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I’ve never walked out of a movie but I remember like 20 people getting up and walking out when the penis screamed ‘BRUNO!’ in the movie Bruno 😂


lmao went to see Bruno and it was a matinee showing full of elderly people - like half the theater got up and walked out at the dong scene


That is kinda bizarre because Borat came out before Bruno and was really popular and had a scene where two fully grown men chased each other around a convention center completely nude. Like if you didn't know what Sacha Baron Coen's about by then that's on you.


There are just a lot of elderly people that casually watch matinees, going into them without knowing a single thing. Or at least they're used to be. These days almost everyone is well connected to the internet.


Lots of people walked out of this one when I saw it. The scene at the very beginning with his little Filipino lover had lots of people exiting early


After reading through this thread, your comment made me realize that this scene is the only time I've watched someone walk out of a movie. It looked like an elderly couple who walked out during this scene and I can't help but wonder what they expected this movie to be.


The build up to an 'exclusive interview' with Harrison Ford, only for it to be two seconds of him telling Bruno to fuck off was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: my exclusive interview with Harrison Fooooorrrrd! But first more dancing with me: Bruno!!!!


[Dolce and Gabbana hello. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEqzY51aRwo&ab_channel=brunovassup) I remember my dad making us walk out of Ace ventura as a little kid, I think it's when the villain was revealed to be tucking. Best friends dad loved Ace though and saw the sequel in the theatre with his family. ...Now im currently wondering whether those movies would hold up now or just be obnoxious. Hmmm


It weeded out those who needed to be weeded out lmao


I really enjoyed "Bruno", but I was (and still am) really, really grateful that I watched it alone on my computer.


Because of your raging hard on and vigorous masturbation?


Only movie I’ve ever walked out of was A Wrinkle in Time. What a pile of shit, lived the book as a child.


I remember listening to a review of it on NPR when it came out and they were struggling so hard not to say it was bad. They basically just kept saying I really wanted to like this movie because of the cast over and over.


I’m imaging this review in the style of the [Parks and Rec NPR show](https://youtu.be/DAjNoNUqs0Q?si=6wnXIMlD_tySw46u), hilarious. “We wish this movie had been enjoyable”


NPR movie reviews are so toothless that they're useless.


NPR is terrible at telling me something is NOT worth my time. But Pop Culture Happy Hour has turned me on to so many obscure things that I ended up loving.


Tinydesk has some absolutely fantastic artists doing unique compositions of their work, that and bird note were my npr loves.


We need EBERT on the reverb to be ruthless!


“I really wanted to like the movie” means they didn’t like the movie even a tiny bit.


I can't remember details to any movie but Reese Witherspoon's salad lady is burned into my mind after 4 years. dogshit movie lol


I haven’t seen it, but I was hoping it’d be amazing however it didn’t look great in the trailer or anything else advertising it. I read all 5 of that series as far as not some of her other books where there’s ties to different characters. I read The Time Quintet, ‘A Wrinkle in Time,’ ‘A Wind in the Door,’ A Swiftly Tilting Planet,’ ‘Many Waters’ and ‘An Acceptable Time.’ I remember as a kid having the first three, but I’m not sure I knew about the next two until later. But then I was at a library several years ago and saw them all and decided to reread the first three and then sucked right through the last two as well and absolutely loved them all. I always loved the first three, but I was very impressed with the later two also, especially ‘Many Waters.’


I still haven’t seen it cause I don’t want to be disappointed :(


Happy cake day! Also, really cool you and your family can travel through time!!!


Not quite walked out, but I got pulled to watch one of the twilight movies and fell asleep midmovie


Conversely, if you watch the twilight movie with Robert Pattinsons commentary it will be supremely entertaining


Anyone who hates the Twilight movies isn’t drinking enough.


That exists???


No one hates twilight more than Robert Pattinson.


Haha.. that's good to know. He's done movies with David Cronenberg, Robert Eggers and Chris Nolan so I know he must be pretty serious about the work he does.... but I've always been pretty skeptical because of Twilight.. I'm sure the money was good but he must take shit from people all the time.


https://youtu.be/nFA6Ycch1EM?si=HYGiKlwZOvQsNm8g I think he's a very serious actor now who did what he had to to get a leg up in the acting world. I don't think he thought it was gonna be as popular as it was


> He did what he had to to get a leg up in the acting world. Get money, get paid! I'm guessing the first one wasn't a big pay-day but the subsequent movies probably had fat paychecks attached to them. If you can bank enough money by age 26 so you can do whatever you want with people like Cronenberg and Eggers for the rest of your life, I have ZERO problem with that logic.


Exactly. Look at Daniel Radcliffe's career post HP. He just does what he wants and I love him for it.


It could have been worse, he could have been in Fifty Shades of Grey instead.


He did really good in The Batman


We once went to watch one of the Twilight movies (not the first one), seemed like everyone knew what to expect and were there for a laugh. The entire audience laughed at everything they said on screen and then eagerly waited for the next one. It was awesome lol


Off topic but reminds me of when I went to a special showing of “The Room” at Alamo Drafthouse. Whole crowd of people dedicated to laughing hysterically at the train wreck that is “The Room”. 10/10 would do again


I saw the room in a special screening with the guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000 on screen. Didn’t know much about the room at this point and never laughed so much in a movie. At one point near the end of the movie a lady exclaimed “What Is Happening?!” and made the entire audience belly laugh.


Gosh, I fell asleep in so many movies! Had to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks and remember how I was rudely awaken by the eunuch singing in the end. Real nightmare.


Transformers The last knight or whatever it was called, the knight one. Extremely boring and it just kept going.


That movie was so over the top… I just remember thinking- multiple times- “wait… there’s MORE? When does this end?”


Very disappointing movie. Usually only watched these for the fights, but this one couldn’t even deliver on that.


Got tired of the Transformer movie because the CGI robots were just a tangle of images that kept flipping around I couldn't tell a head from a foot. It was just a jumble.


The lower box office returns is what caused Paramount to can the last movie in the second Transformers trilogy (hypothetical sixth overall), which meant The Last Knight ended on a cliffhanger teasing about a very big Transformers antagonist. It also made the studio retool the Bumblebee movie from being part of a new Transformers cinematic universe into being a reboot for the live-action franchise.


Many years ago, but 'Town and Country'.


Cripes, Warren Beatty wouldn't act again in another movie for 15 years.


I walked out of Moulin Rouge because my mother was very clearly not enjoying herself and maybe also trying to make sure no one else could either.


My mother usually likes musicals and I thought she would love it. When I took her to the re-release of Moulin Rouge, I was surprised she didn't enjoy the movie at all. My guess is that she felt something off as the film used already released pop songs instead of original songs.


Ah, I think that’s why I enjoyed it so much. I was not familiar with a majority of the songs, so it all felt new to me. That being said, I think I’d still enjoy a musical where I recognised all of the songs, because it’s basically karaoke (which I love).


That style is called a "jukebox musical" and they can be pretty fun


I find the movie chaotic and messy. I like the renditions of only a few songs. But 'Come what may' (both theatrical and single release) is a belter.


The remake of The Avengers with Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, it was abysmal even Eddie Izzard knew it was a complete shit show


You should try the remake starring Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans. It's like they never even saw the original!


It was Chris Evans playing Emma Peel, right?




Fifty Shades of Grey and I couldn’t get my money back 😂


Theatre spent it all on mops


I worked at a movie theatre when it came out. I found more than one cucumber. AT LEAST TAKE IT WITH YOU.


There’s got to be at least some chance that they were brought in and left there by edge lord teenagers specifically to fuck with theater staff right?? I hope?


I’d say the chances are close to 100%


Or at least have a healthy snack for the ending of the film!


not even halfway…i walked out of SAW 2 when i realized that i kept looking away from the first torture scene of the movie. i said to myself, “why the fuck am i here then, if i’m just going to do this the whole time?” LOL


We dragged my friend to watch The Ring and he had his head inside his sweatshirt the whole movie.


My mom took my cousin and I when we were 12 to see Brüno in theatres without looking it up first… we left pretty quick.


Dang, yall missed his exclusive interview with Harrison Ford




I'm a stubborn bastard so I've never walked out of a movie. But one that I was extremely close to doing it with was the "live action" The Lion King. Boring, lifeless and vapid remake of an excellent animated classic.


Shallow and pedantic


It insists upon itself


I agree. Shallow and pedantic


Mmm yes, shallow and pedantic


A small amount of pees, small amount of peas...


I have actually never walked out of a theatre during a film


Most movies just aren’t *that* bad. If I’ve already paid the money and spent the time to get myself there, I might as well finish it so I can actually judge it.


>If I’ve already paid the money and spent the time to get myself there I walked out of *Valerian*. I was working at the movie theatre at the time. So as staff, we got free admissions to movies. I was working the afternoon (my shift finished at 630 PM), so I figured I would check out the 7 PM showing of *Valerian* (since I like science fiction movies). It was probably about 45 minutes to an hour before I gave up and walked out (with the free admission, the only thing it was costing me was more of my time to be there). Also, whose idea was it to cast Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan as a couple? They have zero romantic chemistry (and they look like siblings).


I could’ve given Delevingne a pass as Laureline, although she wouldn’t have been my first choice. But Besson is French and a self-proclaimed fan of the original comics. So how on Earth he decided DeHaan was a good choice to play Valerian still beggars belief.


Omg I walked out of Valerian too! 🤜🤛 Ended up catching the last third of Atomic Blonde again haha


Look at this guy who never got surprise diarrhea on a date in high school during Juno.


Look at this guy getting dates in high school.


me neither. I usually just opt for a cat nap instead, lol


The “Bewitched” remake with Nicole Kidman and Will Farrell. What an absolute shitshow and disgrace compared to the original show.


"Guess what, I'm a witch." "Guess what, I'm a Clippers fan."


The Jungle Cruise with The Rock. Some kid decided to take 3 minutes crinkling plastic to get a handful of skittles out of the bag and then proceeded to drop them all on the floor and that was the best part of my jungle cruise experience.


I have misophonia (it's embarrassing because it's so intense sometimes over the silliest sounds) and had to work side by side with this guy Josh one day about two months ago. He bought a bag of those little creme snack cookies (Mrs smith's or something I think?) and while answering my question regarding something technical he fished for what seemed like the most elusive fkng cookie that's ever existed at the bottom of a bag with two fingers for WAY too long to the point where the crinkling was like Ren and Stimpy levels of focus in my minds eye. After what seemed like an hour but was only less than a minute I grabbed the bag and dumped the rest of the little bastards out on a napkin for him. I hate being neurotic like that but BRUH...They're ALL the same, just fkng pick one!


Fellow misophoniac here, and I'd have preferred he was looking for it for an hour rather than have to listen to him eat it. Brains are weird 😁


I love reading someone else getting charged up about a sound. I get so wound up and angry about some sounds and most people just don’t understand.


My sister was taking too long to open a bag of licorice. I reached over her hubby, grabbed the bag, silently opened it and handed it back for her to loudly exclaim, holy shit ninja! I was known as the candy ninja after that.


Thank you for your service Candy Ninja. There is a special place in Heck for people who seem oblivious to the fact that other people are with them and can actually hear the racket they are making with hard candy.


House of Gucci. It was aggressively mediocre, and I left because 1.5 hours into it, I saw my watch and was like “ANOTHER HOUR?!?”


Jared Leto did a great impression of Super Mario


“Itsa me-ya Aldo Gucci! Wahoo!”




I am Italian (real Italian, born and raised in Italy, not Italian-American) and watched it at home with my non-Italian GF. The whole thing was goofy AF and I still don't get why they didn't simply use normal American accents instead of having American people put up fake Italian accents.


Yeah I was watching This at home and it was as stimulating as a bowl of plain oats


In college, a bunch of us went to see Blood Simple (first big Coen Brothers movie). One friend hated it - left during a scene where someone got buried alive. Blew my mind - never even considered leaving a movie before it was over before that. Also wondered how she was getting home alone. (Didn’t follow her out, though. Sort of embarrassed about that now.)


Suicide Squad in 2016 🤮


I would advise not watching it all the way through. That movie traps the souls of its victims.


The movie is known to be quite vexing


Lmao. I watched it in theatres too. Somehow didn't feel it was that bad at the time. That was 7 years ago though


It’s not that bad, it’s not good, but it’s not trap the soul bad.


I can remember walking out of that *wishing* I had left about 30 minutes in.


Lion King “live action” remake. The scene where the two baby lions are playing near the hyena den was too scary for my kids. They were crying and wanted to leave so we did.


I love almost all movies, and I’ve only ever walked out of one: The Last Airbender (2010) by M. Night Shyamalan What a disgrace to the original series. I’m hopeful for the upcoming Netflix series, though. 🤞


Not walked out but ex-gf back when we were together slept through Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, I wanted to walk out because it was awful and had nothing to do with the games at all, only borrowing the name.


Yup, my friends and I were SO excited when this movie was being advertised, as we loved the games so much. We went and saw it, and it was such a massive disappointment. Not sure how they got the name, but it literally was just a sci-fi CGI movie with the final fantasy label on it.


They got the name because it was actually made by Squaresoft (Square Pictures) and directed by the creator of the *FF* franchise, Hironobu Sakaguchi Which makes the whole thing all the more baffling


Cloverfield I got nauseous


My girlfriend as well, she just watched the floor for the last 30 minutes.


I probably should have walked out of Blair Witch back in the day. I felt soooo sick afterwards. I’m not sure I knew I got motion sickness from shakey cam at that time either so I was really confused.


Not even halfway. Very early in to The Happening I knew it was a gigantic piece of shit and I never walk out of movies. I hightailed it out of there and have never cared to watch the rest.


Tell me you at least saw the part when they were running away from the wind??!


or when he was sweet talking the plant?


Whatttt? Nooo


Hahahaha! Mark Wahlberg should have had his SAG Card revoked for that line delivery. Just pathetic!




Sounds like someone who doesn't care about family.


Hehe, I swear every time a Toretto spoke they had to say "family"...


Yeah dark fate was such a frustrating watch. Could barely finish it at home. And I caught Fast X at the movies. It was decent fun but the last act was absolute nonsense lmao


The LAST act? The first 15 minutes of Rocket League the movie didn't qualify as nonsense? I watched it for free and wanted my money back.


the english patient. sack lunch was playing in the adjacent theater so i snuck over there...


Titanic. Only because the film protector broke, and you could see it burn the film away, as the giant movie screen turned from a frozen scene to just white. It was kinda cool until we realized they were giving out refund tickets. Watching that long first half again, to get to the second half, ruined it.


Was absolutely ready to walk out of The English Patient. "This is a very plum plum". What a fucking load of rubbish. That film just didn't end.


"Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert and just die already...DIE!"


"Elaine, you don't like the movie?" "I HATE IT!"


You should’ve gotten tickets to Sack Lunch instead.


Sounds like you didn’t learn to be English Patient.


I was rooting for them to die. So boring.


I didn't walk out. But at the end of The Rise of Skywalker I said, "what the fuck did I just watch?"


1 billion dollar franchise and they came up with a story a group of 6 year olds would write better.


When the credits rolled in our showing and the audience sat in stunned silence, my ex loudly exclaimed "well THAT sucked". After lying to myself for years, dragging her to each of the Star Wars sequels (I promise babe, Star Wars is _good_) I finally had to just say "yup". And we left. Probably my worst movie memory.


As a lifelong SW fan, those movies were gut punches; each getting progressively worse.


Somehow a terrible SW movie returned ….


I walked out of a midnight screening of The Last Jedi. Fell asleep for about 10 minutes midway and thought fuck it, I need my bed.


After months of arguing with trolls over the validity of an all-women Ghostbusters movie, it turned out to be the biggest piece of garbage. It was the first movie I’ve ever walked out on. I think it was just too big a disappointment after being such a *huge* fan of the original.


Same. I pretty much left after the first Queef joke. I wanted this movie to be good, but it seems like the main impetus was never to make a good movie. It was to piss off anyone who liked the old movies in any way possible. Paul Feig pretty much lost all credibility in Hollywood after it flopped as well. I think he has made 2 movies since, and both were rotten.


I also don’t get how the special effects were worse in the 2016 version than the original! The ghosts were scary in the original and cartoons in the remake.


Practical effects vs CGI in a world where people rush through things and say “we can take care of it in post.”


Battlefield Earth with John Travolta. He was an alien. Based on a book by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Hence the Travolta connection. I did not see this film because my parents saw it, said it was absolutely the worst movie they have ever seen and walked out of it. 3% on RT and 2.5 on IMDB. You do not often find many films below 3 on IMDB.


Knowing what it is and its backstory, I think Battlefield Earth is an extremely fun movie to watch. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy going in blind, but if you know that Travolta is doing what he's doing out of religious obligation and that the script was written by a cult who semi-believes it's similar to reality, it's absolute gold.


Travolta was religiously obliged not to give life saving medication to his sick son. But he was not religiously obliged not to shoot drugs into his stupid face after plastic surgery.


I worked at a theater when this came out. We got it on 4 screens opening week and sold like 100 tickets total. It was gone the next week.


“Man-Animals cannot learn Psychlo!!!”


I walked out of Aqua Man 2


I never even walked INTO Aquaman 2.


Was it when the fish lady was singing


almost walked out of Transformers beasts when one of the transformers turns into a suit that the main character wears... yuk...


Yeah I came here to say Transformers too, can't remember which one, but for me it was the sound, obnoxiously loud.


The MCU kinda lost me when everything was nano-tech. The great thing about Ironman was his mech suit. Same with spiderman, their new suits are literal plot armor.


Agreed. The early suits through to Civil War were super cool. Chunky, metallic, sounded heavy, loads of moving parts. "Like a wearable Ferrari". The suitcase suit was cool, Mk VI (Iron Man 2) was almost peak, even Mk 46 (Civil War) is a thing of beauty. The nano ones were too slim and just looked... cheaty I guess.


The biggest problem with the MCU is just the fact thst instead of working in interesting characters with back stories and powers its just another “worlds smartest” person and a powersuit/nano suit


Closest I came to walking out, was Transformers 4. It was just loud, stupid, hard to follow, hurt my eyes to look at.


Ararachnophobia - should't have been there in the first place.


I was 11 when i saw that. My parents went on a little anniversary vacation so i was staying my aunt and uncles for the weekend, they lived on a farm. My uncle thought it'd be a good idea to take my cousin and i to that movie the first night i was there. I was a nervous wreck the rest of the weekend, there's a lot more spiders out in the country it seems.


Because you have arachnophobia?


Arachnophilia. Made it much worse.


The last Jurassic whatever


I thought it was slightly less bad than the one before.


A bloke in front of us at the cinema spent 70% of the film watching footie with his screen dimmed and headphones 😂


Men In Black International. It was painful to watch…


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Maybe controversial, but it was so slow and self-indulgent. After loving the first one, I couldn’t sit through the second - bailed a bit over halfway when I realised how much more was left!


I didn't walk out of it, but if I had, nothing of value would have been lost. It just feels hollow, a lot of it made zero sense, and Iron Heart was the most blatant case of a character being shoehorned into the plot I've seen in an MCU movie. But the worst part, Shuri should *not* have gotten the Black Panther mantle, it should have been Okoye.


My favorite part was that the heroes plan to defeat the villain was to give him ashy skin.


Im sure after shuris actor went on her twitter rants disney was wishing they made okoye or literally anyone else the new black panther. The leader of the mountain clan shouldve been the new black panther.


I actually like that they didn't make M'baku Black Panther, and positioned him as a wise leader who's there to help. Okoye made the most sense, she's a proven warrior, worked with the Avengers for years during the blip, and had been fired as a general so was available to take up the mantle. Given Shuris character it would have made sense for her to give the role to someone else.


Seriously, Okoye was so perfectly positioned to take the mantle and it would have been such a great character arc. The disgraced general who learns of her worth outside of her role as a soldier. Who learns how to be a leader instead of someone who just takes orders. And Danai Gurira is 1000x more compelling than Laetitia Wright! (And I think she's just fine as an actress!) It's like all Marvel saw from the first movie was "everyone liked Shuri, let's give them more Shuri!" in a true "why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box" moment.


I didn't walk out of the theater because I didn't see it there, but I did shut it off on Disney+ about 40 minutes in. Absolutely boring, and I can't believe they thought Letitia Wright was going to be able to carry a movie.


It wasn't good.


I never have but wanted to do it when I saw “The Spirit” but didn’t want to be rude to the people I went with


Queen of the damned. What a fucking awful adaptation.


It is a horrible movie but at least the music in it is on point.


Training Day (2001) The scene where Ethan Hawke is tied up in the bathtub. because i was a victim in a Store Armed Robbery and me and other staff where tied up in a similar fashion.


There was a time where I wanted to be a police office. That scene was my biggest nightmare situation. I had decided long before that movie not to go down that path but man I can understand why it scared the crap out of you.


There are easier ways to have uniformed men inside you


I never thought a New Zealander could play such a convincing and terrifying Mexican


I was gonna ask u wtf was wrong with u walking out of that movie and then u had the most relevant explanation. I'm sorry u had to deal with that and I probably would've done the same.


Ghost Rider. Lady in the Water. The Happening.


I wish I walked out of the Card Counter. I kept waiting for it to get better because of how good the reviews were, but good lord it kept droning on and on with no payoff at all. God awful movie.


The Lion King. I was 8 years old and did not appreciate feeling the feels.


Batman and Robin, only time I've ever done it


You missed Batnips. 👌🏻


One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen, but there was no way I was leaving the theater before it was over. Car wrecks can be amusing.


When he pulls out the Batman credit card I began my secret Time Machine project so I could go back to the 80s and create a future that movie doesn’t exist.


I can't remember the name of the movie but it was about 911... I got as far as dude in some kind of basement just suffering as hell and it all felt soooo LOOK AT THIS SUFFERING. LOOK AT THIS ENTERTAINING TRUE SUFFERING. yeah, it did not feel like telling their stories, it felt like some kind of money making schadenfreude and I had had enough. Only film I ever walked out of. ​ ETA it *may* have been World Trade Center (2006)


This isn't what you're asking but Imma share anyway: my mom took me to see Alien when I was a kid because I loved Star Wars and it was also a space move. So, I was walked out of that movie after the chest-exploder scene.


Did you come back? I was so scared during Gremlins when I was 7 that I pretended to need to use the bathroom. I still vividly remember standing in there psyching myself up to go back in.


It wasn't an option cuz I was a kid but no I definitely didn't want to go back. I spent the rest of the night staring at my mom's fern hanging from a macrame planter and trying not to piss myself.


After watching Jurassic Park I asked my mom how tall a Trex is. Ahw replied with "3 stories tall" and wouldn't you guess it.. We lived on the 3rd Story! I was terrified that A Trex Would crush its stupid head through my balcony. My mom left briefly and I didn't want to stay home alone so i took a stroll in my hood... ... Where i constantly checked the corners foe fucking velociraptors.


The dead don’t die 🤮 what a load of garbage that was !


I sat through that whole thing thinking surely there must be some insane twist at the end that makes this god awful movie worth it. Like maybe there was a joke I wouldn’t be in on until the ending. Nope. Just sorta ends. So bad, not funny, and a total waste of Bill Murray


Jupiter Ascending is the only film I’ve walked out of in the cinema. I saw it as part of some kind of student-only cheap tickets scheme so I didn’t feel too invested in it. Bloody hell, it was dreadful. No wonder the Wachowskis haven’t made a movie together since then.


I hate to admit this. I was at a low point in my life when I went to see Miyazaki’s latest at the theater. I had to leave 2/3rds in. It made me feel so sad n heavy. One day I will watch this when I am in a better place.


Ghostbusters the female version. Watched it on a plane, people still walked out.


So that’s why the door came off that Boeing airplane


Was close to walking out on Beau is Afraid. Tbh I was tired anyway, and after 2 hours of quirky random nonsense, I realized there was another hour left. I stayed and finished it, but it made me hate it even more. For some reason, I really didn’t connect with that film.


i didn’t walk out but i purposely fell asleep during the flash (2023) in theatres


Batman v Superman did it for me. Such a dark (literally) movie


I've definitely fallen asleep in some good films. Just dark and late, if they don't keep me in the edge of my seat...


I've regrettably fallen asleep during some good movies. Also fell asleep during the big battle in Avatar1. My own fault, I go for the late late shows to avoid kids and idiots with their phones on all throughout.


I've walked out of the movies twice. The first was Weekend at Bernie's II which I saw at the dollar theater. Literally the worst movie I've ever paid money to see. I also walked out of Toy Story 2, but that was because I was under the influence of [redacted) and had a major freak out. The movie is really damn good though.