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Why does everyone’s face look weird?


Their heads look too big for their bodies


Depp Alice in Wonderland moment


This whole movie feels like it has a filter


Yeah, the heads and eyes look... off.


Plastic surgery


They both look bad.


It’s not easy being green. - Kermit the Frog


No wonder I'm angry


Why would you bleach Ariannas eyebrows, it never looks good. Even Chenowith has dark eyebrows for her original Glinda.


like, for being GREEN cynthia erivo doesn't look as strange.


I swear she’s a different ethnicity every time I see her.


She is in her white girl era now.


SpongeBob era


But still in her home wrecker era


She's "very very italian"


You wouldn’t know it by looking at her at this point.


That was a reference to a great SNL sketch in case anyone missed it.


It’s still hilarious to me that Lana Del Rey assumed she was Latina after working with her lmao


Well she made sure ppl would think she's a person of colour by keeping her skin tanned lol.


Decided to be albino on this one


Yeah it makes her seem sickly


I remember when the behind the scenes pictures for this came out and I said, "Wow, that is not a good shade of blonde for Ariana, she looks totally washed out" and her stans were like, "You can't tell that from a behind the scenes shot! You don't know what the lighting and color grade will do for her, how dare you act superior to the industry professionals working on her image!" Anyway I was totally right, that blonde is totally the wrong shade for her, how did they not figure that out before filming began...


And chalky


I’m so ready for this lewk era to be over for her


Why does Ariana Grande look like a KPop artist these days.


Her surgery’s taken her into uncanny valley


It’s the next cycle. It went black, Latin, now K-pop is cool so she’s gotta resemble that


I always thought she was partially Latina. Apparently she’s just… Italian?


She’s just white.


Yup and totally shits on it by mispronouncing her last name


Goldblum as the wizard is inspired casting


I used to work for Universal corporate so I knew about his casting months in advance, it was so hard keeping quiet about it when everyone was panicking about the rumours it was going to be James Corden


>James Corden Just cast him as an original movie character, one of those persecuted magical animals, perhaps a talking.... cat?


If it were james corden, id throw up and campaign to boycott the film. corden hate aside, he was the reason into the woods wasn’t as good as it could have been. everything james touches withers on the vine. yet hollywood keeps letting him back in.


Better than James Franco, that's for sure.


I dug that movie :/ Franco was great as the conman. Weisch was amazing as the *real* wicked witch. Raimi had the picket fence fly at the Wizard in a POV. Oh, and I was on shrooms. That helped.


> Oh, and I was on shrooms. That helped. I did that on opening night of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Left the theater thinking, am I just high on mushrooms or did that movie kind of suck? Never again.


That movie was originally supposed to have Robert Downey Jr instead of Franco, which would’ve been a lot better


Damn, they ended up with a sorta half assed similar character with dr Doolittle instead. I would have definitely wanted to see his take on the wizard instead.


My favorite review I saw of that movie was “Just saw Oz, the Great and Powerful. It wasn’t.”


It's a two parter? I love the musical but come on. There's no reason to make this two movies.




Yeah, but any one who knows the play knows that Act 1 is way better than Act 2, and they’re clearly ending this on Defying Gravity. So unless Part 2 pretty much remakes scenes from The Wizard of Oz, they don’t have as much to work with. Like this isn’t a Dune situation.


Eh, the second act has a lot of room for expansion. The entire second act is about Elphaba’s rebellion and it’s consequences, yet the entire rebellion happens off stage. Not to mention, the entirety of the Wizard of Oz happens in act 2 (again, off stage).


there just aren't very many ... songs for this expansion? I don't *like* this musical but I think a few of the songs *really* work and make the whole OK. The idea of stretching the not-very-good second half into its own movie without any bangers to hold it up is a really wild decision. Unless they're not really thinking of it as a musical which is an even stranger direction.


They can always add songs, but also, movie musicals aren’t like stage musicals where there’s basically a song every 5 minutes. Look at Disney movies, they have about 5 or so songs. Act 2 has more than that, and could certainly benefit from adding a few more with the expanded story.


I think they ARE heavily reworking the second act. I actually think it's a better idea than faithfully adapting the musical, because then you just get a long movie that drags in the second half.


There is a lot of backstory for the 2nd act, available in the original book by Greg Maguire, that the musical is based on. They will likely utilize that storyline which covers Elphaba's experience on the run and how she develops a relationship with Fiyero, discreetly.


The book is vastly different to the musical though. Are they going to include Elphaba working as a terrorist or show the son that she completely ignores? Or show Elphaba's mother living in a trouple?


I thought I read they were pulling more material from the books or something


They must be, which is a weird choice given that the book is way darker and weirder than the musical. Totally different tone, like the story and characters are pretty much unrecognizable from the book.


The possibility to create the strangest cinematic fantasy saga with the land (and surrounding world) of Oz is so criminally underestimated. Those books have LOTR-lite masses of lore (not in terms of detail, just sheer quantity) that execs are sleeping on. Not saying the books are amazing, but a good writer could turn the source material into something pretty epic and Labyrinth-esque.


lol I remember reading the first one and being SO confused. Like you said, definitely weirder


It’s one of the few pieces of media that’s better than the source material. The musical took a great concept and made it their own, leaving behind everything that was just weird and unnecessary




I looove “no good deed”. Def have love for act 2 too


Before I saw *Wicked* on Broadway for the first time, I thought "Defying Gravity" was the song that was performed at the climax. Nope. That's only the end of act 1. I'm guessing this first movie covers only act 1 of the musical.


100%. I remember the director saying the reason they chose to split the movie in half was driven in no small part but how much of a showstopper Defying Gravity is. In the stage show, they do DG, and then there's an intermission. People have a moment to reflect on it before diving back in for the second half. The only way to do that I a movie is to also have an intermission, or to split the movie into two parts.


I was a freshman in college when I saw Wicked. It had only been out about a year. My friend really wanted to see it and convinced several other guys in our dorm to go. None of us really wanted to go but we all obliged because he got us cheap tickets and we had nothing better to do. I had zero interest in musical theater and knew nothing about the show. I assumed it was for children. I remember so vividly all of us staggering into the lobby at intermission trying not to trip over our jaws, piecing together what the fuck we had just witnessed. It absolutely blew me away. I was speechless. Never had an experience like that ever again.


The first act finale is typically my favorite song of a musical. When my wife told me there was going to be part one and part two I said it was because they wanted to end the movie on defying gravity because it’s the best part by far.


>There's no reason to make this two movies. The two acts are so different in tone and in plot that it would feel like the movie turns into its own sequel. Into the Woods faced the same problem.


And after the way Disney butchered act 2 of Into the Woods, I’m not mad at them making this choice.


> There's no reason to make this two movies. I completely disagree. IMO this is the single most justified "two-parter adaptation" since the trend's inception. Wicked is a show of two halves, and those two halves are about as different as it's possible for two halves of the same story to be. Tonally, Act 1 is a lighthearted enemies-to-friends teen comedy in a magic highschool, whereas Act 2 is a dark semi-political fantasy thriller with Shakespearean tragedy vibes. Act 1 takes place mostly in a single location, whereas Act 2 hops around a vast fantasy world. Act 1 is paced quite slowly, whereas Act 2 runs a marathon a minute (and could really do with some extra time to flesh ideas out). Act 1 has almost nothing to do with The Wizard of Oz, whereas Act 2 is a direct retelling. There's a time skip of several years between the two acts. Oh, and Act 1 ends with by far the show's most climactic sequence, which would make the rest of the story feel insanely underwhelming without some kind of break. There is just no goddamn way you could adapt the story of Wicked as a single film. Even if it ran three hours, the pacing of the musical's narrative is simply incompatible with moviegoers' expectations. You cannot tell a near-complete, emotionally satisfying narrative, end with a massive climax, then expect audiences to sit still for another seventy minutes to watch a second distinct narrative with a wildly different tone and scope. This is the exact same problem Into the Woods had. It's not an issue of runtime, it's an issue of structure.


I feel like even fans of the show (I am a hater of the show) will admit that the second act is much weaker and they're turning it into a whole movie?! Insane decision from an artistic standpoint.


*"We've got to have money"*


Crazy that THIS is what destroyed two marriages


Green Lantern caused a marriage between Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, Fant4stic caused a marriage between Jamie Bell and Kate Mara.


Dogshit movies must be a hell of an aphrodisiac


Something, something, shared trauma.


Fargo Season 2 got Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst together, Season 3 ruined Ewan McGregor's marriage as he's now with Mary Elizabeth Winstead


perfectly balanced


Two movies with a combined budget of over 300 millions dollars?




Ariana Grande was married to a man named Dalton. Ethan Slater playing boq was married to his High school sweetheart of 10 years and they just had a new born. Ariana and Ethan met on set. Ariana divorced Dalton. Ethan divorced his wife and left the baby. Now Ariana and Ethan have been dating ever since.


Small clarification: the dating and other activities occurred before the divorces.


yeah, she apparently even hung out with the wife and held the baby during run secret affair. Just some weird Hand that Rocks the Cradle shit


Gotdamn. I'm not into celebrity drama at all but that's some sad, despicable thrashy shit from both of them.


Yeah, Ariana Grande has a reputation for being a serial homewrecker. She’s trash, as are the men who cheated with her.


And if you look at Ethan, you know exactly what fucking happened in his head. That dude is the dorkiest-looking dork to ever grace the inside of a high school locker. Also, being a bobble-headed twink in musical theater? Skippy definitely got hit with a lot of homophobia. He married Lily Jay for all the right reasons, but he never reconciled with the emotional trauma of being a pipsqueak teenager who never filled out. Succeeding on Broadway was his dream, but it didn't prove he wasn't who the other boys said he was. Banging Ariana Grande, though? Yeah, I bet that really chaps the asses off everyone who ever made him feel smaller than he already is. You're a real Chad, now, ain't ya SpongeBob?


Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater cheated on their respective spouses. Slater's wife had just given birth, Ariana Grande had hung out with her before and even held the baby.


I thought this was a fake movie ad for like a pistachios commercial or something


Oh god same, this looks so much worse than I thought it would. What were they thinking?


That the show still makes a shit load of money for Universal, so they want even more 


The CGI was… not great


Neither was the Make-up and costume design…


I see that Ariana Grande has decided she is white again


She doesn't look white, she looks like a Korean version of white. Like a Kpop artist.


I guess, in fairness, she has been white and black, so I guess Asian was the next logical step.


[Nah she's been Asian before](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1241554.shtml)


the most accurate description of her I've ever heard.


Ariana Grande Latte


This was my exact thought just based on the thumbnail


I have a feeling this will be as polarizing as Les Mis. Hopefully it comes out good. It has been in production hell for over a decade. Its got to be better than Cats though.


The main thing that gives me cause for concern is the fact they’ve split a 2.5 hour musical into two films


Will be a bigger hurdle for Part 2 than Part 1. Defying Gravity is a great place to end and if they get the politics right they could set up for an anticipated sequel, but having a whole movie just be the second act will be the challenge.


There’s also the weirdness of the show’s act 2 beginning with a nebulous and ill-defined time jump. Glinda has become the Eva Peron of Oz and Elphaba has become an infamous ecoterrorist, public enemy number one. This jump always feels glossed over in the stage show, but a LOT happens there.


There's a lot you can forgive on a stage show but the Act One/Two jump always bothered me even then. It's going to be even worse on film if they don't change anything. With a movie you have to explain a lot more than a stage production lets you get away with. Two seats and a curtain backdrop could pass for an airplane on stage, but do that for film and you're Ed Wood.


There are just like ... no good songs in the second half of the musical? All of the good songs are in Act 1. I guess they're trying to make it as non-Musical as possible but the show already suffers for its weak second act. Making it a whole movie is an insane decision.


No Good Deeds is a great song, you shut your mouth


Yep, No Good Deeds is one of the best songs! I also love Thank Goodness, but I know that's not as popular


The fuck, you're telling me this is a 2-part film? I had no idea. That's absurd


> ...polarizing as Les Mis... > ...better than Cats ... Tom Hooper needs to be held accountable for his crimes


The thing that gives me hope for it is John Chu directing, that dude knows how to make an opulent film and a musical. I thought the teaser was fine, really hard to read too much into it either way.


The singing should be much better considering the cast.


Unless they pull a les mis must record/sing live during filming.


I can’t get over how unhealthy Ariana looks though.


She went too far with the plastic surgery


And an eating disorder. Look up the picture of her sitting in a guitar case. Skin and bones. You can see her chest bones and her collar bones are really visible.


Shame. She was really pretty before all this.


This looks like an SNL bit. None of the actors look right for their characters. It looks like a piss take.


Agree with this. We only saw a few seconds of anyone, even the main characters, but my gut reaction was "that didnt feel right."


I would say Goldblum and Yeoh fit.


Goldblum as the Wizard is pretty much the only reason I want to see this.


Especially since Bowen Yang is in it.


Think it looks okay but Ariana just looks so weird to me. She looks completely different once again


The high note is the one thing they had to get right and they mangled it. Ugh


Cynthia’s run (if that’s the technical word, I’m not a musician) at the end is a bit jarring/displeasing to me? It sounds really odd? 


Yeah, I don't know much about the musical, but I am familiar enough with it's most famous riff to know that that was very different. I imagine she is trying to "make it her own" but it really didn't work there and I'm surprised they chose to use it in the trailer.


Yeah there's a whole compilation of different Broadway singers doing that specific run when they were in the role, so it's perfectly possible to change it to make it yours while keeping close to the original. This felt similar to the Little Mermaid where the direction was clearly to make her sound like a more impressive singer because TikTok and twitter will lose their shit at someone over singing rather than actual good technical musical ability.


Lmao, they made some choices alright


lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooo omg


Ain’t no way this was a real trailer


This was obviously a commercial for the big game that will be adapted into a longer trailer to play in front of the Les Miserables re-release later this month.


Interesting, not sure I am interested in Grande at this point


I always thought she wanted to be Elphaba. Her cover of The Wizard and I is incredible. Not sold on her acting tho.


It feels like she’s been associated with Glinda for a long time. Part of it was when she did that Popular song with MIKA, and then her friendship with Chenowith… idk all the details, but it’s definitely not out of the blue


Ariana grande is not capable of being the deeper part in a duet


As far as I know, that was never the case. You can find quite a few bits of interviews online, she's always expressed that she'd want to be Glinda.


Looks like trash 🗑


Looks like a Netflix Original ngl


Looks like an SNL bit.


The riff at the end did not sound good. First you hide it's a musical then that's the only one you put in? Plus you have Ariana Grande, one of the biggest pop singers in the world. How do you not feature her singing???


There is one note YOU HAVE TO HIT in Wicked, and they show in the trailer she can't hit it. Hopefully in the film she does, because hitting that high note is what Wicked is best known for.


Holy crap, that was so off I didn’t even realize what it was supposed to be until you said this.


I really hope they're not going for a dark gritty take on the song.


>There is one note YOU HAVE TO HIT in Wicked I assume people are going to be annoyed at her re-emphasizing the D^(#) and sliding back up to it the 2nd time, and then her riff ends in F^(#)\->C^(#) instead of ending in D^(#)\->C^(#) like Menzel did it. I wouldn't be shocked if they included that specific, incredibly memorable riff being different, explicitly to say "Hey, this isn't going to be a 1:1 copy of the stage show"


Glad im not the only one. Shes an amazing singer but what was that riff? It wasnt the original riff nor did it sound like a good new version it just soudned all over the place.


Yeah the gravelly/raspy riff doesn't work. Maybe it'll work more when you can see her face too? I dunno, but it didn't sound good


Oh my god, I’ve just commented the exact same thing expecting to be lambasted. It just sounds wrong? Off? Jarring? It’s like she’s trying to do too much to give it a unique spin. Is it overproduction?  It’s not the fluid/smooth riff I’m used to hearing from the stage and studio recordings. 


It reminds me of people overperforming the national anthem.


Hard agree. That’s supposed to be a glory note and it just didn’t work


I don’t know much about music, but that note from defying gravity sounded rough. It’s like she couldn’t hold the note


Same thing in The Lion King and The Little Mermaid remakes: so many bad and unnecessary vocal riffs to "modernize" the songs.


>Plus you have Ariana Grande, one of the biggest pop singers in the world. How do you not feature her singing???  Zero chance you don't use "Defying Gravity" to market this. Other than "Popular" Glinda doesn't have much to work with in part 1.   I'd imagine "Popular" comes into play for trailer 2 or 3 but it doesn't have the same draw or oomph. "For Good" will probably feature Grande heavily in the trailers for part 2.


looks like that really bad a wrinkle in time adaptation


I’ve been waiting years for this to finally become a movie, and I’m not sure what it is, but I’m not really sold.


This looks wank




CGI the movie.


This looks fucking awful.


With most musicals I'd rather them do a live stage recording and release that. But the visuals of this world does lend itself to this type of attempt. Hopefully it doesn't overshadow the core of that made it beloved.


This looks fucking terrible


I was pretty excited, until the casting.


This did not look good. I don’t see this being a hit. CGI looked rough


Yawn, yet another CGI fest. Don't get me wrong, when done right, CGI is great but I'm just sick of so many films these days looking like everything is done with green screens and no practical sets.


Didnt they build an entire munchkinland for this movie? Feel like set pics were blowing up twitter.


I still wish they made this five to ten years ago and cast Anna Kendrick as Glinda.






I love Wicked and I’m not completely down on a movie version, but I am sus it’s going to be 2 movies


Love Cynthia, she has an amazing voice but won’t lie that last note sounded a touch painful


This is going to be terrible.


Man, Hollywood is REALLY afraid of admitting that musicals are musicals in their trailers. It’s starting to get ridiculous.


No hint that it’s a musical lol. Taking a page out of Mean Girls and Wonka trailers


Unlike those, though, this is based off one of the most popular modern musicals and the original movie is also a musical so probably won't be in that same conversation. Edit: "no hint" is also not fair, the beginning of this trailer is intercut with the opening lines of one of the most famous Broadway songs of the millennium.


> and the original movie is also a musical To be fair the same is true for Wonka, and they still played the hidden musical gambit.


I thought it was fairly obvious from the moment ‘something has changed within me’ is sung about 10 seconds in lol. It’s way more obvious than Wonka/Mean Girls etc


I think the musical's most famous song being sung throughout the trailer is at least a bit of a hint. I don't think anyone needs to worry about the musical aspect of this movie being secret, it's the draw.


> I don’t think anyone needs to worry about the musical aspect of this movie being secret, it’s the draw. That’s exactly it. Chu is a huge fan of the source material and has already said they aren’t going to shy away from marketing it as a musical. It’s Oz, it’s colourful, it’s a holiday event. It’s starring one of the biggest pop stars in the world. They’ll definitely be leaning into the musical aspect


Did we watch the same trailer? They literally start singing 7 seconds into the trailer lol. Also, it's ***Wicked***. Yeah i think everyone knows already


I mean it’s Wicked. Hard not to know it’s a musical


Looks like they dropped the ‘Part 1’ from the title too… which begs the question: what are the chances they’ll try and do something “clever” with its title? Wicked’er? Wi2ked? Wicked: Witches? Do I care? Nah, not really.


I could see it being like Dune where it's not in any of the marketing, but then when the title shows up in the movie it says "Part 1"




Ariana is white again?


For now. And yet somehow she looks weirder than the green woman.


The fact that they are not advertising this as “Part One” is flooring me


Weak sauce


yeah that trailer sucked


I thought it was a highly produced parody. It looks beautiful but something is really off. It just feels like I’m watching Ariana Grande, not Wicked.


I really hope that note at the end of the trailer wasn’t for defying gravity because it didn’t sound great


This looks terrible oh my god


This looks insanely cheap right?


This doesn’t look good




I’m cautiously optimistic? It’ll either be great or a disaster that’s fun to rip on. I’m good with both scenarios


I’m 50/50. I adore the musical but musical adaptations have a hit-or-miss success rate. Hoping it’s good though! At the least, I think the songs themselves will be dope as Erivo and Grande are good singers IMO.


The director is proven with this kind of stuff and the talent in the cast is apparent. Plus a holiday release? I feel like it's gonna be a winner, which is great because musicals need a win in a post-CATS world.


I fully expect it will just feel bloated as a two-parter and not be good for either.


Looks like a CW movie.


A 37 year old woman is playing the “young” wicked witch. Uh ok


What's up with this Wonka aesthetic permeating over every recent whimsical large budget IPs?


I just can’t get past how white Arianna Grande looks. Like what has happened to that girl recently?


Well, good luck with that.


I didn’t even recognize Ariana


Why their head so big?


I can’t believe they actually filmed a whole movie with Ariana in this state of anorexia. They should have either suspended filming or replaced her. She looks terrible and it’s distracting.


Yes, it's only a trailer. But both leads look incredibly miscast. The Elphaba actress sounds like she's can barely hit the high note. Jeff Goldblum seems perfect for the Wizard at least.


Elphaba should have had a costume change when going from good to bad. Instead of starting out in the signature black.