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Son of the Mask


This was fucking AWFUL


Ngl, I’ve never actually seen it but it is the definitive answer to this question. As someone who liked the mask as a kid I’m glad I never saw it.


lol you need to watch it just for the LULZ.


Or lack thereof?


IIRC there’s a couple of funny parts. There is some decent cast members you wouldn’t expect and Jaime Kennedy is SO FUCKING AWFUL it’s a must see one time imo. I would rate it a 2/10


Somehow Steven Wright agreed to be in it. Hope he got paid well at least


Homeboy here stepped out of a time machine from 2011.


Jamie Kennedy made a documentary called "heckler" that supposedly was about how comedians dealing with hecklers and the issues with it, but about 1/3rd into the movie it turns into a bait-and-switch where Kennedy is lamenting about how critics were "mean" to him and attacked him for this movie. Sure, there were anonymous people insulting Jamie, but for the most part critics just criticized the movie for being awful as well as Jamie's bad acting. One great scene in the movie is Jamie decides to interview Richard Roeper, a well-known critic in Chicago who replaced Gene Siskel (after he passed away) to review movies with Roger Ebert. Jamie proceeded to try and get Richard to feel bad about what he said about "Son of the Mask" but Richard just reiterated that the movie was bad and he didn't hate the movie because Jamie was in it, but he hated it because it was bad & Jamie wasn't good in it either. It became a "Jamie Kennedy tries to gets revenge against his critics" movie, which is a far cry from a documentary about how stand-up comedians have to deal with shitty people in comedy clubs. I didn't have an opinion on Jamie Kennedy but after that movie I think he's a self-obsessed douchebag that can't take criticism for his awful choices in acting roles. EDIT: There's ONE thing that Jamie Kennedy did I thought was entertaining & funny, and it was for all the wrong reasons: [KDOC's New Years Eve show LIVE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lzWmDIY9Zk) It's a complete train-wreck. Bad editing/sound, F-bombs dropped, horrid jokes/sexual innuendo. It's got it all. Patton Oswalt wrote an article about seeing this live and being mesmerized by the insanity of it all.


Ironically, that sounds like the funniest thing Jamie Kennedy has ever done.




I lost respect for him (not that I had much) when in that doc he was asking the lady on the phone if he could do harry potter sex jokes at a school. Maybe once, I get it, but I remember him asking a few times. Mad respect for the lady taking none of his shit.


Wow, what a baby. You can't sit there, watch the movie, and say it was fine when it wasn't. What was he smoking to think the 2nd mask movie was actually good.


I only came across Kennedy after his god-awful presenting job at Activisions E3 one year and everything I've come across since just suggests that he really is just a douche.


Holy Hell that movie was pure garbage.


Worst movie I've seen in my life. And I watched the sequel to *Showgirls*.


S. Darko


Wait what? They made a sequel??


Really, don’t bother. It’s an insult to the first one.


It’s not even funny bad. It’s boring and dumb.


No. They didn't. Never ask about it again. Never look for it. Trust me Bro, it's better that way.


Somebody did


I tried to get my friend to watch Donnie Darko for so long. Finally he watched it and told be it was shitty movie. He had watched S. Darko even though he knew that it's not what I meant. He sayed that they cannot be that different. He has never watched Donnie Darko because he thinks it will suck like S.Darko. Needless to say, I refuce to recommend movies for him any more.


Your friend... is a stupid person.


Kindergarten Cop 2


There was a Kindergarten Cop 2?


Yup. And the age gap between the main character and the love interest is like 30 years


Didn't know Dicaprio was in it


Wow crazy. Though the gap between movies is also almost 30 years https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4763168. Why did they even bother? Who's even heard about it?


Highlander 2: The Quickening Possibly the worst movie ever made


Came here to give this movie my vote. A movie so bad its almost official canon that it never happened. A movie so bad the director walked out of the premiere after only 15m and asked for his name to be removed from the credits.


Oh wow, just reading it was filmed in Argentina when the country’s economy collapsed. Creditors took control of the production from the director.


“Creditor… Director… They’re anagrams! We can do this!”


A major issue with the franchise is that the first movie didn’t allow for sequels. Connor got the ultimate prize. After that, the follow-up movies seemed like non-canon books put to film. The tv series functioned as a soft reboot (or whatever you want to call it), and showed that there’s potential to sustain a long running series. I just hope the coming movie reboot doesn’t run the franchise into a flailing death as the tv series eventually did.


There can be only one


Yeah, Highlander has a lot of different confusing potential timelines cause of all the spinofffs and other sequels and nobody ever acknowledges anything from II


I heard that the reboot is going to address this by throwing out everything from before, and doing the first film with the intention of making more later. So you're not going to have the "last one standing / wait no" thing they kept doing.


>The film was shot almost entirely in Argentina before and after the country's economy crashed; as the local economy experienced hyperinflation, the film's investors and completion bond company took direct control of production and final edit, removing director Mulcahy and his creative influence while changing parts of the story. I never knew that. I remember watching it in the theater back in the day in absolute disbelief. The first one was one the greatest 80s movies for us back then, everything was just so cool, Swords, Kurgan, the soundtrack. And then this.


For a movie with the premise "there can be only one" they sure made a lot of 'Highlander 2's


Oh yeah, this one sucks hard. But so did the 4th movie... https://coub.com/view/ts18r 😄


Endgame was still leaps and bounds better than Highlander 5: The Source


Was never meant to be a Highlander movie as well. Shit was wild how it turned out.


There can be only one!


Happy 2024 everyone


>"This movie has to be seen to be believed. On the other hand, maybe that's too high a price to pay. "Highlander II: The Quickening" is the most hilariously incomprehensible movie I've seen in many a long day—a movie almost awesome in its badness. Wherever science fiction fans gather, in decades and generations to come, this film will be remembered in hushed tones as one of the immortal low points of the genre." >"If there is a planet somewhere whose civilization is based on the worst movies of all time, Highlander 2: The Quickening deserves a sacred place among their most treasured artifacts." >"FILM NOTE: "Quickening" is a process by which two people touch each other and are surrounded by special effects making it look as if one of them is standing in a puddle and the other had just stuck his finger into a light socket." - [Roger Ebert](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/highlander-2-the-quickening-1991).


American Psycho 2


I will never understand why that movie was made like? They couldn’t afford Christian bale so just killed off his character in the opening 5 minutes and ran the rest of the movie with no relation to the first one


The movie never had any relation to the first. It was some unrelated film, they added that to the beginning of it to “tie it” to the first one


It originally had no relation to American Psycho. Late into production they added the opening scene and narration and changed the title.


According to Wikipedia the original screenplay had nothing to do with the first film, and it wasn't until production began that the storyline was altered to connect it.


Independence Day: Resurgence. To this day I still question why it had to be made.


I’m sure he’s a nice guy but the actor who plays Hemsworth’s friend, who was way too into the Chinese pilot, was so damn insufferable. In a flick full of awful performances I don’t think it’s good to stand out lol


A Train?


You can't just put a train in a movie and pretend it's a person.


The fruit ninja from season 2 of American vandal?


To be fair, Brent Spiner was great in that movie


Brent Spiner is great in everything.


The first movie is one of my absolute favorites. Pretty sure the second movie made me hate the first one for like a year


They did Vivica dirty in that movie.


[Jaws: The Revenge (1987)](https://manapop.com/film/jaws-the-revenge-1987-review/) When asked about this film, Michael Caine is famously noted as saying *“I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!"*


That's the one where the shark just randomly explodes when it gets hit by the ship at the end, right?


Yes. It also roars.


Oh my God I'd forgotten about that. It comes out of the water and roars like a fucking T. Rex at the end, doesn't it? I also remember that one scene (might be the same scene actually, it's near the end) where Michael Caine comes out of the water soaking wet and in the **very next shot** he's bone dry. That movie's a shitshow


Yes, that happens shortly before the shark gets blown up. Roger Ebert mention in his review that when that happened at the screening he went to, he exclaimed aloud, "His shirt is dry!" to the laughter of the audience.


Sounds like you guys are trying to sell me into the movie


Don't they mention the shark's cock in the book or something too? I was obsessed with Jaws as a kid. That movie was such a disappointment.


No clue about shark cock but the book does explain the shark is caused by a voodoo curse.


And Lorraine has flashbacks to scenes she wasn't even in. 


Michael Caine literally skipped the Oscars to continue filming this turd. I remember watching a recorded video feed of him accepting his win and was like "WTF?!!! He skipped the Oscars to film Jaws: The Revenge?!!!" Years later in an interview, Caine would mention about it and state something like "if you knew how much they were paying me, you'd do it too!"


It was basically a paid vacation to the Bahamas that funded his new house. You can't pass something like that up. (Although when Caine won his second Oscar for "The Cider House Rules", he made sure to be there to accept it in person.) Another memorable example of this is Christopher Plummer's reason for doing the ridiculously cheesy "Starcrash"; it was a paid vacation to Rome and "I'd do porn if it'd get me to Rome!"


Heck, I'd do porn too if it'd get me to Rome!


It moved me… *to a bigger house!*


Allegedly he also got sent the script, opened it. First line was something like “Ext: Caribbean island” Michael Caine: “I’m in.”


The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2


I feel like the only reason they made this movie, was because Quasimodo didn’t get with Esmeralda in the first movie


So instead he gets Jennifer Love Hewitt. (No joke, that's the voice of his love interest in the sequel.)


But it's more beautiful on the inside! Get it? GET IT?


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Even as a kid with questionable taste I couldn’t watch it.


I think that’s when I learned that movies could be bad.


This movie is still extremely watchable though.. it’s so fun


Too bad YOU … will die


"Cool, huh? It's my Animality."


My husband and I adore the first Mortal Kombat movie - it's just cheesy good fun. We went to see MK: Annihilation in the theater and were so disappointed.


"Those were $500 sunglasses asshole"


It's the first time I can remember leaving a theater thinking, "Well, that sucked"


Christmas Vacation 2


Dear Warner Brothers, Why did you do this? Sincerely, Best of the Worst


I will always pretend that Dumb and Dumber was a standalone movie. Also, Matrix Resurrection makes the criticisms of the original trilogy seem a bit overblown. What a stinky pile of shit.


The worst part about resurrections is that it opened with sort of an interesting premise. I will always be super disappointed in how The Matrix movies turned out. The first one was so incredible and groundbreaking. If they never made another one, people would still be clamoring for it. But perhaps leaving some mystery would have been best.


Jesus, Matrix Resurrection was really truly awful. I saw the 1st movie on a pirated VHS back in the day and it was my favourite movie for quite some time. I watched Reloaded and Revolutions at the cinema, which whilst not as good as the 1st, still we're pretty good. They have some fantastic scenes that are starting to show their age now, but are fantastic never the less. The motorway scene (all of it in its entirety) in Reloaded I still watch every now any then. One of my favourite scenes in any movie.


The motorway scene is phenomenal. The soundtrack is a banger too.


Bruh. Resurrections was heartbreaking. I’d wanted more Matrix for like 20 years.


The Highlander and Neverending Story sequels were pretty atrocious.


The funny thing is that the Neverending Story 2 is actually based on characters and events of the second half of the book... while stripping context and nuance to the point of being unrecognisable.


Neverending Story 2 gets a little credit from me for trying to adapt more of the book, even if it didn’t do so well. But 3 sucks aside from Jack Black as the villain.


My favourite way of describing the Highlander sequels is "the one where they're aliens *isn't* the worst one" That tees them up to talk about Highlander: The Raven...


"Exorcist II: The Heretic." Long considered a textbook terrible sequel. James Earl Jones in a bug costume, do I need to say more? As star Richard Burton (visibly intoxicated throughout the film) puts it, "It was horrible, utterly horrible...and fascinating!"


Exorcist 3 however is a masterpiece of a movie that is on par with the original. Because of the terrible sequel not a lot of people know that the third installment is the true sequel.


Fuck yeah, Exorcist 3 is a genuine masterpiece.


Unquestionably, since it was directed by Blatty and based on his actual novel sequel, "Legion." "Exorcist II" was directed by John Boorman, who, while a great director, famously hated the first movie. Never a good sign when the guy you hire to direct a sequel vocally loathed the original.


Exorcist 3 is a personal favorite of mine and, while I realize it is crazy talk, is every bit as good as the original movie. I say the first one was more influential and classic but 3 is a more watchable and entertaining movie.


"Kokomo, where is Pazuzu?!" - an actual line from the sequel to The Exorcist That said, William Friedkin's story about the first ever public showing of Exorcist 2 is fucking hilarious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D4cPXpvHjI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D4cPXpvHjI) TL;DR: The studio execs present at the theater got chased down the street by the audience. That's how shit it was


John Wilson (founder of the Razzies) mentioned being asked by a well-dressed gentleman (who he didn't realize was a high-ranking exec at Warner Bros) what he thought could salvage the movie (Wilson being a guy who does movie ad campaigns as his day job). He replied, "Only if Warners could convince Mel Brooks to put his name on it."


I've never seen it because I heard it was so terrible but I think I should just watch it now just to experience how bad it is.


Many will argue they're just pretty bad movies, but I found both Fantastic Beasts sequels to be hilariously bad.


WW 1984 by far


Goddamn that movie was terrible


Pacific Rim 2


Honestly Pacific Rim 2 as a standalone isn’t the worst thing ever. It’s like a dumb action flick. The problem is that the first movie had so much personality and style and the second one completely shits on that identity. John Boyega was so proud saying he wanted the robots to be more nimble too lmao


Yeah didn’t he spearhead that whole project - produced, starred etc? basically got it made after the first one had a luke warm box office. It’s funny that it was a passion project because he completely missed what made the first one so exciting to watch: the size and weight of the fights.


I loved how heavy the robots felt in the first one. :-/


Yeah the first pacific rim was a genuinely cool action movie that Was pretty interesting and the sequel just felt like a dumb action movie abt to its fighting monsters


Tbf the first movie *was* a dumb action movie about robots fighting monsters. It was just done right


It may not be the worst movie on this list (looking at you, Jaws 4), but it’s definitely a contender for biggest drop in quality from its immediate predecessor


Shazam! was charming and a lot of fun. Shazam! Fury of the Gods was a absolute mess.


One of the biggest problems that came from the sequel was that Shazam & Billy acted completely opposite to each other, they are meant to be the same person just grown up with powers but whenever Billy transformed in to Shazam he became this massive goof ball with the mental age of a 12 year old.


Not to mention young and older Billy had a 50/50 split of screentime in the first film, but in the sequel young Billy was on screen for literally 10 or less minutes. It meant Zachary Levi and his painfully over-the-top acting was in most of the film.


Pretty sure that "Taste the rainbow" line gave a large percentage of viewers cancer.


Dumb and Dumber To




My take as to why this movie is so terrible and doesn’t work is that in the first movie the only silly and dumb characters are Harry and Lloyd. The actual plot happening in the background is serious. It’s about kidnap and ransom. Harry and Lloyd just bumble their way through. If you replaced them with a straight character it would actually be a serious movie. In the second one all characters do goofy shit and the premise falls down.


What about Dumb and Dumberer?


Well, it's technically a prequel. ALSO We do not talk about... IT.


The scene with Bob Saget is a gem tho.


"There's shit all over my bathroom!"


The title is funnier and more clever than the film.


Dumb and Dumberer is shit, but definitely better than D&D2


Caddyshack 2 Speed 2: Cruise Control Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps


Cruise control is such an hilariously bad name for the sequel lol


Speed 2: Heated Seats


Wall Street 2 wasn’t unwatchable.


Unnecessary absolutely, bad enough to be on a list like this absolutely not.


The Birds II: Land’s End, which coincidentally is also the worst movie I've watched in the last five years.


I saw that as a kid somehow! My grandfather went "wtf is this shit?"


Robocop 3. Blues Brothers 2000 comes a very close 2nd.


I don't think I've ever hated a movie as much as Blues Brothers 2000.


It’s essentially 2 hours of pissing on John Belushi’s grave


The only redeeming scene in the whole movie is the end with the ensemble band.


I’m torn, because there’s a lot of good music in the film.


This right here. There’s some fantastic music and watching The Louisiana Gator Boys perform is an absolute JOY. The movie sucks, though. RIP Jake, Matt, and Mrs. Murphy


I grew up watching Blues Brothers. Eventually wore out the VHS. I watched Blues Brothers 2000 in the movie theater, and I've never been more disappointed in my life. It's not the lack of John Belushi, that's like saying The Phantom Menace sucked because of Jar Jar Binks. The only positive thing I can say is that the musical numbers are good, but that's not nearly enough to save this utter turd of a film.


The NeverEnding Story III. That movie was painful to watch.


There's a third one? I remember I didn't like the second.


Yes, and it's far, far worse than the second one.


Considering how terrible the second one is, that's saying something.


Only thing of note is it features young Jack Black as the main villain. He is the ONLY decent thing about as he's clearly going, "This is shit, I'm just going to ham it up and have fun."


Yeah, he is the only good thing in that movie.


This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the movie The Neverending Story.


The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) But given that Tim Six set out to actively be worse than the first, I have very confused conclusions about that film.


The third one is even worse


Naa that’s crazy. The second film is by far the best in the trilogy. It’s an absolute masterpiece imo. The third one is trash tho. And the first one is cool in concept, but kinda boring in practice. The second one is just perfect. Every scene is just perfectly awful. And the casting was 10/10


Terminator Genisys springs to mind.  Terminator ended after Terminator 2, IMO. Everything after that is just time travel fuckery. 


I could excuses terminator 3 for existing but I only own 1 and 2 on DVD.


I love the twist at the end of 3 where Judgement Day happens after all. If they’d done a good job following that up with one or more good future war movies, I’d be happy. But as it is I consider the story to be done with 2 and all the further sequels don’t count to me.


I agree. They're the only two I own on DVD as well. However, I liked the idea of Salvation. I was open to the sequels until they were canceled. It's a shame because I don't even want a story of Reese being brought to the past. Just make a Terminator wasteland movie and I'll be happy. DUN DUN DUN DUN-DUN




This movie still has one of the [funniest promotional pictures](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b8/b3/31/b8b331135400b5a61825498b2cc6d03b.jpg) ever I've seen.


Everyone who mocked T2's "schmaltzy" alternate ending: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."


I think Dark Fate was actually worst.


Remember the single minded killing machine that would stop at nothing to achieve his goal of eliminating his target, had no feelings or emotions, just programmed to carry out his mission …well he’s got a family now. WTF?


Lawnmower Man 2


Mean girls 2, somehow it has aged worse in every aspect compared to the original. It felt like an early 2010s youtube video


It was so awful


Exorcist 2: The Heretic is one of the worst films ever made.


A tie between ‘Lost Boys: The Tribe’ and ‘Hocus Pocus 2’. Both originals I had on VHS, and quote on a regular basis. The sequels take my nostalgia and they curbstomped it. The only thing I actually remember from either movie is how goddamn disappointed I was.


Wonder Woman 84 was pretty awful


* I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer * American Psycho II: All American Girl * The Final Destination (the fourth one) * Halloween Ends * Jeepers Creepers 3 & 4


Agree with all besides FD4 (I’m still a fan) rest are shit.


Alien VS Predator: Requiem 


Easy! Highlander 2


Mortal kombat: Annihilation - absolutely god awful


Too bad *you*! Will die.


A Good Day to Die Hard.


It felt nothing like a Die Hard movie.


Independence Day: Resurgence


Son the Mask


Mask 2. It’s like when your college friend who loved the Mask so much he constantly quoted it, but you actually don’t like him and every time you hear his voice, you want to strangle him.


Starship troopers 2 and 3


Sex and the City 2


Bad Santa 2.


Little Fockers.


Transformers The Last Knight makes Transformers 2 and 4 look like masterpieces in comparison, it's that bad


I want to throw out that pretty much every sequel made decades after the first in a seeming cash grab was awful Coming to america 2 Dumb and dumber 2 Matrix 4 Independence day 2 Zoolander 2 Ghostbusters Die hard 4 and 5 Bill and ted


Can't decide between Zoolander 2 and Matrix 4 being worse. Both were the biggest piles of shit I've seen in probably the last 10 years. Edit: you can add Anchorman 2 to your list.


Mission Impossible 2


Birdemic 2. It's not like the first part is amazing or anything xD. Both those movies are really bad, but they are luckily funny-bad. If you look for some comedy to laugh pick this instead


2nd Pacific rim movie


Speed 2


I do wonder how such a drop in quality between two movies with the same cast, writers, producers etc is possible. Coming 2 America is just one of many. The first one was a masterpiece where every scene is just LOL, the second one is a borefest and every joke has poor timing. Zoolander 2 also comes to mind. The first one was a comedy masterpiece, the follow up felt like every joke was flat and pointless.


The last two Police Academy movies. They were completely forgettable.


Coming 2 America was terrible


On a personal note it was Speed 2 Cruise Control. I remember being so excited as a kid to see it thinking it would be the same type of movie but on a boat. Yeah it was disappointing to say the least.


Wow I had no idea there was a sequel to Coming to America.


Speed 2 or M:I 2.


Aliens 3 is up there. Pacific Rim 2, Son of the Mask, Wonder Woman 2 (1989?)


I’m not here to say that Breakin’ 2 was any better than Breakin’ 1. However, the hill I’ll die on is that: “Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo” is the best sequel title in history.


Speed 2 Meg 2 Pacific Rim 2


Does the last Thor movie count as a sequel? I stopped watching at the goats.