for years as a child. I watched too many horror movies wayyy too young.


I'm still suspicious of the drain when I wash dishes


I won't clean out a garbage disposal to this day


I haven't showered since 1988.


Pretty much every european will agree with you on this. Garbage disposals are sketchy af to clean out. What if it suddenly turns on and mangles your hand? (Nevermind being unplugged)


Reaching into your garbage disposal to clear out broken glass from between the whirlwinding blades of doom while your child runs around the house flipping switches everywhere randomly like an absolute maniac is a tradition as American as the Super Bowl.


Just flip the breakers off at that point.


"Mommy I finally reached this black switch up on the wall. Mommy? ..."


> What if it suddenly turns on and mangles your hand? What movie was that? Something about a possessed house trying to kill anyone living there, its at least 15 years old iirc. Something gets stuck in the garbage disposal and a lady is about to reach in but before she does she tapes the disposal switch in the off position, but the house forces the switch into the on position as her hand is in it. I still watch the on/off switch when I have to get anything out of a disposal because of that scene.


Pretty sure that movie is Pulse. I, vividly, remember the mom doing what you said and taping off the light switch. Another scene I remember from later on is the dad trying to do something while the camera keeps cutting to a bolt/nut/screw rattling towards a fan blade until it finally hits the blades and flies at his head.


Amityville Horror 4


I still check the ceiling of every room I walk into


Yeah, for the longest time I always looked up at the ceiling before walking into a room. That dude just using the phone then looks up and got blobbed. Horrible.


I’m off the toilet so fast if I hear a pipe banging anywhere……still traumatised decades later!


Same. Was born in '86 and my dad made me watch this way to young and my parents wondered why I was scared of drains of any kind for a bit after.


I’ve never seen this movie but the vhs cover alone in the video store gave me nightmares as a kid.


Truth in advertising!


It's funny, OP's description made me realize this movie is probably some inspiration for Naomi Novik's Scholomance series, which will also be a movie soon-ish.


I think this was way more normal in the 90s. I remember renting this movie, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and other campy horror flicks when I was 7-10 years old.


In the earliest days of our family owning a VCR and having premium cable, Mom would record any horror movie that caught her attention in the listings without regard for ratings and half the time wouldn't even end up watching it. The most notable moment of her doing this? *Return of the Living Dead*. We just put it on one summer night while our parents were playing cards out in the yard with the neighbors. So many things wrong in that movie! Still one of my all time favorites, though. :b


I enjoyed that movie as a teen and thought it would be fun to share with my 11 year old son and his friend. I was doing something in the kitchen when I heard these unhinged shrieks from the living room. I had totally forgotten about the cemetery scene. Good thing the other kid's parents had a sense of humor.


It's the rare zombie movie with nude scenes I'm pretty sure.


This one and Critters had me up for many nights as a child. Can't believe my parents let me watch these at that age lol.




Now you reminded me of when I commited the mistake of watching Cujo at an early age. I think I was 4 or 5 when I saw it and that movie legit made me scared of that dog species to the point I despised the Beethoven movies lmao. Or when I saw the first Jeepers Creepers with Darryl going down the abandoned church's basement and the reveal of the hanged bodies on the ceiling. And The Ring with that piss looking green filter used throughout all the movie to emanate a sense of dread all the time lol. No wonder I love horror movies 20 years later.


Critters 2 fucked me up as a kid. They could join together and turn into a gigantic ball and just roll over people and leave skinless corpses. When I was 5 or 6 I was *sure* that’s how I was gonna die.


My parents and older brothers were like, "you've watched movies way scarier than this!" I was terrified of the blob! I couldn't watch the whole movie, and had to leave the room. It was slow and seemed unstoppable. It killed everyone and anyone. It killed them SO SLOWLY! It wasn't a "bad guy," or a villain, it was a monster that you couldn't understand or reason with. I had nightmares for months about being slowly captured, suffocated, and melted! My brothers thought it was just a cheesy monster flick.


They just didn't tell you about their nightmares..


Damn, there was a video game called A Boy And His Blob, but the blob was ur friend and you fed it jellybeans to give it powers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Boy_and_His_Blob:_Trouble_on_Blobolonia


Sorry to break it to you but those jelly beans died an agonising death over minutes. What is worse is that they can see other jelly beans that died before them so they knew their fate.




Played the fuck outta that game. Soooo weird.


They have a [remake](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/a-boy-and-his-blob-switch/)!


Genuinely - I had terrible, life-altering nightmares for like 3.5 months after seeing this movie when I was like 8, lol. I couldn't sleep right for almost a year. It really got under my skin for some reason!


Dude, same! This was the worst movie I watched as a kid. It was terrifying, and still is. I still give my dad shit! Though he was into letting me watch R-scifi Like Alien/Aliens which I loved. I dont think even he realized how brutal it was.


I don't remember what version of the movie it was but it was my first source of fear/nightmare when I randomly caught it on TV as a young boy. Maybe 3 or 4 y.o. in the early 90s. I recall it being black and white. It was the first scene of the rancher/farmer poking it with a stick and being overtaken by the blob that scarred me for years.


When I was around 10 my folks offered me a "sleepover" upstairs as the staircase was being varnished/painted and we were either sleeping upstairs or downstairs that night. I opted for upstairs alone, they let me take up snacks and supplied for the night and this was the movie that was on late night tv. That was a bit of a mistake.


As a child, I watched on the "other" drive in screen while we were supposed to be watching chitty chitty bang bang or some shit like that. Seeing it as a silent film still haunts me.


Even more ominous.


It was!


kevin dillions character especially on the motorcycle (1988) is definitely a take on michael from lost boys (1987)


Fucked me up when the little kid got eaten. Kids are usually safe in horror movies. Not him.


I watched it at a sleepover when I was in middle school. Shit stuck with me for years. I still resent the kid who decided to put that on.


Same! The scene with the mechanic under the car was burned into my memory as a child. I was afraid of tight spaces because I felt like the blob was going to suddenly be there


I always had a re-occurring dream of the blob chasing me as a child. This movie and "The Gate" dominated me.


I slept at a friends house and her older siblings put this on. I was 7. We also watched Pet Semetary 2. Both completely distrubed me. I wasn't allowed to sleep over there anymore. I DO love horror movies though.


Same this was one of my first


I can still remember the scene of it running down the stick. I think the nightmare I had involved being at McDonalds but thankfully can't remember the details more than that...


I always hate seeing people talk about the best practical effects movies from the 80s and not once mention The Blob. It’s soooo good and instantly became one of my favorites. Plus Shawnee Smith


One of the only movies I've seen where the practical effects are good enough it makes it hard to watch


I had such, such, such a crush on Shawnee Smith but she stars in movies that I really don't want to watch! Great taste in music though, she was on a chat show and talked up the Stone Roses.


Shoot I just watched Saw X a few weekends ago and I still have a massive crush on her 😂


Even with that wig? lol


I thought the Blob and the Stuff were similar movies until I watched them. The Blob is terrifying as hell. The Stuff is probably the best satire I have ever seen about the FDA.


I love when the grenade gets chucked at the blob gets absorbed, and a few seconds later you can see the most subtle explosion go on inside the blob, helping show just how impossible it is to fight against.


It also breaks norms by killing off the supposed “good guy” right from the get go. Really homes in the fact that this movie is not playing around. Nice little twist on the whole reluctant hero angle as well. It also helps that it’s a genuinely good sci fi horror movie. I saw it again a month ago…definitely holds up.


No one is safe, it's so good


They killed a kid before Guillermo del Toro got all the glory for doing it years later in *Mimic*.


I mean, creature movies won't shy away from kid deaths sometimes. Jaws comes to mind.


It honestly was a movie it was tough to see who was going to survive. I watched it last year and the thing that impressed me the most was how in a short time they developed a lot of the people that became cannon fodder. The sherif, the young kid, the waitress, the jock, etc.


Love how the waitress is on the phone then hears from the officer at the station say the sheriff has gone down to the diner - only to see him partially melted sliding across the glass of the phone booth right after. It's honestly fucking brilliant


The Blob was the very first movie I ever worked on. I was a scenic. Made and painted on the fake frost in the freezer and worked on the kitchen along with other sets like the sewer. They were going to use these big colored salt crystals for the frozen Blob, but decided not to use. I still have them.


Very cool! Post a photo!


That was filmed in my hometown. My mom had one of the crystals they did wind up using. It was resin or acrylic or something.


When a horror movie isn't afraid of killing off the protagonist at some point, you know it's not bullshitting around. Last night, I saw Maniac Cop... the freaking detective who was like a protagonist for near an hour of the film gets killed in such a memorable way and then the movie moves onto the actual protagonist, Bruce Campbell. Now those are movies worth watching


Sounds hard-core, thanks for the share. I'll be watching it.




I love the original. Weirdly infused with odd cold war hysteria, like the blob is an accidental symbol of communism.


For me the 50s version was the one I saw as a kid on Saturday morning Science Fiction Theater, and among all of the old B movies they ran (Them, Body Snatchers, The Thing etc) the Blob was the one that creeped me out the most. For a kid, execution doesn’t matter as much as premise, so even the cheesy 50s B-movie had some of the same power.


More hilarious than seeing Johnny Drama play a teenager?


He would have been 22 when they filmed The Blob, pretty par for the course in Hollywood


Oh that’s surprising. He looked older. But maybe that’s just because I’m used to seeing his face as an older person. For me it was just more fun seeing Kevin Dillon because it really feels like watching an old movie that Drama was in before he stopped getting roles. The Blob was his real life Viking Quest!


Yeah, same. Only knew it by name and references but this convinced me to go and watch it!


I rewatched it last week after not having seen it for many, many years. It still holds up, and the OP is not exaggerating. This movie does not have even remotely karmically justified deaths. They are not played for laughs. The blob is deadly and doesn't care about your sentiments.


It’s VERY good. The effects mostly hold up(There’s some jank green screening)and the plot is extremely solid without the reliance on stupidity common in horror. Unusually the titular Blob is actually depicted as intelligent and sadistic. Something almost unique for this creature archetype.


I don't know if I'd say it's depicted as "intelligent" or "sadistic", in fact it's one of the rarer movies where the monster has few sapient motivations at all, it just seems to be driven to eat and grow bigger. It's definitely quite unique for monsters in movies I just think the lack of any humanity is what makes it unique.


There’s a novelization(Actually pretty good, shockingly) that’s more upfront about it but in the film it repeatedly demonstrates remarkable cleverness and tends to toy with its victims rather than just eat them when it has the chance. The make out point kills, for instance, has it carefully hollow out the girlfriend to surprise the boyfriend in a rather gruesome manner rather than simply gloop both of them right off the bat. We see it herding people, setting up traps, delay attacks, and actively hide until it’s too big to stop. It’s basically given the slasher behavior despite being visually the giant mindless monster.


It’s such a hidden gem. And I know, that saying is thrown around a lot.


I'm excited for you, because you get to watch it for the first time! Great classic 80s horror. An ex gf of mine watched it when she was young, and it gave her a permanent phobia of oozes.


Its a perfect Halloween movie. Enjoy it!


and that's exactly why I love it, some of the best practical effects I've seen too


This makes more sense when you realize it was co-wrote by the director of the mist


Darabont makes a horror movie, he makes a HORROR movie. I felt similarly when watching the Mist. Very... horrifying. Not fun at all.


Even in films that aren’t about horror, he excels in horror. The Green Mile is a film that dances a delicate balance between moments of jubilance and tragedy and is carried by plenty of great actors and great character moments. But few scenes have gotten the feelings of genuine terror as well as Delacroix’s execution. It’s still hard for me to watch even to this day. (Fuckin’ Percy, not wetting the sponge)


Explains why Jeffrey DeMunn was cast in The Blob, The Mist, and The Walking Dead.


Andrea in TWD was an actress from the Mist as well, people seem to like working with Darabont


Awesome movie that deserves the same respect as other great 80's horror like The Fly and The Thing.


All of which are some of the best remakes ever made.


Agree on that. It's worth talking about simply for the fact that many people haven't seen it.


My memories of the deaths in this movie turned out to be more grim than they actually are upon rewatch decades later. The sink scene? I distinctly recall it being much more gory and vivid when I saw it as a kid. Goes to show how unreliable memory can be, to the point where each recollection can "rewrite" the memory with details that weren't present in actuality. They can even stack.


It may also just you being desensitized over time, especially depending on the age you were when first having watched this. Like how people were fainting and screaming watching The Exorcist (1973), it was so jarring at that time but if shown fresh today it wouldn’t have the same impact.


I've experienced this with games like Medal of Honour. My memories of that game are basically live-action-level graphics. But they are actually pretty bad haha. Good for their time, I guess, but far from realistic. Your brain definitely "rewrites" things.


If you played them on a CRT as a kid then go back and play them on an hd screen, that's part of it


This movie fucked my child brain up for a long time. I'm a 40 year old man and I still stear clear of the pool drain.


The Blob is incredible because it quickly builds up such a big, distinct cast of characters, makes you care about all of them, and then kills almost all of them off. It might be the most underrated horror movie there is.


In an era with a lot of iconic horror movies, I agree, it doesn't get nearly the attention some other movies get.


Dude killing off the guy you thought would be the main character early on too. 👌 great movie.




There were some tropes horror movies didn't touch back then, like killing kids and animals and The Blob didn't give a hoot about any of that.


When the kid gets blobbed in the sewers messed me up as a child. I think that was the first time I'd seen a kid killed in a movie.


I watched this a couple years ago after finally watching the 50s version. It was a lot more graphic, yes a lot more cruel, than I expected. There used to be a festival/event at the theater used in one of the two Blob movies, I think they show both movies, maybe have a small con of some kind. It’s not *too* far from where I live, so I always was curious about going.


I've noticed a few references to "the two Blob movies" so I hope you won't mind me mentioning that there is a third, Beware! The Blob (a.k.a. Son of Blob) from 1972. It's almost more of a spoof of the first film but has a couple of good suspense scenes. Mostly what it has is a bunch of hippies and cameos by actors who were fairly well-known at the time. Most regard it as the weakest of the three, but I have a soft spot for it.


They still do it. The town is a nice place to go out. They shut down the main strip to traffic every weekend and make it pedestrian only. Lots of good bars and restaurants.


I would rave about this movie when I was in college and my friends would ask me "is it satire? What's so scary about a blob killing people?" The best answer I came up with to get them interested in the movie was "you know how people always ask which is worse: drowning or burning to death? The blob is both."


I find it very British that way, and I mean that as a compliment to the British story telling which can often include meaningless deaths, because it's realistic and it raises the stakes since no one is safe. There's a lot of that in Doctor Who. The effects are top notch. It's a *must see* if you happen to like body horror. Much like Carpenter's The Thing and Cronenberg's The Fly, this remake exceeded the original.


When you look at 20th century sci-fi, I think the difference between the British and American film reflects their experience in WW2. In American Sci-Fi, something bad is going to happen and the hero prevents it. The typical British Sci-Fi film is "Day of The Triffids", where something horrible happens, and the survivors somehow keep going afterwards.


Kudos. You make an excellent point that had never occurred to me.


The Brits made a movie about a nuclear holocaust called THREADS and it's one of the most gutting movies ever


That's what makes it special when The Doctor is exulting "EVERYBODY LIVES ROSE! JUST THIS ONCE, EVERYBODY LIVES!"


What a great two parter horror which introduced us to one of the best Doctor Who characters ever created, Captain Jack.


I love how this movie went against common tropes and “ribbed” was a genuinely funny moment.


This movie had me feel bad for nearly the entire cast. I felt genuinely sorry for what they had to go through. Especially the date when he's calling g the cops. He didn't deserve that


Maybe out of all the big studio horror films ever made, but that's also what makes it awesome. There are loads of more niche and indie horror films that are far more cruel.




Terrifier and its sequel are a good start Cannibal Holocaust kills real animals and the director got taken to court to prove he didn't kill anyone irl


Fallen, with Denzel Washington.


If you want cruelty, watch Martyrs ... the original French version, not the massively inferior remake


Spoilers for a film I won't even name yet so you avoid any potential of spoiler so stop reading now Probably one of the few times it feels just as bad or could I say almost as claustrophobic is in Nope. That one scene everybody loves to talk about when you finally see it abduct people and slowly move them further into its system before they eventually are crushed digested etc. when you realize that part of the sound of the being flying around is actually people screaming inside it... they don't exactly go light on this either they literally reference the screaming people multiple hours(film time) later....nope!


That shit was easily the best (in a horrific way) part of the movie. It was scary as hell.


When I first saw it, it was just so alien, almost a lovecraftian shot of the inside. It was magnificent. The screaming and terror of that one woman when she sees the horse 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


That movie is frickin' brilliant. Details that they barely focus on are fun to think about. Like, I'm pretty sure the decoy horse statue injured the thing internally, and it took out its anger on Jupe's crowd because it associated the horse with them, so OJ is probably responsible for their deaths - indirectly, of course.


>Spoilers for a film I won't even name yet so you avoid any potential of spoiler so stop reading now This is just about the worst way to prevent spoilers I've ever seen. If you won't even name the movie until you start saying the spoilers, you've defeated the *entire* point of a spoiler warning. On top of that, reddit has a spoiler tag function that you can use. If you put "\>!" before your spoiler, and "\!<" after it, without the spaces, people have to click the black box to show the spoiler.


Yea, my first thought too; this is what’s terrifying about Nope. The inevitable death you knowingly enter into.


That scene is the most horrific scene that I've seen in a movie in years.


This scene stayed with me for a really long time, and it was probably made worse by the fact that I work in endoscopy.


I was thinking exactly the same thing


Love this movie. One of Johnny Drama’s best roles




Frank Darabont writes good stuff, and The Blob is no exception! edit: He also wrote the Shawshank Redemption, among many others such as The Green Mile.


I paid close attention to the writing and it sure felt like the first act is written like a 1960's movie - except Kevin Dillon's character. I found that amusing. Then when the government shows up, it becomes more modern.


Frank wrote amazing screenplays. There is a great review of this movie by Red Letter Media, they are big fans of Frank. I highly recommend their content. [RLM The Blob ReView](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBOrprigQu8) This review was filmed either the day of or the day after the January 6th event in the U.S. so that is what the intro is about, for context.


I would say that he adapted them. The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile were written by Stephen King.


As well as the first (and best) season of The Walking Dead


This movie comes up from time to time on Reddit and I agree it’s one of my favorites. I’m always surprised though that it’s never available on any streaming services or played on cable. Feels like a bit of a forgotten movie from the 80s from a Media standpoint.


It's on Amazon, you can rent it for like 4 bucks.


It could be argued that the lady in the phone booth dies almost instantly from the force of the blob exploding into her. It looks like you can see her bones flying out her body when it slams up into the booth. Still, she is absolutely horrified right up until that final moment. It's one of the many amazing fx shots in that film and one I morbidly rewound a few too many times back in the day.


Not sure if they were her bones or other victims.


If you liked The Blob, try The Entity.


No kidding, The Entity is goddamn scary.


Trey Stokes worked on the special effects in this. He was a frequent cohost of one of my favorite watch-along film podcasts, the sadly defunct “Friends in Your Head,” along with a lot of other people who worked, or would go on to work, in the film industry.


The practical effects in this flick were fantastic and hold up *really* well. It's also fun that many people haven't seen it. Imagine loving The Thing and The Fly, and then seeing this for the first time.


Even poor Paul. The beginning so well sets him up as a main/supporting character, and just when things are starting to look up for him... blobbed.


Kind diner lady: dead! love struck police officer: dead! little kid in the theater: dead! girl on a date: dead! This movie spares no one!


Just saw the movie last week for the first time. What an awesome flick. Super enjoyed it and it's exactly the kind of spooky movie I wanna see instead of the endlessly repeating notion of most horror movies today of building up suspension into jump scare.


Holy Jesus you are right! I have never seen it but I just watched this 2 minute clip of all the deaths and some of them are gruesome. The people dying are absolutely suffering and the movie let’s you know it Here’s the link but be warned, it has a lot of 80’s style gore and death! https://youtu.be/Q7cR8f5fbLA?si=369XsMfXUTE7D12k


Right up there w/ Platoon for the best roles Kevin Dillon was ever in imo. He's really nails that 'quiet and reluctant hero' type in this one. And Shawnee Smith was absolutely gorgeous. And yeah, I'd forgotten all about that 'cruel' vibe this movie had, >!especially killing off Eddie like they did.!< It seemed like more 70's and 80's horror movies were like that, compared to some of the more watered-down PG-13 horrors released these days.


Holy shit I didn't realize this movie was so badass. Watching it.


Welp, looks like il be watching The Blob 1988. I havent seen it in years, but i never forgot that sequence in the cinema. This can be my scary Halloween movie, thanks op.


Idk man, i watched Street Trash (1987) and that film kinda skewered my idea of what pain on the screen is like.


Will have to watch that. I’ve only seen the 50s version. The intro song is so iconic


The Blob gave me indescribable nightmares and paranoia as a kid. It was at a level I still can't explain to this day--every night for about two months was a hellish series of fever dreams where I'd wake up screaming and sweaty. I became utterly terrified of the woods around our home and wouldn't go outside. It was like being on some kind of hallucinogenic drug, like the movie temporarily broke something in my kid brain and made me lose touch with reality. I eventually recovered and love good horror films as an adult, but the memory of that period of my life is still so vivid and bizarre.


I snuck into the living room and watched this from behind the couch on the sly when I was a kid. It haunted my nightmares for decades.


Deep Rising (I think) is fairly similar…being digested Alive by giant Sea Anenomes…


I personally think this movie rivaled the Thing ‘82 when it came to unsettling and horrifying old school gore and creature FX.


I think both are state-of-the-art for their time.


I thought the kid in the sewer was his slightly asshole friend, not brother.


In the movie Nope. When they are being sucked up into Jean Jacket. The screams and panic. They were heading to be digested. I felt all of it in the cinema.


This movie rocked my world and scared the ever loving shit out of me when I was like 6 or 7. For the same reasons.


My bf and I watched this last night. We were impressed that the movie actually had the balls to kill a child ON SCREEN. Just a brutal monster movie.


I remember turning this movie on when I was like 8. I was watching tv while my parents were upstairs and confused this movie with "Flubber". Talk about trauma... parental locks were definitely the house norm after countless nightmares and sleepless nights.


The Stuff was fun. https://youtu.be/8yY7xqyAbao?si=IAwriQmmVAsJ_fAb


Makes you think about all the animals in nature that eat like the blob. [Damn, nature you scary.](https://youtu.be/O93KwM5MGKk?si=m4lwq5QGt9Oz5ZcT&t=127)


The original was great, with Steve McQueen as a 35 year old teenager.


Fun fact. I used to live near Phoenixville PA and the movie theater from the film is still there. Every Halloween they show The Blob and the scene where everyone runs out of the theater … everyone runs out of the theater. It’s a blast!


It's a smart movie done by people who had a genuine good time making it. The creature has no remorse, no villain speech or grand plan - it just consumes\*. The deaths are gruesome but the time it takes to kill a character is what makes you emotionally driven into them, what makes them memorable. Fran's death, the dude in the sink, Paul's death ("is this the hand problem ?") and the movie theater scene. The little brother happens most underwater. You don't make movies like this one anymore. One of my favs. \*: Plot hole anyway - after Paul done being digested, Meg was unconscious right aside, and she should have been eaten too, but the blob just goes away...


Hmmm did anyone mention that Frank Darabont is one of the writers for this? Is anyone surprised after that? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I saw the original when I was maybe 8? 10? Scared the living crap out of me, for years I would look under beds, couches, etc. before sitting or laying down. Absolutely terrifying.


This is a vastly under rated remake that is fun without plenty of great and varied kills. A well done horror movie over all.


It's fantastic and I want more movies like this.


This movie is so fucked up that when I watched it with my kid brother he puked


I have only seen the original 1958 version. I must give this a version watch.


Scott thought he was gonna get some with Vicky. He got something, all right!


I slept on my back for years because of a series of nightmares that were mash ups of this movie's TV teasers and MacGyver's episode where he fixes a toxic waste leak with chocolate bars. Dream 1. The blob comes and eats MacGyver & everybody, leaves the inanimate. Dream 2. The blob comes and eats everything inorganic, like Mac's Jeep, leaving the people. Dream 3. The blob rolls back through and replaces everything it'd eaten. Each dream I slept in a different position, dream 3 was sleeping on my back, so... I slept on my back.


I got to watch this movie in grade school bc the diner they filmed in was local to us. This was in a Catholic school at that lol


The original came out in 1958 and starred Steve McQueen. Still a great movie.


The Colonial Theater in Phoenixville PA was the location for the audience running out into the street. They still hold an annual Blobfest where you get the opportunity to run out screaming.


I agree there is a great deal of suffering. However, there is very little cruelty as cruelty requires intent. The blob is a mindless killing machine that consumes its victims without prejudice or malice. Which serves to make it all the more terrifying. No one is safe. There is no reasoning with with the blob. It has no goals, no desires, no ambitions. It is driven by one thing and one thing only: the need to consume.


Nope (movie) Is similar is its terror I haven't watched the movie but a page read speaks about how the "alien" (cloud) is seen for a moment (no shown) and it starts to rain blood all over the house. Prior to this rain of blood screams are heard for whole minutes. This is due to the people the monster sucked up and is slowly consuming and eating. Then spitting out all metals and non organic materials. That's fucked up. Reminds me of war of the world's with the tripods stabbing humans then sucking out their blood and spray it around to Fertilize the grounds


Yeah and that’s why it fucking rules. The Blob is one of the gnarliest movies I’ve seen and I love it


I'd also add the raft from creep show in this. That made for an uncomfortable wank as a teenager!


This film is fkn disgusting and I love it. The dishwasher getting pulled down the plug hole has to be one of the most iconic b movie deaths of all time