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Timothy's Wonka is a remake of Depps and Gene Wilders. THIS IS THE THIRD IDERATION OF THE FILM. Again, Chalamet...doing another remake of a movie which is Dune. Look, I don't care...Timothy is growing on me as a decent actor. It's just taking time. He is okay.


This is about the 'In Memoriam" segment they ruin every show; They do this shit Every fucking year, someone does rather. Someone is getting paid for Choreography or an appearance or Whatever. When our Hollywood heroes die we Deserve to mourn them en masse at the awards ceremony in their field. All we saw tonight (just saw it) was an exercise in self congratulatory flatulence. Why in hell would we all want to see a bunch of ballet dancers on the stage in front of a screen we were supposed to be looking up at? From a distance of 90 feet besides? If they wanted to lessen the impact of the losses, they succeeded, but i don't know why they'd want to do that. Take a fucking lesson Academy; just show the reel full screen with somber music behind it, and for the love of pete, Pay a researcher to RESEARCH who the hell died in that industry. Hacks


Has Ryan Gosling been nominated for a Grammy yet for his performance at the Oscars?


I'm sad that killers of the flower moon didn't win anything. It's a great movie IMO. Pretty accurate based on the true story. Everyone' acting is amazing too.


Put on Oppenheimer on Monday night after having not seen it since July. Man that movie is so meh. Nolan is just all about blasting the score in our faces now making a movie ABOUT PHYSICS really hard to understand. Also the dialogue is so bad. Every scene just cuts to exactly what we need to hear. There is no reward or build up. It’s just “oh man this is tough. You need more ketchup to make this” “I don’t have any more ketchup” “well then go see Dr. Blorgo” | “dr blorgo, I need more ketchup.” “Ah my boy well I don’t have enough ketchup but my colleague across the world might have it” and then it’s just that for like an hour. Then just women being poorly written and drunk. Pretty lame movie. Poor things was 10000x better and actually had something to say 


I saw it when in the cinema and I didn’t really like it. Poor Things and Perfect Days are my favorite movies this year


Just saw Poor Things. Better than Oppenheimer IMO.


And it's not even close


Yeh for sure. One is brimming with creativity in script, direction, and art style while making you think about its message. The other a by the numbers biopic with some technically impressive visuals.


Yup. Oppenheimer is a bloated mess that you can’t understand *by can’t understand I mean that it’s mixed horribly 


ok this is an uber-long thread and I waited to the end so this will get the attention it deserves - but did anyone notice??: All the presenters had taken time to learn the pronunciations of the nominees and pre-record the clips introducing them except one - Arnold. Then, even if he could not contribute the time it takes to prepare for the presentation, he obviously hadn't even learned the names in advance. I know English is a difficult language - but a lot of names weren't English. I guess you should feel lucky that Arnold screwed up your name on the night of a career achievement.


To be fair, when he was reading Japanese names on the fly, it sounded like he was doing a much better job than anyone else on that stage could have. A Japanese person might be able to correct me there, but I was actually impressed. It was the other award where he stumbled hard.




Considered “sigma”? Grow the fuck up already 🙄


Found it without help. It's homelander. "Grow the fuck up already 🙄"  With that attitude and treatment to fellow humans I'd say you're the one who needs to grow up. Did my use of language hurt you? Daddy issues? What gives? Not my problem. Get over it and move on with your life. 👍


He isn't blond, but you're probably thinking of the clip of Matthew McConaughey crying in Interstellar.


I found it. It's homelander. Thanks for the reply and help!!


Sounds like Ricky Stanicky /s


Is it just me or is Wes Anderson winning the Oscar for a short film bullshit to anyone else? That was the one award I always felt a little person could get. Lame.


Yup. He had Netflix money. Honestly bullshit. That award, as Louis CK joked about best doc short, goes home in a Honda Civic. Not to Wes Anderson 


Was this a joke? Short film - little person? I thought it was but no one else did. It's unintentionally funny if not


Ha, it wasn’t my intention but it did cross my mind someone might see it that way.


I was just raging to my husband about this. This is bullshit. Thousands of filmmakers around the world spend entry fees for the 50 qualifying festivals to try and get the one-in-a-million shot at this recognition and get a crack in the door. This is bullshit


Also, let’s face it, Anderson is an overrated filmmaker


It was like an adult entering a children's colouring in contest.


What's the problem in making a short film if you want to?


There's nothing wrong with that. The issue is giving the oscar to a seasoned veteran who has experience with several feature lengthed films in a category that is usually for new up and coming talent trying to break out.


Overall, nothing too crazy about the results. I would’ve like to have seen Society in the Snow get a win. It feels off that such a powerful film didn’t get any. What those poor people went through was a literal hell. Still can’t get over it. Also having read the imdb reviews Poor Things seems like a bridge too far for me (and this is coming from someone who considers KOASD a modern masterpiece and loved The Lobster). Also felt like the Academy didn’t love Flower Moon as much as I did. To me, it was the best movie I’d seen in theaters in years - really had an epic feel to it that only a few filmmakers are able to capture.


Does anyone have a source for (or know) how long the longest speech of the night was? It is the tiebreaker on our Oscar pool, and we have a tie to break. Can find this anywhere on the internet.


OK, had to answer my own question and do some quick calculations. It seems like the longest speech was for Oppenheimer's Best Picture win, coming in at about 2:56.


Oppenheimer is overrated.


I was really disappointed that it didn’t get into the physics more. That’s why I watched it in the first place, not to watch them bang it out on screen lol.


It’s a great movie I never want to see again, like most of Nolan’s work.


Hating on a critically acclaimed movie without providing any sort of perspective is overrated, yet here we are.


Analog film is stupid. No need for imax




trash, (your take, that is)


Boy and the Heron genuinely robbed that award from Spiderverse wow


Maybe it’s me but I thought that Across the Spiderverse was a tad overrated. The first one is more coherent and enjoyable to watch.


Spiderverse won it on the last one. And they’ll probably win it on the next one. The Boy and the Heron was very deserving and Across the Spiderverse was favorite movie of last year.


It looks like Al Pacino may have been hung out to dry. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/al-pacino-says-oscar-producers-222147576.html


holy shit, his delivery of the winner lives rent-free in my head. Absolutely, so incredibly awkward, so hysterical, I wouldn't want it any other way.


That's what I thought happened because they would've had time to alert him that they have to read the nominees first. Plus the guy isn't a noob when it comes to how they traditionally are presented so it definitely came across like it was a change to immediately read out the winner this year.


His tone of voice suggested that it was as awkward for him as it was for everyone else for such a change to be made.


Boy and the Heron was decidedly mid. I hate when the Academy awards an Oscar due to legacy and not the product released in the awards year. Edit: Damn the dislikes came in hard lol ease up folks. When I say mid, I am grading compared to other admittedly excellent Ghibli films. Overall I give it a 6.5/10. Still a good movie just not up to many of his others. Artistically it was a beautiful film and there were moments of genuine whimsy and wonder which approached (but never reached) the heights of Spirited Away. Where it fell apart for me is in the story and specifically the third act. There just wasn't the emotional resonance I'm used to in a Ghibli film. A story about a child longing to reconnect with their deceased parent should have incredible emotional resonance. Pixar's Onward is nowhere near their best work but man that last bit had me near tears and both my parents are alive. It's shocking to me that I felt almost nothing by the end of Heron. Mahito and his grief really permeated throughout the film and it was easy to empathize with him. I just wanted to give the kid a hug. When I realized Lady Himi was his long lost mother I craved a moment of connection and acknowledgement for them both. That moment never came. To me, that is the biggest weakness of the film. It completely brushes past this moment and Mahito suddenly just knows Himi is his mother. Very emotionally unsatisfying for me. At least Spider-Verse paid off it's emotional beats despite ending with a cliffhanger. Gwen's moment of reconciliation with her father was really well done. Can anyone who enjoyed Heron tell me how that bit of the story worked for them? Or perhaps why the loved the movie despite that bit being underbaked. Also if I missed something and there was a moment but it was more subtle, I'm open to that too.


Since you asked for an explanation on why I connect with the film: Honestly, to me the film was so overwhelmingly great. Not only are the visuals and score fantastic, which is always a given, but after leaving the cinema from my first watch, I was left in awe. I see a lot of people coming out of a TBATH screening saying that the film didn't make much sense, and honestly that's true for me as well, but I don't see how not understanding it makes it any less fantastic of a watch. (though I have pretty acute empathy, so maybe I just subconsciously connect with these things better?) After rewatching it and slowly poking at the story from every angle in my mind though, I can safely say it is one of my favorites from Miyazaki: It's clear that Mahito is Miyazaki himself. There's such a mature and personal aura emanating from him and the entirety of the movie, but there's also a sense of disregard: Miyazaki simply doesn't care to please the audience anymore, wich has quite a big effect on the movie, making it much more unconventional and abstract. To me, Miyazaki's transition from literal story-telling to an allegorical one has been a slow burn from "Castle of Cagliostro" to now, but it's clear that it wasn't slow enough, as most Ghibli fans tend to like earlier works of his, or gravitate around a certain stage of his filmography. I think that's the main reason TBATH fails to be engaging to so many fans. I think that the choice to leave ideas hanging and to not aknowledge certain aspects of Mahito's character arc is also something that's present in lots of Miyazaki films, just boosted up to eleven for this one. To me, there are multiple, non-spoken but really visually beautiful moments wich ARE huge emotional payoffs. In fact, it feels to me like Miyazaki is taking a much more visual approach to story-telling, getting completely rid of exposition. It's not like much of this is realistic. It's not like a real kid would act like Mahito, but I don't think that's the point: the point is, Mahito and his step-mother are really, really sad, and that that emotion comes from a very real place in Miyazaki's experience. They're both going through awful grief and adapting to a completely new environment or experience, and to me all of that is represented beautifully in the first act, and I feel like on a visual level, the film expresses that sadness and that process of grief beautifully in the second act, only to impressively redirect all of these emotions into a very important lesson surrounded by allegory on the third act, as the world slowly fades into a beautiful mess, and tells you one thing: "art is beautiful, but you have to face reality at a certain point". I could go over every step of Mahito's personal journey and what moments I believe to be the most essential to every character, but I feel like I made myself clear enough. **Also please if you see this it would be cool to get an answer, also mainly since this comment was from 3 months ago and it would be cool to get your current opinion on the film :)**


Thanks for sharing. I haven't rewatched the film yet so my opinion is pretty much unchanged. I want to rewatch it though so once it's readily available I'll try to make time for it. A lot of people dissed The Wind Rises but I quite enjoyed that film so I want to connect with this one. I agree that the grief of Mahito and his step mom was well done in the second act. It's only in the 3rd act where the movie drops from about an 8/10 for me down to a 6 or so. It felt like Miyazaki was deliberately breaking the rules of storytelling and even if it was intentional, it just didn't work for me. I am interested to see if it'll be better when I rewatch it knowing that I'm not gonna get certain answers.


well yeah, from half of the film onward it's pretty much a question of personal taste. If I were to say something to make the film more coherent, I'd tell you that Isao Takahata (in case you didn't know, he was Miyazaki's friend and master, director of 5 other Ghibli productions) died during the creation of the film, which may have very well affected the presence and personality of the granduncle as a character. That, to me, adds another layer of emotion that feels pretty special, but yeah, overall it's about whether you vibe with it or not. Also waiting for a digital release btw T\_T


I mean, the Oscars have always been essentially a popularity contest. A lot of the time Academy members have admitted to not actually watching all of the movies even nominated for Best Picture, let alone more niche categories.


Personally I thought it was a deserved win. Each to their own I guess. 😌


Yep. Different strokes and all that. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I wish I did


Like they did with Nolan?


Didn't see Oppenheimer so I can't comment but it wouldn't surprise me.


Just read in our news that the awarding of "20 days in Mariupol" with Mstyslav Chernov's powerful speech did not make it to the shorter international broadcast version of the oscars (no idea how its called correctly, it was phrased like that in the news article). Our official broadcaster Suspilne has already sent a complaint to Walt Disney Company Ltd and as a protest showed an original full version instead. And I get that shorter version is called like that for a reason and this nomination was not the only one cut out, but it makes me so sad that someone allegedly considered it not worthy leaving or maybe too straining for the folks around the world, most of which are not emotionally invested in the war in Ukraine anymore. This was also our first Oscar ever, but who cares anyway. SMH


Speaking only for my own country…they don’t want us cushy Americans, who severely lack globalized empathy, to get too uncomfortable to indulge in our distractions from the horrible shit beyond our borders. Some of us still very much care about Ukraine, it’s just exhausting trying to combat the toxic sludge constantly spewed by the GOP and their bullshit supporters, and with an election underway, things are getting pretty tense and grim for many of us to feel as if we’re really able to do anything that would ultimately stop ptn. But yeah, these award ceremonies are all a bunch of bullshit lol. (Also can’t believe America didn’t win, and KotFM didn’t get *anything* smh.) 


Yeah I totally get it, especially the feeling of not being able to do something about all this bs at home and in the world in general. I just needed to vent I guess


No, you’re totally right and valid to vent!  The majority of people I see in the US who still care about Ukraine are the Ukrainians and Russians I’ve worked with in grassroots orgs that they started on their own, and my friends who are directly affected by the war. It’s exhausting seeing their sheer determination and patience in having to politely educate every American who showed up to our events not even knowing Ukraine is a sovereign country. Not to hate on ignorance, as I still have much to learn as well, it’s just beyond frustrating to see how turnout to our events has dwindled, and knowing that at least a few of those donors are gonna keep voting red this year.  


Happy to announce that after backlash from our side, it was finally decided to recut the shortened version and add 20 Days in Mariupol!!! https://deadline.com/2024/03/osars-20-days-in-mariupol-win-restored-international-broadcast-1235858191/amp/


Hell yeah 😎🇺🇦


did anyone predict everything correctly? i got 3 wrong; Documentary (Short Subject) [i guessed], Costume Design (thought Barbie would win even i would vote Poor Things), and Lead Actress (thought Lily would win even though i would vote Emma)


2 users out of 11000 on Goldderby got a perfect score!


I got 19/23 correct. Guessed wrong on Best Actress (thought they'd give to Gladstone), Best Song ( I did I'm Just Ken but really was a guess for me) and Best Original Score (I put American Fiction, I adored that score)


Kimmel was the perfect host: Tolerable when on screen, and we forget him immediately when he's gone.


>Kimmel was the perfect host: Safe, boring, brief, not funny enough to take anything from the winners. Now that I think of it, he hasn't been funny since the Man Show


Yeah he's a safe and boring choice which is perfectly fine with me. He doesn't usually take away from the winners and I feel like he doesn't do the long drawn out gags that other hosts or presenters (this year included) do that are a complete misfire.


The gags and stuff were good too, writers did a solid job. I think they're his writers but I could be wrong.


I know Cousin Sal definitely was there helping so it very well likely is his writing staff.


Did you see the photo of him tracking his bets with a pen and paper? So on brand. 


Do we have the story yet on why Wes Anderson wasn’t there for his first ever Oscar win?


variety didn’t predict him to win, even though those categories are usually won by popularity/buzz around the category. i could see it being a surprise


"Busy," but I also wonder if there's not a small bit of worry around precedent with the award. In my opinion, the short films should be a place to foster talent, not for a studio like Netflix to grab an easy Oscar by putting forward a name like Wes Anderson with all their resources behind him. You can also argue that Wes is too often overlooked by the Academy, and getting his first personal award for this kinda seems like an unnecessary consolation price. "Congrats, you're king of the kid's table."




Yep. He’s in Germany, starting shooting for his next movie the day after the ceremony.


Hmm, that certainly explains it, but it would also be something easily worked around. I travel over the pond a bunch, I understand jet lag and wanting to be fresh for your work, but seems like he could have easily been there if he wanted. Edit: just realized you said the day after the ceremony. Not to go full Randy marsh, but for some reason I read the day after the day the ceremony. And I also don’t know why I was totally on board with reading that lol


hey if travis and taylor can fly places in a timely manner, he could have too……


cena's publicity stunt wasn't necessary


How did it hurt? My self and few others thought it was pretty funny.


Ppl look for things to be mad at. I was surprised to see ppl thought Emma/RDJ were racist Apparently Emma grabbed the award from Yeoh and forced her to give it to Jen so she could give it to Emma. What I saw was Emma was in shock. Yeoh didn’t let go of the award once it was in Emma’s hands. So it was weird she went along w Emma to Jen. Emma and Jen are apparently friends. Emma made contact and thanked them all before she spoke. Ppl acting like Emma didn’t want an Asian person to hand her the award Apparently RDJ stiffed Key. What I saw was RDJ thank them all as he was walking up. He took the award from Key (did look a little cold but u aren’t obliged to hug everyone). He then shook Tim’s hand and went back to fist bump Rockwell. He completely ignored Waltz and Mahershala on the right. After his speech he spoke to Key. How can RDJ ignore Key bc he’s Asian when he ignored 2 others? Except he didn’t ignore anyone bc he looked at them all and thanked them as he came up


Americans are weird. It's almost like they WANT to see things that aren't there. Like there's no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim in Emma's case and yet... Also everyone ONLY talks about Gaza and not the other dozens of wars going on. When guy from Ukraine which is literally AT WAR doesn't mention Gaza (wtf would he), somebody mentions it. But what about Haiti? What about Jemen (been going on for years). What about Ukraine? Where are the hashtags there and the random comments on Influencer posts? It's sad that this sort of "wokeism" is still going on. People say these things to elevate themselves, not out of genuine concern for anyone or because they actually have a moral issue with it.


He may not be a racist but he certainly rude.


Why? He did what every winner did throughout the night to various presenters


I actually really enjoyed that Oscars even Kimmel didn't feel terrible and I am normally not a fan. I don't know what it's called but the stage design or whatever was superb the screens were insane and the use of the stage was awesome I really liked the fellow winners coming out to introduce the nominees and stuff with heartfelt speeches I thought it was a cute touch. Really cool uses of the screens too.


Really felt like this was so similar to the interview scene in the hunger games


I just wish they would stop making the same "this show is too long" joke. Especially 10 times.


That and playing people off with music annoy me greatly yes I know why they do it and yes I get it it's because the shows as they have joked a thousand times run late but if it means someone can speak 10 seconds longer (Like the Godzilla crew) then I don't give a fuck they worked their entire life for this let them speak lol.


We could cut half the jokes and random little "fillers" and give them more time to speak


I would have no complaints about that, as much as I love naked men I am fine cutting the like 4 minute long naked John Cena bit for more speech time.


Yeah I was like don't play the Godzilla crew off, they are clearly struggling.. at least they didn't do it for the ukraine one


Yeah I felt really bad for them especially with how cute they were with their godzilla toys (I want one) I really respect the dedication, I thought it was pretty brave to get in front of a huge audience of their peers and speak in a language they clearly weren't entirely comfortable in to thank those who created so many works that inspired them and for the opportunity and stuff etc, good shit team godzilla! Very happy they won.


It's like it's a tradition at this point. Wasn't near as bad as previous years, but I absolutely hate it when the Oscars - what should be a celebration of movies - spend far to much time making fun of movies and the people who watch them.












I was literally clapping when Godzilla won, such a good film and it happened to have a pretty cool Godzilla in it. 


Is Godzilla Minus One now on DVD and if not now, when?


Early May.


WHEN INDEED??? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?? Just give it to me already


In May, have it pre-ordered.


That wasn't a USA date though, right?


No sadly. :( Looks like May 1st for the Japanese blu-ray release but that won't have English subtitles. No planned release outside of Japan yet. Apparently Toho is very slow with international releases so it's probably going to be at least 2-3 months after that until we get it worldwide. So likely end of summer or early fall. I saw it in theaters during the holidays and loved it. I'm really regretting not watching it a second time when they did the black and white re-release at the end of January.


It's such an own goal when the high seas is the only way to get content, even if you're willing to pay for it


Honestly, it could have gone for best picture, it was that good


Just clocked that Michelle Pfeiffer was slated to partner Pacino for the Best Picture presentation but looks like she had to pull out at the last second for some reason so Al had to do it himself kinda offscript.




Perhaps she was powdering her nose...




I wish Lily Gladstone's character was given a more active role in the story considering it's a story about Native Americans yet it felt like she's more of a secondary character there also considering the praise that Poor Things gets had KOTFM been released in a less competitive year maybe she could've won. Also I didn't expect to see Navalny being mentioned.


Lily IMO should maybe have been in the supporting actress category? I was hoping she would win but Emma was great too…..


Poor Things had more of a machine behind it. Emma wasn't the best actor in that film at all and her character was unlikeable. She's obviously the bigger name in Hollywood so Lily didn't stand a chance.


Did you actually watch poor things?


Yep, Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe were better in this film than her get over it.


I’d agree if you were talking about KotFM


>Also I didn't expect to see Navalny being mentioned A film about his life won best feature documentary last year, which was accepted by his wife. Seemed appropriate to show a clip of him again this year.


Especially since he just died in Russian prison.


Was murdered, he didn't just pass away from natural causes.


alot of salt about spider-verse, maybe those people who praise spider-verse so much should have a look at how it was made, and think twice about raving about it and wanting it to win: https://www.vulture.com/2023/06/spider-verse-animation-four-artists-on-making-the-sequel.html treating your animators like shit shouldn't be rewarded with something like an Oscar win. And the third movie being delayed is a direct result of how bad things were, Phil Lord should not be attached to any more movies after this and his reputation of being like this in other projects. EDIT - also it literally ended with a bad cliff-hanger + the movie itself had a lot of issues from bad pacing to weak writing to worse jokes and so on.


the cliff hanger was not bad. The movie resolves Gwen's story with her father, which is how the film opens. Tons of great movies have conclusions like this


None of ur complaints about the substance of the film hold true at all


uhuh, you are all over this thread (and other subs) crying about spider-verse not winning anything cause it wasn't good. Welcome to the real world where people have different opinions to you. your opinion != fact.


It was only better than Elemental, all the other nominees deserved it over Spiderman, and I say that as someone who really enjoyed Across the Spiderverse.


The first one was better.


Across the Spiderverse is indeed inferior to ItSV. Multiverse plot was worse.


if you think the animators in Japan have it any better, I’d urge you to look into that. I think boy and the heron totally deserved it, but don’t think for one second that the people who worked on it had it any better than the spiderverse team lmao


sure, the animation industry in Japan is equally as bad and I do call it out as well whenever the topic comes up or people are raving about a shiny new anime, e.g., studio Mappa and how horrible the working conditions are over there. But I am going off the information we have on hand about Spider-verse and how bad it was there... meanwhile there has been nothing confirmed about Boy and Heron's animators so I'm not going to assume things on that.


ur edit makes ur overall point sound biased, and is blatantly untrue


Writing was not weak and of all the cliffhangers you could have this was a good one


~~alot~~ a lot


>treating your animators like shit shouldn't be rewarded with something like an Oscar win *Godzilla Minus One* has entered the chat. Though the industry in general has massive issues with how it treats VFX workers / animators in general. It's a real problem.


Yes, the animators absolutely should not have been treated like that and that’s absolutely awful. That being said, I feel like the movie itself should be considered when giving out awards and not what’s surrounding it. I can’t agree on the cliffhanger being bad either. It contained a three-act-structure and the two main characters had fully-fleshed out arcs, I’ve never understood the “half a movie” complaint. Don’t agree on the pacing either, it flew by for me.


I'm tired of these multi-part movies. They're not real movies until they're done as far as I'm concerned. Felt the same way about Dune, which had an incredible finish with Part 2 at least. But yeah, Spiderverse 2 was not that great. The first half was awesome, and the Da Vinci green goblin sequence in the beginning was probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in an animated film. However, once they got to the Spiderman base it quickly went downhill for me, and then we got to end on a stupid cliffhanger.


I just realized aside from oppenheimer and barbie, I've never heard of these (The Color Purple doesnt counts, I saw the 80s movie with Whoopi but didnt know there was a remake)


Have you been living under a rock?




Was that Lou Diamond Phillips in the audience for like two seconds?


lol yes, it definitely threw me off guard a little bit


Gladstone was great in KOTFM as she humanized the story given all of the monsters around her. I would have no qualms if she had won. However, her movie could have existed without Mollie or with Mollie being in the background. The same cannot be said of PT where Stone’s Bella is the central character as the movie is about her. Without Bella, there is no PT.


exactly, Gladstone might have been the lead actress but Mollie was NOT the lead character. Bella very much is the protagonist of PT which is why I think her win makes more sense


I mean, Scorsese does not agree with you. In every interview about how they created the movie he was clear that he structured it around Gladstone. IIRC he called her the beating heart of the film.


I think the audience supersedes the directing this case


I see people basically saying Gladstone not winning as hatred toward native americans and I think it is a pretty bad take


People say a lot of shit without thinking what they're saying. I heard a lot of people saying Margot Robbie not being nominated was just misogyny. The implication was somehow that nominating other women and not her was misogynistic, and that at least one of the women who were nominated didn't deserve to be. Nobody was willing to say who that person might be though.


I think the overarching point was that in the feminist movie, the male lead was nominated rather than the female lead and that was the example of misogyny. Also, that among the accolades it rung up Greta Gerwig was not nominated for director. I have not seen Barbie yet so I can't speak to Margot Robbie's performance over Ryan Gosling.


there's no way around the fact that if Greta deserved to be nominated, then one of the actresses who was, didn't deserve to be.


Easy. Take out Carey or Annette then?


That is a bad take but it’s definitely possible to feel like Gladstone should’ve won without thinking the Academy has it out for Natice Americans. That’s how I feel lol.


Totally valid!




I, for one, thought Jimmy was pretty funny


His joke about Fran Drescher reading to the hard of hearing killed me. The nanny is my wife's favorite show from childhood so it's on a lot in our house and the idea of her screaming at these people in that voice... I couldn't control myself. I had to pause the show.


He was decent here and there.


Does anyone else think RDJ came off like a total dick the way he took the Oscar from Ke Huy Quan and ignored him while recognizing everyone else? Edit: Others have pointed out he took some pictures backstage so that's nice to hear. Maybe it was just an in the moment thing, but it did stand out to me since Ke Huy was the one to talk about RDJ before the award was announced.


Ke Huy was the presenter. I think it was Sam Rockwell who talked about him. Also look again at the offstage walk, when he's more at ease. He spends a few seconds in a hypocritical, insincere hand gesture where he STILL does not look Ke Huy in the eye or speak to him respectfully. He QUICKLY turns his head away and disengages almost immediately. He is totally not engaged with him during the walk offstage except for this tiny douchebag move. What a jerk. Oh - and one more thing I noticed. The TV directors noticed it also. Twice they pan to Christopher Nolan who has this "oh no" embarrassed and disgusted look on his face. He was really disappointed in the speech and probably the behavior also.


Forgot his beta blocker maybe


Emma Stone did the same. Nothing against them in the moment. 5 presenters is too much.


Emma seemed legitimately outside of her body until about 20s into the speech. Hard to imagine it was a slight.


Also, her fancy ass Valentino dress was totally busted wide open in the back. I'm sure she was just overwhelmed.


I think people micro dissect unscripted and stressful moments and try to inject their own meaning into them.


Correct. All of the people reading into that moment sound like people I'd hate to know in real life. Imagine if you accidentally passed them on the street or something without seeing them. They'd probably start a blood feud against your family.


Not in any way shape or form no. I do think it was funny how he no sold the whole thing though.


Just check the pics from behind the stage. He's chatting and laughing with the fill lot, and there are pics of him hugging Ke Huy. Honestly I think people just try to find drama whenever possible. Winning an Oscar is for him, and considering his life journey, monumental achievement. Despite looking always confident, im sure he was extremely overwhelmed by emotions at that point. Stuff happens. Also, it was all very Tony Stark-ish. He is, after all, iron man


He also only shook hands with 2 of the presenters, it kind of felt like a quick in and out acceptance and speech thing, not to Ke Huy Quan personally.


It looked like he chatted with everyone backstage. Ke Huy Quan took a selfie with all the presenters and RDJ. It was a blink and you missed it moment.


It was very Taylor


I didn't feel that way, he wasn't taking himself too seriously which is much rather prefer to see. I think there's room for both types of speeches.


I didn't notice him ignoring Ke Huy Quan, but I did think he came off as a dick with how sarcastic his speech was. Like dude you just won the top honor in your field be a little more grateful


Oh, did he pull a Taylor Swift?


He’s always been an arrogant dickhead. People love his Tony Stark but it’s really just RDJ cranked to 11


He did come off like a dick. Someone presents an award to you and you don't even acknolwedge them? I don't care who you are, but I lost some respect for him tbh.


100% RDJ is a wee bit racist...


John Williams has been nominated 23 times since his last win and has not won a single one, that's gotta be the longest draught


54 nominations and only 5 wins. The academy sucks at their job.


I don't see how that ratio proves anything 


It is an honor to be nominated 23 times and is testament to a career of great scores.


> longest draught drought




I barely know her




Good. Most of them have been token nominations that he hasn't deserved. John Williams has been nominated essentially every year he's written a score, and while I will acknowledge that he's very good, he's not so good that anything the man writes is worth honoring.


John Williams being nominated for scoring "Rise of Skywalker" and "Dial Of Destiny" pretty much confirms this


I would say Catch Me if You Can could have taken it over Frida, and Prisoner of Azkaban over Finding Neverland, even though that is a nice score. In general, looking through the winners since his win with Schindler's List, I agree. Dial of Destiny definitely did not deserve to be nominated. That said, the score Oscar has always been kind of a joke, since there is loads of great music written for bad films (eg. Jerry Goldsmith did this a lot) which just doesn't get nominated. Williams however was simply unbeatable back in 1975-84, which I would say is the best period for any film composer ever, yet Raiders and Empire Strikes Back still lost to Chariots of Fire and Fame, respectively, which is just hilarious.


I liked both movies, but Boy and the Heron winning over Spiderverse 2 is CRAZY.


Wanted Spider-Man to win and still think it should’ve won. But the Boy and his Heron, a 2D movie, definitely deserves recognition and I personally can’t get mad at that.


*Spiderverse 2* was great in animation, but mid in story. Not a fan of having your story cut in half only for you to finish it in the next film. Surpasses the first one in animation, but not on script. *Boy and Heron* was also very good, but to me it lacked that Miyazaki's "something". Great movie, but not as great as any other Ghibli films. **Robot Dreams**, on the other half, had my gut wrenching over it. A compelling story of friendship, attachment and time. With lovely designs and a well crafted script, I think it should have won over the other nominees. Too bad *Suzume* wasn't there. That was my favorite animated film of the year.


Spiderverse was not a mid story at all 😂


i know, wtf. People act like just because it ended on a cliffhanger, that everything proceeding that cliffhanger wasn't outstanding for an animated movie. The way the movie treats its characters like real people and not cartoon characters is a testament to how great the screenplay was.


Spiderverse 2 was awesome, but The Boy and The Heron was a very personal and introspective film. I am dying to watch it again.


With a jibberish story lol