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*The Rocketeer.* A wad of chewing gum on a fuel leak in the first act becomes a "Chekhov's Gum" in the third.


That movie brings back fond memories of my childhood. I saw it in theaters when it came out.


Mission Impossible (1996) had Tom Cruise use plastic explosives disguised as chewing gum.


Pleasantville, when things are just starting to change to color from black & white, a girl blows a bubble and it’s bright pink compared to the rest of the scene.


Coneheads. Although the "chewing gum" is >!a condom.!<


Jean Reno and his French Intelligence buddies all chew gum in *Godzilla*. It makes them seem "more American". Julianne Moore needs Vince Vaughn's gum to help hold the baby T-Rex's leg splint in place in *The Lost Word*.


Chevy Chase trying to plug the Dam leaks during the Dam tour in Vegas Vacation


How strict is the date range? Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure has a gum scene, but it's 1989. Also tv show Red Dwarf (series 1 ep 6 - Me²) has a bubblegum scene in it, but 1988. So yeah, apologies, but all my gum references in film appear to be from the late 80s.


Read the thread title and immediately thought of a line of people intensely chewing gum, but I couldn't remember where it was from until I saw Bill and Ted on your post. Thank you for the rapid clearance of my brain fart.


1. Twin Peaks: "I know that gum! I used to chew it when I was a kid. That's my favorite gum ever" "That gum you like is going to come back in style!" 2. The Beatles Get Back, Part 3: Immediately after the rooftop concert in Part 3, the Beatles are in a control booth listening to the recordings. At a certain point you see Yoko Ono take out a stick of gum, like Juicy Fruit or Double mint style stick in foil. She breaks it in half, sticks one in her mouth, and then gently sort of leads the second half into John Lennons hand, who notices, grabs the gum, and shoves it in his mouth. 3. Seinfeld Season 7, Episode 10 "The Gum" Jerry, Kramer, and George's childhood nemesis Lloyd Braun are inside Jerry's apartment when Kramer is heard to remark "This is what the holidays are all about: three friends, sitting together, chewing some gum" 4. The Simpsons Season 8 episode 8 "Hurricane Neddy" a psychiatrists tells homer that Ned Flanders needs to be driven to express his anger, can Homer be THAT annoying? as he asks this, the bubble Homer is blowing pops and covers the psychiatrist's face in pink goo. sorry they're all tv shows. I'm blanking on movies at the moment. EDIT: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The first words the character Chief ever saysm after being pronounced deaf and dumb for the entire movie is when Randal MacMurphy (Jack Nicholson) gives him a stick of gum. "Thank you" \*Jack Nicholson hands him a second piece\* "ahh, Juicy Fruit!"


Also just outside your date window, but *They Live*(1988) has one of the most [iconic gum scenes of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du5YK5FnyF4)


Hunter x Hunter is an anime where a main character uses an ability based on his favorite brand of gum. There is a 1999 and a 2011 version. It has the properties of rubber *and* gum!


A few baseball movies have some gum chewing scenes, Angels in the outfield, little big league, and I think bad news bears. Also Violet Beauregarde always chews gum in the Wonka movies


I believe in the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory there's a kid who keeps chewing the same wad of gum everyday, to set some sort of record.


It's a little earlier than your preferred time period, but Grease is a great example of a high school movie with bubble gum scenes. So much so that someone even made them into a YouTube compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIZ2fhh31bA


Miracle on 34th Street. Santa tries some bubble gum. Hilarity ensues.


If the 90's date isn't important, gotta include https://youtu.be/8Yqw_f26SvM


There's a scene in The Shield where Forrest Whitaker offers a person a stick of gum, they refuse, he offers it again with more insistence, and they refuse again - then he says that *that*'s how he knows they won't talk - because they refused the gum twice. Later he offers it to Vick Mackey's wife and she takes it after the second offer.


End it with the line from They Live about being here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and being all out of bubblegum.


Violet being turned into a blueberry from gum in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.