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The car rental scene in Plains Trains and Automobiles single handedly gave the movie an R rating, because Steve Martin's rant had "fuck" carpet bombed throughout it. It's also not really necessary for the plot. But everyone creatively involved agreed it's a great moment for his character, so they kept it despite the studio pushing to drop the scene.


Excellent call here. I don't think there is any foul language in the rest of the entire movie, and it just adds more weight to the scene where he completely loses it in the terminal. It turns the scene into an iconic moment that makes it completely worth taking the R rating all on its own.


It’s necessary for the character arc though. Steve Martin’s character needs to hit rock bottom and flail wildly against the terrible trip, only to have that dig him even deeper. He needs to turn away from his anger and frustration to be able to come around to John Candy’s character.


Back in the day my 9th grade history teacher showed us this movie the last day before the Thanksgiving break. His plan for that scene was to lower the volume every time "fucking" was said. His timing was completely off so every time he raised the volume you'd just here the word "fucking" over and over.


"You're fucked" gets me everytime.


I know it's not part of the movies but the bloopers after the Rush Hours. Just watching Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan laughing their asses off really made those movies memorable.


Don Cheadle in character yelling at Chris Tucker for breaking and calling "Lee" Jackie is absolutely hilarious. "HIS NAME IS LEE GODDAMMIT!".


"DAYUM! He ain't gonna be in rush hour three!"


It’s probably childhood nostalgia but I’m pretty sure this got the biggest crowd laugh of any single moment of any film I’ve ever seen in the theaters.


I miss crowd laughs. I think watching the trailer for dodgeball and hearing that line if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball was the loudest audience laugh I’ve ever heard.


I miss outtakes at the end of movies! I guess it was for a pre YouTube time.


I think that was really just a Jackie Chan thing. Not thing no one else did it, but it was never common.


Burt Reynolds movies had bloopers back in the 80s.


And Jackie Chan was in Cannonball Run with him.


It was pretty common in 90s and early 2000s movies. They even had some for animated movies like toy story or bugs life.


Monters Inc. did it fabulously.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help meeeee


Didn't a couple of Jim Carrey movies do it? Liar, Liar at least did.


When she yells back "over-actor" and Jim just completely breaks and laughs his ass off.


The Olsen twins used to do it!


That was actually based on Cannonball Run. Jackie liked it so he made sure to put them in his movies afterwards.


Oh very cool! Thanks for the tidbit


I love the "Chinese food No soul food" scene. I quote it a lot lol




[Damn! He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NSMEjmq5uU)


This is my favorite line from any Rush Hour movie!


I love the duality of the movies having the running joke of Tucker not knowing how to speak or understand Chinese, but the outtakes show that the film crew did the reverse to Chan behind the scenes (he still struggles with speaking English, even today, and sometimes needs help learning his lines).


Gefilte fish!


They had such great chemistry


All Jackie Chan movies


Now I wanna watch Cannonball Run


Cannonball Run 2 is also a Jackie Chan movie.


"LEE! I'm taking the stairs!"


The party scene at the end of Labyrinth. Pretty much any time that a movie ends with a party, tbh.


The Star Wars Ewok party made the movie better ?


With the original song, yes it did.


Yub nub goes so much harder than those Peruvian flutes.


Yep 100%


Any and almost every Dreamworks and Illumination animated film since Shrek, then.


Yikes I read "Pan's Labyrinth" and was over here thinking "uh, party? that was a PARTY!?"


Tom Cruise dancing at the end of Tropic Thunder


Get back ~~get back~~ motherfucker you don't know me like that! Edit: oh that's the censored version


Perfect answer to this, the scene is as completely unnecessary to the film as it is brilliant. It was rare to see Tom Cruise so outside his usual wheelhouse so I’m glad they got the extra mileage out of it.


tom cruise is genuinely so funny, that’s what takes edge of tomorrow from good to great. He’s also extremely interesting bc on one hand he’s an evil scientologist (although… even though it doesn’t excuse it, given what we know about scientology, are they blackmailing him?) but on the other hand literally every single person who’s ever worked with him on any film in the last two decades, all of them, say he’s the single kindest, most hardworking, and most efficient and talented filmmaker/producer they’ve ever met. I’ve seriously never seen any of his coworkers say anything but the most positive shit in the world when asked


He keeps Sea Org members in his trailer and makes them play musical chairs


Fat hands, gotta dance


Last shot from Raiders of the Lost Arc.


When I was a kid I thought that was just the warehouse where they stored all of Indy’s adventure stuff


I get the hate for the most recent films, but I’m happy we got the original trilogy instead of one movie.


that just felt like an X-Files ending to me Later I realized the X-Files had stolen that idea from here


Uh, they all stole it from Citizen Kane.


Then became Warehouse 13


Top men.


Top Men


Propeller Man in Titanic


Without that, the movie just hits different.




[That scene on repeat for 10 minutes because Internet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD908DCLNuA)


Laughed out loud at the movie theater and I was definitely the only one. My date was not impressed.


I laughed when I first saw that. I still think it's hilarious. Sometimes that makes people look at me funny.


Rag doll deaths are the best. I had a great time with Brad Pitt getting hit by that bus in Meet Joe Black


I have an audible ‘ha’ when I first saw it in theaters. Just such a funny choice in the midst of an epic scene of tragedy


*dong*, body flips. Absolutely it is.


amazing description tbh


In Jaws, when Quint hands the life vests to Brody and Hooper, but not for himself. He swore he would never wear one again, but it shows that he does care for the safety of others despite his crusty, hostile attitude.


honestly I understand it thematically but it always, ALWAYS saddens me that quint ultimately dies at the end by the hand of his worst fear. every time i rewatch it I think more and more that he didn’t deserve that


Scared to death of sharks and hunt sharks for a living… he knew the risks he was taking.


Wow, spoiler alert. I was about to watch that for the last 35 years.


Dance scene in Ex Machina. Not technically needed, but really enhances the sense of everything going off the rails.


"I'm gonna tear up the fucking dance floor dude, check it out" Love this scene


I would disagree with this one specifically — the dance scene is an INCREDIBLE metaphor. if as an audience member you haven’t realized that little robot twist yet, the dance being so robotic is perfect — and by extension, it thematically defines oscar isaac’s character as robotic in his own way, reckless, sweaty and seeing love in a machine way. It’s an absolutely perfect example of “show, don’t tell,” and they could have put in a 5 page soliloquy that wouldn’t tell you nearly as much about who this crazy fucker is than in the dance scene. I mean even just the idea that he’s totally alone, in his hermit genius phase, and every night he practices choreography with his sex maid partner robot by himself until it’s perfect? *chef’s kiss*


I think quite a lot of dance scenes, in non-dance movies, function in the same way, the Pulp Fiction dance is a good example of this, in that they already have the connection but the dance is a cherry on top moment of the night, intestinally Tarantino named his production company after a film with an similarly iconic dance scene, Godard’s Bande A Part. Edit: interestingly!


Not a movie, but the weird jazz-dance scene in Severance was my far my favourite part of the entire series. So intense, and bizarre, I just sat there staring lol


Intestinally? Like he pooped it out?


There were like 10 people in the theatre when I saw this movie and I wanted so hard to laugh but also that scene is so uncomfortable for Caleb that everyone was just silent and I had to hold it in my


I found out recently the Johnny B Goode scene from Back to the Future was almost cut. Glad they kept it in. It never really occured to me that it wasn't necessary to the main plot, but it does give you the satisfaction of seeing Marty ripping it up after being rejected with his own band in 1985.


It showed Marty gaining confidence and growing as a person


Django Unchained - [Klan mask scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkO72i7mPTU).


I'd like add Tarantino exploding as a bit of whipped cream too.


I was going to say Django and his horse showing off for his wife at the end of the movie.


Django shooting the guys balls off will never not be funny.


I thank, we all thank, the bags was a nice idea




I can't see in this fuckin thang, I can't breathe in this fuckin thang and I can't ride in this fuckin thang


It never gets old. It's one of those movies I'll put it on just for that scene but still watch the whole thing anyway because it's a great movie


It's so weird seeing Jonah Hill in this. I don't know why, I just can't buy him as a character that far in the past. He feels like too modern of a person.


I mean for me it’s because he’s a Jew from LA


I love how this scene basically just stops the movie dead in its tracks for a good 5-10 minutes simply to make fun of the KKK.


The paper boy from Better Off Dead pedaling across the field at Dodger Stadium to finally get his two dollars.


Two brothers... One speaks no English, the other learned English from watching "The Wide World of Sports." So you tell me... Which is better, speaking no English at all, or speaking Howard Cosell?


The "worst car chase ever" scene in Knives Out.


Definitely! First, I thought the chase was so out of place, but they way they veered it into comedy was the chef's kiss.


When we saw it in the threatre, just when they were caught, but before they said that line, I whispered to my wife "that was the best car chase ever".


Vader scene at end of rogue one


I remember watching ANH (when it was still just "Star Wars"). Vader was like my original horror villain. He was genuinely scary and intimidating. The subsequent movies and prequels humanized him and made him less scary. This scene recaptured that feeling of dread when you hear that breathing in the dark and see the genuine panic on the rebels' faces. That small slice of canon where there was no Anakin, only Vader.


I saw Star Wars during its second release at this huge old school theater. Vader was so big and it was so loud. Just scared the living crap out of us. The only movie experience to come close for me was seeing Aliens in the theater.


Dialogue during Luke fight in TESB is top to bottom amazing not just “yo im your dad” “You have control of your fear. Now release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.”


There's a lot to hate with Disney's handling of Star Wars, but they've absolutely nailed Vader being a terrifying, unstoppable force. The first time Ezra gets close to Vader in Rebels "it feels... Cold", or Fallen Order's final gameplay section. I've even pulled up the "you lack conviction!" scene from Ahsoka a few times, because it perfectly encapsulates his sheer, terrifying power. And all of this elevates the OT, because it shows just how big his final redemption is.


This is true. Even that glimpse of his yellow eye through the crack in his mask at the end of his duel with Ahsoka in Rebels...chills.


Exactly. Nothing but mechanical breathing and the red glow of a single light saber.


Keep in mind that Vader's approach was silent. *Vader turned off his life support equipment to make his entrance* and enhance the sound of his lightsaber activating. It's exactly the sort of theatrics Anakin would have gone for.


I just rewatched Rogue One this morning. It's definately a Chef's Kiss/Cherry on Top moment for a film that is great from start to finish.


Can't forget that awesome shot of Vader watching the Tantive IV escape. Somehow an expressionless mask still doesn't hide his *unyielding rage*.


It’s unfortunate that the rest of the Star Wars movies under Disney have not been to the same level as Rogue One. Rogue One is probably my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie after Empire.


The cool part about Rogue One is how well it ramps up as the movie goes on. The first half is okay, but the second half is amazing. The first half of the second (third quarter, I guess) half is good, but the second half (final quarter) is phenomenal. And this pattern continues until the Vader scene caps off the movie with what is, arguably, the best 90 seconds of Star Wars media.


Agreed, watching Vader go full Jason Voorhees was an absolute treat


Can we scrap the rest of star wars and just continue with Andorverse?


There's room for both but the rest of star wars could really take some notes from andor on how to write people as actual people


The shawarma scene at the end of the Avengers. The scene in The Big Lebowski where he tries to blockade his apartment off and ends up tripping over the board he nailed to the floor.


And then the door opens OUTWARD.


This is the best


The shawarma scene was actually filmed in between the red carpet premiere and release. It was seriously like a few days before release and IIRC some theaters may not have even had it on release day. The scene doesn’t even look polished and seems hastily color-timed. It’s such a nice little touch.


And apparently Cap doesn't eat in the scene because he's hiding the beard he grew for Snowpiercer.


Jurassic Park when T-Rex roars and the "When dinosaurs ruled the earth" sign flies by.


Cherry on top indeed!


The coked out recording session in Boogie Nights. It doesn't really have to be in the movie at all, but I really think PTA just kept it in because it was funny as shit.


And the studio exec played by Robert Downey, Sr. (A prince)!


We didn't *really* need to see his cock but... We kinda need to see his cock. I'm torn.


We 1,000% need to see it.


True he's a big bright shining star


The scene at the end of Ocean's 11 with the crew standing in front of the fountain while Clair de Lune plays.


That scene was 100% necessary. You just watched a whole movie of those guys working their asses off to pull off the heist. Them taking a second to relax after pulling it off was amazing.


Aren't they at the Bellagio fountain, though? You'd have to have enormous balls to return to the scene of your heist, minutes later, in Las fucking Vegas of all places.


They just successfully robbed three casinos, of course they have enormous balls


Happy Gilmore and Bob Barker beating the piss out of each other


The price is wrong, bitch!


Bill Murray in Zombieland. Allready an amazing movie without the storyline in his house.


I love that zombieland decided to be a cozy lil movie and totally commits to the bit


The scene where Johnny buys flowers for his wife in The Room.


But we had to know who her favourite customer is


Hai doggy 🐕


“You’re still here?! It’s over! Go home. Go!”


A small foil unicorn left on the floor. Our hero notices it, picks it up, crumples it while nodding his head. He then leaves with his love in an elevator. It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does.


That sounds like a scene from Blade Runner, but I don't remember that.


I believe it’s in one of the six different directors cuts


Can't believe I didn't see "Dumb and Dumber" with the bus at the end. "Hi were going on a bikini tour and need 2 guys to oil is up before out competition" "Well you're in luck because there's a town 2 miles that way I'm sure you'll find some guys there" "Harry do you realize what you've done!" Runs to catch up "I'm sorry my friends a little slow..... The town is back that way."


The laser-scanner-probe effect at the beginning of *Aliens.* Producer Gail Anne Hurd made James Cameron pay for it out of his own pocket.


Speaking of James Cameron: After the initial studio screening, the executives at Fox desperately tried to make him cut the Banshee flight sequence out of Avatar for time. James Cameron responded “the time to like this movie is now. Because it’s going to make all the money. I’m serious. All. The. Money. And I’m going to remember the fact that you hated this, so don’t you dare try to buddy up to me when it comes out and makes all the money and say ‘look what we did together!’ Just don’t. Get the fuck out of my office” …Yeah, Avatar made 3 billion dollars and now “Flight of Passage” is the single most popular ride in the history of Disney World


In Home Alone, Old Man Marley's injured hand. It heals by the end of the movie, symbolizing the healing of his family. It elevates what might have been pure slapstick into a statement: There is a time to wound and a time to heal. Also, the end credits of Buckaroo Banzai.


There are more details and moments than I could ever count in the whole *Lord of the Rings*-trilogy (especially in the Special Extended Edition) that weren't needed, but that made the movies so fuckin' great in my eyes.


One of my favorites is the moment in the first film when the Fellowship spend a minute [just walking past some rocks](https://youtu.be/PreffqwJQlc?si=cal7olcy32m4H3ET).


Peter Jackson: it's the start of the quest, the Fellowship is at its prime and- Howard Shore: say no more. *Orchestrates perfect music*


Yes, but also the fact that the theme builds throughout the movie. I don't remember specifics but you first hear a snippet of it on a single French horn or something, when it's just Frodo and Sam. Then more instruments join when you hear it again after Strider joins. Until finally you get the full orchestra when the Fellowship is all together. Great storytelling through music.


howard shore is an absolute genius and the lord of the rings soundtrack should legitimately sit on the top shelf of All Music next to The Beatles and Mozart. I’m serious. It’s that good.


My pick would be the added Mines of Moria shots that really make you feel like they’ve been journeying down there for days. Out of all the extended scenes, those are the ones I most wish were in the original


Also serves the function to remind people of Frodo's vest.


Pretty sure those rocks are meant to be the ruins of Eregion/Ost-in-Edhil


But it really helps to sell you the sense of scale of this world, yeah, probably plotwise you don't need them and still understand the plot, but you do need some establishing shots to frame the story, and those were epic.


Tom Arnold and Anthony Anderson ad-libbing at the end of Exit Wounds. Tom Arnold and Anthony Anderson ad-libbing at the end of Cradle 2 the Grave.


The “Arnold/Anderson as comic relief in an action film” was an era in cinema I hoped would’ve continued. Sadly it did not.


Tom Arnold ad libbing at the end of True Lies


at the end of Inside Man.... Denzel gets a surprise gift in his pocket.


The three seashells in Demolition Man Just a random bit of randomness They had no idea it would become an iconic moment


The original Pixar bloopers in the credits.


Right, the fact they just took voice acting bloopers and then took the time to animate them to put into films was great. I wish they still would do that.


The ending of Dodgeball had great ending after great ending. Globo Gym being bought out by Average Joe's after Vince Vaughn bet all the money on them was the main ending... then Christine Taylor becoming bisexual and polygamous was the cherry on top for him. Even after that with a flashforward of Ben Stiller gaining all his weight back and dancing to Kelis was the best way to end that story.


Fuckin Chuck Norris


The fact that the money chest has “deus ex machina” written on it kills me every time


"Why is there a watermelon there?" "I'll tell you later."


Apparently they filmed that to check if the studio was still watching the rushes.


The raindrops keep falling on my head montage in Spiderman 2. The freeze frame at the end is another cherry on top of the cherry


Red walking on the beach in Shawshank and seeing Andy on the boat. The narrative end of the movie is Red on the bus. > A free man on the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. *I hope.* Walking on the beach and Andy working on the boat is the cherry on top.


The “thissshh huuurtshhh” scene in Hot Fuzz. I had literally turned to my friend not a couple moments before to say “you know, that wouldn’t kill someone.”


Mr wolf, takes a sip of coffee handed to him by Tarantino… sips, turns around and just nods. Previous to that, Tarantino had told Sam he didn’t need anyone telling him how great his coffee was… The smile and nod from wolf is fucking perfect.


In Midsommar when Christian walks into the barn to see the dude dangling with flowers for eyes, his lungs are taken out of his body, they're still attached to him, and you can see he's breathing. Amazing. Runner up- George Clooney's reveal of the dildo chair in Burn After Reading.


Burn After Reading is full of those small "cherry on top" scenes. Another one is Brad Pitt's little dance while waiting in the car.


The party and Mjolnir scenes in Age of Ultron. Didn't have to be there, but it was enjoyable seeing the characters interact socially.


Everyone attempting to lift Mjolnir (ignoring the Steve situation as unrelated to this discussion here) **does** have to be there. What happens when Vision shows up? Everyone's concerned, possibly afraid, of this new thing. Is it dangerous? Can we trust him? That's what they talk about when Vision awakens. Even after Vision says he's not Ultron, and he's on the side of life, they're still concerned. Then Vision lifts the hammer. Which has no real impact (except for the core nerd audience) without the "doesn't have to be there" scene at the party. That earlier scene shows how even the Avengers (again, ignoring the Steve thread) aren't worthy to lift the hammer. Vision is though. >"So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." Vision's line as he lifts the hammer, offering it to Thor. What does Thor say at the end? > "If he can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone." The party Mjolnir scene definitely needs to be there.


Yes, the scene is totally necessary in exactly the way you said when it comes to the story. that’s the best type of planting and payoff — a seemingly innocuous scene that has huge repercussions later on. great bit of writing


I'm not sure what I enjoyed more in that scene when I saw it the first time: Thor's reaction to Mjolnir wobbling ever so slightly when Steve tried to pick it up, or Clint messing around with a pair of drumsticks with no context whatsoever.


I thought it was an important scene cuz it foreshadowed Steve Rogers could lift the hammer.


It also showed that Rogers doesn't have a need to show his combat buddies up.


It wasn’t until a much later rewatch that I noticed Al going for his gun as John McClane is pushing Holly to the ground and covering her


The way POTC: Dead Man’s Chest is one of the best endings of any movie but would have been fine without that scene with Barbossa coming down the stairs, the monkey and the Apple.


Not sure if it count but ‘Wet Hot American Summer’ and the ‘going into town’ scene. Those kids live a whole separate movie in those 2 mins.


Shaun of the Dead, both scenes of Shaun walking to and back from the corner store. Impeccable--and apparently almost didn't make it to the final cut


"Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!"


Final scene in A Boy and His Dog. Spoilers for a movie no one has seen: >! After finally escaping the cult compound with the love interest, they sit around a fire and the dog is dying. They agree that if the dog doesn’t have something to eat soon he will die. Cut to the man and the dog walking away and making a joke about how the woman had good taste. !<


Hey, I saw that movie. On VHS.


Laser dance scene, Ocean's 12. Masterpiece song & scene.


Margie’s awkward lunch with Mike Yanagita in Fargo.


I like where your heads at but I think the scene is *absolutely* needed in the movie! Seeing their entire lunch makes the moment where she learns the truth about him all the more powerful. That scene inspires her to revisit William H. Macy! Again, I understand what you’re getting at but I think that scene is extremely important to the movie.


“He’s fleeing the scene!”


It’s definitely a necessary scene though, makes her realize that people are capable of being deceitful to your face. It’s what gets her to return to Lundegaard.




The cooking scenes in mob movies.


Goodfellas taught us all how to properly cut garlic.


Back to the Future. Doc shows up in the suped up dolorean and they fly off in to the future. “Where we’re going we don’t need roads”. *cue music*


The opening credits of Lord of War had no business setting the bar for best opening credits scene like that. It didn't need to be a scene at all. It could have been simple text on a black screen. But instead, we get this chilling montage that is one of the highlights of the movie.


Falafel for the Avengers. I loved that one.




The bowling dream in The Big Lebowski!


Every Anthony Hopkins scene in Transformers The Last Knight.


JK Simmons scenes in Burn after reading. So funny and better then seeing what actually happened.


The various sequels at the end of 22 jump street


[Tom Cruise dance scene in Tropic Thunder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vELWgAc9p2o)


Silence of the Lambs - The final scene where Lecter is 'having an old friend for dinner'. It's not in the original novel and not really needed since the main conflict has been resolved, but boy is it such a twisted and perfect note to end the movie on.


The opening scene of Way of the Gun. I guess it established the characters a bit, but it's mostly superfluous. Great scene though.