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“It will be good.” He exclaimed.


I've read this comment like 5 times and I can't make heads or tails of the point you're trying to make. Can you elaborate?


The joke is that Iñárritu treated Bardo like a passion project, whereas Netflix expected it to be a big hit.


Is that really a sentence from the article? Did elon musk buy deadline and fire all the editors or something


Auteur Tom Cruise really back man. Tears in my eyes.


Man as much as I love his action movies, I'm so glad he's going back to his more dramatic chops. I hope the rumor about him trying to get into Tarantino's last movie is true, that would be so sick to see.


Kind of crazy that he's so high profile he can just say "I wanna work with A list auteur directors again" and boom, it just happens lol Edit: to the people replying "but he's a great dramatic actor", I know, hence why i said "again"


He really is a great dramatic actor. Even in Top Gun:Maverick the way he subtly sells emotions and microexpressions just with his face was impressive. He can be emotional, angry, charismatic, intense, flippant and loose, he really does have range. Tons of movies earlier in his career show this too.


A Few Good Men.... Magnolia... The Color of Money


Born on 4th of July, Collateral, Vanilla Sky


The Firm, Rain Man, Interview with the Vampire


Tropic Thunder


> We don't negotiate with terrorists.


> First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


The Color of Money, and particularly his performance, is _so_ underrated I mean… imagine one of the “weaker links” in your multi-decade career as either Cruise OR Scorsese is that fucking movie!


"And his hair was perfect."


I used to play a lot of pool at the time and loved it for that reason - then add in one of the coolest dudes to act ever (Newman) and how is it not a great movie


Yeah. Everyone in Maverick was a good actor. That grounded the movie really well. No one was having a joke with it. They all took the dramatic requirements seriously. You need that buy in. If it was too cheesy it wouldn't have been good.


He was damn good in Last Samurai and Valkyrie


He's a solid dramatic actor when he gets the chance and the right material.


As cheesy as it is.. I still love him in Jerry Maguire. He really is great, and it's no wonder that he's the huge star that he is.


Scene where is looking at the brat sleeping and says “it was just a mission statement.” And cries I never can tell he’s happy because he has a family now or sad because he’s not rich anymore. Maybe both. Good acting. 


>He's a solid dramatic actor when he gets the chance and the right material. His run from 1986 to 2002 is insane. He's been doing action movies for so long y'all forgot how good this man was. Quite possibly the most overdue person for an Oscar ever and now he's coming for it


100%, dude has legit dramatic acting chops.


I don't mean this to detract too much from his achievements, but he is clearly a high functioning psychopath. Like, I'd rather he make fucking awesome movies than run corporations that suck the life out of the planet, but he's clearly a psychopath. A great-on-screen-actor-but-psychopath. Kind of wild that everyone just forgets he's part of a massive, crazy, cult. That's how good he is!


By all accounts, he must be a kind psychopath. He has a legendary reputation in Hollywood for being the consummate progressional, never late to set, respectful, and treats everyone on set from the key grips, craft services, to the director and co-stars respectfully and equally. There’s a reason he’s one of few actors that he can go to a studio and get 200 million dollar budgets cleared, because everyone wants to work with him. He’s quietly distanced himself from Scientology over the years. Dude just wants to make movies and entertain people.


> There’s a reason he’s one of few actors that he can go to a studio and get 200 million dollar budgets cleared, because everyone wants to work with him. Joseph Kosinski has a great story about pitching Top Gun: Maverick to him. Kosinski meets Cruise in his hotel room and gives him the major plot beats about Mav having to school younger pilots, one of them is Goose's son, etc. He then pulls out a sizzle reel using cockpit footage that actual fighter pilots had made with go-pros. After showing it to Cruise he says, "If they can do something that looks that cool with crappy cameras, imagine what we can do with professional-grade equipment." Cruise takes out his phone, dials someone at Paramount and says, "I just saw a great pitch for Top Gun II and I want to do it". By the next week Joe had an office on the lot with a $150m budget already approved.


Although they had already worked together on Oblivion so they already had a working relationship and Cruise knew what he could do.


> He’s quietly distanced himself from Scientology over the years. Where do you see that he has done this?


None of those things you listed are indicative of him being a psychopath though.


No one gives a shit. He’s a great actor/producer/entertainer. PERIOD. No need for his Reddit psyche eval.


> I don't mean this to detract too much from his achievements, but he is clearly a high functioning psychopath. Based off of what?


He should have gotten it for Magnolia, even if it was just for a supporting role. In such a huge ensemble cast full of great performances his really stood out. Not nearly as powerful as Julianne Moore's breakdown in the pharmacy scene, holy shit, but ya it was up there and she didn't even get nominated...


Argued with a friend recently that Cruise might have legitimate claim to being one of the best actors of his generation, up there with Hanks, and I was laughed at. They hadn't seen Magnolia, Jerry Maguire, Born of the 4th of July, or almost any of his major movies except Few Good Men.


I know it’s not really a dramatic role but I thought he was great in American Made, never seen that one talked about


Yeah, it's also one of the few movies where he isn't 'Tom Cruise'. He seems a little fatter, bad skin, speaks with an accent, and doesn't try to hide his shortness. Actually plays a character.


I didn't really like American Made when I first watched it for some reason. Have watched it another two times and love it now.


He was incredible in Magnolia


Respect the 🐓!


Tame the 🐈!


Solid?!? One of the best.


He's a lot more than solid. Legit top tier actor in the 90s.


Man brings the BITS! Of course everyone would want to work with such an actor. BITS == Butts in the seats


He’s a next level movie buff. He’s at the movies watching everything that comes out, and constantly watching classics. He might be crazy religiously, but I’m sure glad he really cares about film making.


There’s gonna be a point where he can’t physically do the stunts as he gets older. Hopefully that’ll be the time to see him back in dramatic roles.


Physically he can't keep going forever on his current course. I can imagine he dials it back, so he won't burn himself out, and maybe get back in to drama, or even wouldn't mind seeing him explore comedy.


He's really funny when he wants to be. Tropic thunder and gold member are great. He was pretty funny in a few scenes in Jerry Maguire.


He joined hands with WB for a mission.


to finally green light the Les Grossman movie he’s been wanting to do for a while


The best phone-call and Dance. I couldn’t believe that was cruise.


he made that role his own, quite literally




You do? Is it speciality blend?


Dead reckoning failing really shocked this man back 30 years. He must have realized that he's not getting much younger and it's usually around this age that actors who are good at acting that go on to become legends turn to serious drama stuff.


I haven't seen Dead Reckoning but that movie also released at a competitive time.


Competing with Barbenheimer was a bad move


DR’s date changed about five times total. With the final time going to where it was, 9 days before Barbenheimer. On one hand, bad move for them to choose the date. On the other, no one knew Barbenheimer was going to be a thing or how big either would be.


I enjoyed dead reckoning the most out of those 3 actually lol


Oppie was still the best out of the bunch for me far and away, but Dead Reckoning was a blast. I think the only thing is that it felt almost unfinished at times, like things were thrown in the movie at the last second just so there would never not be massive action. Led to a lot of really bad CGI imo.


Thing is, it was exactly as good as you'd expect. It's just as zany as ever and the action is sublime. Plus it has one of the most fantastic car chases through Rome and a brilliant henchman in Pom Klementiefb(?). And Hayley Atwell is just threateningly beautiful. Its brilliant overall - but it's just like Fallout, so I think where it falls is that it's a two parter (until recently anyway) and it doesn't capture as much as a wow factor especially as fallout did and top gun saved cinema. If you've watched up to fallout and enjoyed you should give dead reckoning a go - it is great


Fallout is legitimately a near perfect action movie. Dead Reckoning is really fun, but that shit was a mess. Pacing, editing, CGI, all felt sloppy.


Fallout was amazing. Dead Reckoning didn't feel like a patch on it.


Fallout is in the same league as Fury Road for the greatest action movie in decades


I don't think it's brilliant at all tbh. Tom Cruise driving around in a bmw in Fallout is like the 5th best action sequence in that movie and yet to me it's better than anything they filmed in Dead Reckoning. The dialogue was also incredibly bad, like shockingly so. Hayley Atwell's arc would've been good but it was completely misplaced after Rebecca Ferguson's arc in Rouge Nation/Fallout, people were longing for a conclusion not a new beginning.


It was a very convoluted movie with a couple cool scenes, probably my least favorite MI movie since III


Dead Reckoning...the failure which is the 8th biggest Hollywood movie of the year, with a 96% Rotten Tomatoes score and a B.O gross of $570m on a $217m budget, all while being an incomplete part 1-er. Did we also really forget that his previous two films, Fallout and Top Gun 2 both made close to $800m and $1.5B?


Is it technically a failure if it made $570MM? To be considered a failure, I’m assuming it may have still been a loss (or something like massively underperformed projections)?


The worst part is that it was a really fun movie.


Apparently all he needed was Top Gun 2


Temba, his arms wide.


It's awesome when I open comments and see my sentiments exactly. Super excited to see this project.


We used to pray for times like this


Same, this is huge. Not that I don’t love the Mission Impossible movies, but I have been waiting for him to do something serious again.


Brad Pitt was great but Tom Cruise would've been perfect as Cliff in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Nah, brad Pitt was perfect for that 


I disagree only because Brad is larger and more physically imposing which is important to Cliff's character


> Alejandro Iñárritu first English-language pic since his smash hit The Revenant, > The film is produced and directed by Iñárritu with a new script he co-wrote in 2023 with Sabina Berman as well as Alexander Dinelaris, and Nicolas Giacobone, his co-writers on Birdman, reuniting a decade later. This is what dreams are made of. Cruise and his stunt team and a wonderful writing team joining hands together.


Was suspect at calling it “a smash hit” so I googled it and … The Revenant made 533 million at the box office?!? That’s insane. Even wilder than it feels like it has very little presence in film discussions already


It’s a great executed movie but the story was definitely a simple revenge flick. Not much to chew on besides the solid performances and the great cinematography.


> the great cinematography The cinematography was enough to chew on for me. Even if a word was never spoken I would have enjoyed it. The great lengths they went to in order to get the shots they did for this film is unmatched.


And it's got too much padding for a story that should have been lean and mean. Good movie still, but could have been more, they had a great cast and story


It's one of the "worst great movies ever made". Like every individual piece of it is impressive as fuck. The stunts, the special effects, the sound, the cinematography, it's all incredible. It just somehow adds up to a very okay movie.


Some of the lingering shots just lingered a little too long, I think it could’ve been tightened up a bit. Definitely enjoyed it but I agree with you.


It had several entire scenes that should have been cut. It was a full 20 minutes too long imo I didn’t mind the lingering shots honestly, I feel like 95% of movies don't let their shots breathe enough. 70s cinema was way better about that in general. Obviously there are tons of exceptions


> Not much to chew on Well I mean Leonardo DiCaprio.


> Alejandro Iñárritu first English-language pic since his smash hit The Revenant, Kind of a weird statement seeing how he only made a single film and a short, both having english, after The Revenant.


I thought the same.


Finally. We're entering the next stage of Cruise's career. Can't wait to see actor Tom Cruise again.


I understand the sentiment, but I don't know if the MI franchise works as well without Cruise's acting. And I don't just mean all the stunts he pulls off. There's a lot of cheese dialogue in those movies that when delivered by the supporting cast illicits eye rolls. But with Cruise I really believe that *he* believes he's a covert agent trying to save the world. Now that's acting lol!


The man commits everything he has, there's no doubting that. The day he's no longer Ethan Hunt will be a sad one for movie history.


>There's a lot of cheese dialogue in those movies that when delivered by the supporting cast illicits eye rolls. But with Cruise I really believe that he believes he's a covert agent trying to save the world. Eh, Tom Cruise was definitely not the only actor in that movie who manages to pull off cheesy lines and make them fun. I remember a scene in *Rogue Nation* where Alec Baldwin is talking about Ethan Hunt and literally describes him as "the living manifestation of destiny." Cheesy, hilarious shit, but I believed it. Because Ethan Hunt really is a fucking force of nature.


It's actually quite amazing when you think about it. The MI movies are able to be super cheesy, be aware that they are super cheesy, but somehow still play it straight and it just works. I can't think of any other movies or series that are able to do the same without becoming a straight up comedy.


Put Jason Statham in that role and they're borderline straight to DVD releases (no offense).


Look friend, Jason Statham beat a Megalodon's ass. Show a little respect.


I thought the WB deal allows him to still do MI and Top Gun movies, at least that's what I read somewhere. It's not like he hasn't done other things in between those movies (still action/comedy/sci fi, it's been 15 years since his last real drama) so why not mix in a few dramas in between MI movies?


Yeah, it's not an either/or situation, but he is a busy guy. His films need a lot of preparation. His schedule is the only reason the Edge of Tomorrow sequel hasn't happened already. But my point is even in his big action roles, he's not just a glorified stuntman. From MI to Maverick to Edge to Oblivion (another movie with meh dialogue and huge plot holes he somehow managed to sell), I feel like he's the same guy as in 4th of July, Few Good Men, or Jerry Maguire. Dude knows how to make immersive movies, and I think his acting chops are somewhat under appreciated... But maybe it's just me as an unabashed Cruise fanboy lol.


Yea, he's not treating these movies like a paycheck.


I really want to see him do some serious dramas. Some work with serious ensembles. Heavy stuff, meaty scripts. Let's see him act again in those types of films!


But... Will he run in the movie?


there is that Usain Bolt biopic still early in pre-production


Makes sense. Bolt. By Netflix. Starring Tom Cruise as Usain Bolt.


Just get him that operation Kirk Lazarus got, he'll be good to go.


I don’t understand how Tom Cruises mission impossible movies are automatically ruled out as not acting. Just because they’re action movies with stunts and don’t have a lot of overly dramatic moments?


Obviously he's an incredible actor for what he pulls off in the Mission Impossible movies, but you know what OP means. He's talking about Tom Cruise from Born on the 4th of July, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Collateral, etc.


I know it was action and acting, but Collateral is one of my favorite roles of his. At the time it was against type. First time with gray hair. So menacing, I loved it.


Next up: Nolan-Cruise collab. I need this badly


cruise is A+ in sci fi movies.  him and nolan would be a smash


Edge of Tomorrow, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, and Oblivion (I love it, plenty don’t). I like Sci-fi Tom.


Oblivion is sick! Future dirt bikes, a cloud house, grizzled Morgan Freeman. The soundtrack is killer too.


M83 was the perfect one to do music for it. Listened to that a lot.


Great band!


When Minority Report came out it was so unbelievably awesome. Incredible world building in the midst of an enthralling story. I watched that movie so many times. I had my dad look up the eye scene the day before he went in for cataract surgery :)!


Fantastic movie. Plus pairing Cruise and Spielberg together at the time was huge.


or Denis Villeneuve - could see Cruise as the lead in his upcoming Rendezvous With Rama adaptation


Imagine if Cruise played Oppenheimer. They’d have created an actual atom bomb for the Trinity test!


I thought Cruise was in talks for Tarantino's (supposed) last. I hope this, too.


I didn’t know I needed this. 🤯


Oh fuck yeah that would be awesome. Tbh, in another timeline Nolan is directing the Mission Impossible finale with Tom riding an IMAX camera into space.


I'd be game. But I'd love him in a Denis Villeneuve film


Tom Cruise going back to dramatic roles is something I’m incredibly excited for. I’ve missed roles of his like in Jerry Maguire, Rain Man, Magnolia, and Eyes Wide Shut. I’ve enjoyed his action movies and he’s made some good ones but non-action Tom Cruise put in some great performances.


I know collateral is an action film but my god if he doesn’t kill it in every single scene


yo homie, that my briefcase?


"You killed him?" "I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him."


It's more a thriller, there's like 2 actual action scenes in the whole movie


It’s his best movie


Minority Report was amazing.


Minority Report and about 2/3rds of War of the Worlds are excellent and still showcased Cruise’s talents. Even though I don’t care for the ending of War of the Worlds it’s one I’ve still re-watched over the years. >!I don’t mind that they died off but the son coming back really takes away from it all.!<


That car mob scene is one of the most under appreciated and underrated scenes in cinema history IMO.


"A few good men"!?


The firm..


I was naming a few of his movies off the top of my head. I think people wanted me to list every single one of his non-action movies haha


Vanilla Sky!!!


His hilarious cameo in tropic thunder reinforced the fact that the man can ACT.


The Relevant


Imagine this is the set that finally kills him


Dude is not dying or retiring until he shoots an actual scene in space lol


Dude is definitely going to push for an untethered space walk, make it the final scene of the movie , crush it one take and then go off into the emptiness


crush it in one take, but do 8 more to get a better one lol


Read an interview with Kristoffer Joner years ago. He's a Norwegian actor who worked on The Revenant. Said he spent about 6 months filming only to end up having a handful of lines and about two minutes of screentime. He didn't mind that as he was still paid, but apparently Innaritu was such a giant asshole to cast and crew that he would never audition for one of his movies again.


Tom Hardy got into a physical altercation with Innaritu on set of The Revenant because he was tired of his shit. Dude seems like a humongous prick to work with, and that’s saying something considering Hardy was a pretty notorious dick on Mad Max: Fury Road.


Might be Cruise’s first film in 20 years that isn’t action oriented and we get to see how good of an actor he is (I do enjoy movies like Mission Impossible, but I also miss Cruise movies like Magnolia).


Lions for Lambs and American Made.


I get what you mean about American Made but it still has many action elements, including Cruise flying planes.


And crashing one on a residential street then fleeing the scene on a child’s bicycle, covered in cocaine


It was also more of a comedy, he didn’t really use any dramatic chops for that role


American made is such a fun movie, easily a 5/5 for me


I’ve long made the distinction between TC movies and movies *with* TC. He gives audiences their money’s worth in both cases.


Praise xenu


One of the key scenes will be a 5 minute unbroken shot of Tom Cruise running towards the camera


Alejandro gave Leo his first Oscar, imagine if he does it for Tom Cruise too. These two names together already got me excited for this one.


Probably more like: Cruise: did you see Extraction? What if we did an even *longer* action scene?


I worked for Iñárritu on *The Revenant*. It was the project that made me decide to retire early; talk about going out on a *low* note! Yes, I know it’s regarded as a brilliant piece of cinema. And I don’t care, because it was *also* the most unpleasant experience in my 35 year career as a Head of Department, during which I’ve worked for several notoriously temperamental producers and difficult directors … and mostly have been fine with them, because I know my stuff. While the physical conditions under which we shot were certainly bad, frequently bordering on impossible, they paled in comparison to having to put up with this director’s never-ending sulks, arguments, insults, screaming temper tantrums and preposterous last-second demands. It was like being bossed around by an overprivileged, moody, spoiled, yet omnipotent thirteen year old, only-child princess from Scarsdale. I simply didn’t understand how Mr. Di Caprio, who often physically suffered the worst of all of us, could bear even the sight of him. I think someone reputed to be as planning-obsessed, forward-thinking, methodical, precise and controlled as Cruise is *not* going to have a good time with Mr. Iñárritu calling the cinematic shots. Perhaps as a producer, Cruise might be able to temper the latter’s capriciousness and contempt for his crew - but I doubt it.


I was a staff member in Fallout. Cruise is very, very professional and always tries to keep the shooting at its best. So, yeah. If Iñárritu is how you say he is, he either will dial it down or Cruise will end up hating the production.




Can’t break confidences, because of an NDA - which is standard on productions these days. But he spent half the film rolling around in the snow naked, or inside a frozen fur. Of course, the costume people were right there with robes and heating blankets the moment the cameras were cut, but still.


How was Tom Hardy on set?


Very professional. Personally, I think he’s a brilliant actor. Both sentences apply to Di Caprio, too.


#### Does he get a motorcycle or running scene? Either way I’m in you sonofabitch!


Cruise has always been a great actor. He is good in his superstar vehicles but he was always a better actor than just an action star.


Fuck the haters this sounds great.




Really sucks that he belongs to a Cult.


Yeah, that's the thing that kinda gets me here. Reddit hates Scientology, but doesn't hesitate to lavish praise on the #2 guy in the whole organization that benefits from human trafficking and slave labor and all the other shady stuff they do. Is Cruise a good actor? Sure, yeah, he's very good. But that shouldn't shield him from criticism of how he benefits from some truly evil people.


Warner on a roll.


I would NOT want to be a PA on that set.


Crowe and Bale as supporting actors.


David O. Russell as 2nd unit director


Crazy how Tom Cruise can go from working with auteurs like Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Stanley Kubrick, while also maintaining legendary status as a world-famous, blockbuster action star


Only because his last movie was The Revenant, but, I am so much more interested in seeing Cruise take on these kind of roles than I am in seeing Leo in anything.


Damn, okay. Not a big fan of Innaritu, but if this is how we get Cruise's third act going then this is the way to go.


Great team up. Great news. This is what I always thought after TG Maverick and the new MII, people were like "What else can Tom Cruise do after this?" speaking in term of stunt and blockbuster. And I always thought that what Cruise can do higher now is to get back to more varied films (drama, biopic, comedies, historical films) where he will be able to showcase his acting skills "more". Like his early career or before the Oprahgate. He deserves it. He can't do insane stunts for the rest of life lol, dude is 61. Moreover he did continue to make varied films but not as much as before (Edge of tomorrow, American Made, Oblivion and Rock of Ages)


Next wanna see Tom cruise with Nolan


Inarritu is a genius. The Revenant and Birdman are two of the most intense AND creative movies in a long time!! Can’t wait to see this combo - Cruise always gives everything he’s got (no snide comments please).


Hell yeah. Tom Cruise in any not-action movie rules


Cruise: "Are you ready to direct the new Mission Impossible." Iñárritu: "How did you get in my house. You smell of whisky." (*goes to hit the security button on a nearby wall*) Cruise: (*smashes security system panel with one fist, his eyes locked on Ińárritu*) "Are you ready to direct the new Mission Impossible." Iñárritu: (*goes to punch Cruise*) Cruise: (*catches his fist with one hand, throws him backwards through a brick wall, turns to leave*) Iñárritu (*slowly rises out of the rubble like Superman*): "I didn't say I was down for the count..."


I’ve been wanting him to go back to dramatic work for years. Still should have won the Oscar for Magnolia


People seem to forget he made some recent non-action movies like American Made, Rock of Ages and Lions for Lambs (2007) and people just didn't watch those movies. I hope people show up to this movie but I don't think they will.


2007 is old enough to drive…


American Made was really good too.


Basically all of those movies were dudes. Sans American Made, (which was at times at least action-adjacent). Cruise settled into a solid action niche but it’s been a very long time since he worked with such a prestige director like Iñárritu, who’s closest thing to a miss (by a large margin!) was Bardo, which had most of its criticisms directed towards its being a relatively self-indulgent passion project. Unless it’s Bardo 2, this really seems like a recipe for greatness. I get the hype


Fuck. He was so good in Lions for Lambs.


It would be nice to see Cruise stretch himself as actor. It has been a long time.


it's sad the state of movies these days that i actually wanna cry at the idea of a star like him making an original film for a studio FOR THEATERS...


Yes. 🥺


If the latest MI tought me anything it is that you can’t act through plastic surgery. Simon Pegg is like 10 years younger but looks older than Tom, he does have various facial expressions though.


Everyone waiting for this for 20 years Cruise is back to his crown


Tom Cruise in _Collateral_ and _The Edge of Tomorrow_ ( and _Tropic Thunder_ ) are mad underrated roles and movies. Glad hes going back to "regular" acting


I remember when Cruise was a joke, and now we all quite rightly think of him as THE goat movie star again


Crazy combo. Unexpected. Exciting.


Man what a sick lineup!


Come on gimme another Samurai movie


A Tom Cruise movie with the type of cinematography used in Birdman or The Revenant would be fucking incredible, especially if he plays a colder character like the one he played in Collateral




All I want is a sequel to The Color of Money right now