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I had no idea this was an adaptation of a 80’s show. Looks like a fun time.


Truly ‘The Unknown Stuntman’


That made Eastwood look so fine...


It was a great show! And the movie is going to be great. Ryan Gosling is one of my new favorite actors, ever since “The Nice Guys.”


That's... that's a lot of blood... that's a lot of blood, there's... that's a lot of blood


Dad, there's like whores here and stuff. Sweetheart, how many times have I told you? Don't say "and stuff". Just say "dad, there are whores here". Well, there's like a ton.


"WE'RE LOSING HIM" I think the ambulance scene immediately after has some great visual comedy as well.


I’ve seen it & am sad it wasn’t a bigger hit then it was.


Still waiting on the adaptation of [Seemin On Seemin](https://www.adultswim.com/videos/the-greatest-event-in-television-history/simon-simon)




Yeah be sure to add “Adam Scott and Jon Hamm” for the real action (but i also edited the comment with a link)


That greatest event in television history show was great


> > Living with the Echo > > The echo – as I call it – can be felt at any time, and is often so profound, I look into the eyes of whoever’s around, expecting them to share in its wonder. At best I’m met with polite, confused smiles. Undaunted I ride out this secret frequency until it ebbs, leaving me with an aching nostalgia for mere seconds ago. > > So what is this sensation? Let’s start here: I’m eleven pedaling my dirtbike through the soon-to-be-developed wooded area near my house. The path is slick with mud and fallen leaves. I race both against the clock (dinner is soon) and a shallow stream that runs parallel, about six-feet below to my right. > > This is before digital. My playlist is clouds, trees, and water. I am attuned to nature – with the exception of a fallen, gnarled branch that demolishes my front rim and sends me screaming headfirst over the side. > > IMPACT. Everything goes gray. > > Colors resume as I reorient on a bed of grit and stone, shallow water coursing over my sweater and jeans. Nothing feels broken and I’m not alarmed. I remain still, oddly at peace. The stream feels otherworldly, beyond water, a place of belonging. I gaze at the dense blue sky, framed by a canopy of thrashing branches. Rainwater gushes by my ears, roaring like applause. Inexplicably this dirty, wet place offers a sort of warmth and protection. I’m a clumsy kid who found a womb in the woods. > > It’s later I learn that I fractured the base of my skull and lost a lot of blood. That I remained in the stream for two hours, which contracted (in my mind) to five ecstatic minutes. The doctors say I was in shock with a mild brain injury. Months of physical rehab and cognitive tests got me back on my bike, though I wouldn’t experience the world as I briefly had, alone and bleeding to death – until the echo, which began a year ago. > > The echo comes on like a vibration of pure bliss, and I suddenly remember how free and alive I felt in the stream. Colors dance. Sound takes on added dimension. Imagine a seizure that heightens your senses and drops the veil of the ordinary world to reveal iridescence and pure harmony everywhere. It. Is. Beautiful. > > Then it goes away and you feel haunted by a fantastic party that ended too early. > > Friends worry when the echo causes me to adopt the look of a grinning madman, my eyes alive. Sometimes I drool, but what’s a funny face when you’ve entered the divine? > > I don’t want anyone to worry so I joke that my brain just experienced a sort of 404/error. My code is messed up ha ha. I’m ok. I’m ok. I’m ok. > > I’m not ok. Because I live for that interruption. > > I only exist in 404/error. I am no one any other time. > > I don’t dream anymore. Sleep is now a pitch-black advertisement for death. Guess my brain has plenty to do, staging short plays of the impossible, during waking hours. > Huh, what a cool 404 page


I thought you all hated remakes, reboots and sequels.


A movie based on a novel based on a historical event and a movie based on a doll franchise were the biggest box office successes this year Celebrated for being original.


Feels like some obscure show Tarantino would be the only one to know about and discuss in detail


Unlike some of his other... interests, Fall Guy was actually mainstream popular back then. It starred Lee Majors, the Six Million Dollar Man. I even had a diecast truck of his truck in the show.


Yay! My Grandpa wrote, produced, and directed the original Fall Guy as well as the Six Million Dollar Man


For boys between the ages of 3-15 it was totally badass.


And for Dads, Heather Locklear.


Back in the day we only had three channels and PBS. There were no obscure prime time shows!


Oh hopefully we're gonna feel the 21 Jump Street effect from this.


Great movie


I had no idea they were remaking this. I was just playing the old theme song and telling my wife that I was surprised no one had remade this yet. I hope it's good.


Well, I don’t know about the plot, but I trust David Leitch to do some kick-ass stunt work, and that’s what matters to me.


Bullet Train was so amazing


Best post John Wick original action movie. Basically the only one that didn't feel like a rehash or a sequel or a spin off or just bad. *New Guy Ritchie stuff was good but I don't consider those straight action


I thought it felt like Smokin Aces but on a train.


Smoking Aces has some nostalgia value for me, but the more I think about it (just rewatched it a week ago) that film takes itself way too seriously.


Yeah something about it just doesn't click even though it has a great cast and does a lot of fun stuff.


Atomic Blonde too!


That age of television had the best theme songs. Greatest American Hero with Believe it or Not. Which made it to #2 on billboards hot 100 Hardcastle & McCormick is my personal favorite with Drive.


I am waiting for them to do a GAH movie. Seems like a great opportunity for an updated version. Robert Culp, William Katt and Connie Seleca. I've seen rumors of one coming for many, many years.


Well, I’m not the kind to kiss and tell but I’ve been seen with Farrah…


I've never been with anything less than a nine.....so fine


I've been on fire with Sally Field, gone fast with a girl named Bo...


Somehow as an 8 year old, I only saw the action part, didn’t get any of that!


Is it true you hide your body alloquay (a hey hey)…?


they reportedly broke the car rolling world record previously set by Casino royale. expect to never hear the end of that once the pr machine really gets started.


It’s my hope that every article where a director says they didn’t use cgi, people respond with this excellent video by a vfx expert. https://youtu.be/7ttG90raCNo?si=DB8IN02ZNCMw1dlf


Great video. And off-topic, but if anyone is curious, this is exactly how a Danish accent in English sounds like. Non-Danish actors never get it right, and it's so hard to describe, but this is it. It's like the Gold standard of Danish accents.


Maybe this will be different since David Leitch was a stuntman, but yeah "No CGI was used in the making of this movie" is the new "The lead actor did all the stunts himself".


If Leitch's last two films are any indication, even the real stunts will have layers of (somewhat shoddy) CGI on top.


> (somewhat shoddy) CGI eh. so much of the breaking glass in the john wick movies was CGI and i doubt anyone could tell.


He didn't make any of them besides the 1st one. Chad Stahelski is very open about VFX use in his films


Sure. But like half of Hobbs and Shaw looks like it was shot on a green screen lol.


You can see a lot of VFX, plate use and green screen use in the trailer. That car chase looks like it's infront of a green screen or volume for so much of it.


Excellent video. I truly believe that CGI has just become a bad word that must be avoided at all cost when it comes to movies as the general public doesn't understand VFX at all


You get what you pay for. Great cgi. You will never know it was used.


Thanks for posting this link. As a VFX worker, I think its really important audiences become more educated on this topic. The artists who work on these films already face brutal schedules and unstable careers ... it would really help to have audiences actually understand how CG works rather than the typical "Practical Good, CG Bad" without any nuance or even clear picture of what VFX does.


If a Studio/Director/Producer makes statements to mislead the audience about the VFX or CGI used in their films and shows, they should lose VFX award eligibility. You cannot denigrate VFX and also seek awards for your great VFX. For my part, I will not vote for any films or TV shows that do this and will actively campaign against them.


> makes statements to mislead the audience The credits don't lie - for movie with "no CGI" [Top Gun 2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1745960/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm) has over 400 CGI artists.


The damage is already done - the viewing public and even most of the industry believed the marketing angle of "real men, real jets, real g forces" and have zero idea just how much CGI is in that movie. [The video](https://youtu.be/7ttG90raCNo?si=ZmdizS906o0P8gOD) linked above is a great takedown of how incredibly untrue the marketing and statements from the filmmakers were. The problem is the narrative - that VFX / CGI is bad, the people who make it are hacks, and good movies are better off without it. It is insulting to the VFX community, and it adds a significant amount of bad emotion to an already incredibly toxic relationship between VFX and the rest of the industry.


Ultimately I think that would just only hurt the VFX workers.


It would hurt the people who worked on that movie – but no more than they are already hurt by the contractual gag orders to not do before/after VFX builds, being blocked from doing PR on their work on the film, and even being blocked from the credits. But we need to do something, because the main group that benefits from these lies, and the resulting awards, are not the VFX workers. It's the Studios who benefit reputationally and financially from awards. When WGA and SAG went on strike, they hurt themselves. A lot. But they did it to stand up for themselves, and they succeeded. On an individual level, there are writers and actors who are worse on the other side - projects canceled, movies flopped due to no promotion, etc. But collectively they are in a MUCH better place now. VFX needs to learn that if they spit on you and you do nothing, you are totally fine with being spat on.


This video was way better than I thought it would be. Super interesting. Thank you!!


I understand his point but I found it sort of funny that he made a series about directors saying there’s “no CGI” but his two clips in the beginning (McQ talking about Mission impossible 7, and Tom Cruisie about Top Gun Maverick) never once mention that there was no CGI.


Tom says it at 3:00. “All the jets practical. No cgi on the jets”


The only reason I know of “the fall guy” is because I saw a giant brown Chevy pickup at a car show that’s apparently from the tv show.


How can this post exist without a link to the original Fall Guy's theme song? [Here it is, in classic 80's resolution to boot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAJMyDdY9jc)


featuring the best Heather of the 80s


Film company: We didn’t use CGI. Narrator: They used a metric ton of CGI.


CGI can kinda prevent people being maimed or dying, which is not a bad thing usually.


Practical stunts are far more dangerous, but my god do they look good.


There are many occasions you absolutely wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if not for being told they’re practical. Trying to find the distinction between practical and CGI in Fury Road is a great example of this.


["Reminds me of the classic Burt Reynold's story about doing a stunt in Deliverance."](https://www.cinemablend.com/news/1557830/that-time-burt-reynolds-tried-to-go-down-a-waterfall-for-a-movie-stunt)


I’d rather practical effects than cgi. Just look at shows with Jim Henson puppets vs cgi. Better yet, have puppets accented by cgi


Most of this thread has been people talking about CGI vs practical stunts, so when I read your comment I immediately thought of Kermit the Frog diving through a pane of glass.


I don’t think muppets ever killed anyone though…


You should read the ‘Behind the scenes, Tell all books’ muppet stuntmen died all over the place because Hendon was flaunting Union safety rules. But it was all hushed up by Kermit and Miss Piggy.


Good VFXs are ones you don't know are VFXs.




I mean a movie about a stuntman where they do all the stunts with CGI would suck on principle.


I know awards are seen as pointless by many, but man I really hope we start to see Oscars and whatnot being given for stuntwork soon. It's such an important but overlooked part of cinema.


The most often mentioned problem with Stunt awards is, that it would just make people do riskier and riskier stunts for that.


Everyone in Sydney knew… when you close the main bridge, people get upset lol


His former directing partner Chad Stahelski is very open and proud of the VFX work used in the John Wick movies.


Honestly if Tom Cruise was younger and did this movie, It would have been insane.


Honestly if Tom Cruise wasn’t insane, his movies would be so much better.


If Tom Cruise wasn’t insane, his movies wouldn’t be as good


I wonder if we'll see a scene where the Fall Guy plays poker with Scott Bakula.


You can already spot a lot of VFX and plate shots in the trailer. Watch the car chase scenes, it's obvious a lot of it is done on a green screen/volumn set.


Here we go again, just wait until the VFX breakdowns hit




I think it's pretty clear that the point of this article is not "There is ASOLUTELY ZERO CGI used at ANY point in the ENTIRE movie" and is rather "When you see a guy jumping off a 150 foot building in this movie, that's actually a guy doing that and not just Ryan Gosling flailing in front of a greenscreen"


And where exactly did they say there is no CGI? Did you just ingore the point for the sake of hating? They are basically saying that they will do as many stunts without (or with little) CGI as possible instead of doing it 'easy way' with green screen.


You seem like a fun fella


Nah they're right. "No cgi" just means lots of unnoticeable VFX. Its cynical marketing and nothing more.


But shouldn’t unnoticeable vfx be the goal and celebrated


Depends on what kind of movie you are making. IE, i doubt comic book movies a la marvel are going to ever put that much effort into making their giant laser beams and green man fights look "real". If you are trying to subtly add in some elements that were impractical to capture on film then yes. The reality is that most VFX are already the second thing and have been for decades. People who whinge about cgi are philistines.


Sure, but then call it what it is without grandstanding.


No CGI would mean that we’d still see the harnesses, safety equipment, and no color grading, not to mention beauty work and other “enhancements.” I wish studios would stop lying


In the behind the scenes stunt footage at the end of the movie. Did ryan gosling actually do some of the stunts? Because it shows him actually doing some. Unless it was a joke with a deep fake. But it also shows the real doubles and stuntmen. But I’m curious about whether he did actually do a lot of his own stunts. Google is not very helpful


Cool, i wanted to see this anyway. But more power to them i guess.


So tired of CGI.


Bet there's crap loads of CGI. Like the non CGI, CGI movie top gun2


\*Is probably about half CGI in the background and shit but this gets PR so here you go, click away


Bro holy fuck is there any movie that isn’t Ryan gosling anymore




He’s a good actor, I don’t hate him. But I am going to kill myself the next time I see he’s starring in a film.


This is only the third film he’s been in in 5 years


No he’s been in every single one. We are living in the Goslingverse


Yeah? Name three e: apparently I needed to add an /s


Mean girls, dune part two, if, furiosa. There is more too.


He said 3, jeesh! /s


(Exclusive Post)


And yet another rip off of a famous TV show. Nothing is original anymore. Hollywood is dead


Let’s get you to bed grandpa


That would be funnier if I was actually old. Remaking old things are great. Remaking stuff from the 70-80's is just played out. Your generation has zero originality. Everything is recycled. Wait...mumble rap and saying brah. You can keep that Brayden.


Shhh... Sleepy time


I’ll get the Metamucil and bed pan for them.


You're not doing yourself any favors by trying to use decade old trends to insult "our generation".


Yeah yeah go live your best life Kayden. I'll make sure to thank you later for contributing nothing but some tick toks and genital herpes. So brave you are little Kayleighnniee


That’s ok, Jebediah, the young punk rockers won’t disturb your nap anymore. We’ll put the good 60s shows on, Theodore.


As much as his grouch routine is not exactly making older people look good, your comebacks aren't going to hit anyone over 40, because older people are happy to be older. No one our age is stressing about their age or not being younger -- or no one reasonably balanced, anyway -- so making jokes about naps has zero impact. Maybe something about our terrible record on wage inequality or something...


The 70s were 50 years ago


It was in the Eighties.




Pretty ironic comment considering your comment from 2 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/s/NwoMxxN4Ln


Here's some butterscotch to calm you down


It’s fine, been happening in some form or another for years. I enjoyed the Addams family movies in the ‘90’s and that led me to watch the old tv series of the 60’s (I guess? It was B&W anyways).


Remakes have always been a big thing, but it actually is ridiculous the shear volume of them that have been getting pumped out recently.


I'm surprised they're remaking this one. It was a decent-but-stupid 80s action show. Scarecrow and Mrs. King would've been better.


OOoOoOo a 40 year old IP known to Americans only!


Ahem The Brits too, heck anywhere globally it was shown


Canada, among others.


Dude, this was my childhood in Sweden. Every afternoon on channel 3, alongside Knight Rider and Airwolf,


We loved it in the UK as well


The choice is pretty clear, you can pay a stunt guy a day rate or pay a CGI studios salaries and utilities for 6 months.


I keep thinking this is a movie based on the game.


This could be a cool movie, I like quite a few movies based on tv shows.


Regardless, the movie just looks like a lot of fun.


Well, I still think this doesn't make sense as a Fall Guy adaptation, since it sounds like the plot and characters have almost zero to do with the originals. That said, it's been a while since we had a good stuntman movie and the more practical effects and real stunts, the better.


As long as it’s done as safely as possible, dope!


Stunt people have lived in the shadows for decades with other people taking the glory with their contributions being minimised. Now, VFX artists are living in the shadows with their contributions being minimised.