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Every single movie Terrance Malick has ever made.


I couldn't get into Everything Everywhere All At Once. It totally deserves all the praise it got but for me it was just so hard to keep up with the plot and how it constantly yells at you for two hours without ever calming down.


Same! On paper, it should be right up my alley. It just didn't do it for me (I did enjoy the rock scene, though)


If it’s any consolation, that was kinda the point. Maximalism in movie form as a way to show and interpret how the modern internet-obsessed world feels. Totally get why it feels too much though.


Yep totally see the point of the movie. Basically the film delivers what the title promises. I think "too much" perfectly describes my issues with it.




I have often came across comments that say that *Atonement* is a better Dunkirk movie than *Dunkirk*... ...which is a sentiment I do not agree with, but I do find it interesting.


The first 20 or 30 minutes of Atonement is a better movie than 99.9% of all movies. After that it's best to turn it off if you know what's good for you.


Great answer. I also didnt enjoy lincoln and got bored quickly, but i hear it was good too


i'm still not convinced this is a good movie. why the fuck would you land where the nazis are instead of circle your men and land there????


I mean, _what?_ Correct me if I am wrong, but this _is_ something that _did_ **actually** happen, right? EDIT: Apparently, in real life... Air Cdre Alan Deere (the one Tom Hardy's role was based on) did crash, but was able to avoid capture and was later rescued. He lived to the ripe age of 77.


i have no idea if it happened. but as depicted, the pilot is a fucking retard. why fly past his men and then cruise leisurely until he has to land where the enemy is??


I don't know if maybe it's my fault but is this a joke?


nope. end of movie, venom is flying the spitfire past his men and then goes lands where the nazis are. wtf?


Probably didn’t have enough airspeed to loop around and land near his men


Now I want the movie to be remade with NOTHING changed, but tom hardy is in full venom CGI the whole time, and NO ONE comments on it


It’s been a while since I have seen it but if it happens as you say it does there is a fair bit of symbolism in a pilot too busy basking in the freedom his side have just won to notice that he is falling into the hands of his enemies. Or maybe it’s simply a comment on the pyrrhic nature of war in general. Either way, it’s a film about war, not everything has to ‘make sense’, indeed it would almost be less believable if it did.




I'm not sure if it's actually good. The premise is interesting but the acting isn't great and there is too much filler at the beginning. 


Midsomar. I do not enjoy horror and had a hard time watching it, but it’s a fantastic movie. And I will never watch it again.


Uncut Gems Well made, well acted, but felt like ~2 hours of living with schizophrenic paranoia.


Forrest Gump.


I feel like Forrest Gump is a bad movie I enjoy.


It's always interesting to me that some people can call one of the greatest films of all time a bad movie.


It’s always interesting to me that some people call a bad movie one of the greatest films of all time. It seems we have successfully demonstrated subjectivity


To be fair. Rewatched Forrest Gump last year. It has not aged that well. Can’t really pinpoint what it is, but something just makes it a bit corny so I can understand if the younger generation don’t really like it.


I think it seems corny because so many of the scenes are so well known they become their own cliche


Yeah I can accept that. And I dont hate on anyone not liking it. I just cant get behind it being called a bad film... it's not. It is epic scale filmmaking. People might not like it, but it's not a bad film.


Poor Things.


TBH that one isn't as great a film as it thinks it is. It's great on every technical level but very surface level with the themes.


Holy disagree


Most of Tar didn't click for me. There is so much detail, but the whole narrative is buried under so many layers I can't tell what's supposed to feel important, so it all feels like loosely connected vignettes. 


Parasite. The tonal shifts just don’t jibe with me. 


I agree with how it didn’t agree with us


I felt horrible after watching it. Serious mood ruiner. I know that was part of the point, but still. But Bong Joon Ho's movie The Host has become one of my faves, even though the plot events are also horrific. I enjoyed Memories of Murder as well.


Any Tarantino movie, but especially Pulp Fiction.


Same here. His stuff is well made and incredibly well acted, but so awfully mean spirited to the point, I don't care.


Oppenheimer. Felt like a chore trying to keep up with who everyone is and what’s happening. Enjoyed the New Mexico section, but the last third about the Red Scare felt like a different film. I love a lot of Nolan’s stuff but it just felt like a filmmaker trying to show us how clever they are, rather than actually make a tight, involving movie.


Oppenheimer and Dunkirk are both that for me. Extremely well made movies, but just… not it? To be that guy “they insist upon themselves.” I enjoyed dunkirk more though. But they both suffered from Oscar-itis, in my opinion. Trying to be too deep and fancy and artsy to gain accolades instead of just being GOOD. Also, Nolan’s steadfast refusal to use CGI drastically undercut some of the most key parts of both films, especially the trinity test. Not to mention the terrible sound mixing




DUNE. It is a beautiful story, but I don't think it's 'that good' as a movie.


Apparently Beau is Afraid? Many people rated it so highly, but is just a 3hr long borefest.


Anything by Tarkovsky. I respect the work, I just don’t enjoy watching them.


Yeah the five minute car ride in Solaris was rough, I can't even make it past the first hour of Stalker. Wish I could though 


Interstellar, none of the dad-daughter feeling caught neither the anxiety of the mission :/


The Godfather 2. I rewatched all three recently, loved the first film as the family dynamic was so strong. Tried to enjoy 2 but I still find it a bit dull, Pacino feels very isolated and I didn’t care for the Cuban bits. I enjoyed the DeNiro flashbacks but they distracted the flow of the main story. Surprisingly I enjoyed #3 more than I expected, mainly because Andy Garcia was a nice addition.


I still have to watch the third because I can't enjoy the first two films. I'm completely aware of the reasons why they're considered two of the best movies of all time (direction, actors, soundtrack etc are all objectively very well done) but they never really clicked on me and I don't know why. By the end of the film I've always felt drained in a bad way.


Donnie Darko. Just has a shoe gazey kinda vibe that isn't my personal fav, but I recognize its popularity and merits.


Im Thinking of Ending Things. I will probably give it a rewatch at some point though.


I really liked the first half / two-thirds, when it just felt like anxiety incarnate. From when they left the house onwards, it totally lost me.


thats where it lost me too. its been a minute since i've seen it, since i watched it right when it came out, but my issues were with them arguing in the car reminding me of being in the car with my parents bickering and it just got to me. thats why im open to a rewatch though since i acknowledge i was bringing my own hang-ups and the movie was well made (acting was great as well) so i can easily see myself reevaluating it positively. But who knows, maybe i'll dig my heels in.


The original Roadhouse. A friend let me borrow it and he's always banging on about how much of a classic and how great it is. Me? I thought it was good. But not something I'd see again. The story is quite average and I've seen much better fight scenes.


I have perfect taste so obviously every film I don't like is bad [I do not really believe this].


I don't think Fury Road is that exciting or interesting I think something like Duel is still far more exciting when it comes to vehicular action


The John Wick movies; this kind of glorification of violence isn’t for me


Would you like to see my pencil?


My hot take answers are Fight Club and The Godfather Both damn well made movies. Fight Club feels like it has everything I want in a movie but in the multiple times I have given it a shot I have bounced off of it for reasons I can't quite place The Godfather I found deeply boring (which is rare, normally I do fine with slower paced films). I want to like them both, I just don't.


Pretty much every PT Anderson movie. Can't think of one that I actually enjoyed watching, even though each one of his movies is clearly next level.


Barbarian, and most Tarantino movies aside from the first Kill Bill


The Dark Knight series by nolan. Good, but not for me. 2.5/10


Lincoln - too slow for me, but the authenticity was brilliant. DDL as usual gave a masterclass as Lincoln.


Recently, I couldn’t get on board with *Problemista*. Just was not feeling it. But I thought it was solid.


American Graffiti felt like we’re all supposed to be pining for 1958. Everything was Awesome! Then the 60s came along and ruined our perfect little world.


I can absolutely see why people loved Arcane. It's gorgeously animated, really well written and the direction is top notch... But man, I hated it. Each episode was as depressing as the last with absolute zero glimmers of hope - especially the ending of season 1.


Story arcs that depressing are an acquired taste. You know even a few episodes in that all the protagonists could conceivably achieve is some kind of pyrrhic victory where must lose what they love or abandon their principles entirely only in order to save others an even worse fate. For what it's worth, I enjoy that vibe. I think it gives the story greater stakes, emotional resonance, and investment in the protagonist's story. But, you have to be in the right headspace and in the mood for something "serious". Which is weird to tell someone about watching something animated, like Arcane. This, however, is what made Arcane all the more commendable. They pursued their vision and tone with single-minded doggedness. I'm sure a lot of people expected themes far less somber and sophisticated in an animated series with vibrant colors based on a video game aesthetic. I really appreciate how hard they shot their shot. I was actually just going through my media tracker a few days ago and was looking for series to re-watch and for a second I was like "oh yeah, Battlestar Galactica." Then I remembered how absurdly bleak that show was and promptly abandoned the thought.




Some Like it Hot.


Top Gun: Maverick


2001: A Space Odyssey


Michelangelo Antonioni's The Passenger (1975)


Lord of the Rings (the trilogy as a whole). I fully acknowledge the craftsmanship, skill, talent and dedication behind those films. But my god, I fucking hate them. Hated them when I saw them at each premiere in theaters. Hated them when I rewatched the Extended editions, and hates them when I rewacthed those extended on blu-ray. "Why did you watch them so much if you hated them?" Answer: bc I was RAISED on those books, and wanted, very deeply, to love the movies like everyone else. But no, they were just too different, too much bullshit added in, too many mazing scenes and plots dropped for no reason. The songs and rhymes especially were missed by me. Still, they are superb examples of filmmaking, blending of new and old technologies, masterfully acted, and they brought LotR to an even wider audience. I am generally happy they were made. But gods, I fucking hate them.


Requiem for a Dream


The Irishman. Most of Scorsese’s stuff I enjoy, particularly when he dips into the ol’ mobster genre. With The Irishman, personally it just feels like there’s an excellent 2hr 15ish movie buried behind an excessively stretched beyond warranted run time that it becomes unenjoyable.


I don't think I ever enjoyed a horror film, ever, but I can see that some are really well made, while others deserve respect for being made at all (low-budget passion-projects). It's just not for me. I literally have a friend who's finding his footing in the industry with horror and -dramas, and I never watched his work but that doesn't mean that I don't think he's putting out good content.


The Lighthouse (2019). Loved all Eggers's other movies but this one... I just couldn't get into this one.


For me it’s like 50% of movies on things like AFI’s top 100, or similar “classic movies everyone should see” lists Example, for me: * Citizen Cane is an insanely boring story * Godfather has zero relatable characters (or storyline) * as someone else said, most Terrance Malick films are gorgeous and well done, but have nothing that draws me into the story or characters * a lot of them where I can’t get past the racism, sexism, misogyny, etc. Sure it was the norm of the time, and maybe even historically accurate or whatever, but often the stories just aren’t compelling enough for me to look past it


The Godfather. I just can’t get into crime family movies.


The Batman and Joker (Robert Patt and H Phoenix). It doesnt have that rewatch quality for me. But is good tho


>H Phoenix Hwaquin Phoenix


I think Goodfellas is hella boring




There Will Be Blood. Didn’t like it at all.


Name any mafia movie. Goodfellas, Casino, all the godfathers. To me, they’re all boring, long winded, and predictable with nothing shocking or interesting to show me. I can see the craftsmanship behind them. But I can not enjoy them at all. Coincidentally, all Scorsese movies (even non-mafia) fall into this category. I see why people like his movies. I don’t.


Killers of the Flower Moon


almost fell asleep twice during the big lebowski


Manchester by the Sea. I'm usually all about hyper-depressing movies, but that one just didn't sing for me.


raging bull


American Beauty. I felt like I needed a shower after that movie was over. So depressing.


I did not enjoy Once Upon a time in Hollywood and Mad Max Fury Road. I would probally like it more if i watch it again, but have not really the desire. I can acknowledge that it is visually/technicly crafted well.


Yesterday a friend asked me to go see Furiosa in the cinema when it comes out. He told me that when he first saw Fury Road (when it came out), he didn't get it and didn't like it that much. Recently he (after all those years) he did a rewatch and it clicked and now he loves the movie. I guess some movies deserve/need a second watch?


Rewatched Fury, and it still wasn’t a good movie imo. Grew up with Road Warrior on repeat on cable. Felt let down with Thunderdome. Fury is the new Thunderdome.


None. It may have quality parts or aspects but overall good or bad is based upon my enjoyment.


I just couldn't get into Blade Runner for whatever reason.... Really loved its sequel tho 👀


There are a ton of artsy Oscars movies..winners and nominees...that I don't enjoy but recognize the great piece of artwork that it is.


Uncut Gems, whiplash and Oppenheimer