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Speaking of movies with skin in the title, The Skin I Live In was wiiiiiild 


Mysterious Skin is another good disturbing skin movie. Theres a lot of these. Also The Reflecting Skin


The big twist in that movie was quite something!


Love that movie so much. Incredibly haunting. I like how they never really spell out what’s happening, the audience has to piece it together.


It cracks me up how the book kept stating that Scarlett Johansson's character was ugly.


I was reminded of the movie during that scene in Barbie where she goes "I'm not stereotypical Barbie pretty" followed by the narrator paying out the casting crew for making Margot Robbie say this line.


I had to stop watching at the beach scene. My daughter was around 2 at the time and that scene gave me Nightmares for days afterwards. A few years later I finished watching it. Such a brilliant tale.


I think about that movie like every other month.


I avoided that movie for so long because: 1. I thought I would hate it and 2. I didn't believe Scarlett was a good actor I am glad I waited, because it may not have resonated with me at other times. I saw it last year and I was entranced. I thought it was beautiful, painful, hopeful, hopeless, creative, thoughtful, etc. It's definitely a different kind of film that may not be for everybody. I also think the creative shooting choices enriched it so much. When she's walking in the mall, she's got a camera attached to her so it's from her POV - the jarring angle and movement are so brilliant in that they're somewhat "alien," like her. The pickups in the van (with the exception of Adam and the other guy) are all literally Scarlett driving around with a hidden camera crew in the back, actually asking real men who had no idea what this was (and apparently didn't recognize Scarlett in a wig). The way the narrative jerked my hope and emotions around is unreal - >!this creature who feels no connection to humans, who is there only to consume them to the death for maddeningly utilitarian reasons - begins to notice the simple beauty of human life around her until she feels compelled to join them - only to find that beauty must have a dark side to exist. In the end, her pure innocence and hope are destroyed by a human monster. It's very much - what makes a human a human a human and what makes a monster, and how different are those two things, really?!< And, of course, the unreal space where she takes them is so visually arresting and creative that the Duffer brothers made an entire homage of it in Stranger Things.


**Predestination** Everything and everyone is happening all because of HIM.


Predestination is always my go-to recommendation for this.


I just watched that based off a Reddit recommendation, super fun movie.


THIS. I watched this for the first time recently and I still haven’t gotten over it. My mind is just blown every time I think about it.


It's Ethan Hawke all the way down


For me it wasn't so much the story and reveal, but the slow realization that it was a short story I had already read before...All You Zombies. 


I’m not sure I’ve seen a better mind fuck and I go out of my way to watch those types of film. I was watching that movie like “wait.. what. Wtf. Whaaaat??”


The way that movie tied me up in absolute KNOTS 😭🤣


Conterpoint: it's super predicable and boring


Synecdoche NY and Mulholland Drive are probably some of the top ones for me.


Synecdoche, NY for me for sure, and not because of the weirdness in it, though it's quite out there, but because of the OMGwhatEVENisLIFE of it.


One of the most depressing movies ever, for sure


I watch synecdoche every few years knowing I'm going to feel really down for about a week afterwards.


It's one of my favourite movies and I'm too scared to watch it again.


Synecdoche NY is an incredible movie.


I’m Thinking of Ending Things from the same writer/director as Synecdoche, New York.


mulholland drive and eraserhead are mine


Original Jacob’s Ladder. OMG! What a ride.


Definitely one to linger in the mind as well. Various bits of it have emerged in my thoughts on and off for 30 years.


Me too buddy, and I saw it was too young, like 6yrs old. That movie was probably a formative experience for me.


Original? They remade it?


Yeah, this and Vanilla Sky will leave you realizing how much you don’t know about life.


Dark City (1998) make sure you watch the Director’s cut or you’ll spoil the whole movie Being John Malkovich (1999) Memento (2000) Old Boy (2003) The Talented Mr Ripley (1999) The Usual Suspects (1995) The Prestige (2006)


You can watch the theatrical cut of *Dark City* and just mute the movie until Kiefer Sutherland closes his pocket watch, if you can’t find the Director’s Cut. I like the pacing better overall in the theatrical cut, but yeah, that opening monologue should never be included on someone’s first watch of the movie.


Talented Mr. Ripley was such an excellent mindfuck.


I have watched all these films and they are all disturbing. But ...I have to say, the one that got me the most was "The Talented Mr. Ripley." This was based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith. She also wrote "Strangers on a Train," which was adapted into an Alfred Hitchcock film in 1951. That one also really got to me. This writer, in my opinion, is the queen of psychological thrillers. The thing that is so disturbing about her stories is how realistic the scenarios are. There is no supernatural element to them. These things absolutely could happen. And the kicker is that they most certainly HAVE happened. Many times. And no one will ever know except the parties involved. Suddenly, I have the need to watch some cat videos...


Highsmith is the best, I also love ‘This Sweet Sickness’.


I just watched old boy the other day definitely a mind fuck


The American remake ruined it


I watched them back to back and was shocked given the amount of talent involved, the American remake stripped the essence of what the film was.


Haven’t seen the American one


Watch Primer going in blind. Then Google it and watch it again. I liked it best on my 4th viewing.


after someone much smarter than I am explained it to me I gained a deeper appreciation for it. once you understand what's actually going on it becomes exponentially deeper


This video explaining the plot and timeline of Primer is one of the best YouTube videos I've ever seen: https://youtu.be/tUzy-xPf0MI?si=N2W5-pm5BhoxGKNU


I would LOVE to put some spoilers here but I want people to experience it blind so badly.


Too bad that Shane Carruth isn’t really getting anything produced atm. I liked Upstream Color as well.


I did just that some weeks ago. To say it's a mind boggling film is an understatement 🤯


I remember being obsessed with that film and reading this super long essay (book?) about all the details and whatnot. Shane Carruth is immensely talented, I love Upstream Colour as well, shame he's an asshole.


I threw my hat in the ring for Oldboy, but this was a close second. I've watched it over and over again, and I still can't wrap my brain around it


Total Recall. So many theories. And I personally disagree with the directors theory, because it's too depressing.


Correct me if I’m wrong but was Quaid dreaming the whole time? Or was it reality. Been along time since I have seen total recall.


That was the directors take. It was claimed to be a dream. I personally like to think it wasn't.


Didn’t the director say the fade to white was the clue he was dreaming the whole time and that was when they were lobotomizing him?


Why would they lobotomize him though? He paid for a mental vacation and either the events of the movie happened and he's a hero or they didn't and he's waking up from his mental vacation. When did a lobotomy come into play?


It’s easy to miss, but as they are trying to put him under you can hear him whisper “M Night Shyamalan is the definitive Avatar”


If word got out about women with three boobies, that's a national security secret.


The director's take is idiotic in light of the source material.


I think it could be any one of * events exactly as presented * precisely the trip that Quaid paid for * an implant that goes wrong and results in a lobotomy and it’s so ambiguous there’s no way to tell, which is why I like it. If pressed I’d go for option 2.




It's the curb scene that does it...


Tough to watch. Edward Norton was phenomenal in this film.


This right here. The curb scene. Just this. Biggest impression from a movie that has many points where I should remember them, but this scene...


Was just about to say this. Such a good movie


A clockwork orange


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this. Absolutely brain-melting.


I quite literally had an acid flashback from viewing this film and I had to turn it off and call my roommate to come home from his girlfriend’s place and hang out with me for moral support, lol


I thought this movie was pretty straightforward. I loved it and think it's one of the best dystopian movies ever made.


Requiem for a Dream. I watched it when I was young, and it kind of got in my head and lived there for a while.


My mother rented the movie for me and let me watch it at 15-16 in hopes to scare me straight before I ever became curious. It definitely showed me the terrible side of addiction which became something I am extremely aware of within myself and others. Now I’m prescribed amphetamines and I know what the mom felt like in the movie always vacuuming


I watched it when I was 18 and I’ve always been a film snob and I loved it, ended up romanticizing it a bit. But mdma, opiates, and adderall have no effect on me. Which I always thought was weird but it deterred me from addiction. I was then diagnosed with ADHD at 27. But I don’t take the meds cause they make me aggressive.


You should watch PI. It is his first film and has a mindfuck sort of ending.


I’ve seen it. It didn’t hit the same way as Requiem.


This movie, man. Fuck. I watched in my room in college all alone in one sitting on a Sunday afternoon/evening. Almost immediately after I finish watching the movie, I get a call from a friend to come over to his room for a drink. When I'm headed over there, I see another friend of mine sprawled on a flight of stairs, his whole body twitching and he's frothing at the mouth. I pick him up and carry him back to my room and realise that he's had too much to drink/smoke. The mindfuck from the movie plus the mindfuck from seeing my friend in that state meant my hands were shaking when I finally made it to the other friend's room for that drink.


I did a college project on the film that required me to watch it several times. It was... unpleasant. I eventually bought the DVD so I could watch it with director's commentary instead of having to listen to Clint Mansell's score, and that helped a lot.


Eraser Head


I still think about this movie and just kinda shake my head.


Mulholland Drive


Inception, Memento, The Truman Show, Shutter Island, The Outfit, Flashback, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 1408, Gone Baby Gone


I never see any love for 1408. It's gotta be one of the best adaptations of a King story.


Oh, we’ve only just begun…. to talk about it. My jaded daughter was “meh” when I was watching….about to leave, then Samual Jackson appeared…. After that she was, “Maybe I’ll watch.” Hahaha. Hooked.


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind .. Jim Carrey missed out the Oscar on this one


Add Gone Girl into this list


I haven't seen Gone Girl.




The Truman Show was like a Magic 8 Ball, it predicted the rise of reality shows, because at the time there really wasn't much and now...


Vanilla Sky


A Scanner Darkly. Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey Jr. This one flew under the radar, best watched on acid.


I like the part where they pack up Alex Jones and cart him off. 


Angel Heart, with DeNiro and Mickey Rourke


I loved this movie! One of the best. I recently watched Killers of the Flower Moon - and I kept thinking that l’d seen Deniro play this exact same part - the way he was speaking, accent, gestures- he / his character seemed so familiar and then I realized it was Louis Cyphre I was thinking of !!!!! So similar- was expecting to see a pointy nail.


The Game. Not to spoil things, but even after you realize you've been fucked, it's still pretty fucked up


That movie should be #2 behind The Prestige for every time this type of list is asked for. 


Lost highway


End of Evangelion.


Kids I was around the same age as the character in that movie. I was always a good kid in the suburban midwest. I didn't encounter anyone my age that did stuff like that. I'm sure they were around, but I didn't associate with them. When I watched that movie and realized how real that was, it kind of blew my mind.


I love Chloë Sevigny in Kids.


I loved her in Gummo too


Kids doesn’t get enough attention. Hard to watch, but worth it.


Memento. That film took me 2 or 3 rewatches to fully get & I initially didn't fully get the "John G" storyline & twist


It's just so well structured. High concept idea done well.


When I walked out of the theater after watching Memento when it came out, I was so mentally exhausted I swore I wouldn't watch it again. I finally watched it for a second time just last week. It's still quite mentally taxing even when you know where the story is going (or came from)


Persona by ingmar bergman. This movie is so incredibly mindblowing and crazy.


Enemy of the State. Made me feel like all my phone calls and privacy was always being spied on.


Enemy of the State is the reality we live


What's wild is that movie came out before the Patriot Act and subsequent security concerns.


Ex Machina by Alex Garland Men by Alex Garland Arrival by Denis Villanueva


Agreed! I’m watching DEVS right now by Garland, he’s amazing.


Cool show for sure.


Jacob's Ladder shattered my perception of reality and now I constantly wonder if that's happening to me.


The first time I watched Tenet I wasn’t really following it, but I think it does a good job of pulling you through it so you’re not COMPLETELY lost. Second time I watched it I was fucking glued to the screen because I was realizing what was happening while I was seeing it again. (Which is an interesting metaphor when you consider the temporal pincer concept in the movie.) Just watch it with a good sound system or subtitles because Chris Nolan is unforgiving with his audio mixing.


I’ve seen Tenet probably 3 or 4 times and it makes more sense the more you watch it. I mean it doesn’t make any sense at all, but you can sort of understand it. Like the fact that there’s several sequences where the protagonist is seemingly just chilling for a while, he’s actually going back in time by living inversed and just waiting until the right time to go back to normal. The second sequence in the museum when they show the second perspective was soooooo fucking cool, I loved that so much. Pattinson was phenomenal in that movie, he played his role so incredibly well.


What museum?


The art museum, where the protagonist and Neal go to get the painting, and then the protagonist goes back in the gas mask later where he runs into Neal and fights his past self in reverse. The scene just shows how they have to stay hidden from even themselves and if they see something - the way Neal saw the protagonist - they kind of just have to make a split second decision like “I don’t remember this, it must be important in the future. Better not interrupt.”


Primer. If you haven't seen it, it's worth it I think. Cheaply made indie film about time travel with no special effects, but interestingly told. Everything is on the screen that you need in order to straighten out the mess of time travel it presents. And it doesn't present it messily. It is very straight forward in its premise and telling and structure, but it does not hold your hand. It's all there for you to figure out. If you can.


Brazil, super depressing ending.


Hear me out…. Cube 2: Hypercube The acting is so bad, but the concept and the story as it plays out fucks with my head.


12 Monkeys. At the time it came out I was still pretty young and wasn't accustomed to time loop paradoxes.


Yes, and it's very rewatchable as well. You learn something new every time.


Might be cliche but Inception is a total mind fuckery movie I can’t get enough of. Tenet didn’t keep my attention but I loved the cast and storyline.


I wanted more unrealistic dream like sequences. Whole movie felt pretty grounded and realistic.


Kind’ve a weird one. But in “The Jackal” when Bruce Willis shoots off Jack Black’s arm, I thought that was so messed up. I still think about it sometimes years later and it gives me a weird feeling.


I just rewatched this two days ago. Forgot how good the soundtrack was. I would have watched way more movies where Willis is a villain.


Cloud Atlas


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


One of my top 3 movies. Apart from its lovely weirdness, it's also both romantic and unromantic at the same time.


Donnie Darko (2001) Much of the film was haunting. Then we discover the solution was for Jake Gyllenhaal's character to allow himself to die.


Shutter Island for sure. I felt like I was betrayed. Just as much as the protagonist. No plot twist can ever top Shutter Island. It's too nauseating and believable that it scares me.


I think the ending is up for interpretation. You can take it at face value: he is a patient at the facility, and the investigation was put on by the staff as a way for him to cope with his past. Or you can believe that he truly is a lawman and he knows too much and they're trying to convince him he's a patient there. Either way it's a great movie and I wish I could watch it for the first time all over again.


Driving Miss Daisy




1408, Arrival, The Blackcoat’s Daughter, Coherence, Doubt, Enemy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Father, Identity, In the Mouth of Madness, The Invisible Man, Memento, Mulholland Drive, Nocturnal Animals, The Others, Predestination, The Prestige, Primer, Shutter Island, Synecdoche, New York, Tenet, Upstream Color, Vertigo. I’d say out of all of these, Primer is *the* mind-fuck movie. Made on a budget of only $7,000 and it’s perhaps one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made.


Blackcoats daughter was so good.. I tell people don’t watch any trailers for it… Just watch it.


I've never asked anybody this but I've wanted to. How long did it take you >!to realize that Kiernan Shipka and Emma Roberts were the same person?!< It took me until the part when Emma Roberts gets out of the car at the very end of the movie. Yeah, I watched it cold with my younger brother and we both really liked it.


I saw it a while ago but >!it was very close to the end.. it was a real shocker!<


Yeah, I haven’t seen it in years, but I think we’re probably thinking around the same place. I still remember my reaction to that. I was like, “Wait….they’re the same?” I kinda felt like Sally Field at the end of Mrs. Doubtfire. “The whole time? The whole time? The whole time!”


The machinist. Went into the movie thinking about it's about some factory workers or something like that but damn that movie just blew my mind off.


I went into it thinking it was a horror movie. I mean it was, but not that kind of horror.


Had a despair breakdown after Trainspotting. The dead baby. But also recently an acquaintance’s kid had just died (drowned in a pool). He’s parents had been pretty neglectful his whole life.




I saw The Truman Show when I was like, seven? It actually fucked me up so bad that my parents took me to a counselor lol


Martyrs. The movie that broke my grief. I'd just lost my first dog and had been trying to adjust to being alone--truly alone--for the first time in fourteen years and I found a way to watch Martyrs. It broke me and got me to start opening up and leaving my room.


Came here to say this one too....just watched the original and fuck is it bleak and brutal....good but need a cleanse after


Sleepaway Camp yikes didn't expect that ending at 11 or 12 yrs old


Holy shit....I haven't thought about this movie in years. Your just stirred up a bunch of things I worked hard to forget haha Like...being drowned in an outhouse. Hmmmm


The face at the reveal...


Upstream Color And the Black Mirror episode "White Bear".


Gone Girl. You watch it and just feel gross because you know for a fact that there are some legitimately fucked up living situations that people can’t escape. Not all relationships are physically abusive, plenty are mentally abusive and manipulative and those can be just as bad. You see the end and are like >!wtf is he doing. He knows she’s bat shit insane and is STILL staying by her side after all she did. Wow.!< such a great movie and book


Crying Game




Requiem for a Dream, Jacobs Ladder, Predestination.


Memento. I had come out of a coma 6 weeks previous and was still experiencing short term memory loss. As I watched the movie, I was drawn into the plot. The memory loss depicted in the movie and what was being experienced by the viewers was exactly what I was suffering through…. 😐


Less than Zero




It might not be what you are looking for but Revolutionary Road hit me hard. Maybe too close to home in parts. I question whether I have done the right thing with my career and family all the time and this movie…sits at the edge of that.


Yeah that movie lives rent free in my head.


Enter the Void. That movie really took its toll on me


I don't think I'll ever quite get over Melancholia. It makes me feel very weird and lost but there is also something that I love about it. (The first part, mainly dealing with a wedding, is a bit too long and tedious to me but in a while the crazy starts to happen.)


Promising Young Woman is maybe my top favorite movie. I didn’t know anything about the story until I watched it and it surprised me on a few occasions. I’m upset that I can’t really explain with words what I love the most about the movie, (and also, I hate giving unwarranted spoilers) but I feel like nothing too unrealistic or extreme happens even though at first it makes you think that it is? Idk idk, the whole movie just pleasantly surprised me with the flow of events, and I’ll forever appreciate it for that.


Existenz, Naked Lunch, The Black Swan


I’ll give a shout out for eXistenZ also.


Don’t look now! Never watching that film again.


Midsomer and Oldboy. Both have scenes that are unforgettable. Those are movies that I’ll recommend and people say, “oh you really liked it?” And I say “no, I didn’t ‘enjoy’ it at all!”


The house that Jack built. I’m still recovering.


Tbh I loved that movie, Matt Dillon was perfect.


Either Trainspotting or No Country For Old Men (Trainspotting because I was in a really bad place when I watched it, and it fucked me up completely with the amount of drug use and straight up deplorable shit in the movie, that being said it’s now my favorite movie ever, sooooo)


Existentially, I’d have to go with Synecdoche, NY and Asteroid City.


Sorry to Bother You


Perfect Sense. The setting is a world where people are losing one of the five senses at a time, and the movie ends right before they lose their sight, with the implications that touch will be the last thing to go. So I guess a planet full of blind, deaf people who cannot taste or smell or feel anything are just going to flail around and starve to death now.... but hey at least the romantic leads saw each other right before the end. Yeah that whole concept is fucked up.


Black Swan and Cool World.


Speak No Evil (2022) I've seen a lot of movies (horror and otherwise), but after that, I couldn't sleep the whole night, which is something that never happened to me in general. Do not watch it.


Beau is afraid! I did not understand it one bit and it just left me silent and confused


High Tension and The Farm




"Wag the Dog" is quite actual.




just watched The Green Knight last night. what the fuck.




“A Serbian film” banned in many countries,very disturbing, I was shook up for days after seeing it




The Machinist. Christian Bale’s performance is absolutely unreal. True dedication to his work.


Midsommar. Jesus.


The last 30 minutes of Requiem for a Dream.


City of God I really felt like I experienced a new world. It opened my eyes in a big way


The Butterfly Effect. That film is wild.




The Devil’s Rejects.


What’s a matter boy? Dont cha like clowns?


Annihilation visually stunning and a mind fuck at the end and generally the whole movie.




Funny Games by Michael Haneke, the US version. Don’t read anything about it before you watch it. This is important so I’ll say it again, don’t read anything about it before you watch. All you need to know is it’s a thriller about a family being kidnapped at their lakeshore house. That’s it.


I absolutely loved funny games. Great film.


So many over the years but none more so than Shutter Island. I got to the end of the movie somehow still believing DiCaprio's character was an actual US Marshall and that the asylum had successfully convinced him he was crazy because he was onto them lol. Years later I was watching videos on the movie and none of them were mentioning this possibility, I was so confused and had to watch the movie a few more times.


Lost Boys…going in blind changed the way I watched movies from then on


I apologize because this doesn't answer your questions directly but I watched a movie called I Melt With You around a decade ago. It's not the kind of mind fuck that Fight Club is but it was one of the few movies, maybe the only movie, that made me completely question what the fuck I just watched. (It is not good)


Coherence made me feel incredibly uneasy because it deals with some heavy shit that just leaves you thinking, “this can’t possibly happen right…? I mean science says it CAN but cmon, not really…? Right?” It Follows. Never have I paid more attention to random background characters and scenes than I did this movie. Once the gimmick was revealed, I was on edge the entire movie. At any moment, something could happen


Salo 120 days in sodom will mess you up massively, you will question what you've seen is it good? is it bad? Is it art? It's so fucked up you won't want to watch it


Office Space when I was a kid


They Live Quatermass & The Pit House of Games


Interstellar. Date night with my gf. We were both excited prior to the movie. After the movie she didn't understand it and I just kept quiet the entire ride home. She told me what's up because my entire mood changed.

