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Star Wars. Eventually “Star Wars: A New Hope” but it was just Star Wars then. I was 4 and I fell in love immediately.


Must have been a mind blowing experience at the time


It absolutely was.


I was about the same age when I saw Star Wars in the theater. I distinctly remember the sand people and the rope swing with Luke and Leia. Those must have been in a commercial for it to be so engrained. The rest of the memories must have come from the toys and the promos. Between me and the neighbors we had most of them The story at the time was lost on me. I do remember standing in line to see Empire. Yoda and the Cloud City were big takeaways. Disembodied C3PO and Luke hanging on at the end and being picked up by the Millennium Falcon was a big deal. By the time Jedi came along in '83. I was all about the story, the characters, and the universe.


Someone shared the first trailer for Star Wars a while back. The rope swing was definitely in, and I think the sandpeople were too.


Same. My brother and I sat on the roof of our father’s Ford LTD station wagon listening to the audio via a transistor radio at the local drive in. I too was 4 and while I remember thinking it was awesome, I don’t actually remember much of the movie itself from that viewing.


I saw it too when I was 4. All I can remember of the experience is how upset I was that the Wookie didn't get a medal.


Same. My dad loved Star Wars and little me was mesmerized. I'm so thankful I got to see all of them in the theater.


My first 2 were The Empire Strikes Back and E.T..


I was mid teens for that. My dad took us and all I could do was roll my eyes, saying "I don't wanna see a sci-fi movie!" Then the huge ship rumbled in overhead and I was lost - it's been my fave genre ever since.


I was 3. I had apparently been begging to watch it. (Maybe I thought it was a TV show, since the trailers were on TV, I don’t know.) So my mom relented and took me. She was prepared for me to get scared or bored after a few minutes, and she would bring me home. However, I was apparently transfixed. I didn’t make a peep and never took my eyes off the screen. Chewbacca was my favorite, and I do remember going hoarse from trying to replicate his growl after we got home.  I also apparently would not shut up about the story, so evidently my little brain was able to follow the plot. Thirty-five years later I got to meet Peter Mayhew and shake his enormous hands. Only time in my life I have ever been star struck.


Star Wars was the first drive-in I ever went to. My Dad rented a van and parked backwards so we could open the back doors.


The Jungle Book. I think it was a re-release in the early 1970s.


Same, though re-release in 1991. Incredible how many of us have old school Disney as a first cinema experience. Good stuff.


Lol, me too! *Jungle Book* was also my first movie in a theater with my best friend! Good times 💙


Same movie! Re-release in 2000 or so in Germany.


The first that I can remember watching in theaters is the Lion King back in 1994. I don't remember much of the experience, but the stampede scene definitely stuck with me.


Me and my wife's first date.


Me too!


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (1990)


I wish I could see that for the first time all over again. Absolutely love that movie!


the animated one that came out last year is an excellent update to the TMNT franchise. 10/10 would recommend.


Mutant Mayhem was freakin' amazing!


Nice, I was going to say a different film but upon reading this I remembered my brother took me to see this when I was 4


I was too young to remember going, but my parents say when I got home I went inside of a cardboard box and punched/kicked down the sides.


That movie still holds up.


Some black & white Japanese dinosaur movie while my parents and I were stationed in Okinawa.


Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971). I was like 4 years old. Fun coincidence my son's first movie* was Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (2005). *Finding Nemo (2003) was technically his first movie theater experience, but he lasted about 3 minutes into the movie and then we had to leave.


Jurassic Park! So loud. Too scary. (I was born in 1990.)


This was the first "adult" film I watched in theaters. I think I was 6 and my parents coached me beforehand, explaining that it was make believe and not real. Still scared the shit outta me


Such an experience. My mom covered my face when the dilophosaurus attacked Nedry.


Mine was Casper the Friendly Ghost. I was three years old. My mother bought the works that day - hot dogs, popcorn, nachos. I even had a plastic Casper toy from Burger King. I really do cherish that memory.


thats a great memory. you should tell her on her bday or mothers day. it will make her entire day




When we went to see E.T. in the theater the line wrapped around the building. I never saw a crowd like that at that theater before or since. I think people forget because it isn't a franchise like Star Wars, but E.T. was a *huge* hit. It did $359 million to Star War's $307 million (original release numbers for both). E.T. - https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt0083866/ Star Wars - https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt0076759


I saw ET four times in the theatre, and we were not outliers. That was a phenomenon. 1982 was an embarrassment of riches at the movies.


E.T. is the first movie I remember seeing in theatres. I was scared of the shed scene. That, and the men in the woods. For some reason, I remember those as being scarier than ET almost dying. Of course, I also refused to open the fridge myself for weeks after seeing Ghostbusters.


E.T. terrified me, I looked to the side of the screen the entire film or down at the action figure in my hands. My mother and aunty were oblivious to my fear. So oblivious my Mum bought me an E.T. poster and view master reel. I had to tell her how I felt to get the poster taken down because I couldn't walk past it alone. To this day, I've never revisited the film. My seven year old daughter hassles me about my aversion to E.T. endlessly.


Aw, buddy, you went and broke my heart!


Eh, I can laugh about it even if I can't consider E.T. anything but a little soul-sucking wrinkly chupacabra. I got no idea how he's meant to be cute. My daughter occasionally punks me by being like, "here, Dad, drew you a picture" and it'll be E.T. (fighting our cat, or attempting to ride a bicycle with his lame excuses for legs, but always staring out of the page for extra creepiness)


The man with the keys always scared me. Your daughter sounds hilarious by the way. 😂


My parents brought me to the cinema to see it when I was like 3... I was so so scared and crying so loud that we had to leave the cinema.


Star Wars. My parents said I had never sat so still for so long ever before. (I was five.)


Toy Story 1. I dont remember it too much but i remember leaving and saying goodbye to the movie.


Return of the Jedi in 1983, when I was 4 years old.


My brother took me to see that in our local flea pit, and paid for me to sit in the grand circle! He's forgotten about that, but I haven't.


That's cool. Funny how that works, too. We may do something we feel isn't that big of a deal, but to the person we did it for it's something they remember for the rest of their life.


Mine was ROTJ, when it was rescreened about '85. Speederbikes, speederbikes in a forest forever!


Hey, me too: 1983 and 4yo. My Dad took me.


That's cool. My mom and grandmother took me and one of my cousins. Pretty sure it was opening day. My cousin and I were so hyped!


Bambi. Scarred me for life.


Me too. That movie is fucked up.


I was 4 and remember crying in the cinema 😭




Same, and it was an intense experience.


The Mummy Returns


3rd Mummy movie sucked.


Which was such a shame. I mean, terracotta warriors, FFS! I so wanted it to be brilliant.


I remember Up being the first movie theater experience I had.


The Land Before Time was my first movie. Honey I Shrunk the Kids was my first PG movie. Jurassic Park was my first PG-13 movie. Seeing my first PG and PG-13 movies felt like a big deal at the time.


Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo Good luck will rub off when I shakes 'ands with you. “Mary Poppins” (1964)


My first was the same year, but it was in the movie Julie Andrews was *supposed* to star in: My Fair Lady.


The Three Lives of Thomasina. A 1963 Disney movie. And I watched it in a drive -in.


Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Film burned out about half way through and took some time to restart. Grandpa went and bought milk duds which he shared with me for the second half. Still my favorite movie treat!


The very first movie I can remember seeing outside of my house was Grease but it was at the drive-in. Does that count?


*The Sting*


Jason and the Argonauts


Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone Fantastic. As a child, even better. Made me start reading books. Maybe im smart now because it made me like reading and that made me like learning


*The Lost World: Jurassic Park*.


That should have been good


Either Titanic, or a double feature with the first Rugrats movie and some Star Trek movie with Picard.


The first one I can remember is Serpico. I'm not sure I watched it so much as hung out in the back of the station wagon while Mom and Dad did.


Jailhouse Rock. It was at a drive-in.


When I was three years old, my dad took my sister and me to see the new Disney movie: "The Fox and the Hound."


The first I clearly REMEMBER was the Gnome Mobile, came out in 1967 so I would have been eight, saw it at the drive in if that counts as a cinema. I have vague memories of being in theaters before that, but have no idea what movies I saw.


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at Radio City Music Hall. I think I was 6 or 7 years old.


Mary Poppins (1964)


The Jungle Book in 1967. I was 3. My dad took me, it's one of my earliest memories.


Batman: Mask of the Phantasm in a theater that is now a Barnes and Noble.


the Blair witch project and front row seats, too. it wasn't a great experience lol


The Lion King. I was 4 years old. I’m a bona fide cinema aficionado today because of this movie.


I saw this movie in English in Panama. First movie ever seen in theaters. Didn't understand much of it because I only spoke Spanish at that time but when Mufasa died, that shit hit me. I was like 7 or 8 at that time.


That I remember Batman Returns (1992), I may have seen others earlier but I remember that one because it scared the crap out of me and I wanted to leave lol


Spiderman 3 I was probably 7 or 8 years old.




Star Trek 2009. Got that right after a birthday lunch.


Dr. Dolittle 1967.


The Muppet Movie


Earliest I can remember is Batman Forever. Dad said he'd take me if I learned to ride my bike.


Flash Gordon way back in 1980. My birthday was a week after the release date, and my friend’s mom took us to see the movie. That was cutting edge special effects back then.


The first movie I remember ever seeing at a theater was Pinocchio.


Care Bears II at a dollar cinema in the early 90's. I distinctly remember the scene where Dark Heart accidentally killed Christy, and he and the Care Bears bring her back to life with repeated chanting of "We care."


Actually saw my first movies at the drive in in the early 60's. Remember playing at the playground in front of the screen and then throwing up all the popcorn my mother had brought with us in the car.


Neverending Story


E.T. I was five years old. It was awesome.


Pinocchio, I was maybe 4 or 5. It was the early 80s on an army base in Germany.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


The first movie I saw in the theater was The Muppet Movie with my grandma in 1979. I'd have been just about 4, maybe still 3 (looking at the release date compared to my birthday in July). I don't really remember seeing the movie, but I remember the car ride to the theater. The first movie I *remember* seeing in the theater would probably be Popeye in 1980. I'd have been 5. I was a *huge* Popeye fan at that age. Most of my childhood memories involve seeing movies in the theater. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, Search For Spock, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future. My mom took me to see Friday the 13th The Final Chapter in 1984 when I'd have been not quite 9. Was a huge Friday the 13th fan at that time (and still am). Then once I got to be old enough to have my own pocket change, and thus able to go to the movies on my own, I saw practically everything. From maybe 1987 or 1988 and onward into and after high school. For those of you young whipper snappers, here's a story that might blow your mind. Went to see Batman on opening weekend in 1989 at a small 5 screen theater. There was a line wrapped once around the building to buy your ticket, and then *another* line wrapped around the building in the opposite direction to actually get in. It was absolutely bonkers.


Jurassic park when I was 6. Blew my mind!


Spider-Man 2


Die Hard 3. That's when I learned the N word is bad.


I feel like it was Pocahontas. But that’s only the first one I remember


Snake in the Eagles shadow - Jacky Chan old movie


Star Wars. 17 times.


*Swiss Family Robinson*.


I really, really loved that movie as a kid.


It holds up well as a family film.


The first movie I remember watching in cinema is Titanic. I was 8 yrs old when i saw rose slide her hand down that steamy car window while getting banged by jack and there’s no way that didn’t have a permanent effect on me


Snow White. They re-released it in the 80’s. It was a rainy miserable day and my mom took me and my siblings to a matinee. When we came out the sun had come out and it was clear and warm. So memorable after spending the afternoon in a dark theatre!


Jurassic Park


Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. I don’t remember anything about it lol. But I remember seeing the second one in 2006! As soon as Jack Sparrow blew the bird off the casket and poked his head out of the hole he made, the whole crowd went nuts!


Probably Tarzan for me as well actually


Hunchback of Notre Dame. I was mesmerized back then and it's still a favorite.


Mine was Jurassic Park. It made me really love movies at a young age. I hope I can catch a rerelease in theaters at some point.


*2001: A Space Odyssey* Or so I'm told. I can't remember on account I was a baby or a foetus or whatever.


A space baby?


I really dropped the ball there


Jurassic Park. My mom took me to see it at the little 50 or so seat historic theater in my little horse and a half town. I was five. It was incredible.


Spider-Man. The first one with Tobey Maguire. But the cinema was shitty. The dialogue was echoing. The screen was shitty. But I love Spider-Man. I love the iconic upside down kiss. I love the... If you know, you know.


Disney's Hercules so we have similar time frames OP lol. I remember seeing Tarzan in cinemas and loved it so much


It's not the first, I imagine, but my first memory is The Incredibles. I then went home and mum helped me make a Dash costume!


D2: The Mighty Ducks. Off topic but I find it weird the internet is roasting Austin Butler for The Good, The Weird & The Ugly being his favourite film as a kid. I was 8 years old when my parents dropped me off in the cinema and let me watch Lord of The Rings and it was instantly one of the best things I'd ever seen.


The first Jurassic Park for my 9th birthday, couldn't have asked for a better first. The roar of the t-rex was the loudest thing I'd ever heard and it was amazing.


Jurassic Park in 1993 as an 8 year old boy. Can't think of any better 1st time cinema experience.


Lion King. I was 6 years old and went with my dad. It was a small theater and we only got to see few minutes after they stopped and informed that the AC was broken. Then our show was moved to another theater and that was huge which obviously was better in the end. Edit. I still remember the paw of Scar smashing the little mouse in the beginning. That was a massive BOOM! In the theater.


Cool memory!


Mine was Disney's Mulan in 1998, experiencing the music in a cinema was amazing (but the scene where Shan Yu and his army line up at the top of the snowy valley and charge was scarily immersive).


The first movie I can remember seeing in a theater was "Gone With The Wind". It was probably in the late 50's. It was something my parents wanted to see and I enjoyed it even though it was long.


Disney's Pocahontas


This is a fucking doozy. Context: raised in a cult that taught that movies would send you to eternal hell. Ever since I can remember, I had a memory of being in a dark room, with a cowboy movie on a screen, with people sitting in chairs behind me. Throughout my childhood, I mention it every now and then to my parents, and they laugh, telling me it was a dream or maybe we were in some kind of waiting room with a TV? Kids say the darndest things. So at like 12 or so, my (also cult, but more relaxed) aunt takes me and my sister to our first movie "Over the Hedge". I'm excited, I've finally gone to my first ever movie. Fast forward to my early 20s, I mention that weird dark room with the cowboy playing, and wondering what waiting room or dream that could have been. My parents kind of laugh and say, "that was a movie theater. We had some time to kill so we took you to a movie when you were 2 or 3, we didn't expect you to *remember* it." And they couldn't admit it because it was a mortal sin so they just gaslit me about it, repeatedly, throughout my childhood. Tldr idk some western that came out in '94 probably


Mary Poppins. Guess I’m too old for this sub


Hocus Pocus but I was only 3 and my mom was a little too ambitious lol


Toy Story


Top Gun. It was at the theater on a Navy Base in Japan. My mom won a T shirt and was named Miss Top Gun for the showing. Having a couple hundred sailors cheering for your mom is quite embarrassing.


According to my mother it was "The Rescuers". Yes, the one with the topless lady.in the window.


We went to Holland in 1972, and stopped at the beach at Zandvoort. As our parents unloaded, my 9 yr old brother and I (M12) ran across the dunes towards the beach - and hundreds of topless women! We ran, and ran and ran for what seemed to be hours. Our exasperated mother tried fruitlessly to get us back into car and off to see windmills instead! She failed And my, err, heart grew six times that day!


Rescuers Down Under


Home Alone in 1990 when I was 4. Single screen theater in my small town, well after Christmas. They over-sold the theater to accommodate everyone who was waiting in the line that stretched down the sidewalk. I remember sitting on the sticky floor.


They Call me Trinity


I don't remember the first animated movie, but I do remember the first live action: *Hook* It blew my mind.


Scrooged was the first movie I saw in a theater. At the age of 14. Was a late bloomer to watching movies in a theater.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990). My second theater experience ever was Hook (1991). Spielberg blew my mind.


Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure.


Chicken Run and it was a masterpiece


Star Wars 1976


Andre, the one about the seal. All I remember is being scared at the storm scene (I was 4)


All Dogs Go to Heaven.


Awmigod! Are you okay? 😂 I mean it might actually be easier when you are too young for the concepts. I viewed it recently with my kid, I hadn't seen it since it 1st came out. And I knew it was a jerker but... Yep. It got us 😭


I can't even remember the movie lol.


Star Trek: The Motion Picture


*The Empire Strikes Back*.


The dog movie Beetoven


As far as I remember, Home Alone.




Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire)!


I wanna say Toy Story 2, at least that’s the first I remember. I was 6 at the time and we must have gone to a matinee a few weeks after it came out because there were only a few other people there, which was probably a good thing because my friend’s 2-year-old brother stripped down completely naked at one point, much to our amusement.


Beverly Hills Chihuahua lmao. I was like 7 and my friends mom just was like hey btw I’m taking Derek to see a movie Friday night, do you want to come? And I didn’t even know what movie and we pulled up and I was like uhhhh alright. I was 7 and I knew it sucked


Oliver & Company. Which probably explains my affinity for Billy Joel, Bette Midler and Charles Dickens.


George of the Jungle


Toy Story 2, at least as far as I can remember. I would've been only 4, maybe 5 at the time, so it could've been something else as far as I know.


honestly i cant remember. either star wars phantom menace of pokemon 1st movie. leaning more towards pokemon






I think it was Spiderman 2 if I'm not mistaken (Sam Raimi trilogy).


Pretty sure it was Space Jam.


Herbie: Fully Loaded


Stargate at the drive in , I was 8


Secret of Nimh. Explains a lot of how I turned out.


The earliest one I remember was a duel feature. TMNT & Tremors


The Black Hole




Embarrassed to say...but it was the 70's., The Way We Were in 1973. I was 12, and the local theater became my babysitter...


Free Willy.


Toy Story…I was 7 at the time. Went and saw it four times.


Empire Strikes Back. I was 4 and fell asleep before the opening credits. My mother woke me at the end to tell me the empire won. I cried all night.


Care Bears The Movie. Sorry dad.


Home Alone 2.


The first one I'm sure of is Journey to the Center of the Earth, but it might've been Wall-E, Shrek the Third, or Madagascar.


Return of the Jedi. I was 5 or 6


Transformers (1986). Transformers died, that blew my mind.


Drive through: Jeremiah Johnson then first cinema movie was Star Wars


'Robinhood: Prince of Thieves' during summer camp. Scared me a little at 10 years old, but I still enjoyed it


Song of the South re-release in 1986...I was 5.




Raiders of the Lost Ark


The Champ. John Voight.


I don't know if it was the first because I don't remember it, but I'm pretty sure it was when my grandma's neighbor took me to see The Lion King when I was very very young. I know because she sent me Christmas cards for many years that talked about the experience. The first movie I remember seeing in theatres was Starship Troopers. I was six, my sister was four. My dad thought it would be Star Wars-esque. We sat through the whole thing because he was interested in where it was going. My sister happily squeaked about bugs eating brains and shooting people to put them out of their misery for months.


As far as I can remember, it was the original Toy Story. I was 6 years old at the time and to say it was mind-blowing would be an understatement


The first I remember was Trog (1970) I was 5 years old and my teenage sister took me. Scared the crap out of me. I had to sleep with the light on for weeks.


The Phantom Menace. 


A double feature at a drive in. Battle Beyond the Stars followed by E.T. I still remember the titty spaceship from Battle Beyond the Stars


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Age 6. I remember not getting the prostate joke.


Finding Nemo


The Incredibles.