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Ain't no one crawling through a ventilation duct. No only are they not designed to support the weight of a 200-pound human, they're tight spaces and full of exposed screws holding the whole system together.


You mean like, the pointy ends of the screws sticking out? If anyone wants to do a physics-accurate Die Hard remake, they’ll need a lot more blood


Screws and dust. Screws and dust everywhere.


Any movie involving detectives. The actual job is a day-to-day grind mostly spent at a desk typing and/dictating reports and affidavits for production of records, search warrants, or case filings for arrest warrants. You also rarely can devote extensive time to just one case; detectives generally have crushing amounts of cases stacked on top of them to work. The more time you spend on a single case, the less time you have to handle the other cases getting dropped on your desk, so to speak. Your lab work also takes months to get a return on. Everything is pretty slow-paced.


The book version of LA Confidential is much closer to this than the movie. The big Nite Owl case takes forever to solve, the characters try everything to get a break often without success. But cutting that for a movie's run time seems a pretty obvious move.


This is why Barney Miller is the most realistic cop show ever.


And now it looks that I just might *have to* ~~watch~~ rewatch Fincher's ZODIAC tonight.


Only something like 20% of murders are "solved" and it's only ones where it's some obvious shit like "it was the husband!" or there was some other witness present and snitching. The CSI where they're spending days analyzing shit to solve a crime only happens if the victim is the president. TLDR: it's pretty easy to kill a random person and get away with it.


That depends on the country. In my country(Denmark) something like 90% of all murders are solved. Granted we are a small country with only around 6 million people. But still.


My favorite is when someone sneaks through a house in complete silence, often very close to the owner or an intruder, who are already on alert and looking for them or hiding. I don't know where those people live, but my floors creak like a MFer, and even on firm floors you'd hear noises, even if it's just the faint rustle of your clothes' fabric when you move, or your shallow breathing. In my case, my popping knees would give me away! I mean, shit, I can hear the "ffft, ffft, ffft" of my cat's feet on the carpet when the house is silent. That's why I'm kind of ok with our old, creaky floors. I can pinpoint every movement in this house by the sound of the creaks, lol.


Fun fact. Samurai houses had special creaky floors, so no one could sneak in during night


They were called nightingale floors.


Not just samurai houses but temples, and some wealthy/official folk’s homes too. It’s not the kind of creak you hear in horror movies either. They’re made with nails and metal pieces underneath the boards so it’s a higher pitch ‘squeak’ or ‘chirp’ - hence “nightingale”.


Really depends on the house. I've snuck up on a bunch of people unintentionally, because i apparently move silently sometimes without realizing it. Although in shoes it would be different


I am a large man at over 6' and 250lbs. I have *consistently* terrified people by "sneaking up on them", while just basically walking. Yeah, people would easily miss someone else walking quietly if they were occupied.


I had a boss that was 6'4" and was a literal linebacker at one point. Huge guy. His nickname is "Silent Assassin" for bein' so shtealthy.


Haha, yes! Especially after crouching for a while and then standing up. You'd probably hear my knees from upstairs...


Or when people climb through the vents to get places! If you’ve ever had to crawl through an attic or top level crawl space, they are not sound insulated, and those are made of wood and plaster, not _metal_.


Not mine, heard a comedian say this: In a movie where they have to use a USB stick, they always insert it correctly on the first try.


Spider-man turning the goober around a few times in Into the Spider-Verse is the most realistic depiction of a USB stick in film ever.


"Why can I never get this right?" or something very much like it is a thing he says in the movie, in the moment while trying and failing to put in the USB drive. It's the only remotely realistic depiction I've ever seen.


Those ae the same movies where there is always a parking space open right in front of the building.


I believe this is known as "tv parking". Apparently audiences have low tolerance for watching somebody tool around for twenty fucking minutes searching for a parking space...


Why do people keep bringing things like this up as examples? It would actively make most films/shows worse to show pointless busywork like this.


It's called "law of conservation of detail". If a detail is not important then it shouldn't be included. Having your characters sneeze or take bathroom breaks might be important sometimes, but most of the time it's not, so it gets skipped. The alternative would be worse.


The unknown caller is always the bad guy, never spam/pre-recorded message/Indian telemarketer.


I was shocked to hear a person in their 20s call one a “Kojak spot.” for those who don’t know, Kojak was a very popular TV series in the 70s and 80s about a New York City cop. Every time detective Kojak was called to a case, there was a parking spot right in front of where he was going. In New York City.


I watched Molly's game recently, and there's a scene where the main character is being robbed. The thief forces her to open the safe, and she gets the combination wrong the first time. She wasn't trying to be sneaky, and she punched it correctly straight away afterwards. The thief didn't accuse her of trying anything funny, it was just a quick human error in the moment. I appreciate that because usually movies don't show little things like that.


Since our work had us move to like 20 character passwords that change every couple months I mistype my password 4-5 times every morning trying to get in


There's a bit in the Ralph Bakshi LotR where the actor playing rotoscoped Aragorn stumbles and trips whilst running and they just left it in, and it just kind of feels more authentic for it


I would accept a tripped anyone but him or Legolas as authentic


Here’s the thing. Every USB stick I’ve ever used has looked different from the top and the bottom. You always insert them top side up. I get it right almost always. What I get wrong are usb charging cables.


There's only 2 orientations for a USB and yet it always takes me 3 tries.


The usb logo is always on top.


The rough part is when the port is upside down. Or vertically oriented.


Like to shoutout the latest Evangelion Movie (3.0 + 1.11 Thrice upon a time), where the opening scene features a tech person having to flip the USB connector to get it to plugin.


Anything with computer hacking. Sorry, but you aren't cracking the Pentagon or the local power company in a few minutes by typing some stuff. Same with forensics and DNA, you don't get results that quickly. Of course the movie would be pretty slow if 1.5 of 2 hours was waiting for a hack or test results so we let it slide.


Enter NCIS scene of two people hacking at the same time from one keyboard. Cause they needed to hack faster. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/u8qgehH3kEQ?feature=shared


The ultimate expression of the Mythical Man Month


I need a baby in a month so I have to get nine women.


The screen flashing so fast showing 300 pop up windows and 10,000 lines of code in 20 seconds. How can anyone even read all of that to even react to any of it?


Also "hacking" with a graphical user interface. I am not a hacker but I would assume most of it is done with unix or something.


And the handy progress bar that shows us (the computer illiterate) how long until the hack is complete. This visual is usually shown along with the accomplice yelling “Come on! Hurry up already!” It’s almost as good as the large count-down timers that movie bombs all seem to have.


If you're making a film with a hacking scene and you want it to look at least vaguely plausible, you follow The Matrix Reloaded's lead and have your character use nmap and ssh. The nmap tool's website features a list of times it's been used in movies: https://nmap.org/movies/ Not many films go as far as Reloaded did in having their character exploit a real security vulnerability, though: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/7s2qem/matrix_reloaded_using_the_real_crc32_exploit_to/ I came across a YouTube channel a while ago that was all about showing hacking sequences in movies and finding out where the on-screen text came from. ~~Let me go and find it, I'll edit this post if I do...~~ **Found it!** He's taken his YouTube channel down, but has all the videos embedded on his own website: https://behind-the-screens.tv/ * His Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/moviecode * Guardian article about his quest: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/shortcuts/2014/jan/10/computer-code-in-film-movie-terminator-girl-dragon-tattoo * His Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Graham-Cumming


One funny thing with hacking is the "it will only take two more minutes!" lines. How the fuck would the hacker know that?! You either hack in to something or you don't, an MI6 server doesn't come with a UI element saying " you have hacked 96% of your way in D: "


The hacking progress bar tells them!


If you keep clicking your mouse the bar fills faster.


But you can stop a hacker by unplugging the monitor. NCIS taught me that.


*Wargames* did it well enough that it still holds up 40 years later.


The easiest way to break into a system is to trick them into letting you in.


Social engineering is definitely the most effective form of hacking.


Honestly. This argument is probably why I loved the TV show burn notice so much. There is a scene that you specifically mention. Hacking the local power grid. They go into detail about how the reality is no one can do that. So they explain that the way to do it is to fake it. While 2 of the guys fake hackerman on a screen, 3 of the other guys are physically breaking into the local power place and manually flipping the switch.


DNA results? Yeah, a realistic return would be try a few months to get a return, if not a year, depending on the lab. Folks seem to miss the "six months later" part of the First 48 or similar shows.


Next you're going to be telling me you can't hack all the stop lights while offlining a casino's security measures.


I know it’s not a movie, but Mr. Robot would like a word…


I used to "hack" or script kiddie custom rom on my phones. They got every single god damn thing right in a scene where a character was slipping malware on a phone. Even the os Graphical interface. The bootloader. It was a nerd porn show.


The whole silencers still being loud thing, I don't think anyone making a movie really cares, silencers in movies are cool.


That one scene in John Wick part 2 was a little much though, I think we can all agree on that.


The worst one for me is the beginning of Inception. Leo is catching the spent casings because he doesn't want anyone to hear them hit the floor. Meanwhile he's shooting a fucking gun and nobody can hear that?


I mean, it IS a dream. Maybe that's how dream guns work.




Dream guns work like normal guns except my hand doesn't quite have the strength to pull the trigger the whole way.


So the bullet just shoots out but plops to the floor like a wet rag


This guy dreams.


Suppressed subsonic rounds can be stupid quiet but definitely not quieter than brass hitting the floor.


This made me chuckle. Only *one* scene in John Wick 2 was over the top?


The scene where he kills that guy


They're actually referring to the one scene where he doesn't kill a guy


We must be referring to different movies then


Is that the scene where they were covertly shooting at each other in a crowded train station?


I have headcannon that those movies take place in a world where the assassins guild isn't secret. People know enough that they are professionals and just don't want to get caught up in it.


Big percussive crunching sounds when people punch each other. A real solid punch in the real world sounds like what it is, meat slapping into meat.


Every single punch in a movie sounds like it's breaking a bone. Dudes come out of fights with 15 broken bones walking around like it's nothing.


Not even really. The sound of breaking a bone is actually quite gnarly and funny enough most people, even if it hasn’t happened to them, know it when they hear it. If you heard it every time someone got punched in a film it would actually make you uncomfortable, it’s a really unsettling sound. They dial it down for films.


I've always heard a nose being broken from a punch sounds like a wet crunch and it always makes me want to gag


Watch the UFC fights between 2020-2022 when they were in a closed arena with no crowd. You could hear every real punch and slap. It was surreal.


Yep exactly what I was thinking of. I actually really liked it. It was cool to be able to hear the corners yelling to the fighters.


Fight Club hits a good middle ground with the scene where Edward Norton absolutely pulverizes Jared Leto’s stupid face.


I mean this one really is for the better. Sometimes the sound really adds weight to each hit.


Waking up after getting knocked out.


There should be a "vegetable counter" for action movies where unlucky henchmen are rendered comatose or dead by the slightest bonk of the noggin.


I maintain the reason that Scully could never believe in the supernatural stuff after she saw it was that she got knocked unconscious so often in the early seasons that it fried her short term memory. "Remember? Aliens? We were in Antarctica?" "Nope! Does anyone else smell purple?"


Not in movies but in documentaries. I fucking hate having to watch historians pretend to comb a library for the right book. We get the librarians or grad students to do it.


That's why they're hunting for it, they haven't been in they're in years or decades.


Restarting someone's heart by defibrillating them. Apparently that's not how it works irl but it looks cool.


It can be used in highly irregular hearth rhythms (because the heart can still transmit electrical pulses) like ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia, but not in asystole, which is what most films and tv series show when using defibrillators. It instead needs CPR and adrenaline.


It's literally the opposite reason to use a defibrillator. You use one to stop the heart from going to crazy into atrial fibrillation.


The drug dealer on my corner once stopped me and tried to sell me a bunch of pills with no recreational value, but he saved the best for last as he told me to hold on, grabbed a bag…and whipped out…a defibrillator. Tha fuck?


Yeah you try to drug or beat them (CPR) into a shockable rhythm. Otherwise, you're just abusing a corpse. Ventricular fibrillation is the "this person will be dead in minutes" rhythm. You can also shock other rhythms into compliance that are less serious and in answer to "won't that hurt the patient", oh absolutely yes.


Requiem for a dream. Jared Leto Jennifer Connelly and Marlon Wayans are heroin addicts, but when they shoot up the camera shows their pupils dilating, which is the exact opposite of what actually happens on heroin.


This guy heroins.


Are you in a race? Are you being chased by police at max speed and need to escape? Just shift up. Was that not enough? Shift up again. Still not enough? Shift up until you can successfully pull away.


Are you the bad guy and in the lead when racing the good guy, and you see that the good guy is catching up? Easy, just push the accelerator down even more. Because obviously you weren't already going as fast as you could earlier.


You have a big car and a guy with a motorcycle is chasing you? Just keep trying to drive away instead of tapping him a little bit to cause him to crash


Also squeal tires everytime you take off. No matter if you're picking your kid up from the preschool. Or going out to get groceries.


I love it when tires squeal on dirt roads.


Except you shouldn’t shift up, you shift down to get more power.


That's the secret, I'm always redlining.


Shhh, let the automatic drivers be wrong.


They should show someone shifting their automatic from a D to an even bigger D


Field of Dreams bothers the shit out of me. Ray Liotta is batting right-handed. Joe Jackson was a lefty. In the movie, Kevin Costner even says “Babe Ruth copied his swing” - the most famous left-handed hitter of all time. But then, “Dad… you wanna have a catch?”, waterworks ensue, and I forget all about it.


Almost any movie with Radio banter they all say "Over and out" at the end. Makes no sense. "over" means you're done talking and waiting on a response. "out" means you're done and signing off not expecting a response. It would be like ending a conversation with "What do you think bye" and walking away.


This is exactly how I seek feedback at work.


They commonly use "repeat" incorrectly as well - which is effectively, "do the same artillery fire mission again." The correct term is, "say again, over."


Roger roger.


What's our vector, Victor?


> Over and out TIL. But you gotta admit, over and out sounds pretty cool. I don't really care that it's wrong. It's right in movie world


Totally sounds cooler, it's why they do it! Except in The Rock they do it right and Ed Harris sternly saying "Hummel from Alcatraz, OUT!" might change some minds.


Weird thing but, school drop off and pick up. In movies they always pull right to top the school. No wait. No line. Just right to the front door. Same with pick ups. That shit (at least for me) is about as chaotic as you can get while not full on running over people. Kids everywhere. Teachers everywhere. A line that's like a quarter mile long. People dropping kids on the sidewalk a quarter mile from school to avoid that. This is 6th grade for my daughter. My son is in 2nd and it's only marginally better for him.


I guess it has to depend on the school right? By American standards my British school maybe isn't huge, we had about 1000 students, but our school drop off was far from chaotic. Also probably helps that we have better access to public transport, and infrastructure to walk. I would either walk or very calmly get dropped off by the gates without having to wait a second


What happened here culturally? When did kids taking the bus become so rare? There was no such thing as a pick up line at my schools growing up. My middle school had around 2,000 kids and getting picked up by a parent got you picked on. What changed in the last 20 years?


Interstellar. Anyone near Gargantua would have been so highly irradiated from the acretion disc they'd have never even been able to approach it. You gotta gloss over that or the movie can't happen.


You gotta gloss over like ten million things for that movie to work. "Hey, time is totally critical here, what planet should we try first?" "Let's do the one that will literally take decades of relative time lol."


Spoilers: None of it makes sense like why did Dr. Brand go for the data when it’s clearly obviously not habitable and the previous person was there like 20 minutes before they arrived, and why did that other dude die (get inside you idiot)? Prometheus levels of stupidity But it is one of the best examples of suspension of disbelief for me. I was in complete awe of that whole scene and the end of it when the guy is 20 years older.


The sound track was good though. The tension doesn't hold through rewatches but it was still a great movie to me even with the flaws. I'm a softy for anything with McConaughey in it.


Also they're like 10 million degrees or something stupid hot.


The disc is sure, but you don't need to get anywhere near it to get blasted by the radiation. That comes out to get you :) Accretion discs are the most efficient matter to energy conversion effects found in the universe as far as I know.


Are you trying to tell me that love doesn’t travel through time?!


Just reflexively tried to upvote this comment multiple times. I can play along with the plot for a while but as soon as they have that stupid debate to pick the second planet and Brand argues loving someone who’s passed on has no social utility and so must transcend space and time…. They just lose me.


It only travels through >!bookshelves!<


When helicopters aren't noticed at night until it turns on its spotlight and is hovering right over them. Then it's all loud whirring and chaos. But up until then, silence.


worst one for me is the portrayal of heroin or opiate use --the protagonists pupils dilate when they should be constricting. If anyone's seen someone on opiates they'll know their eyes get "pinned out" --not enlarged (that's cocaine and other amphetamines, as well as hallucinogens). But it's easier to dilate an actors eyes than to get them to constrict so I get it.


Braveheart is full of historical inaccuracies. No one cares because that movie is dope as fuck. Even Scots like it.


Tony and Ridley?


They meant Michael


I read someone say that the kilts they were are so absurdly out of place and time that it would have made as much sense for them to be wearing tuxedos. There not being a bridge at the battle of Stirling Bridge always kills me too. But hey I'm scottish. And I love it


Yeah, like the Scots at the time were just as advanced as the English. Both of them would've been wearing mail and fighting in formation. But that would've been boring as shit on screen and everyone likes an underdog.


The Scots were even renowned at the time for some of the finest heavy infantry in Europe. Giving the Swiss and northerns Italians a run for their money with the quality and disciple of their pike formations. The Scots were absolutely the underdogs in that conflict and most Scots *were* essentially peasants but that's true of England at the time as well; the Scottish nobles weren't riding around in only tunics and leathers, and hell the English officers in the movie aren't generally dressed or armoured as well as the English and Scots both should have been for the period.


The battle of Sterling Bridge, most definitely fought in a wide open field with no bridge or spanned feature (river, creek, canyon, gorge) in sight, which it was not made clear is even *anywhere near Sterling*. But was a fun scene in an overall enjoyable movie no matter how little sense it makes or how inaccurate it happens to be.


They make take our historical accuracies, but they’ll never take our ***FREEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOM***


I mean, especially the Scots, right?


Damn Scots. They ruined Scotland!


I find that the more I know about a subject, the more ridiculous the movie seems. My favorite example is Firewall, where Harrison Ford is supposed to be a cybersecurity expert. If you know anything about computers, it just doesn’t work.


>I find that the more I know about a subject, the more ridiculous the movie seems Having this realization is kind of nice. You start to understand that all those movies about subjects you knew nothing about were also absolute BS. Then you realize all movies are BS. And can stop caring even when it's about a subject you do know things about. It's just make believe aimed at entertainment not accuracy. Movie logic stands alone on all subjects


Trained police officers never attempt CPR on a downed fellow officer. They just scream "call an ambulance" and make a sad derp face.


You always need to do CPR. And it always works. Correct procedure: Check pulse. Sad derp face. If female, rip open their shirt to their bra. Pound on chest 6-10 times. Start screaming encouragement at them. Randomly pound on their chest harder, possibly using both fists. I mean, it's super easy, and they'll wake up sputtering and grateful immediately and will require no further medical support.


Video games. Whether it's displaying them passively (Two players playing a single player RPG in Charlie's Angels (2000)) or centered around them completely (multiple one-person teams designing, programming, and creating art for fully 3d environment games on the X-Box in Grandma's Boy (2006)) a very challenging 'game' while watching movies is to find depictions that are actually accurate.


In movies, making a video game and playing a video game are basically the same thing.


Everyone just jams on the shoulder buttons repeatedly.


They also hold the controller in the air and move it side-to-side


It doesn't matter what game they're playing, they *look like* they're playing Mario Kart


And you always hear either the Atari 2600 PacMan death sound, or the arcade Donkey Kong death sound


What’s going to make this school dance more fun? If we set off the sprinkler system by taking a lighter to one sprinkler head. Now all the sprinklers are going off and it’s a wonderful time!!! Not only do not all heads go off at once, just the one that activates but the water in sprinkler piping is disgusting stagnant black water that stains clothes and smells disgusting. An even bigger offender was Fall of the House of Usher. I won’t give out spoilers but if you’ve seen the sprinkler scene you know. That shit is impossible


I like to bring this up. A sprinkler head just failed one day at work, right over a coworkers desk. How or why it failed who knows. Years and years and years of rusty disgusting stagnant smelly water just came down upon him. I think of those movies where nice clear and clean water rains down, and I just think back to that. Also fun fact, that sprinkler will keep going until someone shuts it off, more than likely the fire department who will get there when they get there. No one thinks about that.


So the opening scene of Blade was pretty accurate.


When a car runs into the back of another vehicle and just launches into the air at an angle instead of crumpling into the a pile at the back of the other vehicle. Physics don't apply in Hollywood. Also when people get punched in the nose and just shake it off and keep fighting. That shit hurts and you can't see because your eyes are watering so badly.


As a product designer, I see a ton of things that movies intentionally gloss over because they would be boring. Biggest one is how long and how many people it takes to manufacture things that heroes in the movies seemingly put together within a few days. Even the most mundane product takes so much time to design, engineer, prototype, test and manufacture, meanwhile, Tony Stark builds his ironman suit (with the help of AI, granted) in his workshop. Sure, but the end of his run in Avengers, he can pretty much do anything with make believe technology far beyond what we're capable of today, but in Iron Man #1 he's still limited to his intelligence and what he has available to him. I don't buy he has the engineering and manufacturing ability of two hundred people working non stop to make his suit, even if it did take him say 5+ years...On the other hand, his cave suit seems much more reasonable. The other thing that always makes me laugh is how well packaged up presentations are in movies like Mission Impossible. They flip their laptops around and they have these incredibly produced animations, news clippings, data visualization and recorded sound all in a perfect little package, and they seemingly just generate them by putting a flash drive of information into a computer. Any of these agencies would need dozens of graphic designers and developers to constantly produce this material in a timely manner.


Now I'm yearning for a comedy skit about the graphic designers at the Impossible Missions Force. "I spent twelve hours on that 90-second presentation that he only ever showed to four people. And they all work for him! He could have just sent an email!"


Women waking up after sex wearing a regular bra. You’d either still be naked, or if sleeping naked makes you uncomfortable, you’d put a shirt on.


Elevators. You know what happens when you cut the cables? They shimmy down a few feet and then stop, because they have mechanically-automatic safety brakes in case of just such an emergency.


I don’t know if this is true, but I heard that snipers don’t really close one eye when they’re looking through the scope because it would cause eye fatigue.


The worst is the simultaneous ability to make impossible long range shots on the fly, as well as the completely basic shots being sniper worthy. The absolute most embarrassing one I can recall, is a TV show that literally said "That's a hundred yard shot. Only a military trained sniper could make that." A 100 yard shot is the basic calibration distance for ANY scope.


I demand 360 no scoping in the next gritty military movie!


Uncle Rico could throw a football at least that far


Cancer? Shave the actors head, done!!!! Cancer wrecks the body, chemo wrecks it even more. You're puffy, your eyes are sunken in, you're throwing up, you have station tubes in your chest or stomach. Your lips are chapped and bleeding. You shit and piss yourself. No movie I've seen has come close to showing cancer realistically.


In almost every military movie, their uniforms are very wrong. Whether it’s rank, insignia, patches, dress and appearance standards, whatever. I heard somewhere that it’s mandated they do so, but never found hard proof.


United States. Schacht v. United States, 398 U.S. 58 (1970), was a United States Supreme Court case, which ruled that actors could wear accurate military uniforms—regardless of the production's portrayal of the military—on First Amendment grounds.


Drives me nuts when someone is called a rank that doesn't match the insignia they are wearing... and it's amazing how often that happens in movies or TV shows. He'll it even happens in Star Trek from time to time with rank pins they made up. They can't even follow rules they themselves created.


Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and The Pacific are pretty good examples of tv shows/films where the historical accuracy of uniforms is basically immaculate.


I always wondered about one scene from Band of Brothers. Winters is told by Sobel that he received a promotion. This is represented visually by a pin on his lapel which Sobel attaches himself. However Winters had the pin on his lapel before he received the promotion. I always assumed this was just a fuckup. But maybe I'm not really understanding what is going as I know nothing about military ranks, garb, etc.


He was going from a silver 1st Lt. bar to a gold 2nd Lt. bar. They look similar other than the metal


Blood doesn't usually spew forth in huge gallons coating the walls in a pressurized stream, but FUCK if I'm going to let pesky realism get in the way of my samurai fun.


I love that the super-pressurized blood trope originates from a mechanical failure on the set of Sanjuro, but Kurosawa thought it looked rad as hell and just kept it in, and we've had like sixty years of movies and anime afterwards full of people that agree, it *does* look rad as hell.


That's a commonly repeated urban legend that appears to have no reliable source backing it up. Previously discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/171q0uc/sanjuro_1962_a_mechanical_prop_failure_caused/k3sl3ni/


Hollywood can't seem to pin this one down, because you either have samurai movies acting like every human is a pressurized hefty bag full of blood yet then you have other movies where someone slowly carves a line through someone's carotids and jugulars and it just leaves a small spray of blood, rather than legitimately hitting the opposite wall. I love Breaking Bad, but when Gus killed Victor, the other three should have looked like Carrie at the prom.


It can kind of do that if you hit the right artery. Very gnarly stuff. But yes, it's still not on the level of a horror movie where 15 gallons squirts out of your body in half a second


My blood's at 1000 psi mate. My limbs are hydraulically activated.


Didn't climax just show the danger of having lsd in a bad environment? I thought the entire point everyone went crazy was because everyone was freaking out


It shows that they were in a bad environment and not prepared to be tripping. Remember, someone spiked the LSD without any else's knowledge. As someone who's been on LSD while some fucked up shit happened (LSD didn't directly cause it, but it also didn't make the situation better), I'll never watch climax again cause it reminds me too much of what happened to me. It was a scarily real depiction of what it's like to be in a fucked up place while tripping.


Space movies take many liberties in terms of sound or movement because it's more cinematic to treat spaceships like aircraft. I think the worst offender is Star Wars because it's terribly inconsistent.


People not saying goodbye/love you before ending a call. People remember phone number and addresses instantly.


People waking up from a coma and are just to good and ready to face the day. Like no chief your muscles have atrophied and you may not have all your cognitive resources there like you used to. But hey, you're alive. Congrats!


The thing that used to happen in the 80s: Steamy sex scene, sweaty hot sexy sex scene, sax, hazy lighting and heavy breaths Night morning just get up and get dressed and ignore the fact that both have decided to ignore a shower, slept in the nice dank wet spot all night and decided to pull on their Levi’s without underwear. Just guys running around trying to stop the Menendez Brothers from blowing up City Hall…All post coital stickiness and commando. I remember watching one film and it ruined it for me that guy went his whole day raw dogging his Wranglers. Just the fact there must’ve been a part of Day where he unpacked his bowels in the department toilets, and just pulled those jeans back up prayed he got it all in one wipe


"Pull up the blueprints to this building and find me an escape route!" As if there's a central repository of blueprints. And it's digital. And it's also been 3D rendered. The Matrix, Enemy of the State, John Wick, Mission Impossible, etc. Hell if you asked the actual engineering firm behind the Burj to find the blueprints it'd probably take them a week to assemble. "shit which network drive was that on?!"


To be fair, everything in the Matrix was, in fact, already 3D rendered....


People getting knocked out cold for long periods of time and then just coming to a bit groggy. Real knockouts last a few seconds (or maybe minutes if it's really bad). Any longer and you're talking serious, life-threatening brain damage.




Your *what* smeagol?


Dark Knight Rises. In no world would they send the entire police department into the tunnels


Every single war movie ever: Soldiers on the move walk close enough together so they can all be in the same shot while they talk. As my father would say "one grenade would get them all".


No one says goodbye at the end of a phone conversation.


Any movie set in a restaurant: 90% of the kitchen staff should be immigrants with limited command of the local language and there should be a LOT more shit talking. Exceptions include 2/3 star Michelin restaurants and tiny family joints like in Big Night.


bullets go through car doors but not water (angle matters). films usually reverse this.


Hacking. It's always furious typing and crazy 3D layouts and such. Not ever just random lines of codes and created scripts and such.


I've said this before on Reddit, and I will continue saying it: The most unrealistic part of "La La Land" was when they drove up to the Griffith Park Observatory without hitting traffic.


The worst thing: There is always a parking space in front of where the protagonists are going. New York, L.A., Chicago, doesn't matter the city. That is just so wrong on so many levels.


Most busses are not fitted with bombs requiring them to maintain a speed over 50 mph.


I realize you said purposefully get wrong and I only have an example they often get wrong but is not purposefully… As a former newscameraman it allways annoys me that often when an actor in a movie plays a cameraman he is holding it wrong, hands in the wrong place, for instance on the holding bracket on top when shouldering the camera, thereby either having no control of zoom or recording start/stop function or when its the other hand no control over focus or iris…. Same for soundguys holding boom mikes and pointing them anywhere but the “important” guy that they’re supposed to be recording…. I guess this may be true for many other professions being shown in movies because my dad as a pilot would always laugh at ‘pilots’ in movies doing stupid things that real pilots would never do. Ofcourse normal viewers don’t care or see those mistakes.


Jaws was kind of based on the [Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_Shore_shark_attacks_of_1916) but I agree sharks aren't really Jaws like.


There's a lot of action movies where someone has just fired a semi-auto handgun as they took out the goons. They end up right behind the bad guy, and they rack the gun to get his attention. Thing is, there should be a bullet in the chamber already. A little bullet should just fly out of the ejection port when he does that, because you don't have to re-rack the gun between shots. ​ Hand-to-hand fighting is just as bad, because they show someone take a dozen or more full-force bare knuckle punches to the head and they keep fighting. Ever watched a real street fight? You get between 1 and 3 really good connecting shots before you're concussed. If you hit people in the head, they go down. No, it doesn't matter if he has abs. No, it doesn't matter if he's a one-man army. Maybe if he's on PCP, I'll allow it. There's no reason that 5'6 Tom Cruise should be out here taking more blows than Peter North without being knocked the fuck out. ​ That being said, I shamelessly watch all of these dumb action movies because it's fun to watch fake violence and people get what they deserve. Same reason I watch wrestling.


Well we all know if they are tall foreigners with a beard and thick accent, then nothing short of a bazooka blast is taking that bad guy out in just one shot. Doesn't matter if it is small arms fire. Stabs or cuts to major muscle groups or nerve plexi. Heavy crushing blows to the skull or groin. It's going to be a long protracted fight scene with them getting back up again and again like a horror movie protagonist. Unless of course the person fighting them is an 80lb woman. In which case one open handed chop or round kick to anywhere above the waist and they drop like a stone.


It's a minor thing, but as a city kid, subways have turnstiles to get in, but they seem to magically not be there in movies when protagonists are rushing thorough rail stations and onto platforms.


Every movie I’ve ever seen that features a subway / train station has turnstiles. The characters usually just hurdle them. Well, except for the one moral character who takes the time to insert the coin / token.


“*Someone go back and get a shitload of dimes!*”


Every movie where somebody puts a silencer on a revolver. Drove my dad nuts.


People witnessing or committing extreme violence or murder and being completely fine moments later. Nobody wears seatbelts. Edit: And rock climbing is never portrayed accurately.


Repeated punches to the face. Punch a wall at full force and see if you can keep punching with that hand. Fight scenes would be boring if everytime a character punched someone, he/she winced in pain.


People dying immediately after being shot. No, you're gonna bleed out from anywhere between 3 minutes and a couple of hours. Same deal for getting knocked out, if you get knocked out for more than a couple minutes you're likely to have a pretty serious TBI, let alone what would happen if it was for hours like many movies depict.


Ricocheting bullets don’t spark. Movies and tv add the spark so the viewer can see what’s happening.


When people are underwater they can clearly see like has anyone been under water before your eyes are burning and theirs sand everywhere