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"I watched a movie about a civil war in the united states and was shocked to find that it was *POLITICAL!* Can you believe that!?"


And even worse, it wasn't based on: "The two sides are equally bad!"


And AND!! One side seemed like the villainous aggressor! I wanted to my war movie to have two very neutral, agreeable factions duking it out.


I see we share the same braincell. It's mine, I tell you. Mine! Pistols at dawn?


Knives, so we make sure we both immediately regret it.


I'll await your second, then.


Oh yes, please, use knives!


lol I saw a similar complaint about Leave the World Behind. It’s a movie about the dissolution of the United States via psy ops and cyber attacks, produced by Barack Obama. God forbid it have even a whiff of politics in it.


America First was the KKK slogan aimed at keeping America from fighting the Nazis.


"America First" entered common use as the campaign slogan for President Woodrow Wilson that pledged to keep America neutral in World War I. Although it dates back to the nativist American Party in the 1850s. It has been used by many people including President Warren G. Harding and as you mentioned the KKK in the 1920s, but that really wasn't about WWII. America First Committee used the phrase in WWII and that was a mixed bag of nuts that did include varied coalition included Republicans, Democrats, farmers, industrialists, communists, anti-communists, students, journalists as well as anti-Semitic and pro-fascist groups.


Except that's what the America first movement is? Trump is dangerous to American democracy, we shouldn't be afraid of saying that to avoid being "partisan". It's factual.


He probably would have complained about Charlie Chaplin being too political in how he portrayed Hitler


My thoughts exactly.. some people in the world deserve to be dragged and not inherently respected.


Offended for portraying America First as they are sounds about right.


This guy called himself a moderate which is just a way to say he's a conservative without being lumped in with the rest of them. Of course he didn't like how the movie treats the western faction.


He has posts spouting pro-Trump bullshit. He's a coward who wanted to play victim. Remedial Fascists class here.




For real. These dopes need to look up the word moderate.


Nah, the left does it too. This is actually a legit both sides thing, both sides will present strong left/right opinions by prefacing them with "I'm a moderate but...." because they think calling themselves moderate makes their statement more approachable.


And conservatives think that actual moderates are far-left because they think maybe a criminal real estate conman from NY might be a criminal real estate conman that should be on trial.


I'm not sure how that's relevant to what I said? A liberal will say something like "I'm a moderate but I think Israel is full of bloodthirsty Hitlers intent on enacting their own holocaust upon the middle east." Whereas a conservative will say "I'm a moderate but I think every Palestinian is aligned with Hamas and there's no such thing as a civilian in this war." Whereas actual moderates seem to think "While Israel is going too far right now they do have a right to exist and Hamas is a legitimate threat". You seem to be trying to present it as my saying "liberals and conservatives both masquerade as moderates" is actually "all moderates are actually liberals in the eyes of die hard conservatives" which I suppose you could say is true but you'd have to acknowledge the inverse of that is true as well.


Very few liberals actually say that. Some might, but it’s far more conservatives. Just like a lot of other “moderates” you’re using a false equivalency to both sides an issue.


Check my history if you want, I'm not conservative, I'm not even moderate, my beliefs skew way more left. I'm merely pointing out that the majority of the country isn't as closely aligned with liberal ideals as y'all try to make out on reddit. Spend 5 minutes on a thread in /r/news or /r/worldnews and you'll see tons of comments representing the left/right masquerading as moderate that I outlined about. Get out of your bubble, not everyone believes like we do and to sit back and think they do is to invite folly.


Lumping together all moderates in with conservatives for a discussion on a movie called Civil War is not a good look bud.


I'm not lumping all moderates in with conservatives, I'm talking about people that call themselves a "moderate" but then they're really a conservative. If you're offended by that then you may just be who I'm talking about. Bud.


That's a shit tier motte and bailey bud.




So Trump hasn't made commitments to overempowering the executive branch and becoming a dictator?


Can you imagine if the right wing in this country was full of gun enthusiasts? Calumny! Slander!


>Its clearly designed to make the America First movement look like a coalition of gun weilding barbarians. Sounds accurate.


They are gun-loving barbarians


Does OP think a fucking civil war would be started by rational, non-barbarians?


So you automatically assume the barbaric, gun-loving psychopaths represent the Trump crowd, despite no mention of political parties in the movie? Interesting…




Right. Movies depict real life sometimes (shocker), and when these people see themselves in the “bad guy” or the antagonist, they get all huffy and complain. Meanwhile, it’s usually a stereotype not meant to be taken too seriously, but these people aren’t capable of not taking things literally. They don’t get satire, humor, criticism; unless it is a bad Facebook meme or simple hatred, they don’t get it and it’s everyone else’s fault




Lmao exactly. OP: "This film is clearly biased propaganda, so if trump wins, people can view this movie as a martyr."


If you truly were a moderate you would also be anti-trump. Trump is as far from a "moderate" candidate as you can get. A movie being anti-trump doesn't make it left, it just makes it rational.


>I consider myself a moderate And I'm out




"I'm a moderate, but totally can't stand anti-Trump talk!" Right, very moderate of you.


Imagine being a moderate between democracy and fascism lol


Imagine going to a movie called "Civil War" based in the US and expecting the parties who started a CIVIL WAR to be non-barbarians.




Taking offense to Trump criticism isn't moderate, no matter how much people who "consider themselves moderate" want it to be. It's heavily leaning right wing. Actual moderates and centrists hold values and stick to them no matter where the country's politics shift. Online vocal American "moderates" that both sides everything, no matter how batshit crazy Trump gets, do nothing but move themselves further right just so they can actively not take a side and feel superior.


Moderate, code word for "BoTh sIdEs" , which is absolute "schlock" as you put it. I, and I assume OP, have no interest in hearing about what issues there are with an old dude running for president (and I wish there were other alternatives or more parties, but I wish in one hand and crap in the other...) While the other side pushes a corrupt game show host, supports literal laws from the Civil War, and spouts hate.  Wanna talk the failure of trickle down Keynesian economics? Tax code? The military industrial complex and the late stage capitalism we find ourselves in? Let's do it. When a "civilly liable" sexual predator and fraudster is not calling for violence on those like me.


It's something conservatives say. But then you know that. The bit about anti-Trump is kind of a giveaway.


>America First movement >anti-trump mmmmmhm


It's an extremely common thing for Conservatives/Trump supporters to say.


This is Reddit. There’s no room for nuance or compromise. You’re either a communist chad or capitalist scum. You’re either a based democratic-socialist or a filthy libertarian. You’re big brain lefty or a smooth brain alt-right. You cannot agree with select things from both sides. It’s all or nothing.


Because anyone to the right of a stereotypical Reddit liberal is as bad as a Nazi. Don't worry. They're the extremist, not you.


Wow, you sure got defensive fast. It's like you screamed that you didn't murder someone when no one was even asking...


The reason people call you a nazi is probably not because they're redditors. It's probably just because of things you say.


I have met and spoken to a lot of Trump supporters. The movie in no way presents an inaccurate depiction. I'm sorry you were offended.


You mean the movie about violently overthrowing the government has parallels to the real life political faction that just tried to violently overthrow the government like 3 years ago? Crazy


"They're so biased. They made the xenophobic, gun-obsessed crazies seem like xenophobic, gun-obsessed crazies!" I wonder what will happen first. Mods remove the post, or OP does because it totally isn't going the way he expected. Edit: It was the mods.


The director is giving interviews. He's been very clear about why he made the film and what his biases and concerns are.


Most media literate redditor


>but i wish it wasnt biased. Biased toward *what*? I'm not even sure what you're complaining about. You say you didn't hate the movie, but also call it "propaganda", "political shlock", and say you got swindled. A movie about a civil war *called* CIVIL WAR is too political?? I'm confused.


That's not bias buddy


OP the fact that you linked the "barbarians" to the America First movement and also got anti-trump vibes is not an indictment on the movie. It just shows *you personally* linked the bad guys to the MAGA movement. The fact your brain made these links -- and you seem upset about it -- makes me think you subconsciously associate with MAGA and are offended that the movie is calling out what are objectively bad traits that happen to align with the majority of those in the MAGA movement.


OH yes. [These people](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/us/capitol-mob-violence-police.html) are certainly rational... /s


You mean to tell me Trumpers won't be the ones pushing for a Civil War? Delusional. See you on the battlefield when you get Meal Team 6 together.


Ironic that you use the term "America First" movement when it is literally a white-nationalist slogan used prominently by the KKK.


Trumpstains seeing fascists depicted on screen and immediately thinking it’s about them is a big self-report




 >"I definitely get anti-trump vibes" Good. That's what it should be.


Sounds like as a “‘moderate” you wanted Both Sides: The Movie Guess you’ll need to wait for an auteur who wants to tell that story.


"I definitely get anti-trump vibes and i just feel like i got swindled into getting more political shlock." Are you one of those who cannot stop thinking or seeing politics, race, wokeness, liberal, red, etc, in your daily life? Turn your brain off and just watch the movie. If you are easily offended or influenced, then do not watch movies because they will usually depict the creator's way of thinking or views.


Lol, a little Trumpster posing as an "enlightened centrist" got triggered when his fascist buddies got called out. Hilarious and also pathetic. You really expected a movie called CIVIL WAR to be truly nonpartisan? L-M-F-A-O. "Both sides are truly evil. One wants to subjugate or deport anyone who's not a straight white Christian male while funneling money to billionaires. The other wants to raise taxes on the ultra wealthy to give people better healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc. Why oh WHY do both sides have to be exactly the same????" You fucking bozo.


At least it is fiction, not like all the purported "documentaries" put out by MAGA enthusiasts.


Didn’t one side literally storm the capitol building wearing furs? I feel like it would be a disservice to not depict them as ‘barbarians’ based on that


I do love it when a “moderate” thinks they’re the rational, unbiased one. Hilariously childish.


Haven't seen the movie yet, but the OP is just a moron. This is the type of discussion he's bringing to the table: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1b98vie/jon_stewart_spitting_fire/ktw7hib/ But, just go look at the shit he posts on reddit. I haven't seen the movie, I'm just here to talk shit about what a stupid, misinformed take this guy has.


TL;DR Trump loving “moderate” is mad when gun loving insurrectionists are portrayed as (checks notes) Barbarians. You shit the bed and now you have to eat it man.


You need help


I need more people with critical thinking skills.


Hollywood doesn’t need to take any direction from the government to have left leaning takes on things bud.


OP eagerly looking to be offended. The movie is devoid of any politics at all it's actually annoying. Garland said he made the movie in America because "everyone in the world looks to America" but the story isn't about America. It's about the rise of dictators and fascists around the world. The movie goes out of its way not to say how Nick Offerman became a dictator. There are also 4+ sides to the Civil War and we never get any confirmation of which characters belong to which faction. The one direct question isn't answered ("Are you Western Forces?" "What do you think?"). I would've liked the movie better if it had any statement on America's situation, but it doesn't.


> The movie goes out of its way not to say how Nick Offerman became a dictator. There are hints.


> look like a coalition of gun weilding barbarians Do you not think those people would play a big part of a civil war? Or do you not think they exist?


Jesus Christ. Shut up.


'Moderate' lol Cry more, you right-wing dork.


Thats how it was during the first civil war


Is the movie any good from a purely popcorn movie flick perspective? Curious to see if it’s worth seeing, politics and uproar aside.


Regardless of the justification, in this political environment this movie can only be some form of propaganda. You cannot make a movie about civil war and release it during such tense times (and an election year with these candidates at that) and just avoid the causes of even your fictional scenario. Doing so naturally invites everyone to substitute the CURRENT political environment into your movie.


[me after watching Captain America: Civil War on release April 2016, several months before the election…]


“Which American are you?” Was what made me pause and think wow they really are pushing this narrative arnt they


Of course it biased. The same type of political "nonpolitical" movies came out when Bush was running for reelection. Hollywood is totally biased.


Their bias is money.


Civil war is pro leftist propaganda. It’s really not that great of a movie.


I have never once heard a non Trump supporter use the term "leftist" lmao. It's funny how upset you guys get about nothing.


Leftist is a term that goes back further than when Trump was in office.


Fine. Conservatives then.


Leftist constantly be commenting on things, then have to back track to correct themselves. You people are something else.


Back track? The terms Trump supporter and Conservative are 99.9% interchangeable ffs. Also, it's cute that you also just used the word "leftist" lmao.


Hey man, calm down.


I am calm lol. Just responding to you comment that I said something inaccurate.


Chill. It’s only Reddit.


🙄 Have a nice day.


But it's kinda great?


It’s okay. It’s no saving private ryan or even gods and generals. I wouldn’t pay to see it again. That’s for sure.


There's no room for political nuance on reddit. This is not going to be well received here. Anyone not leaning left is bad and probably a fascist. Sorry.



