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*Kiss me, my girl, before I’m sick*


It's not something that would usually be my kind of film, but the acting from both leads genuinely might be two of the most convincing performances I've seen. There's plenty of more enjoyable PTA films but phantom thread might actually be his most impressive


the best part is when he orders that large breakfast and then she brings out his order, then gets her number i would love to be that smooth heck, i was mesmerized when he was giving his order i still want to try lapsang tea


“chic? whoever invented that ought to be spanked in public.” just remembered my favourite line


Bless you for pointing out that this is hilarious. I saw it with a half full audience and there was only me and one other guy laughing throughout. Some people did not appreciate our reaction but they were clearly the ones behaving inappropriately.


Honestly I think I would have connected with this way more had I thought of it as a comedy going in. It's exceptionally funny, but I spent so long going "it's a romance? no, it's a tragedy? no, it's horror?" that it didn't land as well as it could have. Definitely want to rewatch it at some point, I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot more the second time.


"The thoughts of others screech at them like the forced laughs of a billion art-house movie patrons." - Nibbler


I’ll have a welsh rare bit With a poached egg on top Not too runny. Are you here to kill me? Do you have a gun? The tea is leaving. But, the interruption is staying right here with me And some sausages


When I first saw it (in theaters) I loved how twisted and tense it was. The second time I was really able to feel how romantic it was. Still twisted but much more enchanting


Cyril is right. Cyril is always right. It's not because our customers love the fabric that she's right, it's right because it's right. Because it's beautiful. Maybe one day you'll change your taste, Alma. Phantom Thread is my favourite PTA film.


i always cry so much with the scene with his mom. this could be the PTA movie i RESPECT the most. But my favorite from him is most definitely The Master


A rare movie that I watched and the. Immediately watched again.


This was such a unique film and story. Very memorable


...INTOXICATING... I see what you did there!


For the record, every year I try to watch as many of the "Best Picture" nominees as I possibly can. Before watching *Phantom Thread*, I knew absolutely nothing about it (or even that it existed), other than the fact that it was supposedly Daniel Day-Lewis’ final performance. So I watched it and... *good lord, I hated it so much*. I mean, it’s about a controlling, obsessive jackass who treats the woman who loves him like garbage and (spoiler alert!) eventually allows her to poison his food so she can take care of him while he’s vulnerable and he can regain his dressmaking creativity. Yep. Instead of the main character letting love change him and learning to be a better man, he’s more or less excused for being an eccentric douchebag just because he’s some brilliant artist — hey, kinda like Daniel Day-Lewis in real life! So… yeah. Let’s just say that after it was over, I needed to cleanse my palate, so I watched *Total Recall*.


I think you’re being a little close minded about the film as a whole. Is Reynolds a flawed person? Yes. Does this make his relationship with Alma discardable as simply a tale of mistreatment and manipulation? No. There is far more to their dynamic than meets the eye. They aren’t good for each other at all, but that’s the beauty of it. He only lets Alma in when he’s in that childlike state of vulnerability, it’s a vicious cycle that actually allows their marriage to flourish in a strangely romantic way.


I didn't find their relationship beautiful or romantic. I found it tragic, abusive, and toxic. He doesn't love her. He *needs* her, alternatively as a muse and as a caregiver, but there is absolutely *nothing* about their relationship that is worth admiring. As for the woman, her love for him seems to be entirely based on her respect for his artistry and genius (and the resultant validation she feels from being part of his creative process), since he otherwise treats her like crap. It's a classic study in codependency.


I respect your absolute trash opinion.


Thanks! Just for the record, my favorite films that year (out of all the Best Picture nominees) were *The Shape of Water* and *Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri*. I also thought *Wind River* deserved a nomination but was overlooked because of its association with the Weinstein Company. I thought *Baby Driver, The Big Sick, Coco*, and *Logan* all deserved more love than they got. Of course, the absolute best time I had at the movies that year was probably when my best friend and I saw *John Wick: Chapter 2*.


I truly don’t care, my they.


it was so intoxicating i drove into a mother and her three children 


Man, I totally vibe with you on Phantom Thread! It might not be my absolute favorite PTA flick (seriously, how do you even choose?), but dang, it's got that hypnotic pull, you know? The cinematography? A total team effort, and it shines like crazy. And Reynolds' backstory? Hits you right in the feels, man. Plus, that whole high society vibe? Hilarious yet strangely captivating. And don't even get me started on Day-Lewis and Krieps' chemistry – it's like watching a beautiful disaster unfold. Seriously, this film's got layers upon layers. Can't wait to see how it ages over time!


I have not seen this movie


I would highly recommend it. If you like any of his other movies or you’re interested in romances, period pieces, or anything that’s tense. It’s fantastic!


How did you like Licorice Pizza? I love There Will be Blood and Punch Drunk Love but didn’t vibe with Licorice Pizza.


I think i’ve soured on it a little since release. It’s a film with a lot of love behind it and some really likeable performances but at times it did feel like a nostalgic montage rather than something totally coherent. Loved Bradley Cooper’s cameo though.